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1、重庆市合川区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1 Jane, can you play _violin? No, I cant. But I can play baseball.AtheBaCanD/2Why do you like listening to music?Because I can relax _ when I feel tired.AyourselfBherselfChimselfDmyself3We are not sure _ we can win the 100-meter relay race.I think y

2、oull win if you try your best.AwhetherBwhyCwhenDhow4Betty, do you like the red roses?Yes. I think they _love.Aprepare forBstand forCworry aboutDcome from5Bill is ill and the doctor says his illness is the _ of eating unhealthy food.AresultBadviceCpillDhobby6Youd better _ Tom at 6:00 a.m., or hell be

3、 late for school.OK, I will.Aput upBlook upCwake upDstay up7There _ a soccer game this Friday.Awas going to haveBis going to beCis going to haveDwas going to be8Our English teacher often tells funny stories to make us _.Ato laughBlaughingClaughDlaughed9Hi, Mary. I called you last night, but nobody a

4、nswered.Sorry. I _ in the kitchen at that time.AcookBcookedCam cookingDwas cooking10The English passage is hard to understand because there are _ twenty new words in it.Aat firstBat leastCat onceDat last二、完形填空Long time ago, there was a king (国王) in England. He was kind but too lazy. He would do _11_

5、 except eating and sleeping. Soon he became _12_ and heavy. Later, he couldnt _13_ move his body. He thought he was ill. But no doctors in his country could help him.One day, an old man heard about the kings story. He wanted to give him a _14_. The king decided to let him try.The old man lived far a

6、way. He said to the king, “Ill do _15_ best to help you. You need to come to me for treatment (治疗) tomorrow. But you have to walk here.” “_16_, kind man. Ill do so.” the king answered.The next day the king _17_ the mans house early. After he arrived, the king found only the mans son was at home. The

7、 son told the king to come the next day. He came every day for two weeks, but he _18_ saw the old man. When the king became _19_, he found he became light.He realized (明白) _20_ the old man asked him to walk so far.Walking can build you up. Its easy and doesnt cost money.11AsomethingBanythingCeveryth

8、ingDnothing12AfatBtallCstrongDcute13AstillBevenCjustDreally14AhandBletterCmedalDquestion15AmyByourChisDher16AFinallyBSuddenlyCCertainlyDBrightly17Astood forBleft forClooked forDprepared for18AusuallyBoftenCalwaysDnever19AangryBaloneCcoolDfit20AwhereBwhatCwhenDwhy三、阅读单选A Plan for Winter HolidayJackGe

9、t a part-time job1. Practice myself2. Get experiencesSandyStudy1. Get ready for high school2. Feed my mindKateTravel1. Open up my eyes2. Relax BobStudy &Exercise1. Have after-school classes2. Be healthy and strong 21For winter holiday, _ will try to find a part-time job.ASandyBJackCKateDBob22Kat

10、e would like to _ during the winter vacation.AstudyBtravelCexerciseDwork23Sandy plans to study in winter because she wants to _.Apractice herselfBopen up her eyesChave after-school classesDget ready for high schoolOne Monday morning, when I was waiting for the train, suddenly I felt uncomfortable (不

11、舒服的). I couldnt stand still, then fell down and the world went black. Someone shouted, “Oh, my God, shes falling.” I only remembered that the doctor asked me my name. This happened because I was too tired. I was busy cleaning my new house and I ate little last weekend.The doctor told me that a kind

12、man saw me fall down. He got to me right away, and told others to call 120. He stayed with me until the ambulance (救护车) arrived. Then he went with me to the hospital, so he missed his train. At last, this kind man left without telling us his name.I dont know the kind mans name. But if he reads this

13、article and remembers a young girl fainting (晕倒) at the train station, Id like him to know that I want to say “Thank you” to him. If I meet with such a man, I will do the same as he did to me. And Ill pass on the kindness to others.24When did the writer feel uncomfortable suddenly?AOne Monday evenin

14、g.BOne Friday morning.COne Friday evening.DOne Monday morning.25Why did the writer fall down?AAn ambulance hit her.BA train hit her.CShe didnt eat enough food.DHer leg hurt badly last weekend.26How did the writer go to the hospital?ABy bus.BBy ambulance.CBy taxi.DBy car.27According to the passage, t

15、he writer will _.Aspend lots of time finding out the mans nameBhelp more people like the manCdo some cleaning at the train station on weekendsDsay “Thank you” to others more oftenMillions of years ago, dinosaurs (恐龙) controlled the earth. And there were different types of dinosaurs on the earth. Som

16、e of them were no bigger than chickens, but all of them had very small brains (大脑). Later on, there werent any dinosaurs. What happened to them?In the days of dinosaurs, the whole earth was warm and wet. There were many green forests.But the earth changed slowly all the time. When parts of the earth

17、 became cold and dry, the forests there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough food to eat. This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.Whats another reason? We can make a guess. New kinds of animals came to the earth. Some had big brains and were fast and strong. They could kill dinosaurs. S

18、ome ate dinosaur eggs, too.There may be other reasons that we do not know about. Each year, people will find some dinosaur footprints (脚印) and bones. Scientists are trying to tell us more about dinosaurs.28Millions of years ago, dinosaurs controlled the _.AoceanBearthClakeDland29The word “dry” means

19、 _ in Chinese.A多风的B多雨的C干燥的D炎热的30What can we learn from this passage?ADinosaurs had very big brains.BDinosaurs left nothing on the earth,CScientists are trying to study dinosaurs.DScientists know everything about dinosaurs.31The best title of the passage may be _.AWhy Dinosaurs Died OutBWhere dinosau

20、rs LivedCWhen Dinosaurs Died OutDWhat Dinosaurs Looked LikeAfter my Grade 8 in China, I went to study in a boarding (寄宿) school for the boys in the UK. The school life is quite different from that in China.At 7:30 each morning, we get up and put on our school uniform (校服). We wear a suit, tie and le

21、ather shoes. We dont have morning reading, but we spend the morning discussing problems with our teacher and share ideas with our classmates in our classroom. In the evening, we do our homework quietly for about two hours.Also we can take part in many different kinds of activities. We have over 30 c

22、lubs, such as soccer, swimming, and tennis. During lunchtime or after school, I often go to play soccer with my friends. Im also taking a class called digital creator (小小编程师). Its about how to code (编程) and make small computer programs (小程序). It is interesting and Ive learned a lot.Boarding school h

23、as opened a window for me. My new life in the UK is colorful.32Students in the UK spend their morning _.Adoing their homework quietlyBmaking small computer programsCreading books aloud in the classroomDdiscussing problems with the teacher33The writer mainly talks about _ in Paragraph 3.AclubsBclasse

24、sCactivitiesDprograms34Which of the following is TRUE?AThe writer lived in the USA many years ago.BThe writer goes home after school every day.CThe writer just finished high school in China.DThere are no girl students in the writers UK school.35We can infer (推断) that _.Athe writers school life is ba

25、dBthe school has a lot of new windowsCthe writer likes his school in the UKDthey have Chinese classes every weekDear humans,Its the first time I write to you, my children. I once sent you many messages, but you never cared about them. So I decided to write you a letter.First, let me tell you more ab

26、out our family. Besides you, my dear humans, I also have many other children. Some of them fly in the sky, some of them swim in water and some of them run in forests. Some of them are small and some of them are large.They might be very close to you, or even live in your house. But there are also oth

27、ers that maybe you will never meet.You bring them home to be your pets, friends, and helpers. You put them in zoos. You kill them for their meat or parts of their bodies. And you even hunt (猎杀) them for fun. They bring you money and happiness. But they also bring you disease and death (死亡).I hope yo

28、u can remember that wild animals are not your food or clothes. They are not killers, either. They are, in fact, your brothers and sisters. _Humans, you are smart and hardworking. You can decide where you go, as well as I go.But you dont listen to me. Instead, you are polluting memy air, my forests,

29、my rivers. You ask for so much of me, more than what I can give you. Im worried that one day you will have no place to live in.So, humans, I hope you and all my other children can live happily in my arms.Yours,Mother Earth36According to the passage, its the _ time for Mother Earth to write to humans

30、.AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth37In Mother Earths heart, “many other children” _.Awill never meet humansBwont bring humans deathCare humans food and clothesDare as important as humans38Which of the following sentences can be put in the _?AThey can be your servants (仆人).BThey are dangerous for you.CYou s

31、hould grow up together.DYou should put them in zoos.39Mother Earth writes the letter to tell us humans that _.Ashe sent us no messages beforeBwe should do something to protect wild animals and herCshe can give us far more than she hasDwe are kind enough to her other children四、补全对话7选5选择适当的答语完成下面的对话,并

32、将选项字母填入答题卡上相应题号后的横线上,备选答语中有两项为多余选项。A: Hello, is Jack in?B: This is Jack speaking. _40_A: This is Mike. I want to go for a picnic in Beihai Park. Do you want to go with me?B: Sure. _41_A: Ill take some food and drinks. _42_B: OK. Shall I take my camera? We can take some photos.A: _43_B: When and wher

33、e shall we meet then?A: Lets meet at half past eight at the bus stop.B: OK. See you then.A: _44_ Its hot tomorrow.B: All rightAYou can take some fruits.BOh, dont forget to wear cool clothes.CWhos speaking?DYoud better wear your sweater.EGood idea!FSo what shall we take?GShall we buy something to eat

34、 this afternoon?五、阅读回答问题根据短文内容,回答问题。Im a Chinese girl and my name is Chen Huan. I study in Boston, America. My school in Boston opened 2 months ago, but the pandemic (流行病) is still a problem there. I decided to stay in China and take online classes that my school gives in Boston.My teachers try to m

35、ake their classes more interesting. My English teacher, Miss Green, for example, plays the violin as part of her class. My art teacher, Mr. Brown, asks us to draw each other and show the pictures in class.Because of the time difference, I have to stay up late. I have to set alarms (闹钟) to wake me up

36、, as classes go from 8 pm to 4 am. Because Im the only student in my class studying online, my teachers like to put me on a big screen. Everyone can see me yawn (打哈欠) clearly.After my classes are over, I go to sleep at once. Sometimes I try to enjoy the sunrise for a while. So far, so good!45Is Chen

37、 Huan a Chinese girl?_46Whos Chen Huans art teacher?_47How long do the classes last?_48Do you like to take online classes? Why or why not?_六、改写句子49Travelling will be much cheaper than before.(改为否定句)Travelling _ _ much cheaper than before.七、划线部分提问50Helen used to play soccer.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Helen use to

38、do?八、同义句转化51This tree is bigger than any other tree in Zhaojiadu Park.(改为同义句)This is _ _ tree in Zhaojiadu Park.九、完成句子52为什么不加入我们的音乐课堂呢? (完成译句)_ _ join our music lessons?53我们轮流打扫教室。(完成译句)We clean the classroom _十、短文语境提示填空根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。It is very important for us to live and work s

39、afely: In China, safety education (安全教育) is _54_ more and more important now. Students had better learn to keep themselves _55_.Stampedes (踩踏) and fires are the main accidents. Maybe students usually meet these accidents. How can students protect ourselves _56_ the accidents?A stampede always _57_ i

40、n crowded places. When students around you begin to push, just stand there and try to _58_ on to something. If you fall down, move to one _59_ and protect your head with your two hands around it.When theres a fire, try to leave the building as _60_ as possible. It is better to cover mouth and _61_ w

41、ith something wet. If you dont do like this, the fire and smoke may hurt you easily. Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm in a fire.十一、材料作文62你们学校的英语俱乐部正在举行以“健康的爱好、快乐地生活”为主题的英语征文比赛。请你根据下面的提示,以My Hobby为题写一篇短文参加比赛。过去玩电脑游戏耗时有害健康现在做运动强身健体(请补充)听音乐(请补充)要求:1)必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥;2)意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3)词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。My HobbyDifferent people have different hobbies. Some hobbies are good for us while some are bad. Its important for us to have good ones. _试卷第9页,共10页


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