情态动词的用法及练习(附答案)(DOC 9页).docx

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1、第1类:十大情态动词can / could / may / might / must / ought to / shall / should / will / would第2类:半情态词及充当情态动词的词had better / be able to / have to / used to / need / dare第3类:情态词+have+过去分词must have p.p. / may have p.p. / might have p.p. / could have p.p. / couldnt have p.p. /would have p.p. / should have p.p. /

2、 ought to have p.p. / shouldnt have p.p. / neednt have p.p.情态动词的用法及专项练习第1 & 2类:词形词的含义例句can“能力”“允许”“可能性”(0%)“请求”I can speak English. Can I go to the toilet. It cant be Susan. She is in Paris. Can you help me? could“过去的能力”“过去的允许”“可能性”(30%)“请求”, 比can更客气“建议”“将来的一种可能性”She could speak English When she was

3、 5 years old.Could I borrow your dictionary?It could get much colder in January.Could you please say that again more slowly.We could try to fix it ourselves.I think we could go to war again.be able to“能力”= can, 但比can的时态更具多样性。can无法表达的时态,用be able to表达。She will be able to teach English. (一般将来时)She was

4、able to talk when she was 2 years old. (一般过去时)I would love to be able to play the piano. (动词不定式)may“请求、允许”(比较礼貌)“将来的可能性”(50%)may 在更多的时态中经常用be allowed to来代替May I come in?It may rain tomorrow.might“较小的可能性”(30%)I might move to Canada some day.must“必须”(责任、义务)“可能性”(推测) (100%)“禁止”(否定式)Everyone must pay ta

5、xes.She didnt arrive. She must be sick.You mustnt play with fire. Its dangerous.have to“必须、不得不”(客观上不得不做)多种时态里面代替“must”, 因must只有一般现在,但have to 可以有多种时态。“不必”(dont have to)I have to be back at 10 oclock.She had to see doctor. (一般过去时)Youll have to work hard if you want to. (一般将来时)Shes had to return to Kor

6、ea at short notice.(现在完成时)You dont have to work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.needneed作为实义动词时,need to = have toneed作为情态动词时,用在否定句和疑问句中。You need to appeal to a higher court. (实义动词)Do they need to know? (实义动词)He neednt know about it.Need I say more? should“应该、建议”“合理的可能性”“不确定的预测”You should go

7、 to the doctor.He should be fine.Profits should increase next year.ought to“应该、建议” = should, 但ought to 没有否定形式You ought to drive more carefully.shall“法定义务上的必须”“提议、建议”英国英语,一般将来时助动词 = willThe defendant shall pay a fine of $200.Shall we begin? Shall I help you with your luggage?I shall go shopping tomor

8、row.will“自愿性的行为”“承诺”“预测”I will make dinner.I will call you at 4 pm.The summer will be very hot.wouldwill的过去式“请求允许”“礼貌性邀请”“预测”He said he would come.Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me?Would you like to join me for lunch?I would be surprised if he is not electedused to仅仅用于一般过去时“过去常做某事”(use

9、d to do)否定句: didnt use to do, 通常用never代替didnt疑问句: Did use to do“过曾经做过某事”区别be used to “习惯于”, be used to + doingI used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea.I didnt use to smoke.I never used to smoke.Did you use to smoke?She used to live in London but now she lives in New York.I am used to

10、 smoking. (我习惯于抽烟),比较下面一个句子。I used to smoke. (我曾经抽烟)had better“建议”最好做(不做)否定式had better not“警告”Youd better sleep more.Youd better not do that again.I had better study or I will fail the test。dare作为普通动词, “dare to (do) sth, 敢做某事”, 与其它实义动词用法一致,用于否定句和疑问句中的情况较多一些。 不定式可以省略to. 作为普通动词,“dare sb to do, 打赌不敢做某事

11、”作为情态动词, dare后加not,直接否定, dare提至句首提问, 与can的用法类似。固定用法:How dare you, she? 你敢,她敢?dont you dare! 你敢!dare I say it 大意是“说句不中听的话”I dare say = I daresay, 我敢说 (daresay只用于一般现在时第一人称)I dont dare (to) think how much its going to cost.I never dared (to) tell her what had really happened Do you dare (to) tell him t

12、he news? I dare you to climb that hill. (我谅你不敢爬那座山)She dared him to climb onto the roof. (她打赌他不敢爬屋顶)I dare say that the computer would provide an answer to that.I darent think how much its going to cost. (直接加not否定)Dare you tell him the news? (疑问句,dare提到句首)How dare you? (你敢?)How dare you talk to me l

13、ike that! (你竟敢那样跟我说话!)Dont you dare try to stop me! (你敢阻止我?)My life has become predictable and, dare I say it, just a little dull.我的生活变得可预测,说句不中听的话,就是有点枯燥。I dare say they will be expected to go down to Buckinghamshire.第3类1. could have p.p.指过去某事有可能发生, 但并未真的发生。 They could have won the race, but they d

14、idnt try hard enough. He could have studied harder, but he was too lazy and thats why he failed the exam.指过去有能力做某事, 但并未真的做过。 I could have stayed up late, but I decided to go to bed early. Julie could have bought the book, but she borrowed it from the library instead.对过去的发生事情做出一种猜测,但实际上并不知道真假。仅仅是做一种观

15、点上的表达。 He could have got stuck in traffic. He could have forgotten that we were meeting today. He could have overslept.2. may / might have p.p. (用法与could have p.p.第点相同) 对过去的发生事情做出一种猜测,但实际上并不知道真假。仅仅是做一种观点上的表达。 He might have got stuck in traffic. He might have forgotten that we were meeting today. He

16、might have overslept.3. couldnt have p.p.渴望、期望做某事, 但由于外部原因不可能做成, 即便是很想做。是一种虚拟语气。 I couldnt have arrived any earlier. There was a terrible traffic jam (= it was impossible for me to have arrived any earlier). He couldnt have passed the exam, even if he had studied harder. Its a really, really difficu

17、lt exam.4. should / ought to have p.p. 有一个好主意,该做而没有做。为此感到遗憾或惋惜。 You should / ought to have warned me earlier. I should have studied harder! (= I didnt study very hard and so I failed the exam. Im sorry about this now.) I should have gone to bed early (= I didnt go to bed early and now Im tired).5. s

18、houldnt have p.p. 某事不该做、但是做了。对此进行批评。 I shouldnt have eaten so much cake! (= I did eat a lot of cake and now I dont feel good.) He shouldnt have told them6. would have p.p.用于虚拟条件句 If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car. (but I didnt have enough money, so I didnt buy a car).很渴望做某事,但由于外部原

19、因,根本做不成。类似虚拟条件句,但不用if引导。 I would have visited you, but I forgot your address. I would have gone to the party, but I was really busy.(= I wanted to go to the party, but I didnt because I was busy. If I hadnt been so busy, I would have gone to the party.) I would have called you, but I didnt know your

20、 number.(= I wanted to call you but I didnt know your number, so I didnt call you.) A: Nobody volunteered to help us with the fairB: I would have helped you. I didnt know you needed help.(= If I had known that you needed help, I would have helped you.)7. must have p.p. 根据事件得出一种逻辑性的结论 Peter has arriv

21、ed late. He must have been in a traffic jam.根据Peter迟到了,在逻辑上推测Peter碰到了堵车。8. neednt have p.p.不必做某事 You neednt have bought it.情态动词练习1选择正确的词填空(重难点):1. I didnt feel very well yesterday. I . eat anything. (couldnt)cannot / couldnt / couldnt2. You . look at me when I am talking to you. (should)could / shou

22、ld / would3. I was using my pencil a minute ago. It . be here somewhere. (must) can / could / must / would4. You really . be late again. (must not) must not / dont have to be5. If you dont start working harder, you . repeat the course next year. (will have to) have to / must / will have to6. His par

23、ents spoil him. Hes always . to do whatever he wants. (been able) been able / been able to7. Phone her now. She . home by now. (must be) has to be / must be / would be8. You . forget your sun cream. Its going to be very hot! (mustnt) dont have to / mustnt / neednt9. I . be able to help you, but Im n

24、ot sure yet. (might) might / would10. Entrance to the museum was free. We . pay to get in. (didnt need to) neednt / didnt need to11. Already as a child Mozart . play the piano beautifully. (could) could / should / would12. Which sign are you more likely to see at an airport: Bags . not be left unatt

25、ended. (must) can / must / must13. I really . try to get fit.(must) May / must / would14. . take a photograph of you? (May I ) Am I allowed to / May I15. Students . borrow up to 6 books at any time. (are allowed to) are allowed to / could16. Whose is this bag? - I dont know, but it . belong to Yuta.

26、 (may) could / may / should / would17. . I go to the bathroom, please? (May) May / Must / Would18. His excuse . be true, but I dont believe. (may) can / may19. Its very important to . speak more than one language. (be able to) can / be able to20. I dont like . get up early on a Sunday. (having to) b

27、eing able to / being allowed to / having to21. . you speak French? - Only a few words, but my Russian is pretty good. (Can) Can / Could22. . you help me move this table? (Both answers are possible. (Choose the more polite request.) (Could) Can / Could23. I . talk already before I was two years old.

28、(could) could / should / would24. I . help you, but I dont want to. (could) can / could / would25. . you open the window, please. (can) can / may26. I . move the table. It was too heavy. (couldnt) couldnt / mustnt / shouldnt / wouldnt27. You . put your feet on the cafeteria tables. (must) must not /

29、 do not have to28. If you continue to practise so hard, you . beat me before too long! (will be able to) can / could / will be able to29. . you swim? (Both are possible. Which is better?) (Can) Are you able to / Can30. You . eat so much chocolate. Its not good for you. (shouldnt) dont have to / dont

30、 have to / shouldnt31. Im afraid I . play tennis tomorrow. Ive got a dentist appointment. (cant) cant / couldnt / would not be able to32. You can come to the meeting if you want but you . (dont have to) have to / dont have to / mustnt33. What do you want to do? - Well, we . have a picnic, but it loo

31、ks like rain. (could) can / could / should / would34. Im so hungry I . eat a horse! (could) can / could / should / would35. The test starts at 10.30. You . be late. (mustnt) dont have to / mustnt36. Why didnt you tell me? I . you! (could have helped) could help / could have helped / was able to help

32、 / would help37. How did you do in the test? - Ok. It . worse! (could have been) could be / could have been / might be / would have been38. He . broken the classroom window. He wasnt even in school today. (couldnt have) couldnt have / mustnt / shouldnt have39. You . tired. Youve only just got out of

33、 bed! (cant be) dont have to be / cant be / mustnt be40. She . be very pleased with herself. She got the best grades. (must) has to / must / cannot情态动词练习2用could have / should have / would have填空1. I _ (buy) bread but I didnt know we needed it. (past possibility). (could have bought)2. We _ (invite)

34、so many people to our party! Im worried that we wont have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice / regret) (shouldnt have invited)3. I _ (start) saving money years ago! (past advice / regret) (should have started)4. We _ (join) you at the restaurant, but we couldnt get a babysitter. (past w

35、illingness) (would have joined)5. The weather _ (be) any worse! (past negative possibility) (couldnt have been)6. I _ (arrive) on time, even if Id left earlier. There were dreadful traffic jams all the way. (past negative possibility) (couldnt have arrived)7. They _ (win) the football match, but Joh

36、n hurt his ankle. (past possibility) (could have won)8. Linda _ (finish) the work, but she felt ill and had to go home. (past willingness) (would have finished)9. Lucy _ (leave) earlier. She missed her flight. (past advice / regret) (should have left)10. We _ (finish) the game, even if wed wanted to

37、. It was raining very hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility) (couldnt have finished)11. I _ (eat) so much chocolate! I feel sick! (past negative advice / regret) (shouldnt have eaten)12. Luke _ (pass) the exam if hed studied a bit more. (past possibility) (could have passed)13. John _

38、(call) Amy, but he didnt have her number. (past willingness) (would have called)14. You _ (be) rude to him. Hes going to be really angry now. (past negative advice / regret) (shouldnt have been)15. She _ (come) to the restaurant if shed left work earlier. (past possibility) (could have come)16. You

39、_ (take) this job. I can see youre not enjoying it. (past negative advice / regret) (shouldnt have taken)17. The race was really difficult. She _ (win) because shes not fit enough. (past negative possibility) (couldnt have won)18. Our neighbours _ (cut) down the tree in their garden. It was a really

40、 beautiful tree. (past negative advice / regret) (shouldnt have cut)19. The children _ (do) their homework last night. Then they wouldnt be panicking on the way to school. (past advice / regret) (should have done)20. Im really cold! I _ (bring) my coat. (past advice / regret) (should have brought)21

41、. I _ (come) to see you! I didnt know you were ill. (past willingness) (would have come)22. Andrew _ (go) to Cambridge University, but he decided to travel instead. (past possibility) (could have gone)23. They _ (be) kinder to me. They were absolutely lovely. (past negative possibility) (couldnt hav

42、e been)24. You _ (buy) some milk at the shops. We dont have any milk. (past advice / regret) (should have bought)25. They _ (come) to have breakfast with us, but they went to bed too late the night before. (past willingness) (would have come)情态动词练习3选择1. My son _ be home by now. Where can he be? DA.

43、Have to B. would C. should D. could2. I think your thumb is broken. You _ go to the emergency room. C A. might B. could C. ought to D. can3. If you are interested in losing weight, you _ try this new diet A A. could B. mustnt C. dont have to D. had to4. Johns fallen down the stairs! I _ call an ambulance! A A. Will B. might C. may D. ought to5. You _ come too early. We wont leave until 9 oclock. C A. has to B. must C. neednt D. cant6. Children _ be accompanied by an adult at the zoo. B A. ought to B. must C. would D. mustnt7. You _ talk during tests. Its forbidden! B A. dont have t


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