六年级英语上下册知识点总结(DOC 10页).doc

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1、 六年级PEP上册知识总结Unit1 How can I get there?library 图书馆post office邮局 hospital 医院 turn left 左转 turn right 右转places 地点cinema 电影院bookstore 书店 go straight 直行 science museum科学博物馆 crossing 十字路口supermarket 超市 school 学校 一、描述某地点所处位置的短语 near 在.附近next to 与.相邻 beside 在.旁边in front of 在前面 behind 在 .后面 between 在.之间二、问路

2、1Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪儿? Its next to the hospital. 在医院的旁边。 Its in front of the school. 在学校的前面. Its behind the park 在公园的后面 Its near the zoo. 在动物园的附近. Its far from here. 离这儿很远.2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here 请问这附近有电影院吗?Yes, there is. /No,there isnt. 有./没有。3. How can I/we get t

3、here? 我怎样到那儿? Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转4. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢?Take the No.57 bus. 乘坐第57路公汽。By the No. 57 bus.注意: 到那儿 get there 到某地 get to Canada/Australia/Beijing/ Shanghai/Wuhan get to the hospital/zoo/bookstore 二、指引路1 You can take the No.32 bus. 你可乘坐312路公交车去那儿.注意:You c

4、an go by the No.32 bus. 与上句意思一样,只是说法不同。 2. Go straight and turn left at the bookstore. 先直行然后在书店那儿左转弯。3. Turn right/ left at the 在 地方向右/ 左转.三 Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的很远/ 不是很远。四第79页的常用表达法 Unit 2 Ways to go to school一 知识点归纳(一)、 词汇 四会 Bike(自行车) by(乘坐)slow down (慢下)bus (公

5、共汽车) foot (脚) stop (停下) train (火车) how (怎样)plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学) ship (轮船) taxi (出租车) ferry( 轮渡) sled (雪橇) subway ( 地铁) ( 交通工具前加by , 表示乘坐但步行要用on foot ) (二) 、重点句型 (三) 询问交通方式用疑问代词how n How do you go/come to school ? 你怎样去/来上学? Usually I go/come to school on foot . 通常我走路去/来上学。 How does he/she/ P

6、eter go /come to school? 他/她/皮特怎样去/来上学? He/ She usually goes/comes to school by bike. 他/她通常骑自行车去/来上学。 How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班? He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。 询问地点,用疑问代词where Where is your home ? 你家在哪里? Its near the post office . 在邮局旁边。 Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿They are

7、 in the teachers office .在老师的办室。 问路 How can/ do I get to the Fuxing Hospital?我怎么到福星医院? You can take the No .1 bus . 交通规则(traffic rules )Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯面前要减速并停下来 Stop and wait at a red light. 红灯面前停下来并等待 Go at a green light. 绿灯行. 课本第16页的一些交通规则 In China and the USA drivers dri

8、ve on the right side of the road . 在中国和美国,司机靠右行驶。In England and Australia, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 但是在英国和澳大利亚,司机靠左边行驶。 第79页的常用表达法 Unit 3 My weekend plan 一 知识点归纳(一)、 词汇 四会 Next week下周newspaper报纸this morning今天上午 comic book漫画书time 时间this afternoon 今天下午 wordbook单词书this evening今天晚上 di

9、ctionary 字典tonight 今夜 tomorrow 明天post card 明信片take a trip 去旅行nature park 自然公园see a film 看电影 bookstore 书店 go to the supermarket 去超市 Visit my grandparents 参观祖父母 zoo 动物园二、 重点句式和句型: 本单元中出现的一个重点语法是一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或 状态 ,常和表示将来的时间连用。构成:陈述肯定句:主语 + be going to + 动词原形+ 其他 否定句: 主语 + be + not going to +动词原形+其他 一

10、般疑问句: Be+ 主语+ going to +动词原形+其他 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ? 将来时态还可以用 情态动词 will +动词原形表示例1. I am going to visit my grandparents this afternoon. I will visit my grandparents this afternoon. 2. I am not going to visit my grandparents this afternoon. I wont visit my grandparents this afternoon. 3. Are you goin

11、g to visit your grandpaents? Yes,I am. /No, I am not. 4. Will you visit your grandparents? Yes,I will. / No, I wont. 注意: wont = will not 5What(什么 )are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have an art lesson. Where(哪儿)are you going? We are going to the bookstore. When (什么时候 are you going? Im going

12、 next Sunday./at3:00/tomorrow/this morning. How(怎样)are you going? I am going by bus/on foot. I am going to take a bus. Who (谁)are you going with? I am going with my mother/sister/friend.三、 重点句型: 1. 常用表达法: What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?Im going to have an art lesson. 我要去上美术课。Were going

13、to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 我们要到人民公园去画画Where are you going? 你们打算去哪? We are going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院When are you going? 你们什么时候去?2.课文中的重点语句 I have to do my homework now. My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week.Were going to see a film about space travel.Have a good time,I hve lots

14、 of comic books about space.Why not go on Tuesday? Why not 后面接动词原形,表示建议,意思是:为什么不?My grandma will tell us a story about Change.What are you going to be? What do you want tobe? Im going to be a businessman. I want to be a businessman. Unit 4 I have a pen pal知识点归纳:一 本单元主要是谈论某人的兴趣爱好。二 语法是动词的-ing形式和动词的第三

15、人称单数形式。三.词汇dance (dancing) 跳舞sing (singing ) 唱歌hobby (爱好) play football (playing football) 踢足read story (reading stories ) 看故事do kung fu (doting kung fu ) 练武术live (lives) 居住,住 like (likes) 喜欢teach (teaches) 教 study ( studies Chinese 学习汉语)go (goes) 去 goes hiking 去远足watch (watches TV) 看电视read (reads)读

16、 cook (cooks Chinese food 制作中国食物)do (does) does word puzzles 玩字谜四 句型:五 1 询问某人的爱好:-What are your/his/her/Peters hobbies? / -What do/does you/ he/she like?I like reading stories and singing.He/She likes swimming and playing football.2. 由助动词 Do/Does引出的一般疑问句: Do you/they/ we live in Sydney ?. Yes,I/they

17、/.we do.No,I/ they/ we dont. Does he/she /xxx live in Sydney? Does he/she/xxx like doing word puzzles and going hiking? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. 助动词Do/Does引出的问句中一定有一个实意动词,为动词原形。助动词一出现,后面动词就不变。五语法:一般现在时的用法(1) 表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day /morning /evening ,often, usually ,always 等状语连用。 如: W

18、e do morning exercises every day. He usually goes to school by bike. 结构:肯定句:主语 + 动词原形或者单三式动词 + 其他。如:I teach English. Miss white teaches English. 否定句:主语 + dont/doesnt + 动词 原形 + 其他 如:I dont teach English. Miss white doesnt teach English.一般疑问句:Do/ Does +主语+ 动词原形+其他? 如: Do you teach English? Does Miss W

19、hite teach English? 肯否定回答:Yes,I do ./ No, I dont . Yes,she does. No, she doesnt.六课文中的重点语句:He lives on a farm,so sometimes he reads to the cows. I live in Beijing.He also likes singing.Im going to teach him the Chinese song” Jasmine Flower”Im writing an email to my new pen pal in Australia.Can I also

20、 be his pen pal? Sure.Why not?Do you want to learn about robots? He teaches students to make robots.Who does the dishes? Who teaches math? Who cooks noodles? Unit 5 What does he do ?一、知识点归纳(一) 词汇 四会singer (歌手) writer (作家) Hong Kong ( 香港) head teacher(校长)dancer(舞蹈家)sea (大海)worker( 工人) cleaner(清洁工)fac

21、tory ( 工厂) postman( 邮递员) driver (司机) stay ( 保持)businessman ( 商人) secretary ( 秘书 ) university (大学)TV reporter ( 电视台记者) help( 帮助)fisherman (渔民) money(金钱)scientist(科学家) gym ( 体育馆 )police officer (警察) use ( 使用)pilot ( 飞行员) football player 足球运动员 type(打字)coach (教练) quickly ( 迅速地) (二 )重点句型 询问职业What does he

22、 do ?/What is he ? 他是做什么的?He is a doctor. 他是一个医生。What do you do ?/What are you ? 你是做什么的? I m a student . 我是一个学生。 询问工作的地点Where do you work ? 你在哪儿工作?I work in a school . 我在一个学校工作。Where does she / your mother work ? 她 / 你妈妈在哪儿工作?She works in a hospital . 她在一个医院工作。一般疑问句 : Does he work in a factory ? 他在工

23、厂工作吗 Yes ,he does . 是的。 How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎么去上班He goes to work by car . 他开车去上班。 He works very hard and stays healthy. 他工作很努力而且保持健康。 We should study hard and stay healthy. 我们应该努力学习并且保持健康。 He works at sea. He works on a boat. He has a very healthy life. He is good at football. She w

24、ants to work in an office.Unit 6 How do you feel?重点单词: angry 生气的 see a doctor 看病 afraid 害怕的 take a deep breath 深吸一口气sad 难过的count to ten 数到十worried 担心的wear 穿happy 高兴地 more 更多的重要句型:How do you feel? I am sad. I feel sad.How does he/she feel? He/She is sad. He/She feels sad.What should I/you/he/she do?Y

25、ou/He /She /I should take a deep breath and count to ten.1、Theyre afraid of him. 他们害怕它。2、The cat is angry with him. 这只猫很生他们的气。3、Whats wrong ? your father is ill. 怎么了 你爸爸病了。4、 Dont be sad . 别担心。5、He should see a doctor this morning. 6.We can go next time. 7.Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now.8.He i

26、s stuck in the mud. 9.Please dont sit on me. I wont sit on you. 10.We shouldnt hurt ants. 6六年级下册知识点总结第一单元一、 单词youngyounger更年轻的old-older更年长的 tall-taller更高的short-shorter更矮的long-longer更长的thin-thinner更瘦的heavy-heavier更重的big-bigger更大的small-smaller更小的strong-stronger更强壮的二、句子1.Thatsthetallestdinosaurinthisha



29、n的过去式) 打扫stay停-stayed(stay的过去式)停留wash洗washed洗 watch看watched看have患病had患病sleep睡觉slept睡觉read读read读see看见saw看见last上一个的 yesterday昨天before在之前二、短语cleanmy room打扫我的房间washmyclothes洗衣服stayathome呆在家里watchTV看电视go boating划船readabook读书seeafilm看电影haveacold感冒sleep睡觉(过去式slept)climbamountain爬山cookeddinner做饭cooknoodles面

30、条三、句子1.Howwasyourweekend?你周末过得怎么样?2.Itwasgood/fine/ok, thankyou.很好,谢谢!3.Whatdidyoudolastweekend?你上个周末干了什么?4.Istayedathomewithyourgrandma.我和你奶奶呆在家里.(with和谁)5.Didyoudoanythingelse?你还做了其他什么事吗?6.Yes, Icleanedmyroomandwashedmyclothes.是的,我扫了房间,还洗了衣服。7.Iwanttobuythenewfilmmagazine.我想买期新的电影杂志。8.Didyouseeafi

31、lm?你看电影了吗?No, Idid nt Ihadacold.Istayedathomeallweekendandslept.没有,我感冒了。整个周末都呆在家里睡觉。(肯定回答Yes, Idid.)四、语法知识:一般过去时1一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作感谢。2Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:am和is在一般过去时中变为was。(wasnot=wasnt)are在一般过去时中变为were。(werenot=werent)带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is,am,are一样,即否定句在was

32、或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。3句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子(1)否定句:didnt+动词原形,如:Jimdidntgohomeyesterday.(2)一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:DidJimgohomeyesterday?(3)特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如:Whatdidyoudoyesterday?Ireadabook.第三单元一、单词(用的过去式)go去went去fish钓鱼ride骑-rode骑hurt受伤-hurt受伤 eat吃-ate吃taketook 拍照buy买-boughtgo campi

33、ng野营-wentcamping野营go fishing去钓鱼-wentfishing去钓鱼takepictures照相-tookpictures照相buygifts买礼物-boughtgifts买礼物二、短语rideahorse骑马-rodeahorse骑马rideabike骑自行车-rodeabike骑自行车hurtmyfoothurtmyfoot我的脚受伤eat fresh food-atefreshfood吃新鲜食物far from远离looklike看起来像三、句子1.Whathappened?怎么了?2.Areyouright?你还好吧?3.ImOKnow.我现在沒事了。4.Whe

34、redidyougoyesterday?昨天你去哪儿了?Iwenttoapark.我去公园了。5.Itlookslikeamule.它看起来像头骡子。6.DidyougotoTurpan ?Yes, wedid.你们去吐鲁番了吗?是的,去了。7.Howdidyougothere?你们怎么去的?8.Wewenttherebyplane.我们做飞机去。9.Soundsgreat.听上去不错。四、语法知识:动词过去式变化规则:1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:clean-cleaned,cook-cooked,stay-stayed,2结尾是e加d,如:live-lived,like-liked3末尾只



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