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1、-Unit 3 A healthy lifeWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingContent analyze:本单元以健康话题为主题,听说读写等活动主要围绕如何健身,怎样成为健康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病,学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们远离有损健康的活动,并养成良好的习惯。课型设计与课时分配1stperiod2nd period3rdperiod4th period5th period6th period7thReadingLanguageExtensivewordGrammarSp

2、eaking&writinglisteningstudyreadingIntegrating skillsThe1stperiodTeaching Aims:Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.Difficulty and importanceLearn the bad effects of smoking and how to bive advice on stopping smoking.Learn in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes.Teach

3、ing methods:Discussion,cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching aidsA computer and a projectorTeaching Procedures & waysStep Warming-A healthy lifeA report -Health China,2005,which is about ten issues concerning Chinese people the most inthe year 2005.According to your understanding ,what a h

4、ealthy life is like? Can you guess what the ten issues are?A health life should include two aspectsA sample list : health issuesAIDS and infections ,parenting, relationships, food and nutrition,familyissues, environmentalhealth, domestic violence( 家庭暴力 ), air pollution,cancer, anxiety, birth control

5、, dental health,divorce, medical emergency treatment。Lookat the issues listed in the textbook on page 17.Whichissue do you think is the mostimportant one? Why ? Work in groups and have a discussion.Drug takingDrug taking is particularly important .it does great harm topeople shealth; it will gradual

6、ly kill aperson if he gets addicted to it. Buying drug costs a lot of money, many families break up in thisway. Our government has to spend much money on drug addicts treatment.Parenting is importantBecause many issues arise as a result of bad parenting or lack of care and love. If children grow upi

7、n happy and healthy families ,they will form good habits and keep away from bad habits.Smoking is importantSmoking does great harm to peopl eshealth, it causes damage to peopleslung and heart,smoking shortens people slifespan(寿命 )。 Smoking not only does harm to people who smoke, but also affect the

8、people around them.Allthese issues are importantand need tobe concerned. I am wonderingifany ofyousmoke?.We know some adolescents(青少年 )started smoking at very early years. Why do youthink they smoke?Some realized the harm of smoking and wanted to stop it, do you know any scientific ways ofstopping s

9、moking?StepText analysis listen to the tapeSummarize the main ideal of each paragraph.In 1st :in 2nd:In 3rd:In 4th:In 5th:How about the writing style and purpose of the text?The text is in the form of_,the purpose is to explain how people get addicted to cigarettes andaffects people shealth. It also

10、How can I stop smoking?How can I stop smoking?1Choose a day that is not stressful3Throw away all your cigarettes 5if you feel bad, ask a doctorStepReading2Make a list of all the benefits4Develop some other habitsI: ask the students to read the passage for five minutes then answer the following quest

11、ions:1. What kind of person do you think Jamesgrandfather is ? Possible answer:He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his daughtersandgrandson swell-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the internet. He appears to love hisgrandson.2. What are the suggestions Jamesgra

12、ndfather gives to quit smoking? Possible Suggestions to quit smoking:Prepare yourself Be determined Break the habitRelaxGet help if you need itKeep trying3. Do you think the information and advice on the internet page that Jamesgrandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking?

13、Possible answer:It sa good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look for more information than what is presented here.4. What else could have been included?5. What information could have been left out?II: Fill in the chart on the next page with information from the reading passage

14、.Different ways people can becomeaddicted to cigarettesHarmful physical effects for smokersEffects a person ssmoking can haveon other peopleEffectssmokingcanhaveonsporting performanceIII: Make a summary on how to stop smoking.IV: Reading and comprehendingA letter from granddad to James, he gives Jam

15、es some advice on stopping smoking. After readingthe letter, what kind of person do you think thegranddad is?From his words ,I think he is very _and advice on stopping smoking.Instead,first he tells.He doesn tgiveJamesand;Thenheto his similar experience as a teenager. So I think he is very carefulab

16、out_talking to his grandson about.Suppose you were his grandson, would you love to take his advice?P20 2Information from the reading passage1Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes2Harmful physical effects for smokersStep HomeworkMake sentences with the six words and phrasesDue to ,

17、addicted to ,accustomed to ,mentally, manage ,quitSearch on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking .Unit3 A healthy lifeListening, Speaking and WritingListeningTeaching goalsEnable the students to listen for details and catch the specific information as much as possi

18、ble.Learning ability goalsEnable the students to predict some important information in the process of listening and encourage the students to talk about the situations according to the listening materials.Teaching important and difficult pointsHow to make sure the answers of listening material.Teach

19、ing aidsA recorder and cassette tapes, a projector, and a computerTeaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up1. Are there any discos, karaoke bars or nightclubs in your districtforyoung people to goto?2. Have you ever been to places like these?3. Do you ever go to parties with your friends?4. Do you think

20、it is OK for alcohol to be available at places where young people meet?Step 2 Pre-listeningThe listening is a conversation between Tina and Sara about going to a disco.Let spredict: What kind of advise willTina give to Sara?Step 3 Listening1) Listen to the tape and tickthe things Sara is worried abo

21、ut.1. drugs2. smoking3. alcohol4. dancing2) Listen to the tape again and complete Tinassentences.1. Just say no. You don thave to do anything you don twant to.2. It is ok to drink orange juice or something instead.3. It would be a good idea to have something to eat before you go out, like rice or no

22、o dles.4.If someone offersyou a cigarette, don ttakeit.5.Well, you llhaveto learn. Let sget my CDplayer and I llteach you.Step 4 Listening on page 581) Listen to the tape and fill in the chart below Medical chartName: Li Yue Age:18 Occupation: student Today sdate:Symptoms: headaches, tired all the t

23、ime, not sleeping and eating wellPossible problem: stressProposed action:1. Do some tests to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong2. Discuss ways to relaxStep 5 Listening task1) Read the questions below and then listen to the tape to find the answers.1.What is the topic ofLiYues talk?2.Summariz

24、e LiYues talkin one sentence.2)Listen to LiYu estalk again and completethese sentences.1.ItsOKto.2.Becareful of_.3.Youalsoa balance in your life.4.If youto relaxand enjoy yourself, you canbecome.5.Youyour studytime withrest times.6.Youneed to. Youkeep in touchwithfriendsand to.7.So,myadviceto you to

25、day is toyourphy sical andmental healthas wellas your schoolwork.8.Justa day to_.9.Takeoccasionally tofilm,inthecountry orhiking.Keys:1. worryalittle2. worryingtoomuch 3. have to keep4.don ttake time out; stressed and stress leads toill health5.have to balance 6. have some sun; need to;getsome exerc

26、ise7.think carefullyabout 8.take30 minutes;getsome fresh air, do a little exercise or meetwith friends 9.time out; goto a; take abike ride;go3) Listen once more and then answer these questions.1. How long ago did Li Yue leave school? Two years.2. What is she doing now? She is studying at university.

27、3. Why didLi Yue say to the students “Ican see by your faces that youare all doing very well at school and that none of you are worriedabout the coming exams?”(Sample answer) Li Yue is making a joke to entertain the audience and keep them interested in her talk.4. Why is Li Yue a good person to give

28、 this talk to the students? Give at least two reas ons.Li Yue suffered stress herself so she knows what can cause stress and she knows how to prevent it. She is not much older than the students so she is a good role model.5. What does Li Yue say could happen if you study all the time without a break

29、?You could become stressed, which often leadstoill health.6. List five things Li Yuesuggests students coulddo to relax.Take 30 minutes a day toget some fresh air;getsome exercise; meetwith friends; go to a filmoccasionally; take abike ride in the country;go hiking.Step 6 HomeworkRead the listening m

30、aterials and pay attention to some key points.Speaking and writingTeaching materialNSEFC Book 6 Unit 3Teaching AimsEnable the students to give advice on quitting smoking.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHow to help the students to write a letter of giving advice on quitting smoking.Teaching aids

31、A computer and a projectorTeaching ProcedureStep1 Letter readingT: Read this letter and imagine you are the adviser who deals withstudents problems. List some helpfuladvice to give Xiao lei.Slide showLi Xiaolei203 Thames Street Oxford, OX41LFClass 2 Grade 2GZ Middle School,GZ, GD, China518036203 Tha

32、mes Street Oxford, OX41LF Friday 11 Nov.Dear students in Class 20 Grade 2,Can you help me, please? I have tried to stop smoking several times. Iam OK for two days and then I feel really sick and irritable and I have to start smoking again. I know smoking is a bad habit, but I just can tseem to give

33、it up. Do you have any useful tips?Yours sincerelyLi XiaoleiStep 2 DiscussionT: Discuss with your partner and make a list of the tips to quit smoking. Slide showTips on how to quit smokingWrite down why you want to quit(the benefitsof quitting):livelonger,feel better, for your family,save money, sme

34、llbetter, finda mate moreeasily,etc. Youknowwhats bad about smoking and youknow whatyoullgetby quitting.Put iton paper and read it daily.Set aquitdate. Decide what dayyou will extinguish yourcigarettes forever. Write itdown. Plan for it.Ask yourfamilyandfriendsto support your decision to quit.Talk w

35、ith your doctor about quitting.Beginan exercise program.Do some deep breathing each day for 3 to 5 minutes.Cut back on cigarettes gradually.Drinklotsof water.Find something to hold in your hand and mouth, to replace cigarettes.Wheneveryou have a craving fora cigarette, instead oflightingup, writedow

36、n yourfeelings or whatever is on yourmind.Believe inyourself. Believethat you can quit.T: Choose 3 pieces of most useful advice and write 2 or 3 sentences to explain how to do it.Step3 WritingT: Write a letter to give Xiao lei some helpful advice. You can refer to the structure and useful expression

37、s below.Slideshowstructurebeginning of theletter: show your sympathy for him and encourage himbodyof the letter: list the advice on how toquit smokingend ofthe letter: express yourwishand encourage himUsefulexpressionsHowto advise people aboutwhat todoDoYoushouldDontforget to It would be a goodidea

38、to It sOK/ allrightto Howto advise people about what not to doDon t Youdon thave to There is no need to It snotnecessary to Sample LetterDearLiXiaolei,I am sorry you have had so much trouble to stop smoking, but I amgladyou are stilltrying. Ihope the tips belowwillhelp you.Firstofall,don tgiveup. Th

39、emore oftenyoutrythemore likelyyou are toeventuallysucceed.Whenyoufeel irritable, don tautomaticallyreach for acigarette tomakeyou feel better. Take afewmoments to relax. Start by breathing deeplyand liftingyour arms out to the side and overyourhead.It isagood ideatodrinklotsof waterandeat lotsoffru

40、itwhenyouare quittingsmoking.Thiswillhelptoremovethe nicotinefrom yourbodyfasterand youwontfeelso sick.It isnormal to feelalittlestressed when youfirst give up smoking, but try to rememberthatitwillonlylasta fewdays and thenyouwillbegin to feel much better.Keep up the good work, LiXiaolei,and remind yourself how much healthi


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