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1、Unit 8 Daydream a LittleCollege EnglishENTERPre-reading ActivitiesExpressions&PatternsExercisesText AnalysisWarm-up QuestionsHow to applying to our real life the typical expressions and patternsAll the exercisesfor the textMain idea and StructureI.Pre-reading Activities:Warm-up QuestionsAcquaint you

2、rself with some relevant information1.Why do people take a hostile attitude towards daydreaming?2.What happens if a person is not allowed to dream in his sleep?3.What are the benefits of daydreaming according to researchers?4.What is the procedure of creative daydreaming?backI.Pre-reading Activities

3、:Warm-up QuestionsAcquaint yourself with some relevant informationKey to question 1:Because they think that daydreaming is a waste of time,an escape from real life and its duties.Key to question 2:He becomes tense and anxious.He becomes irritable.He has trouble concentrating and his mental health is

4、 temporarily damaged.In short,he cannot get the benefits of rest.backI.Pre-reading Activities:Warm-up QuestionsAcquaint yourself with some relevant informationKey to question 3:-Its a good means of relaxation and important to mental health;-It contributes to intellectual growth;-It improves concentr

5、ation,attention span,and the ability to get along with others;-It leads children to pay more attention to detail;-It makes children feel happier and work together better.backI.Pre-reading Activities:Warm-up QuestionsAcquaint yourself with some relevant informationKey to question 4:-Choose a time whe

6、n you can be alone and undisturbed;-Close your eyes;-Let your imagination soar freely;-Picture yourself as vividly as possible the way you want to be;-Picture your desired goals as if you had already attained them;-Go over all the details of the picture;-See them clearly and sharply;-Impress them st

7、rongly on your memory.backII.Expressionshostileinterfere withbenefitmeanscontribute toget along/on withmaintaingo overrecommendgo aboutgoalaffect substituteview asachievementbe afterneglectamount todue toturn intobackII.Expressionshostile:unfriendly;showing a great amount of dislike 不友善的,怀敌意的Eg.-Don

8、t be hostile to new ideas and changes.-You cant blame your son for being so hostile towards you after the way you treated him.backII.Expressionsneglect:give too little care or attention to忽略,忽视;疏忽,玩忽忽略,忽视;疏忽,玩忽Eg.The manager criticized Bill for neglecting his duties.-The house has been neglected and

9、 it is in a terrible condition.backII.Expressionsachievement:the act or fact of achieving;the thing achieved 成就,成绩成就,成绩Eg.Its only the achievement of these goals that will finally bring lasting peace.-A mans achievements depend not only on his opportunities but also on the way he uses his opportunit

10、ies.backII.Expressionsbenefit:advantage;help;things that produces good results 利益好处;优势利益好处;优势Eg.Rebuilding the canal has brought many benefits to our national economy.-I am a great believer in the benefits of doing Taijiquan.backII.Expressionsmeans:a method or way 方式,方法方式,方法Eg.The helicopter is a ve

11、ry good means of transportation,since it is free to go almost anywhere.-The quickest means of travel is by plane.backII.Expressionssubstitute:a person or thing acting in place of another 替代品,替代物,替代人替代品,替代物,替代人Eg.-Guesswork is no substitute for investigation.-There is no substitute for practical expe

12、rience.backII.Expressionsmaintain:continue to believe and claim(that a fact,opinion,etc.is true)保持,维持,使继续保持,维持,使继续Eg.Many Americans maintain that vitamin C helps to cure their cold though there is no definite medical proof.-The widening gap between the rich and the poor,some people maintain,is respo

13、nsible for their rising crime rate.backII.Expressionsrecommend:advise or suggest;speak favorably of 推荐,介绍;建议,劝告Eg.Your blood pressure is a little too high.I would recommend limiting the amount of fat and salt in your diet.-Our English teacher recommended us to buy an English-English dictionary.backI

14、I.Expressionsgoal:what one wants to do or succeed in;propose;aim 目标,目的目标,目的Eg.Their goal was to land a man on the moon and they made it.-There are many goals to achieve in ones life and continued efforts are the key to attaining them.backII.Expressionsaffect:have an effect on 影响,对影响,对产生作用产生作用Eg.Comp

15、uters have profoundly affected the way we communicate with one another.-He is quite clear that his decision will affect a large number of people.backII.Expressionsbe after:be in pursuit of,seek,try to obtain 追赶,寻找追赶,寻找Eg.I know what you are after:a comfortable and well-paid job,but I must warn you t

16、hat it will be a waste of your talent.-Many young men are after Mary because she is clever as well as pretty.backII.Expressionsgo over:consider,examine;review 仔细检查,复习,润色仔细检查,复习,润色Eg.Lets go over everything and find out where the trouble is.-I went over the figures five times,but always came to the s

17、ame total.-Beth always takes careful notes so that she may go over them after class.backII.Expressionsamount to:develop into 有所成就,有所作为有所成就,有所作为Eg.If you go on like this,you will never amount to anything.backII.Expressionsview as:think ofas;regard as 把把看作看作Eg.-computers a re viewed as a great technol

18、ogical improvement which saves people much time and energy.-She viewed his behavior as an insult.backII.Expressionsinterfere with:be an obstacle to,hinder,affect 妨碍,干扰妨碍,干扰Eg.I hope that this misunderstanding will not interfere with our friendship.-The noise from the street interferes with my studie

19、s.backII.Expressionscontribute to:help to bring to 有助于,为有助于,为出力出力Eg.Your timely help contributed greatly to our success.-I am sure your suggestions will contribute to solving the problem.backII.Expressionsget along/on with:form or have a relationship with 友好相处,和睦相处友好相处,和睦相处 Eg.Do you get along well

20、with your classmates?-He is kind,friendly easy to get along with.backII.Expressionsdue to:caused by 因为,由于,归因于因为,由于,归因于Eg.The accident was due to his careless use of the gun.-His absence was due to the heavy snow.backII.Expressionsturn into:cause sb.Or sth.to change into sb.Or sth.Different 变成,使变成变成,

21、使变成Eg.He is trying to invent a device to turn the suns heat into electricity.-They have turned much barren land into fertile fields.backII.Expressionsgo about:start working on,do 着手做,从事着手做,从事Eg.-Its an easy job if you go about it the right way.-To learn English well is no easy matter.We must go abou

22、t it earnestly.backMain Idea of Each PartMain Idea&Structureback.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureWhat is the text mainly about?Daydreaming has always had a bad reputation,but now scientific research has revealed that daydreaming may actually improve your mental health and creativity.It can even

23、 help you achieve your desired goals.back.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureHow is the text organized?The passage is divided into three parts.In the first part,the author makes it clear that peoples former attitudes towards daydreaming are changing.The second part serves as a explanation part,rel

24、ating that daydreaming may also be important to mental health.The third part comes to the suggestion.The author tells people how to use daydreaming in the right way.back.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart 1(Paras.1-4)Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in the same way that attitudes to

25、wards night dreaming have changed.Part 2(Para.5-11)Now researchers are finding that daydreaming may also be important to mental health.Part 3(Paras.12-14)Now picture yourself as vividly as possible the way you want to be.back.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart I(Paras.1-4)Part IIPart IIIMain

26、idea?Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in the same way that attitudes towards night dreaming have changed.Now researchers are finding that daydreaming may also be important to mental health.Devices for developing it?Analogy(类比法类比法)back.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart II(Para.5-11)

27、Part IPart IIIMain idea?Daydreaming contributes to intellectual growth.It also improves concentration,attention span,and the ability to get along with others.Devices for developing it?illustration(例证例证法法)back.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart III(Para.12-14)Part IPart IIMain idea?Now picture

28、 yourself as vividly as possible the way you want to be.Remember to picture your desired goals as if you had already attained them.Devices for developing it?Specific-general(分总法分总法)back.Exercises大学英语大学英语3 P.171 大学英语大学英语3 P.173大学英语大学英语3 P.174大学英语大学英语3 P.177back大学英语大学英语3 P.177.Exercises-Translation Tr

29、anslate the following into English1.如果你每晚开夜车工作,身体必然会受影响。如果你每晚开夜车工作,身体必然会受影响。(affect)If you stay late working every night,your health will surely be affected.back.Exercises-Translation Translate the following into English2.即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常 温习功课才行。温习功课才行。(maintain)Even yo

30、u are one of the best students in class,in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.back.Exercises-Translation Translate the following into English3.人们常把美国看成是一个不同民族的大熔炉。人们常把美国看成是一个不同民族的大熔炉。(melting pot)(view)The united states is often viewed as a melting pot of different nati

31、onalities.back.Exercises-Translation Translate the following into English4.情况确实如此,有些人一生中很早就能获得成功,情况确实如此,有些人一生中很早就能获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目 标。标。(attain)It is true that some people achieve success very early in life,while others must work a long time before attaining their goals

32、.back.Exercises-Translation Translate the following into English5.他坚持认为这次实验的失败主要由于准备不足他坚持认为这次实验的失败主要由于准备不足 (inadequate)。(maintain,due to)He maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparation.back.Exercises-Translation Translate the following into English6.如今研究人员提

33、倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要如今研究人员提倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要 达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。(affect)Researchers now recommend that we take time every day to protect our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.back.Exercises-ComprehensionChoose the best answer for each of the following.1.Researchers have learned that i

34、t is so benefit to ones health to .a.daydreamb.dream in ones sleepc.dream no dreamd.both a and bdback.Exercises-Comprehension2.According to some researchers,positive daydreaming may give people .a.a chance to escape from real lifeb.poor mental healthc.a better understanding of othersd.improved conce

35、ntration and greater creativitydback.Exercises-Comprehension3.The author believed that by imagining success we may .a.improve our nervous systemb.learn to be happy with failurec.be helped to attain our goalsd.overcome our health problemscback.Exercises-Comprehension4.In the opinion of Dr.Harry Emers

36、on Fosdick,the way we imagine ourselves is often the way .a.we end upb.we are defeated c.we achieve successd.we driftaback.Exercises-Comprehension5.Dr.Maxwell Maltz explains that constructive daydreaming helps to .a.relieve a person of all tensions and problemsb.implant positive memory traces in the

37、 brainc.turn an imagined experience into a real oned.all of abovebback.Exercises-Comprehensiona.You dream about becoming a table tennis champion and play table tennis every chance you get.b.You plan to be swimming champion.In your daydreams you can almost feel and smell the water and hear the cheeri

38、ng crowd as you pull ahead of the other swimmers.c.You daydream about becoming a concert pianist,so much so that you have little time for practice sessions.d.You daydream before each competition in an effort to achieve a winning feeling.6.Which of the following statements describes a poor use of day

39、dreaming .cback.Exercises-Comprehension7.Daydreaming alone .a.can lead you to the attainment of your goalsb.will get you nowherec.will enable you to do well at schoold.will ensure you success in lifebback.Exercises-Comprehensiona.A little once in a long whileb.A great deal once in a long whilec.A li

40、ttle each dayd.A great deal each day8.Researchers think it advisable to daydream .cback.Exercises-VocabularyFill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below.Change the form where necessary.1.No one trusts Felix,for he is never punctual(准时的准时的)and often his duty.2.Greater efforts are need

41、ed before we can our goal of economic reform(改革改革)。affect project shape neglect interfere with attain hostile appropriately escape contribute to neglectsattainback.Exercises-Vocabulary3.I hope you _ not _ his work.4.As it turned out,the speaker was shouted down by _ crowd.5.The events that occurred

42、in his childhood _ his whole life.6.He finally succeed in _ the two graphs(曲线图曲线图)onto the same screen with an overhead projector(投影仪投影仪)。7.Young children may run around and make a lot of noise.Actually,they are acting _ for their age.shapedprojectingappropriatelyhostileinterfere withwillback8.For h

43、im reading novels was an _ from his harsh realities of his time.9.There is doubt that these measures _ the solution of the problem.10.Johnny has been warned time and again that reading in bed _ his eyesight,but he just wont listen.Exercises-Vocabularybackwill affectwill contribute toescape.Exercises

44、-CollocationUse the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it.1.Ive been assigned a lot of work.I must _ it right away or Ill fall behind my schedule.(go)2.Little did Susan _ getting a chance to pay a visit to the Great wall one day.(dream)3.Lanny has mad

45、e it a rule to _ a couple of hours on Sundays for reviewing the lessons he learned during the week.(set)go aboutset asidedream ofback.Exercises-Collocation4.My nephew does everything so carelessly that I dont see how he can ever _ much.(amount)5.Mrs.Bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the

46、noise outside should _ her sons sleep.(interfere)6.You _ the speed limit.Slow down a bit or youll be fined.(go)7.A medal was awarded to Ottos uncle,for he _ richly _ the war effort.(contribute)have gone beyondInterfere withamount totohad contributed back.Exercises-Collocation8.It remains unknown how

47、 the cabinet _ the American proposal.(react)9.I wrote to ask him how he _ his colleagues.(get)was getting along withreacted to back.Summary-ClozeFill in the missing words or phrases.You are sitting in a classroom on a warm day,listening to a history lecture.But the windows are _(1)_,and outdoors the

48、 birds are _(2)_and the trees are budding.The urge to gaze out of the _(3)_is irresistible,and you think of _(4)_ it would like to be out there,_s_(5)_ in the grass,relaxing,chatting with a friend _(6)_the sunlightThen the professor stops her discussion of the Roman Empire to _(7)_,”Mr.Smith,just wh

49、at is _s_(8)_interesting out of the window?”Suddenly,you are startled back to _r_(9)_.Only what is it,exactly,_t_(10)_ you have come back from.opensigningwindowwhatsittingsayinsorealitythatback.Summary-ClozeFill in the missing words or phrases.It was _(11)_exactly that there was a specific thing out

50、 of the window that interested you.Rather,the mood of the spring day set you off into _d_(12)_.Daydreaming and fantasy are not quite the _s_(13)_.Fantasy is more self-directed.In a daydream,your t_(14)_wander unconsciously in unexpected directions.notdaydreamingsamethoughtsback.Summary-ClozeFill in


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