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1、四川省成都市田家炳中学&川师附属中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Tom has _ sore leg and the doctor advise him to have _ X-ray.Aa; anBa; theCthe; the2Will your brother go to Marys birthday next Tuesday?No, he said he was too busy these days, so he _ her invitation.AacceptedBrepliedCturned down

2、3Are you free this weekend?No, Im not. I have _ to do.Aanything specialBsomething specialCspecial something4What makes her so unhappy?Maybe. It _ her bad grades in the test.Ais similar toBhas something withCis up to5If I _ Bob this evening, I _ him to call you.Awill meet; will askBmeet; will askCmee

3、t; ask6Do you have any plans for this Sunday?I am not sure. I _ go to the zoo with my best friend.AcanBmayCshould7Who got better grades in the exam, Dale or Alex?Dale. He wrote _ him.Aless beautifully thanBas beautifully asCmore beautifully than8Were not very close friends _ weve know each other for

4、 a long time.AthoughBunlessCif9Be quiet! The students _ an English exam.AtakeBare takingCwill take10Could you get to the museum before 3 oclock? _. Im still at the meeting then.AI hope soBNo problemCIm afraid not二、补全对话5选5根据对话内容,从下面选出适当的选项补全对话,并将选项的编号依次填入题号后横线上。Sally: Hi, Tina. _11_Tina: A Brief intr

5、oduction of Time (时间简史) by Stephen Hawking.Sally: I have heard of this book, too. _12_Tina: Its about time, space and future. Sally: What does he think the future will be like?Tina: _13_There wont be any other planet, either. Sally: Really? His book is really interesting. After reading it, do you wa

6、nt to be a scientist like him when you grow up?Tina: Oh, no. I just read the book for fun. Sally: _14_Tina: I want to be a teacher. _15_Sally: Hope your dream can come true.AThen what do you want to be?BWell, he thinks there wont be the earth in the future.CWhat is it about?DWhat are you reading?ESo

7、 I am going to study education first.三、完形填空Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Some people think talking to friends _16_ lot. Robert Hunt gives adv

8、ice to students about common problems. It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve _17_. He thinks the first step is to find someone you _18_ to talk to. They can keep your secret. Students often forget that their parents have more _19_ and are always there to help th

9、em. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in _20_. So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.16AhelpsBfeelsChappens17AitBthatCthem18AlikeBknowCtrust19AinformationBexperienceCdifference20AhalfBtwoCneedOn a cold November afternoon, my mother and I

10、 were walking home from a pizza store. I was feeling a little _21_ when I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks. They were so heavy that I decided to _22_ away some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can (垃圾桶) when I saw a poor man holding a paper bag with his dirty _23_. He headed

11、over to another nearby garbage can and started _24_ through it. I suddenly felt very guilty (内疚的) because I wanted to throw away a new drink jus because it was _25_. I knew this man would _26_ all the things he could get, so I walked up to him and handed the _27_ and some snacks over to him. The man

12、 looked up in surprise and took what I gave to him. With a big smile on his face, he said, “Wow, first someone give me this sandwich, then this drink, and some tasty food. This is my sons _28_ day.”With that, he thanked me happily. I got a warm feeling inside and I knew I had done something good. I

13、now understand _29_ is the meaning of saying “Giving is getting”.That mans _30_ always reminds (提醒) me of doing something nice.21AquietBtiredCexcited22AgetBputCthrow23AhandBfootCback24AwalkingBgoingClooking25AunhealthyBheavyCcheap26AplayBtakeCsell27AbagBmeatCdrink28AgoodBluckyChappy29AwhatBwhyCwhen3

14、0AsmileBsonCfriend四、阅读判断Henry was a very vain(爱慕虚荣的) man and he spent plenty of time looking at himself in the mirror. He even went to the barbers shop every week to have his hair cut. He was nearly fifty, but he didnt want people to know his age, so he always tried his best to make himself look you

15、nger. He also spent most of his money on clothes. He believed that every woman thought he was handsome. He did not have women friends, but he had an explanation(解释) for this. Im so excellent that the women cant make a perfect match with(和般配) me. Thats why they dont make friends with me.One day he bo

16、ught a new special shirt from a high-fashion mens shop. It was very expensive. When he got home and took it out of the box, he found a note in it. The note said, Please write to me and give me a photo of yourself. The note was signed Julia and there was an address to write to. Henry wrote to Julia a

17、t once, telling her about himself. Then he put a photo of himself in the envelope(信封) and posted it.A week passed and then he received a reply. He opened it quickly, hoping there would be a photo of a beautiful woman inside and that she would like to make friends with him.However, it was very disapp

18、ointing(令失望的) to him. The letter said, Dear Henry, thank you for writing to me. I work in the clothes factory. Everyone in the factory wants to know what kind of fool will buy such an ugly shirt. 31Henry went to the barbers shop every month.32Henry didnt want people to know how old he was.33Henry bo

19、ught a beautiful shirt from a high-fashion mens shop.34Henry didnt receive Julias photo.35Julia made friends with Henry according to the passage.五、阅读单选Most studies show that many animals can feel the weather changes. Here are some interesting facts about animals. AnimalsBehaviors (表现)Weather changes

20、BirdsA lot of birds get together and stay under the caves (屋檐) of houses. Heavy rain will come. SharksThey swim to deeper water. A big storm (暴风雨) will arrive. SpidersThere are more spiders than usual in autumn, and spiders are making larger webs (蜘蛛网) than usual. A cold and dry winter will come. Th

21、ere are fewer spiders and they make smaller webs. A warm and wet winter will come. AntsA lot of ants are on the grass. It is going to rain. The world of animals is very amazing. Sometimes you cannot explain why they can tell the weather before you or the weather report. If you want to know more abou

22、t them, you can read more articles about science on School Science Magazine.36The writer mentions (提到) the following animals EXCEPT (除了) _.AbirdsBpigsCsharks37If a big storm is coming, sharks will _.Aswim to upper waterBjump out of water oftenCswim to deeper water38If there are more spiders than usu

23、al in autumn and they make larger webs, the weather in the following winter will be _.Adry and warmBwarm and wetCdry and cold39Which of following is true?AScientists cant explain the behaviors of animals.BIf too many birds or animals get together, that means it will rain.CFew animals can feel the we

24、ather changes.40The best title for the passage is _.AAnimals and Weather ChangesBHow to Predict a stormCHow to Protect AnimalsYoure waiting to go into a large center. The person in front of you looks like Iron Man. The one behind you dresses up like a magician. There are so many people around you an

25、d they look funny and strange!Dont worry. They wont do anything bad to you. In fact, you might also look like one character from a famous Japanese or American comic book. All of you are excited about the San Diego Comic-Con. This important show for comic book lovers appears in July every year. It is

26、 usually from Thursday to Sunday. When it started in March, 1970, only 145 people showed up. Now over 130,000 comic book lovers go to the show each year. There are many activities at the show. People can take part in the cosplay (角色扮演) competition and win cool prices. They can buy all kinds of toys

27、and comic books. They can meet and talk with artists and writers. Also, they can go to discussion groups and learn about new cartoons, films and TV programs. Best of all, they get to spend time with famous people who play important roles in some cartoons. San Diego Comic-Con is one of the most excit

28、ing shows in the world. It seems like the show is right out of a comic book. In April 2020, Comic-Con International decided to cancel (取消) San Diego Comic-Con for the first time because of COVID-19. And because of COVID-19, the show was on June 6 and 7 this year.41Who may be the most interested in t

29、he San Diego Comic-Con?ARita. She enjoys buying strange clothes.BPaul. He wants to be a magician one day.CJack. He likes reading all kinds of comic books.42What can we infer from the numbers in the third paragraph?ASan Diego Comic-Con will last for more days.BSan Diego Comic-Con is the most popular

30、in America.CSan Diego Comic-Con is getting more and more popular.43What can people do at San Diego Comic-Con?Have a talk with artists and writers. Take part in the cosplay competition. Buy all kinds of toys and comic books. Play roles in cartoon with famous peopleABC44Whats the best title for the pa

31、ssage?AComic Book LoverBCharacters in Comic BooksCA Show for Comic Book Lovers六、根据首字母填空45The p_ work for the concert is finished. We are ready to start now.46My computer is not a_ now. There is something wrong with it.47These years, I have got a better understanding of what people t_ call a nice per

32、son.48Reading stories online may not s_ useful to improve our writing.49Earth Day is a c_ of life and our planet.七、填写适当的单词补全对话阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成短文中所缺的信息,并按编号把答案依次填在题后的横线上。A: What delicious pizza!B: Thanks. Do you want any more?A: Yes, please! I cant believe that you made it _50_. Did you take any cooki

33、ng classes? B: No. My mother teaches me how to cook. A: She must be a great cook, right?B: I think so. But she didnt know how to cook, not _51_ a bowl of noodles before she got married (结婚). My grandmother never allowed my mother to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking. So she had to take cookin

34、g classes to prepare meals after she got married. A: Is that the _52_ she teaches you to cook for?B: Yes. She doesnt want me to have the same experience and she hopes I can live _53_ her because she will leave me some day. I always help her in the kitchen. Sometimes we make dishes that my mother _54

35、_ knows how to make, and sometimes we learn to cook from recipes. A: Do you want to be a cook?B: No. Cooking is just one of my hobbies. I want to be a _55_. But my mother wants me to become a cook. A: Did you have a talk with her and tell her your dream?B: Yes, sure. I talked about it with her _56_

36、before. But every time, we ended up fighting. A: You can choose a good time to have _57_ talk with her. But remember to be respectful (尊敬). Parents are always _58_. If they know how you feel, they are sure to support your dream. B: I dont want to fight a third time. I think it is my _59_ business. I

37、 should decide for myself. I am having a weekly piano lesson now. A: Great! You seem to have a point.八、短文选词填空短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词井使用其适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。highbecausetallbetweenamonghealthgrowsleepgooddochildadultDo grown-ups still grow? Well, some parts of a grown-ups body do not grow, but s

38、ome do. Grown-ups cannot get _60_. The bones of their arms, legs and neck lose the ability _61_ longer. However, grown-ups do get shorter. After the age of 30, people start to become a little bit shorter. They will lose about two and a half centimeters of _62_ by the age of 55. They get shorter beca

39、use the connections _63_ bones, called cartilage (软骨), get pressed together. This happens even to children. Measure your height when you get out of bed in the morning and then again before you go to bed that night. You will be a little bit _64_ at night, because during the day, your cartilage has go

40、t pressed together. When you _65_, the cartilage expands (展开) and you are taller again in the morning.Grown-ups can grow bigger muscles (肌肉) if they exercise and eat _66_. Riding a bike or running a lot will make leg muscles bigger. _67_ push-ups (俯卧撑) will make arm muscles bigger. Its best to do so

41、me exercise for all the muscles.Eating lots of fatty and sugary food, like too many chips, crisps or sweets, can make adults and children put on weight. This is also a kind of _68_, but not a healthy kind. The best way to stay healthy and grow _69_ is to do exercise and eat a lot of different kinds

42、of healthy foods, like fruit and vegetables, and just a few crisps and sweets.九、阅读还原6选5补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的AF选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。Facebook is an American social media company (社交媒体公司) with more than 2.8 billion users. _70_ Along with the new name, Facebooks plan to build a “metatarsus” (虚拟世界). So what is a m

43、etatarsus? The world first appeared in a 1992 fiction book called Snow Crash. Simply put, its a shared virtual (虚拟的) 3D world. People wear VR headsets (虚拟现实头盔) to visit it. _71_ What can you do inside of the metatarsus? Probably anything you want. For example, you can meet other people no matter whe

44、re they are. _72_ So, if you cant find any friends to play basketball with, dont worry. Just jump into the metatarsus and join a game. The metatarsus can also build new places. Are you tired of visiting the summer beach every year? Forget Sanya. Meet your friends in the metatarsus and go to a beach

45、on the moon. _73_ You can fly over the sea or swim in it. _74_ But Cathy Hackl, a metatarsus expert, said her sons first concert was inside of a video game. “Just because it happened in a video game, it didnt make it less real for him,” she said.ACertainly, you can go anywhere else you can imagine (想象).BSome people may say that these experiences are not real.CYou can work and play with them at all times.DThese days it took a new name: Meta.EIt will feel real because it can simulate (模拟) our senses: sight, hearing, touch and even smell.FIn the near future, we will think about people an


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