牛津译林版九年级上册-Unit2单词知识点讲义(DOC 5页).doc

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1、 9A Unit2单词知识点讲义1. rainbow 彩虹 indigo 靛蓝 violet 紫罗兰色Our teacher told us there are seven colours in a rainbow.2. mood mu:din a bad/good mood 心情好/不好He is in a bad mood today.他今天心情不好。affect our moodsColours can affect our moods.3. influence nfluns (use power to make sb agree with sth/make sb change) v.

2、影响 His father has influenced his life.Colours can influence our moods.颜色能够影响我们的心情。n. 影响,have an influence on sb 对-有影响This film has an influence on me.这部电影对我有影响。have a bad influence/effect on sb对-有不好的影响Computer games have a bad influence on our study.under the influence of 在-影响之下Under the influence o

3、f his mother , Tom became a writer.在他母亲的影响下, Tom成为了一名作家。4. whether =if是否,引导宾语从句 weather(天气)I dont know whether/if he will come tomorrow.我不知道明天他是否来。I dont know (if) he will go there tomorrow. if和whether作为“是否”用法区别if和whether“都有”“是否”之意,一般可以互换He doesnt know if/whether it will be rainy tomorrow.他不知道明天是否下雨

4、。if不能用于介词之后,whether 可以Im thinking of whether we should go to Beijing.我正在考虑是否应该去北京。if不能接不定式, whether 可以He hasnt decided whether to go there .他还没有决定是否去那儿。if不能直接与or not连用,whether 可以。Im not sure whether or not he is in.我不确信他是否在家。引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,只能用ifWe will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.I havent dec

5、ided(是否)to go travelling by air or by train?I dont know if it tomorrow. If it , we wont have a sports meeting.A. will rain, will rain B. will rain, rains C. rains, rains D. rains, will rainWe havent decided if we will go to Hainan Island for a holiday.(同义句)We havent decided whether to go to Hainan I

6、sland for a holiday 5.characteristic krktrstk 特征,品质Kindness is one of hischaracteristics.和善是他的特性之一。6.calm adj. 平静的,沉着的The sea looks calm. 海面看上去平静。We should keep calm when we are in danger. 处在危险中的时候,我们应保持冷静。White and blue are calm colours.v. 平静 calm down He was too excited to calm down. 他太激动,平静不下来。使-

7、平静Mother tried to calm the child.n. 平静,镇静White represents calm and peace. 白色代表平静和和平。6.relaxed (calm and not nervous) adj. 放松的,自在的After the exam, we all felt relaxed. 考试之后我们感觉轻松了。relax v. 放松,休息He often relaxes himself by listening to music.他经常通过听音乐来放松自己。relaxing 令人放松的They often play some relaxing gam

8、es after class.课后他们经常玩一些轻松的游戏。7. peace n 和平,安宁,和睦We love peace and hate wars. 我们热爱和平,讨厌战争。Blue brings peace to our mind and body. 蓝色给我们的身心带来安宁War andPeace is a good book.at peace 处于平静状态make peace 讲和 He made peace with his friend.她和他的朋友讲和了。peaceful 形容词 和平的,安宁的He hopes to live a peaceful life. 他渴望过一个安

9、宁的生活。make people feel peaceful peaceful village 一个安宁的村庄peacefully 副词He died peacefully in his dream.他在睡梦中安静的去世了。Blue is a calm and_ colour.It represents calm and _.8.sadness =unhappiness名词,悲哀,忧伤As good friends we should share our happiness and sadness. Blue also represents sadness. 蓝色也代表悲伤。sad, sadd

10、er, saddestHe felt sad because he failed the exam. He felt even after he heard the bad news. sadly more sadly, the most sadly He cried sadly when he was punished by his teacher.The father looked _ at the news that his son came last in the race.The father looked _ at his son.Its great to have a frien

11、d to share our joy and _ with._, its difficult foranimals to survive in the wild.9.purity 纯洁pjrtiWhite represents purity. 白色代表纯洁。10. wedding (get married)She looked beautiful on her wedding day.婚礼那天她看上去美丽。attend ones wedding 出席-的婚礼 at the wedding 在婚礼上At the wedding this young couple thanked their pa

12、rents.11.prefer .- preferring preferred更喜欢=like-betterWhich do you prefer, tea or coffee?=Which do you like better, tea or coffee?宁愿选择prefer to do sth.He preferred to stay at home on rainy days in the past. 过去下雨天他宁愿选择呆在家里。prefer sth. to sth. 比起-更喜欢-to 为介词He prefers apples to oranges. 比起橘子他更喜欢苹果。pref

13、er doing sth to doing sth 比起做-更喜欢做-My father prefers playing basketball to swimming. 比起游泳我爸爸更喜欢打篮球。()-Which would you like, tea or coffee?-Coffee.Iprefer coffee _ tea.()-Which would you like, tea or coffee?-Coffee.Iprefer coffee _milk.A. toB. andC. withD. hasThey liked staying at home better than wa

14、tching TV.( 同义句)They staying at home to TV. 12. create=to produce v.创造create a warm and comfortable feeling 创造出温暖而舒服的感受。creativeadj.有创造力的- more creative(比较级)He is creative enough to come up with new ideas.13.feeling 感觉,感受I had some feeling of hope. 我觉得有一丝希望。a warm and comfortable feeling 温暖而舒服的感受。感情

15、hurt ones feelings 伤害了-的感情feel the wind/ feel relaxedfeel like doing sth13.cheer sb up =make sb happy 使-高兴Orange can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. 当你感到不开心的时候,橙色能使你开心。He looks unhappy today.Lets .A. cheer him up B. help him out C. look him after D. put him upcheer 动词 欢呼,喝彩The fans cheered wh

16、en they saw their favourite singers.cheer for our team 为我们队加油名词:欢呼声Lets give him three cheers.cheerful 形容词 兴高采烈的14.remind rmand remember or think about sth提醒。 使-想起 remind sb ofsth.This photo reminded me of my friend.这张照片使我想起了我的朋友。His storyremindsme of my childhood.这个故事让我想起了我的童年。remind sb.提醒-remind s

17、b to do sthMy mother reminded me _(take) an umbrella with me.remind sb.+从句The smell of the pills reminds them that food on the Earth is tasty. 15. wisdom n.wzdmYellow is the colour of wisdom.黄色是智慧之色。wise 形容词It is wise of/for sb to do sthwisely advWe should use our natural resources wisely. 16.as 连词

18、与-一样,因为,随着I cant run as fast as I used to. 我跑的没以前快。I left a message as you were not in. The little girl sang as she walked.As time goes on , the little girl has grown into a beautiful lady.介词 作为,像,当作work as a writer be famous as a writer the same-as, as if 好像 such as as usual 副词 同样,相同I run as fast a

19、s my brother.17. envy 妒忌,羡慕Green is the colour of envy.He was filled withenvyat my success.他对我的成功满怀羡慕。green with envy 妒忌的,眼红的The other boys weregreen with envywhen Joe bought a car!男孩们看到乔买了一辆车,心中满怀嫉妒18. require=need需要sth. requiresdoing/to be doneThe flowers require/need watering/to be watered.花需要浇水。

20、要求=askrequire sb to do 要求-做The teacher requires us to finish our homework on time. 老师要求我们按时完成作业。All of us are required to show our tickets.我们所有人都被要求出示车票。我的自行车需要修理My bike requires repairing/to be repaired. 19.strength 名词力量streHe has enough strength to lift the heavy box. 他有足够的力量拎得动那个重的箱子。require stre

21、ngth in either body or mind 身体或大脑需要力量strong 形容词 look strong20.heat 热 名词不可数feel the heat of the sun The sun gives us heat and light.太阳给我们光和热。v.加热heat the milk 给牛奶加热hot hotter hottestSummer is the hottest season in China.21.difficulty 困难不可数have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth.have no/great/

22、some difficulty with sth/doing sth.I have some difficulty finding his house.Wearing red can help you if you have difficulty making a decision.-I have great in finishing the work by myself . Could you help me?-No problem.A. fun B. success C. advice D. difficulty have difficulty with sthDo you have di

23、fficulty with your homework?difficult more difficult most difficultI find it difficult to learn English well. 21. decision 决定(n)make a decision/some decisions做出一个/一些决定We made a final decision that we will help the poor children in the school. decide to do sth/not to do sth=make up ones mind to do st

24、hWe havent decided how to go there. 22.relationship 关系Whats the relationship between the two speakers? There is a relationship between colours and moods. 颜色和心情之间有关系。23.certainly =sure, of course必定地,无疑地 certain uncertainAre you certain/sure that you will get there in time?你有把握及时赶到那里吗?24.everyday=dail

25、y 形容词 每天的everyday life/Englishevery day 每天, 作状语I go to school on foot every day.25. personal 形容词 个人的,私人的 It depends on personal taste.You shouldnt ask people in the west any personal problems. 你不能问西方人一些私人的问题。personal informationperson 人personality 个性 personalitiesWe often use some words to describe

26、peoples personalities.26.suit vt 适合White clothes dont suit me. 白色不适合我。suitable 形容词more suitable, the most suitable be suitable for=be fit for Thick clothes are not suitable for hot weather. 厚衣服不适热天穿。27. celebration n 庆祝,庆祝活动Red is often used for celebrations in China.在中国红色常常被用在庆祝活动中。The celebrations

27、 for the Spring Festival usually last fifteen days.celebrate v.They celebrated the New Year by dancing and singing.他们通过唱歌跳舞来庆祝新年。28. ancient very old古代的 modernChina is one of the ancient countries in the world.an ancient town 一个古镇29. therapy 疗法30. discover =to find out发现 vt表示经过努力偶尔发现存在的事实,真理或错误。find

28、/find out/invent的区别find 指找到或发现自己想要的或丢失的东西强调结果find out 指经过研究或者询问查明的真相Please find out when the train will leave .invent 发明,指通过劳动或运用聪明发明出从没存在的新东西。Who invented the telephone?谁发明了电话?Edison the electric light.I lost my pen. I havent it.Who America first?Can you when the bus will leave? 31. promise n 诺言mak

29、e a promise 许下诺言 keep a promise 遵守诺言 break a promise 违背诺言v. promise to do /not to do sth 答应做-My parents promised to buy a new bike for me. 32. or 连词, 否则Hurry up, or you will be late for school.快点,要不然你上学会迟到。或者, 表选择Would you like tea or milk?和 , 用于否定句She doesnt like singing or dancing.他不喜欢唱歌跳舞。either

30、-or whether-or 是-还是33. work 奏效 vi work wellMy computer doesnt work today.The medicine has worked .药已经起作用了。 工作 v. work hardn. 工作 不可数 What hard work it is !作品,著作 可数I like reading the works by Lu Xun.我喜欢看鲁迅的作品。34.practice v 从事,执业She has practiced colour therapy since she left college. 自从大学毕业,她就从事颜色疗法。练

31、习 v.You should spend as much time as you can practicing speaking English.practice n. Practice makes perfect. 35. stressed (tired and unable to relax)形容词 紧张的,有压力的He felt stressed before exams. 考试之前他有压力。stress 名词 压力36.suggest vt “建议”suggest sth to sb向某某建议-She suggested different colours to different p

32、eople.她向不同的人建议不同的颜色。suggest doing sth 建议做-Have you heard of the activity called “Clear Your Plate”?-Sure. It suggested food by eating up the food on your plates.A. save B. saved C. to save D. savingsuggestion(s) 建议可数 advice 不可数What good it is! (建议)Thanks for your . They are useful to me37.would rath

33、er 宁愿would rather do sth/not do sth宁愿做/不做-I would rather stay at home.=I prefer to stay at home. He would rather not go there.would rather-than 宁愿-也不愿-would rather do sth than do sth I would rather watch TV than go to the cinema.=I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema.At present ,lots of people

34、 would rather in the country because there is pollution in the city. A. live, more B. to live , less C. live , less D. to live, moreWhich would you rather_, a cake or an egg?A. to eatB. eatC. likeD./Iwould rather_(not see)him in such acase.-Jeremy Lin carry on practicing give up so he could be an ex

35、cellent player. -We should learn from him.A. liked, better than B. preferred, to C. would rather, than D. preferred, rather than38. trust trst 信任=believe inFriendship is based on trust.友谊是建立在信任的基础之上。v. trust /believe in sb 信任39. warmth n. 温暖,暖和,热情wmThe sun gives (us)warmthand heat.太阳供给我们温暖和热a feelin

36、g ofwarmthwarm adj.40. match n. 相配,般配Red and white are a good match. 红色和白色是一种很好的搭配。火柴,比赛matchesYou must be careful with matches.He is crazy about watching football matches .v. =go well withYour dress matches your shoes very well. 36. balance blnsv. 使-平衡balance the calm white 平衡平静的白色n .平衡I dont know how to achieve a balance between hobbies and study. 我不知道怎样在学习和爱好上取得一个平衡。Keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡


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