天津中考化学知识点及考点(DOC 6页).doc

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2、化学的重要载体,也是初中化学内容的重要组成部分。除了对物质组成、性质、制法、用途等知识的记忆外,还要了解研究组成、性质、制法、用途的方法。这些内容包括: 1.地球周围的空气:空气的组成;氧气、二氧化碳的主要性质、用途以及对人类生活的重要作用;氧气、二氧化碳的实验室制法;氧、碳在自然界中的循环。2.水与常见的溶液:水的组成;某些天然水(包括硬水)和纯水的区别;常用的水处理方法;溶解现象和溶液;溶解度与溶解度曲线;溶质质量分数及溶液配制;结晶现象;乳化现象;溶解现象和溶液的重要应用。3.金属与金属矿物:金属与合金的特性及其应用;常见金属与氧气的反应;防止金属锈蚀的简单方法;铁和铝等金属的矿物,还原




6、命活动具有重要意义,知道某些物质损害人体健康,初步认识化学在帮助人类战胜疾病与营养保健的重大贡献。5.环境保护部分:了解典型的大气、水、土壤污染的危害和来源,认识“三废”处理的必要性和原则,认识合理使用化肥、农药对保护环境的重要意义,初步形成合理使用物质的意识,认识化学在环境检测和环境保护中的重要作用。附件1:天津市初中毕业生学业考试化学常见考点及分值比例天津市初中毕业生学业考试化学考点及分值比例考点内容分值比例基础A基础B提高C专题一、物质变化和性质:71. 物理变化和化学变化22. 物理性质和化学性质23. 质量守恒2-34. 化学反应与能量1-25. 基本反应类型2-36. 氧化还原1专

7、题二、物质组成结构和分类:91. 构成物质的粒子22. 组成物质的元素23. 原子结构24. 原子与分子的区别1-25. 元素的性质、种类与结构的关系1-26. 物质分类3-4专题三、化学用语:241. 元素符号书写及意义22. 周期表结构及其简单应用23. 原字(离子)结构示意图1-24. 离子符号1-25. 化合价1-26. 化学式4-57. 化学方程式8-94专题四、溶液的性质:81. 溶液的定义、组成、特征12. 溶解过程中溶液温度的变化23. 饱和溶液与不饱和溶液1-24. 溶解度及其曲线2-315. 溶液中溶质的质量分数22专题五、空气和氧气:51. 空气成分、测定、验证及污染的防

8、治22. 氧气的性质和用途(反应现象)1-23. 氧气的实验室制法3-4专题六、自然界的水:41. 电解水实验及水的化学式推导22. 水的性质和用途13. 水的净化和过滤24. 硬水和软水15. 爱护水资源及水体污染及防治,节水标记1专题七、碳和碳的氧化物121. 几种碳单质的物理性质和用途1-22. 碳单质的化学性质和用途2-33. 二氧化碳的制法2-34. 二氧化碳的性质和用途2-35. 一氧化碳的性质和用途2-36. 碳酸钙的性质和用途2综合题:相互转化关系4-6专题八、燃烧和灭火51. 燃烧及条件22. 灭火原理及方法 (安全标志)23. 石油及其对环境的影响14. 天然气、乙醇、氢气

9、 2专题九、金属和金属材料 5 1.金属材料 122.金属的性质 143.金属的锈蚀及防锈 24.铁的冶炼25.金属资源的利用及保护2专题十、酸、碱、盐 15+81. 指示剂、pH及测定方法32. 浓盐酸、浓硫酸的性质 123. 稀盐酸、稀硫酸的性质及用途234. 氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙的性质及用途分345. 生活中常见的盐及化学性质 346. 化肥的种类及应用12综合题:制取(2分)鉴别2分 推断4分66除杂 2分 共存(2分)专题十一、化学与生活41.化学与人体健康 22.有机合成材料2专题十二、化学计算 101. 化学式计算2-32. 化学方程式计算 A.纯量 B.杂质5-63. 溶液计算

10、(反应后所得溶液的计算) 2-3专题十三、化学实验171. 基本操作A.药品的取用 B.过滤、蒸发、检验气密性222. 常见气体的制取、检验、验满 43. 混合物的分离、提纯 3 4. 气体的除杂 25. 物质的检验 26. 实验方案的设计及评价 1237. 探究性实验 123合计12361+1229+412+3At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party members progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve th

11、e Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to

12、forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Councils policies and decisions indicates that premise, two guarantee

13、s. Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one mus

14、t unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct below, above difficult to hear calls for obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-maki

15、ng. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, function

16、s, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong lea

17、rning. To strengthening learning, timely charging, put strengthening politicalemployment, business, money as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open gov

18、ernment institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with

19、the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency

20、, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, care

21、ful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordinatio

22、n process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Offic

23、e services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technolog

24、y should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote pa

25、perless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network sec

26、urity management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a num

27、ber of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development

28、environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the right to7


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