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1、2016年河北省职业院校信息化教学大赛语文出版社中职英语拓展模块Unit6 Chinese Heritage Reading: Beijing Opera (Period Two)教 学 设 计2016年8月14日Unit 6 Reading Beijing Opera 教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本课选自语文出版的中等职业教育课程改革国家规划新教材全国中等职业教育教材审定委员会审定英语(拓展模块)Unit 6 National treasures Reading。是满足中职学生个性发展和继续升学需要选修的公共基础英语教学内容。主要围绕Beijing Opera这一话题展开的,讲述了京剧的历史

2、、特点、角色、象征、名角名家等,为中职生了解、学习、传扬中国传统文化艺术提供了良好的契机。新课程标准强调英语教学要从学生的生活经验和认知水平、兴趣出发,倡导体验,实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型教学途径,发展学生的综合运用能力。作为一单元的核心和基础部分,本节教学重点是提高学生阅读能力及如何通过阅读获得知识、运用知识的能力。因本课文较长,内容较为深奥,在有限的时间内,如何在以阅读为主的教学过程中引导学生学习语言知识并运用这些知识进行语言交际、交流成为本课的难点。为此教师要在教学中把握重点,突破难点,为下面的Speaking and Speaking和Writing部分提供语言输入,奠定

3、了内容基础和能力基础。二、教学目标分析根据教学大纲的要求以及授课对象确定教学目标如下:1.知识与技能目标(1). 在学习和掌握30个hot words and 10个useful expressions的用法基础上,通过阅读从历史、特点、角色等五个方面了解京剧,引导学生理解、感悟京剧艺术。(2).逐步提高阅读能力和交流沟通能力;培养学生对京剧的欣赏能力。2. 情感与态度目标 (1).通过课堂教学音频、视频欣赏、文本阅读、课堂练习,学生们了解,并喜欢聆听和观看京剧,陶冶情操,增强艺术民族自豪感。同时激起其向国外笔友介绍国粹,播扬国粹,跨文化交流的愿望。 (2).在其阅读实践中提高自我学习,自主探

4、究能力,积极通过与他人互动合作、参与活动表达自我,提高自我在合作中进步,在互动中成长。3、策略与意识 通过不同的学习方法、方式的实践,学生们学会合作,学会交流,学会反思,不断调整自己在小组合作、团队竞争中扮演的角色,获得全面发展。三、学情分析: 职业中学的学生英语基础薄弱,水平参差不齐,但经过将近两年的学习,学生已经积累了一定的词汇量和相关的语言知识,具备的一定的口头表达能力,自主学习能力和合作学习意识。逐步适应了在任务型教学活动中学习英语,并能运用语言知识展开活动。但学生对京剧的了解比较肤浅,远不像对流行音乐那样热衷。这就需要老师努力营造一种轻松愉快的学习氛围,让学生在自主学习中展示;在合作

5、中提高;在反思中调整。让学生在领会教材和汲取文化精华的同时培养其思维能力,语言运用能力,激发他们热爱并传承民族艺术的思想和智慧的火花。四、教学过程与教学资源设计:RevisionLead-inFast readingCareful readingArt appreciationClass exercisesSummaryHomework具体教学步骤如下Pre-reading:Stepl Organize the class and revision(组织课堂与复习回顾) Ask the students to speak out the new words and expressions th

6、ey have learned last class with the help of some pictures. The teacher will give some hints if necessary. Costume /instrument proper/ former/ symbolic /acrobatics/ symbolism. 设计意图:让学生在直观形象的图片引导下,根据首字母说出英语单词,对上节课所学单词进行检测和复习。这样能迅速集中学生的注意力,使学生印象深刻,让学生很快进入到英语学习的氛围中。为阅读做好必要的词汇储备。Step 2 Lead- in(激趣引入)Show

7、 a video of Beijing Opera Farewell My Concubine(霸王别姬)sung by Li Yugangto the students. While watching it, ask them to pay attention to the music,the voice of singing, the costumesetc. Have a talk about Beijing Opera.T: Do you love the video?Ss:Yeah,very much. T: What kind of opera is shown in the vi

8、deo?Ss : Beijing Oprea霸王别姬。T: Which do you enjoy, its singing, dialogues, acrobatics or kungfu?S1: I enjoy its singingS2: I enjoy its dialoguesS3: I enjoy its kungfuS4: I enjoyT: Yeah, It combines many art forms. Now welcome to Beijing operaclass, lets study Beijing opera together.设计意图:播放视频霸王别姬以李玉刚的

9、一段婉转清丽的演唱,美轮美奂的舞台表演,让学生沉醉其中,迅速拉近国粹艺术与中职生的距离,经教师提示学生注意京剧的特点,并激起深入探究兴趣和阅读欲望。While-readingStep 3 Do a fast reading(速读5m)Let students skim the text with a task.Task: Get the main information of the text and underline the topic sentences or key words to get the main idea of the passage. (PPT出示任务)1 .Focus

10、ing on main information.T: Is Beijing opera the opera of the masses?S1:Yes,it is the opera of the masses. T: How many types of roles are there in Beijing opera? What are they? S2: There are four ,they are sheng ,dan, jing and chou.2. Focusing on reading skills. T: How do you usually find out a topic

11、 sentence? How many parts can the text be divided into, Can you use some key words to tell their main ideas? S3: Five. S4: The history; Characteristics ;The roles ;Symbolism; Famous artists. 设计意图: 此步骤将进入到课文学习的阶段,采用任务型教学方法,以提出问题、解决问题的学习方式,启发学生获取课文的主要信息,同时点拨阅读技巧一一寻找主题句,快速了解文章大意,为精读做好铺垫和准备。Step 4 Do a

12、careful reading(精读) 使用分段分解的策略让学生尝试运用不同的学习方式、学习手段获取信息,提高阅读能力。History ( Para 1 , 2)-Self study (PPT出示任务)Let students read the passage aloud and then fill in the gap.1. Beijing opera originate in(起源于何时/何) _ _ _ 2. Being opera has nothing _ _ _the opera of the West.(和一样)3. In 1790,four opera groups from

13、 Anhui Province_ _ _ (巡回演出)in Beijing _ _ _ _ _ the emperor.(奉之名)4. The artists(融合)techniques from operas of other places and(创立)their own highly unique music and performing techniques.设计意图:让同学们大声朗读锻炼流利阅读的能力。通过独立探究方式了解京剧的起源.以填写信息沟方式,创造学生学习使用new words and expressions的机会Characteristics(P3) Pair work (

14、PPT出示任务)Let the students read paragraph3 and ask and answer questions in pairsA: What is Beijing opera characterized by?B: Its characterized by its combination of singing,dialogues, acrobatics,kungfu and pantomime.A: Can you say some other characteristic of it (costumes, rhythms, the themes)?B:Actor

15、s wear attractive costumers; the performance is accompanied by loud rhythms produced with traditional instruments.设计意图:让学生逐句详读获取文章细节,结对交流,分享学习成果达到共同理解细节精髓的目的。The roles-Para 4, 5, 6, 7一Group work(小组合作交流与创新,展我所长)设计意图:(因时间关系,同时鉴于学生的认知水平让每一位详读全部课文是不可能的,教师以学案形式设计任务,将小组内的同学分成PartA, PartB两部分,发给不同的学习材料,图片,面

16、具等。学生以4人小组共同研读某一部分的内容,同时阅读另一小组的问题,以组内或组间结合方式编写对话,游戏竞猜形式的进行信息交流,于交流中发展学生的交际能力)。Group activities and Presentation(小组活动与创新展示) 教师出示任务,提供必要的图片、鞭子等,提出建议,巡回示范指导。同学研读后,以四人小组的形式,编对话,做竞猜游戏,问答表演。在综合运用中向大家创新展示自己对课文细节的理解与表达,在交流与交际中提高英语语言的综合利用能力。Task 1(P4): Introduce Sheng and Dan by making a dialogue. Your prese

17、ntation must include the following information.(1) How many types of roles are there in Beijing opera? (2) Who are Sheng? Who do they portray? How many categories can they be divided into?(3). Who are Dan? How many categories can they be divided into?Task 2(P5): Introduce Jing by playing a guessing

18、game.(1) Who are jing? Who do they portray? (2) What are the painted faces used to represent? Give some examples. fill in the chart. What does the painted face represent!colorcharacterexampleredpurplewhiteHints: I think playing a guess game with some masks is helpful and interesting.Task 3(P6,P7):In

19、troduce Chou by asking ,answering and acting(1) Who are Chou? What are they marked By(以为标志)? Are they always positive or negative? Do you love them? Give anexample (学生往自己的鼻子贴白三角,并表演丑的动作使课堂气氛推向一个小的高潮.)设计目的:以多种交际形式,让同学们理解课文的核心部分一京剧角色; 脸谱颜色的含义部分则是贯彻课堂教学要拓展教材的原则,对教材加以延伸。Symbolism(P8) Task4: Performance

20、and guess Why is symbolism so important in Beijing opera? Show a movement or a gesture for students to guess what it means? (Maybe asking and acting will make it.)设计目的:以舞台表演的形式开展情景教学,使抽象概念形象化课堂气氛再掀高潮,增加了学习的趣味,突破了难点。Famous artists (P8, P9)Task 5: Introduce Famous artists. Can you say some famous acto

21、rs and some famous female roles names? Here are some pictures of them? Can you tell the name with the right picture? And then encourage young students to learn from them. Learn and develop the national opera and introduce the good ones to the world.设计目的:以图片或影集的形式向同学们介绍京剧艺术家,号召学生学习名家努力创新国粹艺术,跨文化交流传播发

22、扬艺术。实现情感教育的目标。Mutual aids between groups(组间互助) A student from Group 2 or Group 3 may be confused that the picture of Mei Lanfang was a male, but the leader of Group 4 says he was the most famous female role. Group 1 or Group 4 can help him to know that traditionally, female roles were played by male

23、 actors. He may also tell him The TV play Xun Huisheng which was hot shown on Hebei TV. Xun Huisheng,a male actor, once played the female role Li Huiniang. 设计意图: 组间交流,把课堂学习与电视剧联系在一起,从课堂走向了生活体验,消除了疑难。Post-readingStep 6 Art appreciations. 对比欣赏the opera of the West Madame Butterfly蝴蝶夫人片段,提出问题:Which do

24、you like better, Beijing Opera or the opera of the West? How should We do to spread our national art?设计意图: 在生动、活波的气氛中体会语言学习带来的乐趣,使课堂气氛达到高潮。启发同学们思考民族艺术的未来要想获得长足发展,就要在保持民族精髓同时跟上时代,融合西方先进元素,走出国门,走向世界。Step 7.Class exercise(课堂练习)(PPT出示)A级练习For good memoryMatch the English words with their Chinese meaning

25、.a. painted-face 演出者 b. originate in 戏服 c. costume 乐器 d. instrument 脸谱 e. performer 象征性的 f. symbolic 起源于B级For better understanding. True or False1. Dan must be played by female actress( )2. Jing are the painted-face roles represent warriors, heroes, statesmen and bad man( )3. Beijing opera has becom

26、e an elegant form as a result of the hard work of hundreds of artists.( )C级For using better Complete each sentence with one of the expressions in the right form。 in common with date back to be characterized by be divided into1 .The temple_ the early years of Qing Dynasty.2. All the fruit_6 categorie

27、s.3.Costumes of Beijing Opera_by their bright colors and beautiful designs.4. Jane and I are close friends, but my family background has nothing_each other.设计目的:根据不同层次学生的认知水平,设计梯度练习,将检测题发给每个学生,其中Level A难度最低,Level B难度中等,1evel C难度最大,当堂检测,实现教学反馈;相机讲解语言点巩固所学知识,供不同程度的学生共同提高。Step 7 Summary1 .The hot words

28、 and expressions.2. Know Beijing Opera better3. Learn some strategies to learn English betterStep 8 Homework1. Finish off Practice I,II(必做)2. Retell the text(提高)3.Find some information about Beijing Opera and Write an email to your pen-pal from the US (选做)五、教学资源利用与设计: 1. PPT课件,引入激趣时的选用当代的李玉刚而非历史名家的霸

29、王别姬视频片段目的是拉近中职生与博大精深京剧艺术的距离,让学生们更愿意学习、探究阅读材料获得真知;学习词汇以及教学环节使用的图片、脸谱面具、鞭子,艺术名家影集让课文更贴近生活;艺术欣赏用的蝴蝶夫人音频文件,结尾时选用杭天琪的说唱脸谱用来实现情感教育目的的。六、学生学习效果评价分析:在课堂即将结束时边播放说唱脸谱边让同学填写下表对自己的课堂表现做出评价,1 .Fill in the form of self-reflection and assessment.The things I can do Evaluation I can read text fluently and use the n

30、ews words and expressions correctly. 54321I can get the main idea and details of the text correctly. 54321I can take active in the class activities and express my ideas freely. 54321I can describe the present I like best.543212 Fill in the form of group evaluation小组合作学习评价表班级_小组长_发言人_个人评价小组加分姓名表现摘录自评

31、互评次数加分总分教师评价: 评价标准:A.课堂活动中积极参与,与小组成员团结协作,效果好。5分B.能较好参与课堂活动,团结合作,效果还好。4分C.遵守课堂纪律,与小组同学相互配合。3分D.不能做到以上三点。2分小组活动完毕后,由小组长负责组织大家进行自评和互评,并记录在“小组合作学习评价表”。设计意图:该环节是课堂任务的延伸,旨在培养学生学习的习惯。让学生对自己的学习进行初步的评价,有利于培养学生的自主学习和合咋学习的能力。差生或中等生也为在自我激励和小组成员的激励下,在以后的小组乃至全班学习中扮演更为积极的角色。七、预期学习效果(Expected learning effect):95%的学

32、生掌握本课生词和短语,85%的学生了解可以从五个方面了解京剧艺术,75%的学生可以介绍京剧艺术或就此话题他人交流或讨论。八、板书设计(Board designing)设计意图:在整堂课的教授中,我始终注意着板书设计的点睛作用。用醒目的标题揭示阅读文本的主要内容和文章结构。启迪学生热爱祖国,增强民族自豪感,于继承和弘扬民族文化的同时融合外国文化的先进元素, 使国粹艺术走出国门,走向世界。九、教学反思:1.本节课的讲授遵循了新课标的要求,教师只是作为教学的组织者,学生学习的引导者,而把重点放在学生的主动学习上,一切以学生为主体,充分调动学习的积极性。2.教师准确地把握了课本内容与学生学情,有效地加



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