智慧家托管智慧家托管携手携手泰伦国际英语培训学校泰伦国际英语培训学校试听公开课试听公开课张杰张杰On the farm duckchickenelephant sheepcatmonkeypandadogfishcowbirdOn the farm Farm 农场农场复习单词复习单词 review the words we have learnedCow 牛牛Sheep 绵羊绵羊 Chicken 鸡鸡Duck 鸭子鸭子Let us learn some new words 学习新单词学习新单词1.Dog 狗狗2.Cat 猫猫3.Panda 熊猫熊猫 4.Elephant 大象大象 dog A:-Whats this?B:-Its a dog!cat-Whats this?-Its a cat!One panda 一只大熊猫一只大熊猫Two pandas 两只大熊猫两只大熊猫Whats these?They are pandas!Whats this?Its a elephant!Elephant 大象大象动物单词小儿歌动物单词小儿歌 dog?Dog 汪汪汪,汪汪汪,cat?Cat 喵喵喵喵喵喵 bird?Bird 天天上飞上飞 panda?Panda 吃竹子吃竹子 elephant?Elephant 鼻子长鼻子长Bye,bye!