最新名词性从句的填空练习及语法填空(DOC 9页).doc

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1、精品文档 名词性从句填空专练一,用that 与what 填空1._ he wants is a book.2. _ he wants to go there is obvious.3.The result is _ we won the game.4.This is _ we want to know.5.Is _ he told us true ?6.We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.7. I have no doubt _ he will come.8. I have no idea _ he did that after

2、noon.9._ has made China_ it is now?10._we cant get seems better than_ we have .11.A computer can only do_ you instructed it to do .12.He became so angry_ he couldnt speak .13.There is the city_ we visited last year .14._the price of cars will go down .15. _he did surprised us .16._ you have done mig

3、ht do harm to other people.17._ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.18。_ you dont like him is none of my business.19.The fact _ he is a model teacher is well-known.20.They expressed the hope_ they would come over to China again.二、用if 或whether填空1. I asked her _ she had a bike.2._ we w

4、ill hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.3. Were worried about _ he is safe.4. I dont know _ he is well or not.5. I dont know _ or not he is well.6. The question is _ he should do it.7.The doctor can hardly answer the question_ the old man will recover soon.8. I dont know _ t

5、o go.9._ you are not free tomorrow, Ill go without you.三、改正下列句子中的错误,每句一处错。1.The American Civil War broke out in 1861 is known to many of us .( )2.That he saw there impressed him deeply .( )3.This is all what I know.( )4.Could you tell me where do you live ?( )5.The old minister came back with a mess

6、age which the cloth was really magnificent .( )6.It is unknown if he will come .( )7.As is known to all that paper was first made in China .( )8.Anyone breaks the law should be punished .( )9.How we can get more reading materials have been discussed at the meeting .( )10.The professor was very satis

7、fied with that his students had done in the experiment .( )11.The news which our team had won pleased everyone .( )12.I dont doubt whether he can work out the problem .( )13. I have been worrying about if I have hurt her feeling .( )14.I dont know that he wants .( )15.The reason why he didnt come is

8、 because he was ill .( )16.Who walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold .( )17.I think important that we learn English well .( )18.Its not certain that the sports meeting will be held .( )19.This is the suggestion which we have a trip the day after tomorrow .( )20.China is a great sociali

9、st country is well known .( )21.The question is if we can collect enough money .( )22.The trouble is she has lost his telephone number .( )23.We dont know that what we should do next .( )24.That he said in the office made everyone present very surprised .( )25.What we cant get seems better than that

10、 we have .( )26.Computer can only do how we instructed it to do .( )27.The fact why Lily got the first prize is well known to us all .( )28.Our city is no longer as it used to be .( )29.He said what he was pleased to meet all of us again .( )30.What he failed to pass the exam is very clear .( )31.Th

11、e reason why he didnt attend the meeting was because he had been ill .( )32.Please give the note to whomever is in the classroom .( )33.Is that he told you really funny ?( )34.Please let me know that you want me to do .( )35.Those photos will show you what does our hometown looks like .( )四、用适当的连词填空

12、:1._ you dont like him is none of my business.2. _ well go camping depends on _ it will be fine tomorrow.3. _ she comes or not makes no difference.4. The question is _ it is worth doing.5. There is some doubt _he will come./ There is no doubt _he will come.6. _ is a fact that English is being accept

13、ed as an international language.7. _ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.8. It is said that the famous football star is not willing to play for _ would pay him three million dollars a year.9. It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.10. Go

14、 and get your coat. Its _ you left it.11. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree12. - I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.- Is that _ you had a few days off?13. I remember _ this used to be a quiet village.14. -Do you remember_ he came? - Yes, I do, he came b

15、y car.15. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants16. _we cant get comes better than _ we have.17. A computer can only do _ you have instructed it to do.18. It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.19. A modern city

16、 has been set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago.20. Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?21. See the flags on the building? That was_ we did this morning.22. America was _ was first called “India” by Columbus.23. _ troubles me most is _ I dont know how to calm the sick ol

17、d man.24. I think it is _ you are working yourself too much.25. The reason _ I plan to go is _ she will be disappointed _ I dont.26. Danby left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon.27. Do _ you think is right, _ they say.28. Its known to us _ there is pollution, there is har

18、m.29. He made a promise _ anyone set him free he would make him very rich.30. It was at the very beginning _ Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more firefighters here.31. I would appreciate _ if you call back this afternoon for the doctors appointment.32、It is very exciting _ we are passing

19、the flame in Shenzhen now.(传递火炬)33、What we feel excited is _ we are passing the flame in Shenzhen now.34、We are excited about news _ we are passing the flame in Shenzhen.35、The news Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true.36、The news he told me yesterday is true.37、The news he told me is that

20、 Mike would go abroad next year38、The news Mike would go abroad next year is told by him.39、She expressed the hope .40、The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit Shanghai again41. I cant decide _ dictionary I should buy.42. Thats _ he refused my invitation.43. I am very interested in _

21、he has improved his pronunciation in such a short time.44. _ we need is more time.45. The fact _ she had not said anything at the meeting surprised everybody.46. _ and _they will meet has not been decided yet.47. Please tell me _ you are waiting for.48. Is that _ you are looking for?49. Would you pl

22、ease tell me _ the nearest post office is?50. I dont know _ he will agree to the plan or not.五语法填空It is known to us_ once Tom and Ann were affectionate (恩爱的)couple. But to our surprise,_ broke up two years ago._ made them part company(分手 )was_ Tom was_ absorbed in his business_ he overlooked(忽略) his

23、 wife sometimes. I felt it was a pity, _(hope )that they would reconcile(和好 ). So yesterday I heard the news_ they lived together again, I felt very happy.综合练习一填上适当的关系代词或关系副词1. _caused the accident was a man lying on the ground.2. _will go makes no difference3. _your daughter lovers is very clear4.

24、_wallet was stolen must be made clear5. _he left his wife cut her to the heart 6. _we go there remain to be decided7. _you uncle will arrive was not mentioned in his letter.8. _you went there alone must be explained9. Ill take back _I said10. Im satisfied _he did11. Tell us _you fulfilled the heavy

25、task ahead of time12.Thats_ I praise you13.This is _two thirds of the earths surface is made up of vast oceans14.The season_ you went to the park was that you want to visit her15.The question is_ we will complete the project 16.That was _the Chinese began to make paper17.The problem_ should be our m

26、ornitor is not decided18.They have no information _ he was alive19.This is another proof_ he killed a man20.The professor gave orders _the test be finished before 6 oclock二语法填空(一) I read a report last night. It says 1_ a lot of people died in 2_ traffic accident. But I forget 3_ the accident happene

27、d last Sunday. 4 _ astonished me most is 5_ some babies lost 6_ lives. However, I dont know 7_ the government has taken some measures to deal with 8_. In my opinion, 9_ accident has taught us a lesson 10_we should obey the traffic rules. (二) Body language is used every single day by people of differ

28、ent nationalities all over the world. It is a language _1_ words that consists of gestures, facial expressions and body _2_ (move) that greatly add to - and sometimes even replace- _3_ (speak) language.Body language _4_(use) to communicate both attitudes and feelings as it is not always explicit. So

29、mebody jumping for joy is easy to see while a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss. People often use body language 5_ purpose. Someone who does not know the answer to a question will move their shoulders upwards away from their upper body and then let them fall, 6_(mean), “I dont know”.

30、7_, body language can be unconscious as well. A person _8_ is feeling uncomfortable or nervous will often hold their body in a very rigid manner and have a tight look about their mouths. They might also cross their arms and move in 9_ abrupt way resembling a robot more than a human. They might not e

31、ven realise how they are acting but their body language will tell anyone who cares to look closely enough 10_ they are feeling. Body language can therefore make peoples feelings more transparent as although we can lie with words, it is not as easy to do so with our bodies.(三)In the United States, th

32、ere were 222 people _1_ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The _2_(rich) of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money _3_ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old _4_ he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire _5_ the

33、 time he was 31. _6_ , there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even _7_ (young) ages. Other young people who have been struck rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. _8_ of these child actors made over a million dollars _9_ (act) in movies before they were 14. But _10

34、_ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited黄坑中学高中英语名词性从句专项练习参考答案一、用that或what填空1. What 2.That 3.that4.what 5. what 6. what 7. that 8.What 9.what, what 10. what , what 11.what 12.that 13 .that 14.that 15. what 16.what17.What 18. That 19. That 20.what 21。Wha

35、t 22。What 23。That 24.that 25.that二、用if 或whether填空1.if / whether 2.Whether3. Whether 4.Whether5.Whether6.Whether7.Whether8.Whether9.if 10.whether 11.whether12.whether 13.whether 14.whether 15.whether三、改正下列句子中的错误,每句一处错。四、用适当的连词填空:1. That 2. Whether, whether 3. whether 4. whether 5. whether 6. It 7. Wh

36、oever8.whoever 9. that 10. Where 11. where 12. why 13. when 14. how 15.whatever16.What, what 17. what 18. what 19.what 20. What 21. what 22. what 23. What, that24. because 25. why, that, if 26.that 27. what, whatever 28.that where 29. that if 30.that, that 31. it 32-40全部填that 41. which; 42. why; 43.

37、 how;4 4. What; 45. that; 46. when, where; 47. who(m); 48. what; 49. where; 50. whether五、判断下列各句哪句含有名词性从句,并指出是什么从句:1、表语从句;2、同位语从句;3、不是;4、主语从句;5、同位语从句;6、不是;7、表语从句;8、宾语从句;9、不是;10、宾语从句六、完成下列句子。当然,在竞争日益激烈的现代社会中,创业是件相当困难的事。我们认为,在实行我们的创业计划之前,我们首先要了解竞争对手,吸取别人的经验教训,制订相应竞争的策略。我相信只要我们的小店有自己独到的风格,价格优惠,服务热情周到,就一

38、定能取得大多女孩的信任和喜爱。1.when and where you met the famous singerPS:消费者分析创业首先要有“风险意识”,要能承受住风险和失败。还要有责任感,要对公司、员工、投资者负责。务实精神也必不可少,必须踏实做事;2.Whoever leaves the classroom last3.Whether it will snow or not tomorrow在我们学校大约有4000多名学生,其中女生约占90%以上。按每十人一件饰品计算,大概需要360多件。这对于开设饰品市场是很有利的。女生成为消费人群的主体。4.where he was born我们长期

39、呆在校园里,对社会缺乏了解,在与生意合作伙伴应酬方面往往会遇上困难,更不用说商业上所需经历的一系列繁琐手续。他们我们可能会在工商局、税务局等部门的手续中迷失方向。对具体的市场开拓缺乏经验与相关的知识,缺乏从职业角度整合资源、实行管理的能力;5.that he would come to China again6.That you dont like her图1-1大学生月生活费分布7.that what the book said was right8.whether the book is worth reading三、主要竞争者分析我们大学生没有固定的经济来源,但我们也不乏缺少潮流时尚的理

40、念,没有哪个女生是不喜欢琳琅满目的小饰品,珠光宝气、穿金戴银便是时尚的时代早已被推出轨道,简洁、个性化的饰品成为现代时尚女性的钟爱。因此饰品这一行总是吸引很多投资者的目光。然而我们女生更注重的是感性消费,我们的消费欲望往往建立在潮流、时尚和产品的新颖性上,所以要想在饰品行业有立足之地,又尚未具备雄厚的资金条件的话,就有必要与传统首饰区别开来,自制饰品就是近一两年来沿海城市最新流行的一种。9.what the teacher tells her to do4WWW。google。com。cn。 大学生政策 2004年3月23日10.that they are doing an important

41、 and necessary job(2)物品的独一无二七、语法填空:It is known to us that once Tom and Ann were an affectionate恩爱的couple. But to our surprise, they broke up two years ago. What made them part company was that Tom was so absorbed in his business that he overlooked his wife sometimes. I felt it was a pity, hoping that they would reconcile. So yesterday when I heard the news that they lived together again, I felt very happy.精品文档


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