外研版九年级上册Module-6-Problems知识点详解-模块语法点-课后练习(无答案)(DOC 11页).doc

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1、外研版九年级上册Module 6 Problems知识点详解 模块语法点 课后练习(无答案)Module 6 Problems一、知识点梳理1. fail/fel/v.未能及格;未能达到 【考点一】作不及物动词,意为“失败”。后面通常跟介词in,即fail in sth.意为“在某方面失败”。fail的名词为failure。 例:He failed in business.他经商失败。【考点二】意为“不及格”,以及物动词为多见。 例:He failed his driving test.他驾驶执照考试没及格 【考点三】其后可接不定式,意为“未能,失败”等。 例:He failed to pas

2、s the exam. 他考试没有及格。典例精讲:汉翻英_.他未能准时到那儿。2. make a deal with.和达成协议 例:We made a deal with the management on overtime. 我们与资方在加班问题上达成了一项协议。【考点】(1)make a deal with sb.意为“与某人达成协议”,相当于do a deal with sb.,其中deal为名词,意为“ 协议”;deal也可作动词,意为“处理,应付”。(2)与deal相关的短语:its a deal就这么办吧;deal with sb./sth.应付某人/某事;no deal不行。典

3、例精讲:汉翻英_.我不知道该如何处理那件事。3. get into the habit of.养成的习惯 例:You ought to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week.你应该养成在每周开始就安排好你的工作的习惯。【考点】get into the habit of相当于form the habit of,其中habit是名词,意为“习惯”。【重点】与habit相关的短语: be in/have the habit of 有的习惯break the habit of 改掉的习惯cultiv

4、ate a habit 培养一种习惯典例精讲:汉翻英_.不要养成迟到的习惯。 4. Thats a shame.那太遗憾了。Thats a shame!经常用在口语中,表示对某事或某物感到可惜、遗憾。【考点】Its a shame/pity! Thats a shame/pity! What a shame/pity. 都表示“真遗憾/真可惜”。例:Ive lost my watch that my father bought for my birthday. 我丢了我父亲作为生日礼物给我买的手表。 What a shame!真可惜!5. instead of代替,而不是 例:Last nig

5、ht I watched TV instead of playing games. 昨晚我看了电视,没有玩游戏。【考点】辨析instead of和instead instead of是介词短语,后跟名词、代词或动名词,不可单独使用。 They went there by train instead of by plane.他们是坐火车而不是乘飞机去那儿的。 instead是副词,常用于句首,起连接前后句的作用,意为“反而”,常用于两个各自独立的句子间,可与instead of 互换;也可用于句尾,意为“代替;顶替”。 He didnt answer my question. Instead,h

6、e asked me a question.He asked me a question instead of answering my question.他没有回答我的问题,反而向我提了一个问题。 典例精讲:1. What a nice day!We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel.Abecause of Binstead of Ctogether with Dinstead2Miss White doesnt like buying nice clothes. She likes collecting storybooks_

7、. Ainstead Beither Ctoo Dinstead of 6. knowledge/nld/n.知识,学识例:Knowledge is the first step. 知识是第一步。【考点】作不可数名词,泛指“知识”。例:much knowledge许多知识典例精讲:汉翻英_.作为一个学生,你应该掌握很多的知识。7. point /pnt/n. 观点,看法,重点 例:The point is that you havent finished your homework. 关键是你还没完成家庭作业。【考点】point作名词时,也可意为“目的,论点”。作动词时,意为“指向,指点”。【

8、拓展】与point相关的短语point to指向 point at指着 point out指出典例精讲:汉翻英_.关键是她不知道如何做。8. consider/knsd/v.考虑,斟酌例:Please consider my suggestion. 请考虑我的建议。【重点】consider后接动名词或名词作宾语。例:For your next vacation,why not consider visiting Paris?你下次度假,何不考虑去巴黎呢?【考点】consider sb./sth.to be/as名词:认为某人/某物是 例:I consider your sister as a

9、good assistant. 我认为你姐姐是一个好助手。典例精讲:汉翻英_.你最好考虑一下怎样去做。9. come round拜访(某人的家) 例:Come round and see us when you have time. 有空来看看我们。【考点】come round相当于come around或drop around/by。 【拓展】come over短暂造访 come up with赶上;想出;提出come out出来;开花;发表;(书等)出版come back回来come from来自典例精讲:汉翻英_.这个星期天你为什么不到我家来吃顿饭呢?10. use.for.把用于 例:

10、We use pens for writing. 我们用钢笔写字。【考点一】强调用途或作用,for后一般接名词或动名词,be used for doing sth.相当于be used to do sth.。例;MP5 can be used for listening to music and seeing the films. MP5可以用来听音乐和看电影。【考点二】be used as.意为“被用作”。 例:In many countries,English is used as the second language. 在许多国家,英语被用作第二语言。【考点三】used to do s

11、th.意为“过去常常做某事”,表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作或状态,暗示现在不做了,to为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。 例:I used to go shopping on Saturdays,but now I no longer do so. 过去我常常星期六去购物,但现在我不再那样了。【考点四】be used to doing sth.表示“习惯做某事”,to是介词,后一般接名词或动名词。例:He is used to staying up late. 他习惯熬夜。典例精讲:1. Sunglasses are used_ protecting your eyes on sunny days.

12、 AforBtoCwithDin 2. The foreigner has been used to_(eat) with chopsticks. 3. _.他过去每周都送花给他的妻子,现在习惯了送巧克力。11. take off(从)取消;中止;移去例:These documents are useless. Lets take them off. 这些文件没用了,咱们删去吧。典例精讲:Faster, please. My plane is_Im trying, but safety must come first, you know. (山东日照) Ataking upBtaking of

13、f Ctaking down D taking away 回顾take短语。12. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play games on it.原因是他认为我要是在电脑上玩游戏的话,电脑会出问题。分析句子成分。13. repair/rpe/v.修理,修补 例:Can you repair my bike now? 现在你能修理一下我的自行车吗?【考点】辨析 mend与repair mend指修补衣服、鞋袜等小东西,使之可再用。 repair指修理构造较复杂或损坏较严重的物体,如车辆、机器等,使之再次完整。

14、 典例精讲:选词并用其适当的形式填空。(1)He makes a living by _ (mend/repair)shoes.(2)I must have my car_(mend/repair)at once.14. truth/tru/n.事实;真相 例:Everyone should tell the truth. 人人都应该说实话。【考点一】truth是名词,意为“事实;真相”;形容词为true“真的;真实的”;副词truly“真正地;确实地”。短语tell the truth意为“讲真话”。例:Is it true that theyre getting married? 他们真要

15、结婚了吗?【考点二】to tell the truth用作插入语,意为“说实话”。 典例精讲:用所给词的适当形式填空。David, could you please tell me the_(true)?15. at least 至少例:The shoes cost at least five hundred dollars.这双鞋至少花了500美元。【考点】 at least意为“至少”,表示最低限度。at可以与形容词或副词最高级连用,如at his best“在他最佳的状态”;at worst“往最坏处说”;at most“至多”。典例精讲:根据汉语完成句子。If you must go,

16、_ _(至少) wait until the rain stops. 16. honest/nst/adj.诚实的,老实的例:Its honest of you to tell the truth. 你说出了真相,你真诚实。【易错点】honest 前面如果加不定冠词,要用an,因为单词honest以元音音素开头。典例精讲:I want to be _ honest man.Aa Ban C17. apologise/pldaz/ v. 认错,道歉【考点一】apologise to sb. 向某人道歉例:Ive come to apologise to you. 我来向你道歉。 Apologis

17、e to your brother. 给你哥哥赔个不是。【考点二】apologise for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而道歉。 例:He apologised for being late for the meeting. 他因开会迟到而道歉。【拓展】apologise (apologize) 的名词apology的用法。(1)make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉例:I made an apology to her yesterday. 我昨天向她道歉了。(2)make an apology for sth. 因某事而道歉例:He made an apolog

18、y for what he said. 他为他所说的话道了歉。典例精讲:1. _他为伤害了她的感情而道歉。2. The schoolboy _ to the blind man on his way home yesterday afternoon. (上海)Aapologizes BapologizedCwill apologize Dhas apologized18. Whats up?通常用于口语中,意为“怎么了?”,相当于“Whats the matter?”。例:Whats up?怎么了? I cant pass my exam.我不能通过考试。 save up 攒钱;储蓄 例:We

19、 should save up and get a house.我们应该把钱攒起来买所房子。19. worth /w:/ adj . 值得,有价值的eg:Your idea is well worth considering . 你的想法非常值得考虑。【考点】worth作为形容词,常与be动词连用,be worth后可接名词、代词或动名词形式,表示“值得”。常用句式:be (well) worth doing sth . (很)值得做某事。eg:The TV programme is well worth watching . 这个电视节目很值得一看。【重点】worth后的动名词与句子的主语有

20、动宾关系,但该动名词只能用主动形式表示被动意义。典例精讲:_.这本小说很好,很值得一读。20. You cant be serious!你不是当真的吧!【考点一】表示非常不相信对方的话。情态动词cant意为不可能,表否定推测。eg:A:I will marry Mike next week. B:You cant be serious. You have only known him for two months.【考点二】serious/sris/adj.严肃的,认真的;严重的“严重的,非同小可”,指问题或局势很危急或不易处理,令人担忧和恐惧,须认真对待,引申可表示“重要的”,指某事件需要人

21、们认真思考。eg:They pose a serious threat to security.他们对安全构成严重威胁。“认真的”,指的是专心致力于工作而不去玩乐,关心的不是消遣的事物而是重要的事物。引申可指人“严肃的,庄重寡言的”,也可以用来描写人的表情严肃。eg:Lets have a serious talk about your future.咱们认真谈一谈你的未来。典例精讲:_.他很严肃的跟我说了那件事。语法点:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法句型意义例句as形容词/副词原级as两者比较,程度相同。“asas”结构前可以带表示程度的状语,像quite, almost, half,

22、twice, nearly等。This book is almost/nearly as thick as that one.这本书几乎同那本一样厚。His ability is not half as high as yours.他的能力不及你的一半。如果形容词修饰单数可数名词,应用as形容词/副词原级a(n)可数名词单数形式as。Tom is as good a person as his uncle.汤姆和他叔叔一样是好人。This is just as good an example as the other one.这个例子和另外那个一样好。如果指同一个人或物,应译为“不但而且”。L

23、i Mei is as beautiful as she is clever.李梅不但漂亮而且聪明。not as /so形容词/副词原级as两者相比,一方不及另一方。This village isnt as/so big as that one.这个村子没有那个村子大。I didnt do my homework as carefully as you.我做作业不如你仔细。形容词/副词比较级+than两者进行比较。The sun is bigger than the earth.太阳比地球大。She usually gets up earlier than others.她通常比别人起得早。比

24、较级and比较级“越来越”,多音节的用more and more形容词或副词原级。She is growing fatter and fatter.她越来越胖了。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家越来越美了。the比较级,the比较级“越,越”,如果“the比较级”修饰名词作定语,名词要紧跟在比较级之后。The busier the old man is,the happier he feels.那位老人越忙越高兴。The more,the better.越多越好。The more money he gets,the mo

25、re he wants.他得到的钱越多越想要。具体数字(如倍数)+as as 是的倍。The city is two times as big as my hometown.这个城市有我的家乡的2倍大。具体数字、实物、倍数等+比较级+than形容词与具体倍数等的比较。He is a head taller than I.他比我高一个头。This city is three times larger than that one.这座城市比那座城市大三倍。形容词最高级+介词短语(比较范围)(三者或三者以上)最的。He is the tallest boy in our class.他是我们班里最高

26、的男孩。副词最高级+介词短语(比较范围)(三者或三者以上)最的。He works hardest in his class.他是班上学习最用功的一个。典例精讲:( )21.(2016铜仁)The Yangtze River is one of _ in the world.A.the longest rivers B.the longest riverC.longer rivers D.longer river( )22.(2016南充)I think English is as _ as maths.I agree with you.A.more interesting B.most int

27、erestingC.the most interesting D.interesting( )23.(2016阜康)Of the two sisters,Lucy is _ one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet.A.a younger B.a youngestC.the younger D.the youngest( )24.(2016兰州)The weather is becoming_ .A.hotter and hotter B.more hot and hotC.hoter and hoter D.more and more

28、 hot( )25.(2016昆明)Its smoggy these days. Thats terrible!Yes.I hope to plant trees._ trees,_ air pollution.A.The more,the fewer B.The less,the moreC.The less,the fewer D.The more,the less三、回顾小结总结一下这节课你所学到的内容。四、课堂小测用所给词的适当形式填空1. (2015无锡) Dont look at me like that!Im telling you the _ (true).2. They de

29、cided _ (play) football at the weekend.3. Tom has the _ (little) bread among the four boys.4. Oh,my God! My wallet is _ (miss).5. The doctor warned the patient _ (not smoke) again.6Why not_(bring)your cousin with you to visit the museum?(新疆)7I suggested_(go) in my car.8Im afraid I wont be able to_(v

30、isit)you on Saturday.9We went to the park instead of_(go)fishing last week.10Mr.Jiang is a learned person,and he has lots of_(know)(山东烟台)五、课后作业【2016江苏南通】书面表达期中考试后,Julian所在班级将进行以“学会学习”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如你是Julian,请根据下表所提示的要点和内容,写一份英文演讲稿。要点内容增强动力(strengthen motivation)明确目标;相信自己;培养兴趣(或自拟内容)优化习惯(make habits better)勤于动脑;自主先学;劳逸结合(或自拟内容)讲究方法(pay attention to methods)主动发问;(请考生自拟两点内容)注意:1.演讲稿中必须包含所给要点,具体内容可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2.词数90左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。3.演讲稿中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。Hello,everyone!Im glad to be here to share my ideas of” Learn how to learn” _I hope everyone will enjoy learningThanks for listening13 / 13


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