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1、Part3Part3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3应用文应用文邀请信1.Its my honour to invite you to.非常荣幸地邀请您2.Were holding a party for Toms birthday.Wed like to invite you to the party.我们将为汤姆举办生日派对。我们想邀请你参加。3.We are having/planning.on.and we feel it would be our honour if you can join

2、 us.我们将于举行,如果你能来参加将会是我们的荣幸。4.I wonder if you would like to come to my birthday party.我想知道你是否愿意来参加我的生日派对。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体35.To begin with,we will.Besides,there will be lots of activities such as.which will.首先,我们将此外,将会有很多活动,例如这将6.The following are some details about this activ

3、ity./Here are some details about this activity./Some details about this activity are as follows.活动的细节如下。7.I would appreciate it if you could do me a favour.如果你能帮我个忙,我会非常感激。8.I would feel much honoured if you could come.如果你能来,我将倍感荣幸。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体39.We would appreciate it i

4、f you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.如果你能在你方便时尽早确认参加,我们将不胜感激。10.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.如果方便的话,我们希望你能接受我们的邀请。11.An early reply is appreciated.我会非常感激你的早日回复。12.Im sure youll have a good time in Beijing.我确信你在北京会玩得很开心。13.Im l

5、ooking forward to seeing you.我盼望着见到你。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3申请信1.I am writing to apply for the position of the Chinese teacher.我写信申请汉语教师一职。2.I learned on your website that.我从你们的网站上得知3.Im writing to apply for a valuable chance to be.The following are my advantages.我写信申请的宝贵机会。以下是我的优

6、势。4.I am extremely glad to see your advertisement for.看到你登的的广告,我非常高兴。5.I am confident that Im equal to doing./Im suitable for./Im qualified to do.我确信,我能胜任做/我适合/我有做的资格。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.I would really appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.如果你能考虑我的

7、申请,我将不胜感激。7.I would appreciate it if I have the chance of doing/to do.如果我有做的机会,我将不胜感激。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3建议信1.I am writing to give you a hand/give you some suggestions.我写这封信的目的是给你一些帮助/建议。2.Im pleased to receive your letter asking for my advice on how.非常高兴收到你的来信,在信中,关于如何你向我征求建议

8、。3.As for/When it comes to.I would like to recommend/suggest.关于/当涉及我想推荐/建议4.Youve asked me for advice regarding/with regard to.and Ill try to make some suggestions.关于你向我征求建议,我会尽量提出一些建议。5.My suggestions are as follows./The following are my suggestions.我的建议如下。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3

9、6.You may consider doing the following things.你可以考虑做如下的事情。7.I know you have trouble in learning English after reading your letter.在读了你的信之后,我知道你在英语学习上有困难。8.It is important to do.as.做很重要,因为9.You may/might as well have a try.你不妨试一试。10.If I were you,I would help him.如果我是你,我会帮助他。11.Doing.is a better choi

10、ce.做是一个更好的选择。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体312.I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you./I hope you will find these suggestions useful.我希望我的建议对你有益。/我希望你认为这些建议有帮助。13.I hope you will take my advice into consideration.我希望你会考虑我的建议。14.I feel that it would be useful if you stick to.我认为,如

11、果你坚持的话,会有益处的。15.Personally/In my opinion/As far as Im concerned,it would be wise to take the following actions.在我看来,采取如下行动是明智的。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3道歉信1.Please accept my sincere apologies for not going to your party.我没去参加您的联欢会,请接受我真诚的道歉。2.Im writing to apologize for./I am writin

12、g to say sorry for.我写这封信是为了而道歉。3.I am writing to convey/express my heartfelt apologies to you.我写信向你表达真切的歉意。4.I am sorry for not being able to come to your party due to the fact that.我非常抱歉不能参加你们的晚会,因为5.I am terribly sorry,but something unexpected came up.我非常抱歉,发生了一件意想不到的事。6.The reason why I fail to.i

13、s that.我未能的原因是Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体37.Much to my regret,I was unable to.and I wish that my apologies could help to some extent.很遗憾,我不能够希望我的道歉在某种程度上能起作用。8.Once again,Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于造成的任何不便我再次表示歉意。9.I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understan

14、d my situation.我真心希望你能接受我的道歉并理解我的处境。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3感谢信1.I am extremely grateful to you for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。2.I am writing to convey my gratitude to you for./express my thanks for.我写这封信是为了表达我对你的感激/为了表达我对的谢意。3.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did for me.我

15、衷心感谢你为我做的一切。4.Id like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help.我谨借此机会对您给予我们及时的帮助表达感谢。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体35.I would like to express in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for.在信中我要为向您表达我诚挚的谢意。6.I can never thank you enough./I appreciate i

16、t more than I can say.感激之情,无以言表。7.I will be more than glad if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by.如果我有机会通过报答你的好意,我会非常高兴。8.Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping us to.非常感谢您为帮助我们所做的一切。9.Again,I would like to convey our sincere thanks to you./Thanks again for your kind he

17、lp.再次向你表示我们衷心的感谢。/对你的好意相助再次表示感谢。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3询问信1.I am writing to ask you several relevant questions.我写信向你询问一些相关的问题。2.I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information concerning/regarding.我写信想看看你是否能给我提供一些关于的信息。3.I am.I wonder if you could prov

18、ide some information about your company.我是我想知道你是否能提供给我一些贵公司的资料。4.I would also like to ask about./Id like to know something about.我还想咨询/我想知道关于的一些事情。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体35.I wonder/am wondering if you would/could let me know something about this book.不知道你是否能够告知我有关这本书的情况。6.Thank yo

19、u for your kindness,and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.感谢你的好意,对于你对这封信的及时关注我们将非常感激。7.Another point I am not certain about is.我还不确定的另外一点是Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3投诉信1.I wish to express my dissatisfaction with/at.我想表达我对的不满。2.I wish to make a complaint a

20、bout the noise.我想就噪音问题提出投诉。3.Im.a customer who bought.from your website several days ago.I am writing to you to complain about.我是几天前我从你们的网站上购买了的一位顾客。我写信向你们投诉4.I am completely disappointed to hear the news.听到这个消息,我感到非常失望。5.I can hardly put up with it any more.我再也无法容忍这件事了。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实

21、各种文体文体1文体2文体36.I hope you will kindly investigate.我希望能劳驾您调查7.To improve the situation,it is advisable for you to take the following suggestions.为了改善这种情况,建议你采取以下措施。8.I believe that you will take my complaints seriously and.我相信你会认真对待我的投诉,并且9.I do hope that someone will take effective measures to deal

22、with this matter.我真的希望有人能采取有效措施解决这个问题。10.I hope you will give due attention to this problem.我希望对此事你能给予足够的重视。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3求助信1.I have some difficulty in learning English,which bothers me a lot.So I have no choice but to turn to you for help.我在英语学习方面有困难,这很困扰我。所以我别无选择只能向你求助

23、。2.I am writing to ask you to do me a favour.我写信请你帮我个忙。3.What bothers me is that I dont know what to do.困扰我的事情是我不知道做什么。4.Faced with/Facing so many problems,I have to turn to you for help.面对如此多的问题,我不得不向你求助。5.Im eager for your timely help./Im eager to get your timely help.我渴望得到你及时的帮助。Part 3Part 3万能句型万

24、能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.I would appreciate it if you could do me a favour and./I will be very grateful if you could help me.如果你能帮助我我会非常感激。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3约稿信1.Would you please write something about.?您能否写一些关于的内容?2.Im writing to ask you to write an article for our schools

25、English newspaper.我写信是想请您为我们学校的英文报写一篇文章。3.An article about.is especially welcomed.我们尤其欢迎关于的文章。4.Could we have your article before.?您能在之前完成这篇文章吗?5.200 words or so would be fine.大约二百词就好。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3推荐信1.The reason why I recommend you to read the book is that.我推荐你读这本书的原因是2

26、.Im very excited to learn that you are going to.Im writing this letter to offer my recommendation.得知你将我很髙兴。我写这封信是为了向你提出我的建议。3.I would appreciate it if you could take my advice.如果你能接纳我的建议,我将非常感激。4.Ill be more than happy if you can take my ideas/suggestions into consideration.如果你能考虑我的想法/建议,我会非常髙兴。5.Il

27、l be extremely pleased if you can consider my recommendation.如果你能考虑我的建议,我会非常高兴。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3祝贺信1.Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your recovery.对你的康复请接受我最真诚的祝贺。2.I want to congratulate you with all my heart.我想向你致以最诚挚的祝贺。3.Congratulations on your winning first

28、 prize in the.contest.祝贺你在比赛中获得一等奖。4.You dont know how excited we were at the news of your recent success.We are proud of being your friends.得知你最近成功的消息,我们无比激动。我们以作为你的朋友而自豪!Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3通知1.Every one of you is expected to be part of the event.期望你们每个人都能参加这个活动。2.All are req

29、uested to come on time.要求所有人都不能迟到。3.An exciting event.is around the corner.最近要开展一项精彩的活动。4.Come on,everybody!Its your show time!大家快来吧!展示你们自己的时间到了!5.You are expected to finish it on time.你需要按时完成这件事。6.Have an active part in it,and wish you good luck!快来积极参加吧,祝你们好运!Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2

30、文体3演讲稿1.欢迎词:(1)Its my special pleasure to welcome.我特别高兴地欢迎(2)Its a great honour for me to give a speech here.在此发表演讲我感到非常荣幸。2.开幕词:(1)Welcome,everybody.Thanks for coming to our.to celebrate this happy event.欢迎大家。感谢你们前来参加我们的以庆祝这一令人高兴的事件。(2)Merry Christmas,everyone.Im more than pleased to see all of you

31、 here to.祝各位圣诞快乐。我非常高兴在这里见到你们所有人Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体33.欢送词:(1)We enjoyed every minute you spent with us.我们非常享受你和我们在一起度过的每一分钟。(2)Time flies and we have to say goodbye;because you are going back to.时光飞逝,我们不得不说再见了,因为你们将要回到4.答谢词:(1)Words cant convey how grateful I am to you all.我无法用

32、言语表达我对你们所有人的感激。(2)First of all,I want to thank you all for inviting me to.首先,我想感谢你们各位邀请我来Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3议论文议论文表示赞同或反对1.I am for.我支持2.Personally,I prefer the second option.就我个人而言,我比较喜欢第二种选择。3.Some people are in favour of the idea of(doing).一些人赞同(做)的观点。4.Other people stand o

33、n a different ground.其他人坚持不同的立场。5.In this case,in my view,.should be encouraged,if time permits,because it can benefit us a lot.我认为,在这种情况下,如果时间允许应该被鼓励,因为这对我们大有益处。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.As for me.should never be sacrificed to make way for.我认为不应当牺牲来实现7.I believe that as long as.sh

34、ould not be forbidden.我相信,只要就不应该被禁止。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3引出各方观点1.People may have different views on.人们对可能会持有不同的观点。2.Different people hold different attitudes towards./Attitudes towards.vary from person to person.对待的态度因人而异。3.Peoples opinions/viewpoints/views/points of view on.var

35、y from person to person.Some hold that.However,others claim that.人们对的看法各不相同。有些人认为然而,其他人却认为Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体34.People hold different opinions about.Some people are of the view that.while others point out that.对于人们持有不同的观点。一些人支持这一观点,而其他人指出5.There are different/various views amon

36、g people as to.Some people recognize/think/believe/argue/hold that.However,other people firmly believe that.As for me,I agree to the former/latter.对于人们的观点大不相同。一些人认为然而,其他人坚信 就我而言,我同意前者/后者。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3提出建议1.There is no doubt that enough emphasis must be put on the matter.

37、毫无疑问,对问题应给予足够重视。2.Its high time that we put an end to/took measures to.是我们停止/采取措施做的时候了。3.Obviously,if we want to.it is necessary/essential that.显然,如果我们想要的话是有必要的。4.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。5.Only in this way can we solve the problem.只有这样,我们才能解决问题。Part 3Pa

38、rt 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.We should try our best to conquer/overcome the difficulties.我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难。7.We should take some effective measures to protect the animals.我们应该采取有效措施来保护动物。8.It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展,这是迫在眉睫的。9.We sh

39、ould solve the matters that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们所面临的困难。10.Therefore,in order to.effective measures should be taken to.所以,为了必须采取有效措施来Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体311.It is essential/necessary that effective/proper measures/actions/steps should be taken to end the phenomen

40、on/situation/tendency.有必要采取有效/恰当的措施来结束这种现象/情况/趋势。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3论证过渡1.To begin with.Next.In addition.Finally.首先其次此外最后2.To start with.Then.Furthermore.Finally.首先其次然后最后3.A number of reasons could lead to/account for/result in the fact that.Firstly.Secondly.Thirdly.引起的原因有很多。首

41、先第二第三4.Most important of all.Besides.Finally.最重要的是此外最后5.First and foremost.Moreover.Last but not least.首要的是此外最后但同样重要的是Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.is one thing.is another.是一回事是另一回事。7.On the one hand.On the other hand.一方面另一方面8.To put it differently/In other words.换言之9.For example.例如Par

42、t 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3阐述原因1.This phenomenon exists for a large number of reasons.之所以出现这一现象,是有很多原因的。2.The reason why.is that.的原因是3.There are two reasons for.关于有两个原因。4.The reasons are chiefly as follows.其原因主要如下。5.The reason for this is obvious.关于这一点的原因是显而易见的。6.The reason for her absen

43、ce was that she was ill.她之所以缺席是因为她病了。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体37.Why.?For one thing.for another.为什么?一方面另一方面8.As far as I am concerned,the reason of.mainly lies in.在我看来的原因主要是9.The phenomenon of.is caused/brought both by.and by.现象是由和引起的。10.The problem is attributed to.(产生)这个问题的成因是11.In

44、 my point of view,the existence of.is resulted from two factors.在我看来的存在是由两方面的因素造成的。12.Owing to/Thanks to/Due to/As a result of/Because of.因为Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3指出现象或争议话题1.There is no denying(the fact)that.不可否认的(事实)是2.We cannot ignore the fact that industrialization brings the p

45、roblems of pollution.我们不能忽略工业化会带来污染问题这样的事实。3.No one can deny the fact that.没有人可以否认的事实。4.However,thats not the case.然而,事实并非如此。5.Nowadays.has become a serious problem we have to face.现如今已成为我们不得不面对的严峻问题。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体36.Nowadays there is a growing concern over.如今,人们越来越担忧7.Rec

46、ently the problem of.has been brought into focus.最近的问题引起了关注。8.With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people realize that.随着科学技术的迅速发展,越来越多的人意识到9.When it comes to.some hold/think/believe.当提到时,有人认为10.It is universally acknowledged that air and water are very important to man

47、.众所周知,空气和水对人类来说非常重要。Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体311.It is a common belief that./It is commonly believed that.人们普遍认为12.The latest surveys conducted by.reveal/show/indicate that.最近由开展的调查显示Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3说明文说明文强调重要性1.It plays an important part in our life.这在我们的生活

48、中起着重要的作用。2.It is necessary/vital/important for sb to do.对某人来说,做是必要的/至关重要的/重要的。3.Although it seems.it is true that.are very important in.虽然似乎但确实在方面是非常重要的。4.With the rapid growth of economic development,.have/has become increasingly important in our daily life.随着经济的快速增长在我们的日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。Part 3Part 3万

49、能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体35.The influence from family education on the all-round development of the students should never be underestimated.家庭教育对学生全面发展的影响不容轻视。6.Not only does it symbolize.but also it acts as.它不仅象征着而且还作为Part 3Part 3万能句型万能句型,充实各种文体充实各种文体文体1文体2文体3指出事物的积极作用1.It is of great benefit to

50、 us./It is very beneficial to us./It benefits us quite a lot.它对我们非常有益。2.It has the following advantages.它有如下优势。3.have/has a positive effect/influence/impact on.对有积极的影响。4.In my view,it is a win-win strategy that benefits both.and.我认为这是一个双赢的策略,对和都有利。5.The increasing popularity of.suggests that the ben


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