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1、牛津译林版9B 知识点 学案(无答案)9B Uni2 知识点讲义A 单词1.inventor n 发明者,发明家 an inventor the greatest inventor in historyinvent v invent my favourite food 发明了我最喜爱的食物invention n 发明,创造 create over 1000 inventions 创造了1000多项发明(survivor, actor, director, collector, visitor)2.explorer n 探险者,考察者 an explorer explore v 探索,探讨 ex

2、plore outer space 探索太空3.fighter n 斗士,战斗者,战斗机 a fighter for the rights of black Africans fight v 打架,为而战 (fight-fought-fought) fight for freedom 为自由而战 n 打架 have a fight with sb 与某人打了一架4. Asia Africa Europe America Italy Russia England France Asian African European American Italian Russian English Fren

3、ch Germany China Japan AustraliaGerman Chinese Japanese Australian5.pilot n 飞行员 licence (license) n 执照,许可照Eg :He received his student pilots licence when he was 16. 他16岁时拿到了他的飞机学员执照6. navy n 海军 join the navy 加入海军7.serve vi. vt.服役,服务,招待 serve sb servethe peopleheart andsoul. 全心全意为人民服务serve as a pilot

4、 作为一名飞行员服务service n. 服务 be in service 8.test v 测试,测验 test all types of aircraft 测试各种类型的飞机n 检验 测试 pass the test 9.astronaunt n 宇航员 be chosen to become an astronaut 被选为一名宇航员10. spacecraft (单复同) 宇宙飞船,航天器 manage to join two spacecraft together for the first time 成功将两个航天器交会对接11. spin v 快速旋转(spin- spun/sp

5、an -spun ) begin spinning 开始旋转12.control n 控制 out of control 失去控制,无法管理 v 控制 (control- controlled -controlled , controlling )13.order n 命令,指挥,要求receive the order to cut the flight short 收到缩短航程的命令v 命令 order sb. (not) to do sth. 命令某人(不)做某事14.the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Indian Ocean 印度洋 the Arctic Ocean 北

6、冰洋 the Atlantic (Ocean) 大西洋15. land vi vt (使)着落,(使)降落 land safely 安全降落 land the spacecraft on the Moon n 陆地 on land 在陆地上 16.step n 一步 Eg: One small step for (a) man , one giant leap for mankind. (一)人的一小步,人类的一大步。vi 走,跨步 (step-stepped) step out onto 跨出去到.上面 17.surface n 表面,表层 the Moons surface 月球的表面18

7、. further (far-farther /further-farthest/furthest) adj 更多的,更进一步的 go abroad for further study 出国进修 take back to the Earth for further research 返回地球做更深的研究19.citizen n 公民,市民 a US citizen 20.pride n 骄傲,可引以为豪的人(或物) the pride of the whole world 全世界的骄傲proud adj be proud of 以而自豪 We are proud of our country.

8、21.passage n 章节,乐段 read a passage 22. by hand 手工 wash their clothes by hand 23.mathematics (maths) n 数学 study Mathematics and Physics at a university24.scientist n 科学家 marry a French scientist 25.radium n 镭 discover radium in their laboratory 26. professor n 教授 Professor Wang 王教授27.discovery n 发现,发现

9、物 the discovery of radium 28.unknown adj 未知的,不出名的 Eg: It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time .他很勇敢,到一个当时人类未知的地方去。29.widely adv 广泛地,普遍地 be widely used in hospitals 被广泛应用于医院30.hybrid adj 杂交的 begin research into hybrid rice 开始杂交水稻的研究 31 agriculture n 农业 work as a t

10、eacher in an agriculture school 32.hunger n 饥饿 see people die of hunger 看到人们死于饥饿33.happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 sth happen to sb 34.advantage n 优势i,有利条件 have many advantages over others比起其他有许多优点disadvantage 劣势35.increase vt 增加increase by+数字 表示具体数量增加 increase in 表示在某方面增加increase to .增加到. increase with 随增长3

11、6.production n 生产,产量 increase rice production 增加水稻产量 37.development n development of better rice plants 发展更优良水稻植物的发展develop v develop a good reading habit 培养好的阅读习惯adj developed countries 发达国家 developing countries 发展中国家B 分课时知识点Welcome to the unit (P20-P21)1.Who do you think is the greatest person in

12、history?你认为谁是历史上最伟大的人? do you think 是该疑问句中的插入词语 What do you think we should do to protect the environment?2.Ive never heard of him. hear of 听说,得知 常接人或事物 heard about听说,得知 后常接事情类的名词 hear from 收到某人的来信 get a letter from sb/ receive a letter from sb3. He is an inventor.发明家 发明物_ Printing _the Chinese. 印刷术

13、是中国人先发明的。 他创造了1000多个发明。_. 动词变名词(人) 常见+er runner, swimmer, shopper, explorer +or visitor, survivor, actor, director, collector +ist artist, pianist, scientist4.change the way we live 改变我们生活的方式Reading.(P22-25)1.He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six.当他6岁第一次乘飞机时就

14、对飞行产生了兴趣.become interested in 对.感兴趣. become可换为be/get,主语通常是人.Eg. He becomes interested in science.他对科学感兴趣.我对足球感兴趣己经有好几年了. I _ for a few years. 同义词组: have /show/take (an) interest in flight “(飞机的) 空中航行,航程; 班机;飞行 飞翔某人第一次乘飞机 _We met _from London to Paris.我们在从伦敦到巴黎的飞行途中相遇了2.He received his student pilots

15、 licence when he was 16.他16岁时拿到了他的飞机学员执照receive与 accept 的区别: Receive只表示被动地收到,但不一定接受; accept常表示主动接受 Eg. She has _ his present, but she will not _it.3.Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years. 阿姆斯特朗于1949年加入美国海军, 他做了3年飞行员 join 参加, 主要指加入某个组织(如军队,党派, 社团, 协会等), 成为其中一员. Pleas

16、e _ and be one of those people! 请加入我们,成为这些人中的一员!join 是短暂性动词,不能跟段时间状语连用.如跟段时间状语可改成 be in / be a member of He joined the army two years ago. = He_ for two years. = He_ for two years. serve 作vi. 意为”服役”;还可以vt.表示”服务,招待”.后跟人作宾语. 意为”为服务名词形式是service. They can _ in a better way.(招待你) Thank you for _.(你的服务)4.

17、In 1966, he went into space as command pilot of Gemini 8. 1966年, 他作为双子座号宇宙飞船的飞行指挥进入太空space 作不可数名词,意为空间,太空Eg . _, our earth looks like a beautiful huge blue ball. 从太空上看,我们的地球像一个美丽的巨大的蓝色的球There isnt _ in my room for the piano. 我的房间没有足够的空间放钢琴5.He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together

18、for the first time in space. 他和大卫.斯科特成功地将两艘宇宙飞船在太空中首次交会对接. manage to do sth. 设法做某事Eg. I _, but the show had been over.我好不容易赶到那里,但演出已经结束了 辨析mange to do sth.与try to do sth.manage to do sth.设法做成某事.强调结果”成功完成”; 而try to do sth.尽力做某事,强调动作,不知道此事能否做成.How could he manage to get away from the prison. 他怎么设法从监狱里

19、逃走的呢?Simon _. 西蒙尽力完成了这项工作.6.However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control. 但是, 在他们返回地球的途中, 宇宙飞船开始快速旋转, 失去控制.out of control 失去控制,无法管理. The machine was out of control.常见的词组: beyond control 难以控制 under control 被控制的7.Armstrong received the order to cut the flight s

20、hort. 阿姆斯特朗接到缩短航程的命令. order 作名词,意为”命令,指挥,要求,”, “顺序, 订单” He had no choice but to _. 他别无选择只好服从命令. We often answer the questions _. 我们常常按照这个顺序回答问题. The factory has received _ for 2000 machine tools 工厂收到了一张2000张机床的订货单 他使一切都井然有序。He_. order 作动词, 意为”命令;订货; 点菜.” The police ordered him to stand up More and m

21、ore people like ordering things on the internet. cut short “缩短” He cut short his holiday to deal with the problem. 常见词组: cut down 砍倒;削减 cut in 插嘴,插队 cut off 切断, 隔断 cut out 剪去, 关掉8.Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon. 他和巴兹.奥尔德林一起将阿波罗11号宇宙飞船降落在月球上. together with 意

22、为”与 一起, 连同” 位置比较灵活, 可以放在句首, 句中,句尾或主语后,但谓语动词的单复数形式要与主语保持一致.The teacher together with some students _the factory.(正在参观)I have some problems working together with her. together 用作副词, 意为”一起,共同,同时,在一起/到一起”They always go home together every day. 他们总是每天一起回家.They will arrive together. 他们将同时到达.Ill get all my

23、 things together tonight because I want go leave early tomorrow. 今晚我会反我所有的东西放在一起, 因为我想明天提早离开. land 动词, 意为”登陆,使着陆;”The plane _at last. 飞机最后安全着陆了. 也可作不可数名词, 意为”陆地, 地面”We dont know how many people there are living _. 我们不知道有多少人生活在这片土地上.9.They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further re

24、search. 人们采集了月球岩石带回地球作进一步研究. take back 带回, 拿回. back 是副词, 当宾语为代词时,位于中间She took them back to the boat. further 更多的, 更进一步地. 是far的比较级.For _, write to the above address.欲知详情,请按上面的地址致函询问. farther 与further 两者都是far的比较级.但用法不完全相同. Farther 表示距离上更远, 凡是能用farther的地方, further也能用; further 除了有更远讲之外还可以表示抽象意义的”更远,更进一步

25、, 更深入” 而farther 不能这样用. They pushed the boat _ into the water. 他们把船又往水里推远了些. Most students choose to go to college for _. 大多数学生选择上大学继续深造.10.He was the pride of the whole world. 他是全世界的骄傲.pride 名词, 意为”骄傲, 可引以为豪的人/物. the pride of .意为” 的骄傲” take pride in 以为自豪.You are _ us now, and we will _in the future.

26、 现在你是我们的骄傲, 将来我们会为你感到自豪. be proud of “以 为自豪,” proud 是pride的形容词.11.What did Armstrong mean by his famous words? 阿姆斯特朗的名言是什么意思?What did/does/do mean by? 什么意思? 相当于what did /does/do mean?或 whats the meaning of? 你那样说是什么意思?_Grammar(P26-28)1. have a day out外出一天2. make a great difference 有很大的影响 make a/the/n

27、o difference (to)有/没有作用,有/没有影响 Whatever she did, it made no difference.不管她做了什么都没有关系。One more person wouldnt make any difference to the arrangements.多一个人对安排不会有影响。3. wash their clothes by hand 手洗衣服Integrated skills-Task1.married a French scientist called Pierre Curie in 1895(1)marry 既可以做及物动词,也可以作为不及物动

28、词,常见用法 marry sb 嫁给某人,与结婚 Mary married John last week. be/get married to sb 与某人结婚Jane _a doctor last Sunday. marry sb to sb 父母把女儿嫁给某人 或 为儿子娶媳妇Mr Green married her daughter to a businessman. marry 做不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。She married very early. marry和get married 都是非延续性动词,因此不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,表示结婚已有一段时间应用hav

29、e/has been married They _ for 5 years. (2)scientist 名词,科学家, science 名词 科学 scientific 形容词 科学的 He is a famous _. He is interested in _. I think that is a _ way.2.won the Nobel Prize twice during her lifetime during 介词,在期间 During the three months he asked a lot of questions. lifetime 名词,终生, 在某人一生中 _ Th

30、e doctor saved many peoples lives during his lifetime.3. famous for :the discovery of radium discovery 可数名词 发现,被发现的事物Scientists have made some important _.discover 动词, 发现 Who _ America?4. I admired him the most. admire 动词,钦佩,赞赏 后接名词或代词做宾语 He is a winner in the competition. So I admired him very much

31、. admire sb for (doing) sth I admired him for his honesty.6.It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.unknown 形容词 未知的,不出名的 He was_ one year ago.(不为人知的画家)7.She pushed for (努力推动)the use of X-ray machines, which are not widely in hospitals.widely, 副词,广泛地,普遍地 English i

32、s widely used in many fields. wide, 形容词,宽的,宽阔的 The river is 10 meters wide. wide, 副词,主要表示“张大、睁大”到最大程度 Open your eyes wide.8.saw people die of hunger, so began research into hybrid ricedie of “死于”,常指死于疾病,衰老等自身的原因。die of hunger/heart disease/cancer 若死因不是人体的内在原因,而是由环境造成(主要是事故等方面的外部原因)用die fromdie from

33、an earthquake/a traffic accident/a ligntninghunger un. Try to satisfy your hunger by eating some fruit. 吃些水果充充饥吧。 her hunger for knowledge她的求知欲 a hunger for success 对成功的渴望(通常用单数)9.happened to find a natural hybrid rice plant that had many advantages over othershappen to do sth 碰巧做某事 我碰巧坐在她旁边。I _.10.

34、this new type of hybrid rice was introduced into the USAbe introduced into. 被传入到被引进到茶叶是从亚洲传入到欧洲_.11.his achievements have increased rice production by 20%30%,and in some places even moreincrease“增长,增加”可作及物或不及物动词。还可作名词。The population of this town has increased.increase by 和increase to 的区别 increase by

35、+倍数或百分数表示增加了.倍或百分之.increase to +具体的增长后的数字表示增加到了.实时演练:1. Look ! The monkey _ (climb) the tree. How lovely it is !2. My father with my uncle usually _(take) the bus to work.3. -What were you doing when the UFO _ (land) last night.- I was taking a bath.4. He _(work) on a history project this week.5. Th

36、e Smith _ (live ) here since 2003.6. What were you doing while he _(have) a meeting?7. I _(practice ) playing the piano the whole night.8. I will call you as soon as he _(come)back.9. -How long have you _(buy) this bike?-For four years.10. He_(write) a letter last month but I _(not write) him back y

37、et.11. The shop _(close) for three years.Lets go home.12. We _(learn ) about 3,000 English words so far.一、 单项选择。(每小题1分,满分15分) 1.-What do you want to be in the future, Nick?-I want to be _ pilot .It is _ exciting job.A.a,a B.an, the C.the, an D.a , the2.Charles M. Sssschulz is famous _ creating the c

38、artoon character ,Snoopy.A.for B.to C.as D.by3.-Every _ has the duty to keep our environment clean.-Yes, I agree with you.A.city B.chip C.cook D.citizen4.-When and where was Yao Ming born?-He was born _ September 12th,1980_ Shanghai.A.on,on B.in,in C.on,in D.in,on5.-Excuse me,sir.You cant park you c

39、ar here. May I have a look at your driving _,please?- Sorry ,I didnt see the sign.A.card B.licene C.number D.test6.The car came to a _(停止) in the middle of the road and it caused a car accident.A.normal B.various C.useless D.sudden7.-Who will be the astronaut of Shenzhou 9 or Shenzhou 10 in the futu

40、re?-It is said that some astronaut have been _.plained B.selected C. hired D.served8.-Was he _ from the meeting yesterday ? -Yes.He didnt attend the meeting because he was ill.A.abroad B.ancient C.absent D.accept9.-How do you like the pictures which _ on show?-I like_ very much.A.is,them B.are,them

41、C.is,it D.are,it10.Tom was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped ,but he managed _ help.A.get B.got C.getting D.to get11.-Its said that aliens tried to warn the astronauts on the moon to _.-Maybe they didnt like the human beings to get close to them.A.stay up B. stay out C.stay away D.stay behind12.The book _ I read last Sunday was about three great people in Africa.A.whose B.that C.who


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