初二下册英语各单元必会知识点选择题附答案(DOC 12页).docx

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1、初二下册英语各单元必会知识点选择题附答案Unit1.Whats the matter?1.Does Jane have_fever?Yes,she does.I think she should go to_hospital.Aan;/Ba;theC/;aDthe;an2.Why cant you sleep well?Because there is something wrong_my head.AwithBforCofDat3.I must be_soon,because I have a date in ten minutes.AinBoffCaboutDover4.Whats the

2、 matter?My friend hurt her_.She can hardly walk.AhandBneckCkneeDthroat5.Wheres Lucy?I didnt see her today.Oh,she hurt_when she rode to school this morning.She went to a doctor.AsheBherChersDherself6.The boy is_creative that we all like him very much.AsoBsuchCveryDtoo7.You should_your eyes after a lo

3、t of reading.AsleepBopenCwatchDrest8.Coco_a decision to visit Aunt Li the next Sunday.AdidBmadeCplannedDwrote9.Because of the bad weather,we had to_climbing the mountain.Alook upBget upCgive upDkeep up10.Did you buy that watch?No.I_my money.Acame up withBran out ofCran awayDtook off11.I saw her_bask

4、etball when I walked on the playground this morning.ApracticesBpracticedCpracticingDto practice12.If you have a toothache,you should_.Asee a dentistBgo to schoolCdrink cold waterDeat much meat13.Mom,should I call Tim and apologize(道歉)?_.I think you are wrong this time.AYes,you shouldBNo,you shouldnt

5、CYes,he doesDNo,he doesnt14.I used to_clothes in shops,but now Im used to_them online.Abuying;buyingBbuy;buyCbuying;buyDbuy;buying15.My mother cut her hand when she was cooking._.AIt doesnt matterBDont worryCYes,thats rightDIm sorry to hear that【参考答案】12BABCD610ADBCB1115CAADDUnit2.Ill help to clean u

6、p the city parks.1.We should take good care of_old.Youre right.AtheBaCanD/2.Mary takes_her mother.Yes.She is similar_her mother.Afor;asBto;withCafter;toDaway;from3.My best friend always helps me_when I am in trouble.AafterBoutCoverDwith4.No one could answer the teachers question except Linda.Oh,she

7、is really_!AbeautifulBoutgoingChappyDclever5.I really want to know_the people in the disaster area(灾区)are.It is said that they have enough food and clothes.AhowBwhereCwhatDwho6.Gina doesnt_.She looks as beautiful as two years ago.AfinishBdecideCchangeDarrive7.Old Henry lives_.He often feels_.Aalone;

8、aloneBalone;lonelyClonely;lonelyDlonely;alone8.I have got a_that other workers dont like me.Its not what you think.They are just too busy to talk with you.AfeelingBletterCdecisionDjourney9.The good news of our basketball team winning the game_the whole class.Acheered upBput upCgot upDlooked up10.The

9、 article is really difficult.Yes,it is.I cant_its meaning at all.AreadBspeakCunderstandDwrite11.What makes you_the job?Because Ill move to another city.Aset upBlook forCcut offDgive up12.We should_a plan for the garden party.Yes,I think so.Acome upBcome up withCcatch upDcatch up with13.His family_be

10、 really poor.But now they have much money.Ais used toBwas used toCused toDuse to14.Do you know_look after a baby?Sure,I always help my mom look after my little sister.Awhat canBwhat toChow canDhow to15.I like to work with kids._.AYou can give out food to the old peopleBYou can help to clean the hous

11、eCYou can volunteer in the factoryDYou can help the kids with their studies【参考答案】15ACBDA610CBAAC1115DBCDDUnit3.Could you please clean your room?1.She usually has some_for dinner in the night market when her parents are away.AmealsBdishesCsnacksDmovies2.I cant understand any word of the passage(文章)_c

12、an II really want to know what it says.ANeitherBSoCEitherDEven3.Ive run out of money.Can I_some from you?Sorry,I dont bring any with me.AlendBborrowCkeepDbuy4.It is Sunday today.Why dont you go out to have fun?I stay at home_on weekends.I dont like going out.Aat the same timeBall the timeCfor some t

13、imeDat times5.Linda is doing her homework_her brother is watching TV.AuntilBifCbecauseDwhile6.I often have much stress and fall_before exams.You must learn to be relaxed.AillBhappyChealthyDstrong7.Would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?Sorry.My mother is on business(出差),so I ha

14、ve to_my sister at home.Alook forBtake overCcome up withDtake care of8.Could you please_the rubbish,Mandy?OK.Ill do it right away.Atake outBwork onClook afterDturn off9.Meimei is_the difficult math problem.Im sure shell_.Aworking out;work it outBworking on;work it outCworking on;work it onDworking o

15、ut;work it on10.Mr.Li likes_the floor but hates to_the dishes.Asweep;doingBsweeping;doCsweeping;doingDsweep;do11.Shall we climb mountains tomorrow,Mom?It_the weather.If its rainy,we will have to stay at home.Awaits forBlooks forCdecides onDdepends on12.Its a_to throw good food away and we should try

16、 our best to save(节约)food.AmatterBwasteChabitDtrouble13.Would you mind_the rubbish on the floor,my boy?Im sorry.I wont do it again.Adont dropBnot to dropCnot dropDnot dropping14.How about this skirt,Cathy?Its too expensive and_the color doesnt suit(适合)you.AanywhereBalmostCanywayDyet15.Why did Mark g

17、et to the cinema so early?_get a good seat.AIn order toBIn orderCIn order thatDIn order for【参考答案】12CABBD610ADABB1115DBDCAUnit4.Why dot you talk to your parents?1.Bob likes sports very much.Why not buy him a_?Good idea.AbookBfootballCknifeDwatch2.What should I do if my parents dont agree_me?Youd bett

18、er find a chance to communicate_them.Awith;onBto;withCto;toDwith;with3.Linda is shy.She always feels_when she speaks in front of people.ArelaxedBnervousCproperDclear4.Please_this bike with that one,and then tell me the differences between them.AcompareBadviseCexplainDreturn5.When shall we start?Lets

19、 wait_the rain stops.AifBasCuntilDsince6.Its really kind of you to offer_me the money.Ato lendBlendingClendDto lending7.Are you going to come?_.Ill see how I feel.AAlreadyBFinallyCInsteadDPerhaps8.Would you like to go to the movies this evening?Id like to,but my parents dont allow me_out at night.Ag

20、oBgoingCto goDwent9._Mr.Smith was very tired,he stayed up late to finish his work.How hardworking he is!ABecauseBUnlessCWhenDAlthough10.Dont_little Maria so hard.She is only six years old.ApushBguessCcauseDcompete11.My mother often sends me to all kinds of classes,so I feel very tired.I think she sh

21、ould_a few of your activities so that you can feel relaxed.Aget outBwork outCfind outDcut out12.I_my best friend yesterday morning.Why not call her up and say sorry to her?Adepended onBlooked forChung out withDargued with13.I have finished reading these books,so I will_them to the library this after

22、noon.AborrowBlendCreturnDkeep14._pressure isnt good for childrens development.AToo muchBToo manyCMany tooDMuch too15.Thanks for giving me so much useful advice._.AIm afraid notBI think soCNo problemDAll right【参考答案】15BDBAC610ADCDA1115DDCACUnit5.What were you doing when the rainstorm came?1.What were

23、you doing when I called you?I was taking_shower,so Mary took_message for me.A/;aBa;/Cthe;theDa;a2.Can you see the birthday cake_10 candles on it?Yes,Lilys mother bought it_her.Awith;toBagainst;forCwith;forDagainst;to3.What was Tom doing_his father was looking for him?AwhileBsinceCafterDuntil4.Does y

24、our brother often argue with_?No,he is always friendly to others.AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDnone5.Why are you all wet?It rained_and I didnt take my umbrella.AcompletelyBsuddenlyCcomfortablyDdifferently6.Why did he just sit in_during the meeting?Because he had nothing to say.AtowerBsilenceCwoodDorder7.

25、_is the weather like in your city?Always cloudy.AWhatBWhoCWhichDHow8.I heard a(n)_noise just now.It made me scared.AbeautifulBtypicalCstrangeDinteresting9.After the heavy storm,the lake_,and the water ran into the houses.AroseBcomparedCdroppedDrealized10.What will our life be like without_?We will l

26、ive in a dark world.AsnowBwoodClightDice11.What was the result of the football game yesterday?Our team_the other team by a score of two to one.AreportedBdependedCbeatDcompeted12.Mr.Hand was so tired that he_in a minute.Awent offBpicked upCdied downDfell asleep13.She_her mother with the housework the

27、 whole afternoon last Sunday.Awere helpingBhelpsCwas helpingDis helping14.Was your sister watching TV when the storm began?_.She was playing with her friends.AYes,she didBNo,she didntCYes,she wasDNo,she wasnt15.Peter got an A in the English exam._.He isnt good at English at all.AThats all rightBYour

28、e kiddingCOf courseDIt doesnt matter【参考答案】15DCABB610BACAC1115CDCDBUnit6.An old man tried to move the mountains.1.I read_story about Shennong?Do you know who he was,Tony?He was_emperor in ancient China.Aa;/Ba;anCan;aDan;/2.Your sister looks very_.Whats the matter with her?She has a stomachache.Afunny

29、BweakCboringDrelaxed3.Does that sweater_her?Sure.She is really beautiful in it.AhitBkeepCfixDfit4.Li Meis_is very beautiful.Yes.Her songs_very beautiful.Anoise;voiceBvoice;soundCsound;noiseDshout;sound5.If Jerry forgets to take an umbrella,please_him.AexplainBremindCrememberDhurry6.All the people th

30、ere cant speak English,so_can understand him.AsomebodyBsomethingCnothingDnobody7.Do you know Peter?Yes,he_Susan last year and now they had a baby.AmarriedBsmiledCcontinuedDreminded8.Mom,I want to drive to my grandparentshome.Dont be_.You are too young to drive.AsillyBnoisyCnervousDsad9.When will you

31、 visit your friend,Zhu Mei?_she returns to the city.ASo thatBAs soon asCUnlessDBecause10.How did you make your dream come true?I just kept_and never gave up.AtryBtriedCtryingDto try11.Did they go to the park yesterday?No,they stayed at home_going out.Ainstead ofBremind ofCdepend onDin order to12.Don

32、t give up.Things will be fine soon.Yes.We should learn to be_when we are in trouble.AbraveBquietCsadDangry13.We wont put off having the sports meeting_it rains.AifBunlessCwhenDwhile14.That path_directly to my house.You wont miss it.AleadsBformsCrepairsDcontrols15.The sun_bright in the sky and made t

33、he room bright.AlayBcoveredCshoneDmoved【参考答案】12BBDBB610DAABC1115AABACUnit7.Whats the highest mountain in the world?1.We should be calm_the face of dangers.AatBwithCofDin2.Mountain Huang is famous all over the world.Yes,youre right.A lot of_visit it every year.They take photos here and there.Atourist

34、sBpandasCtrainsDhusbands3.Is the boy_?No.He is asleep.AcleverBawakeChappyDhealthy4.Our Chinese teacher didnt come to school today because of the_.We hope she will be better soon.AspaceBweatherCillnessDhomework5.You can stay for the weekend_you like.AsoBthoughCorDif6.After lunch Mark_me to a game of

35、tennis.AfinishedBbeatCchallengedDwon7.Im afraid I cant pass the exam.Dont worry.If you work hard,youll_.AsucceedBfinishCbeginDdevelop8.Mr.Wang isnt at work today._I know,he has gone to London.AAs old asBAs far asCAs soon asDAs long as9.You may feel difficult to_enough air in Tibet.Atake awayBtake on

36、Ctake inDtake off10.Which is the most interesting_all the books?The one by Charles Dickens.AofBforConDat11._is the population of your town?About sixty thousand.AHowBWhatCHow manyDHow much12.Why did they start the club?The main reason was_protect animals.AhelpBhelpsChelpedDto help13.Do you know which

37、 country has_population?Of course China.Athe mostBthe leastCthe largestDthe best14.What do you think of this movie?Its_more interesting than that one.AmuchBtooCveryDquite15.What do you do there,Eric?Oh,my job includes_.Ado housework and go shoppingBdoing housework and going shoppingCdid housework an

38、d went shoppingDto do housework and go shopping【参考答案】15DABCD610CABCA1115BDCABUnit8.Have you read Treasure Island yet?1.Is Finland_island country?Yes,it is.AaBanCtheD不填2.I have just finished reading half of the book.You should hurry up.It is due_two days.AforBafterCatDin3.If we work hard,our future w

39、ill be_hope.Abecause ofBfull ofCinstead ofDproud of4.What happened at the end of the story?A policeman shot and killed the dangerous animal with his_.AgunBtreasureCknifeDstick5.Sally hasntfinished her homework._she didnt write a word at all.ASuddenlyBHardlyCActuallyDTruly6.Frank is a creative boy.He

40、 had a great_in yesterdays speech competition.AsucceedBsuccessCsuccessfulDsuccesses7.I dont know your friend.Can you_her to me?Sure,I can.AintroduceBleadCletDmeet8.The storybook_Lucy.Dont take it away without telling her.AisBbelongs toCwasDbelongs with9._!The train is coming!AWake upBGet upCTurn upD

41、Hurry up10.I have read Robinson Crusoe_,but I havent read Tom Sawyer_.Aalready;alreadyByet;yetCyet;alreadyDalready;yet11.Allan was born in America,but he_in England.Awent backBgrew upCpicked upDturned down12.The movie is so interesting that_people have seen it in the past few days.Atwo millionBtwo millionsCtwo million ofDtw


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