牛津译林版-八年级上册8AUnit7知识点讲解(DOC 11页).doc

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1、 8AU7知识点讲解Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1Bring me my clothes,Hobo.把我的衣服带来,霍波。 探究点:bring和take有何区别? 指点迷津 bring和take的区别如下: bring带来(表示从远处拿到说话的地点来),常与here,me搭配; Please bring my hat to me tomorrow.明天请把我的帽子带给我。 take带走(表示从说话地点拿到远处去),常与there,away搭配。 Take your raincoat with you. Its going to rain.把你的雨衣带着。天

2、要下雨。 用take或bring填空 Will you please_ me my dictionary? I need to use it.2. I bet youll look cool and feel cool with nothing on! 我打赌你什么也不穿看起来会酷而且会感到凉快! 探究点一:feel cool中的feel是什么词性? 指点迷津 feel在此用作连系动词,意为“感到,觉得”。 I feel cold. Pass me my coat,please.我感到冷。请把我的外套递给我。 知识拓展 feel也可以用作动词,意为“感觉,觉得;认为,以为;触摸”。 I fel

3、t it and it was very hot.我摸了它,它很热。 ( )Cotton(棉花) _soft. A. feels B. listens C. makes D. uses 探究点二:with的意思是_。 指点迷津 with意为“具有,带着”,表示伴随着某种状态,其反义词为without。 Fish sleep with eyes open.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 填入适当的介词 Recite the text_ your book closed.3Because its always sunny因为它总是晴朗的。 探究点一:以because开头的答句回答以什么词开头的问句? 指点迷津

4、以because开头的答句回答以why开头的问句。 - Why do you like playing games? 你为什么喜欢玩游戏? - Because it is interesting.因为它是有趣的。 对画线部分提问 I like autumn because it is always cool. _ _you like autumn? 探究点二:sun和sunny有什么联系? 指点迷津 sun是名词,意为“太阳”,sunny是sun的形容词形式,意为“阳光充足的”。 I will play football outside if it is sunny tomorrow.如果明天

5、是晴天的话,我将去外面踢足球。 提醒 表示天气的形容词,一般在相应的名词后加y。 cloudcloudy windwindy sunsunny 写出下列单词的形容词形式 snow_ fog_ rain_4Its the best time to play football outside这是在外面踢足球的最好时间。 探究点:It is the best time to do sth.的意思为_。 指点迷津 It is time to do sth.的意思为“该做某事的时候了”。Its the best time to do sth.意为“这是做某事的最好时候”。 Its the best ti

6、me to fly kites.这是放风筝的最好时候。 根据汉语提示完成句子 该是学校出游的最好时间了。 Its_ go on a school trip.5in summer在夏天 探究点:在一年四季的前面用介词 。 指点迷津 在一年四季的前面用介词in,in summer在夏季,in spring在春季,in winter在冬季,in autumn在秋季。 填入适当的介词 I like flying kites_ spring.即时练习( )1. The food is bad._ it away, please. A. Bring B. To bring C. Take D. To ta

7、ke( )2. Its the best time_ the Great Wall this year, I think. A. to visit B. visiting C. to visiting D. visit( )3. -_do you like winter? - Because I can go skating. A. Why B. When C. Where D. What( )4. It was raining, but l went to school an umbrella. A. with B. have C. without D. not having( )5. -

8、What do you like doing _summer? Swimming. A. on Bin Cto DforReading1be full of充满,装满 探究点:be full of的同义短语是什么? 指点迷津 be full of的同义短语是be filled with。 The house is full of people. The house is filled with people. 屋子里满是人。 同义句转换 The box is full of balls. The box_ _ _balls.2far away远离 探究点:far,far away及far aw

9、ay from有何区别? 指点迷津(1) far away用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far awayfar; far away fromfar from。 My home is far/far away.我家离得远。 His factory is far (away) from our school.他的工厂远离我们学校。 (2) far (away)后不接宾语;far (away) from后一定要接宾语。 They do not live far away.他们住得并不远。 (3) far from除了表示距离的“远离”之外,还有“远远不,完全不,绝非”之意,后接名词、动名词

10、或形容词。 Far from reading his letter,she didnt open it。别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开。 He is far from (being) rich.他一点也不富有。 ( )My home is_ the company. A. far away B. far away from C. from far away D. far3. hide from躲避 探究点:hide from有哪些意思? 指点迷津 hide from的意思是“躲避;向保守秘密,隐瞒;使看不见”。 My son never hides anything from me。我儿子从来

11、不隐瞒我什么。 He hid it from us for a long time.这件事他瞒了我们很久。 根据汉语提示完成句子 他隐瞒了我们一些重要的事情。 He_ something important_。4. Farmers work to harvest crops. As the days are shorter and the temperature drops. 随着白天变短气温下降,农民们开始收获庄稼。 探究点一:harvest在此用作_词。 指点迷津 harvest在此用作动词,意为“收割,收获”。 They are harvesting wheat in the field

12、.他们在田里收割小麦。 知识拓展 harvest还可用作名词,意为“收成,收获量”。 It rained during the harvest. 在收获期间天下雨了。 Its harvest time. The peasants are harvesting corns. 现在是收获季节。农民们正在收获玉米。 根据汉语提示完成句子 他们在那儿收获了什么? What_ there?探究点二:crop在此用作_词。指点迷津 crop在此用作名词,意为“农作物,庄稼”。The land is out of crops.这块土地未种庄稼。根据汉语提示完成句子这些庄稼长得很好。 These _well.

13、探究点三:as有哪些用法?指点迷津 as的常见用法如下:(1)表示伴随,意为“随着”。As time passed, things seemed to get worse.随着时间的推移,情况似乎变得更糟了。若其后不接从句,而接名词,则用介词with表示“随着”。We are all getting old with age.随着岁月的流逝我们都在变老。(2)表示时间,意为“当的时候”。He dropped the glass as he stood up.他站起来时,把杯子摔碎了。As l was coming here, I met your brother.我来这里时碰到了你的弟弟。提醒

14、 as引导时间状语从句时,其谓语动词通常只能是动作动词,而不能是静态或状态动词。她出生后不久父母双亡。误:Her parents died as she was a baby.正:Her parents died when she was a baby.(3)表示原因,引导原因状语从句时,其谓语动词可以是动作动词,也可以是状态动词。As you werent there,I left a message.因为你不在那里,我留了个信儿。根据汉语提示完成句子由于昨天天气很热,我去游泳了。 I went swimming _yesterday.探究点四:drop在此用作_词,意思是_。指点迷津 dr

15、op在此用作动词,意为“下降,落下”。drop in顺便走访。I dropped my pen on the ground.我把钢笔掉在了地板上。Drop in on me at any time什么时候都可以来我这里。知识拓展 drop也可用作名词,意为“滴”。Some drops of rain dropped onto his head.几滴雨滴到了他的头上。根据汉语提示完成句子气温突然开始下降。 The temperature_ suddenly.5.The leaves turn green and the temperature rises quickly。树叶变绿,温度很快上升。

16、 探究点一:leaves的原形是什么?有几种意思?leaves的原形有两种:一是动词leave(离开),leaves为第三人称单数形式;二是leaf(叶子),leaves为复数形式。在此是leaf的复数形式。He often leaves school at 5 in the afternoon.他经常在下午五点离开学校。The leaves of the tree began to turn yellow.这棵树上的叶子开始变黄。根据汉语提示完成句子地上有几片落叶。There are_ on the ground.探究点二:turn在此用作连系动词还是行为动词?指点迷津 turn在此用作连系

17、动词,意为“变得”。You cant cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. 直到交通灯变绿你才可过马路。知识拓展(1) turn也可作行为动词,意为“转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;转向;转变;转动”。常用短语:turn on打开,发动;turn off关掉;turn up调高;turn down调低;turn around掉过头,转过身;turn into变成。The TV is too noisy. Please turn it down.电视太吵了。请把声音调低一点。(2) become多指身份、职位等的变化,它强调变化的过程

18、已经完成。后面可接名词或形容词。He becomes a teacher.他成了一名老师。Her mother became angry when she heard the news.她妈妈听到这个消息时非常生气。提醒 将来“成为”不用become而用be。She will be a teacher.她将成为一名老师。(3) get多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后常接形容词的比较级形式。In winter the days get shorter,冬季白天变得较短。(4) turn指在颜色和性质等方面与以前的完全不同,强调变化的结果。The milk has turne

19、d bad.牛奶变质了。根据汉语提示完成句子我们的校园变得越来越美。Our school_ more and more beautiful.后来,他的脸涨得通红。Later,his face_.探究点三:rise与raise有何区别?指点迷津 (1)rise是不及物动词,表示“升起”,其过去式、过去分词分别为rose,risen。The sun is rising.太阳在升起。(2) raise是及物动词,表示“举起”,其过去式,过去分词分别为raised,raised。Please raise your hand if you have any questions to ask.如果你有问题

20、要问请举手。知识拓展 raise还有“饲养,供养”的意思。He has to work hard to raise his family.他不得不努力工作来养家糊口。 ( )The house price is_ these days.A. raised B. raising C. rising D. risen6. It is often very cold and the temperature can drop below zero.天气常常很冷,温度可能降到零度以下。探究点:below在此是_词,意为_。指点迷津 below在此是介词,意为“在下面(表示位置);在掩饰之下(表示状态);

21、不及;低于(表示比较)”。There is a picture below the blackboard.在黑板的下方有一幅画。知识拓展 (1) below还可用作副词,意为“在下面,到下面”。You can see my room from below从下面你可以看到我的房间。(2) below与under的区别:两者都可表示“低于”,under主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而below则不一定表示正下方(既可以是正下方也可以是非正下方)。换句话说,表示正下方,两者都可用;表示非正下方,则通常用below。Look at the cupboard below/under the sink.到洗碗

22、池下面的柜子里看一看。The climbers stopped 300 metres below the top of the mountain.登山队员们在离山顶300米处停了下来。两者均可表示数量方面的“少于”,但在现代英语中,以用under为多见。There were under/below forty people at the meeting.参加会议的人数不足40。提醒 在现代英语中,below表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况。The temperature is two degrees below zero.温度是零下2度。若表示一物被另一物所覆盖,则

23、通常用under。The dog is lying under the clothes.这条狗正躺在衣服下面。( )She lives three floors_ me.A. below B. under C. of under D. of below7Farmers are busy harvesting crops.农民们正忙于收割庄稼。探究点:be busy doing sth的意思是_。指点迷津 be busy doing sth. /with sth.的意思为“忙于做某事”。He is busy doing his homework. He is busy with his home

24、work.他正忙于做作业。同义句转换The doctor is busy saving the patient.The doctor_ _ _the patient.8Soon it will be a new year once again不久又是新的一年。探究点:once again的意思是_。指点迷津 once again的意思是“再一次”,相当于again,说明动作是第二遍。He looked a little fat when I saw him once again.当我再次见到他时他看上去有点胖。根据汉语提示完成句子我有空时再来。I will come_ when I am fr

25、ee.即时练习( )1. The playground is_ of students. A. full B. filled C. fulled D. filling( )2. The farm is_ our school. A. far B. from C. far away D. far away from( )3. There w/ be a concert_ the afternoon of October /2.A. in Bon Cat Dfor( )4. The sun_ in the east. A. raises B. rises C. goes D. goes down(

26、 )5. The meat smells terrible. It must_ bad. A. is B. turn C. grow D. getGrammar1make breakfast做早饭 探究点:make有哪些用法? 指点迷津 make breakfast的意思是“做早饭”。 His mother is making lunch at home.他母亲正在家里做午饭。 知识拓展 make的用法如下: (1)制作,制造;做。 Can you make cakes? 你会做蛋糕吗? (2)整理;布置;准备;铺床。 Tom is making the bed.汤姆正在整理床铺。 (3)得到

27、;获得;赚得;挣得;赢得;取得。 He made a lot of money last year.去年他挣了很多钱。 (4)使看上去;致使。 The story made us excited.这个故事使我们感到很兴奋。 由make构成的常用短语有: make up组成;构成;编造;弥补make friends交朋友make mistakes犯错;犯错误;出错make it达到;成功;赶上;办成 根据汉语提示完成句子 “你父亲在干什么?”“他在做晚饭。” - What is your father doing? - He_.2New Years Day元旦 探究点:常见的节日有哪些? 指点迷

28、器闫 New Years Day意为“元旦”。Happy New Years Day.元旦快乐。 常见的节日有:the Spring Festival春节 National Day国庆节(10月1日) New Years Day元旦(1月1日) April Fools Day愚人节(4月1日) Halloween万圣节(10月31日) Christmas Day圣诞节(12月25日) May Day劳动节(5月1日) Childrens Day儿童节(6月1日) Teachers Day教师节(9月10日) Fathers Day父亲节(每年6月的第3个星期日) Mothers Day母亲节(

29、每年五月的第2个星期日) 根据汉语提示完成句子 在元旦那天你干什么? What do you do_?3from morning till night从早到晚 探究点:from morning till night的意思是_。 指点迷津 from morning till night的意思是“从早到晚”。 He was watching TV from morning till night last Sunday. 上周日他从早到晚都在看电视。 根据汉语提示完成句子 她从早工作到晚。 She works_.4I caught a bad cold.我得了重感冒。 探究点一:catch a co

30、ld中的a可省略吗? 指点迷津 catch a cold中的a可以省略。 辨析 catch a cold与have a cold (1) catch a cold强调动作,不能和一段时间状语连用。 Its cold outside. Go into the house, or youll catch a cold. 外面冷。到房间里去吧,不然你会感冒的。 (2) have a cold强调状态,可以和一段时间状语连用。 I had a cold for several days.我已感冒几天了。(不能说I caught a cold for several days.) 提醒 catch a

31、cold中的a可以省略,但cold前有形容词修饰时则不能省略;have a cold中的a不能省略,在口语中它等于have got a cold。 探究点二:该句属于简单句的哪种基本类型? 指点迷津 该句的基本类型为:SVO。 简单句一共有五种基本类型: SV I work hard.我努力工作学习。 SVO I can speak English.我能说英语。 SVP He is a good student.他是一名好学生。 SVIODO He gives me a book.他给我一本书。 SVDOOC The story made me sad.这个故事使我难过。 ( )The sen

32、tence structure of He leaves the door open.” is_. A. SVB. SV-I-P C. SV IODO D. SVDOOC5.I had a high fever and coughed a lot我发高烧,咳嗽得厉害 探究点:have a high fever意为 。 指点迷津 have a high fever意为“发高烧”。 提醒 catch(a)feverhave a feverhave got a fever have a fever可与一段时间连用,而catch (a) fever和have got a fever则不能。 根据汉语提

33、示完成句子 我发高烧三小时了。 I_ for three hours.即时练习 ( )1. The girl_ for a week last month. A. catch a cold B. caught cold C. had a cold D. has a cold ( )2. - When is New Years Day? - Its_. A. on January l B. January l C. on January 2 D. January 2 ( )3. Its time for school.A. Wake it up B. Wake him up C. Wake up

34、 him D. Wake up it( )4. - When shall we meet? - What about_ at 3 this afternoon? A. making B. make C. making it D. make it( )5. The sentence structure of “The book made us feel successful.” is_. A. SV B. SVDOOC C. SVP D. SVIODOIntegrated skillsStudy skills1. The temperature will be around 9during th

35、e day and 4at night. 在白天温度将大约为9摄氏度,在夜间大约为4摄氏度。 探究点一:around的意思是_。 指点迷津 around的意思是“大约”。 The boy is around 15 years old.这个男孩大约十五岁。 根据汉语提示完成句子 今天大约20摄氏度。 Its_ today. 探究点二:at night的意思是_。 指点迷津 at night的意思是“在夜间”,相当于in the evening。 根据汉语提示完成句子 在夜间你最好不要出去。 Youd better not go out_2. Sunshine and blue skies wil

36、l stay with us for the rest of the week. 阳光和蓝天将和我们一起度过这周剩余的时间。 探究点:the rest of的结构在句中作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数? 指点迷津the rest of意为“剩余的”,该结构在句中作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数形式由of后面的名词所决定。 The rest of the books are about English.剩余的书是关于英语方面的。 用所给动词的适当形式填空 The rest of the milk_ (be) bad.3. There will be a few showers today, but

37、it will be warm, with daytime temperatures around 18 or 19 degrees.今天有几场阵雨,但天气很暖,白天气温大约在18到19摄氏度。 探究点:there be结构的将来时为_。 指点迷津 there be结构的将来时为there is/are going to be或there will be。 提醒 不能写成there is/are going to have和there will have的形式。 There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚将有一个会议。 There will be a f

38、ootball match next week.下周将有一场足球赛。 ( )There is going to_ an English party this week. A. have Bis Care Dbe4The lowest temperature will be -9最低温度将是零下9摄氏度。 探究点:-9在英语中如何读? 指点迷津 -9在英语中读作minus nine degrees centigrade/celsius。 写出下列温度的读法 28_ -20_5This is Aunt Jane speaking.我是简阿姨。 探究点:这儿的This is可以用I am代替吗? 嘴

39、蕉迷津这儿的This is不可以用I am代替。这是打电话用语,打电话时说“我是”时,要用This isspeaking。问对方是哪一位用Whos that? - Whos that? 你是哪一位? - This is Mike speaking. 我是迈克。 ( )- Who is that? -_Tom speaking. A. This B. This is C. That D. That is6Hows the weather in Nanjing? 南京的天气怎样? 探究点:“How is the weather in Nanjing?”的同义句是什么? 指点迷津 How is th

40、e weather in Nanjing? 意为“南京的天气怎么样?”,其同义句是 Whats the weather like in Nanjing? 同义句转换 Whats the weather like in your hometown? _ _ the weather in your hometown?即时练习 ( )1. -_is the weather like today? - Its_. A. How; foggy B. What; foggy C. How; fog D. What; fog ( )2.I have_ friends here in the city, bu

41、t I dont feel lonely. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little ( )3. - Hello, this is Tao Ming. Who is that? -_ Daniel speaking. A. This is B. That is C. I am D. You are ( )4. “-20”is_. A. minus twenty degree B. minus twenty degrees C. minus twenty degree centigrade D. minus twenty degrees centigrade (

42、 )5. His desk is_ longer than mine. A. lot B. a bit C. little D. a little ofTaskSelf-assessment1. My friends and I love playing outside in winter. 冬天我和我的朋友们喜欢在外面玩。 探究点一:My friends and I可以写成I and my friends吗? 指点迷津 My friends and I不可以写成I and my friends。英语中当提到包括“我”在内的几个人时,将“我”放在最后。 My father and I are both


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