大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(二)分析解析(DOC 13页).doc

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1、 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(六) 2001年1月六级试题4. The director gave me his _ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. A) warrant B) obligation C) assurance D) certainty 5. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining _ such as colored lights and glass balls. A) ornaments B) luxuries C) exhibits D) complemen

2、ts 6. The two most important _ in making a cake are flour and sugar . A) elements B) components C) ingredients D) constituents 7. Cultural _ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another. A) translation B) transition C) transmission D) transaction 8. We must lo

3、ok beyond _ and assumptions and try to discover what is missing. A) justifications B) illusions C) manifestations D) specifications 9. No one imagined that the apparently _ businessman was really a criminal. A) respective B) respectable C) respectful D) realistic 10. If nothing is done to protect th

4、e environment, millions of spedes that are alive today will have become _ . A) deteriorated B) degenerated C) suppressed D) extinct 答案:4. C 参考译文:主任向我保证,如果我工作干得好,他就会给我双倍的工资。A) warrant 证明B) obligation 责任C) assurance 确信D) certainty 明确5. A 参考译文:圣诞树上点缀着闪光的饰物,如彩灯和玻璃球。A) ornament 装饰B) luxury 奢侈的C) exhibit

5、展览D) complement 补充 6. C 参考译文:制作蛋糕时所需的两种最重要的原料是面粉和糖。 A) element 元素B) component 部件C) ingredient 配料D) constituent 成分7. C 参考译文:文化传播意味着人类将语言代代相传。A) translation 翻译B) transition 过渡C) transmission 传播D) transaction 交易8. B 参考译文:我们必须看破那些幻觉和设想,努力去发现遗漏的东西。A) justification 理由B) illusion 幻想C) manifestation 证明 D) s

6、pecification 产品说明9. B 参考译文:没有人想象到这位表面上受人尊敬的商人实际上是个罪犯。A) respective 分别的B) respectable 可尊敬的C) respectful 尊敬的D) realistic 现实的10. D 参考译文:如果不采取措施保护环境,数百万的现存物种就会灭绝A) deteriorate 恶化B) degenerate 堕落C) suppress 压制D) extinct 灭绝 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(七) 2001年1月六级试题11. The _ of the scientific attitude is that the human

7、 mind can suceeed in understanding the universe. A) essence B) texture C) content D) threshold 12. The old lady has developed a _ cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time. A) perpetual B) permanent C) chronic D) sustained 13. What the correspondent sent us is an _ news report. We can d

8、epend on it. A) evident B) authentic C) ultimate D) immediate 14. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an _ force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations. A) inspirational B) educational C) excessive D) instantaneous 15. Some researchers fe

9、el that certain people have nervous systems particularly _ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people. A) subjective B) subordinate C) liable D) vulnerable 16. Hurricanes are killer winds, and their _ power lies in the physical damage they can do. A) cumulative B) destructive

10、C) turbulent D) prevalent 17. In some countries, students are expected to be quiet and _ in the classroom. A) skeptical B) faithful C) obedient D) subsidiary 答案:11. A 参考译文:科学态度的本质是人类的智力能够成功地理解宇宙的奥秘。A) essence 本质B) texture 质地C) content 内容D) threshold 门槛12. C 参考译文:那位老太太患有慢性咳嗽,短时间内无法完全治愈。A) perpetual 永

11、久的B) permanent 永恒的C) chronic 慢性的D) sustained 持续的13. B 参考译文:记者发来的是一份可靠的新闻报道,我们可以依赖它。A) evident 明显的B) authentic 真实的C) ultimate 最终的D) immediate 立即的14. A 参考译文:由于她是我的教授兼指导老师,我可以告诉你,她具有一种鼓舞力量,激发着她的学生超越他们自身的期望的成绩。A) inspirational 有鼓舞力量的B) educational 教育的C) excessive 过度的D) instantaneous 即刻的15. D 参考译文:一些研究者认

12、为某些人具有易受干燥热风伤害的神经系统,我们称他们为天气敏感者。A) subjective 主观的B) subordinate 下级的C) liable 可能的D) vulnerable 脆弱的16. B 参考译文:飓风是具有杀伤力的风,其破坏性的力量在于其能够造成的物质损坏。A) cumulative 积累的B) destructive 毁灭性的C) turbulent 凶猛的D) prevalent 普遍的17. C 参考译文:在某些国家,要求学生在教室里安静、听话。A) skeptical 怀疑 B) faithful 忠诚的C) obedient 服从的D) subsidiary 附属

13、的 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(八) 2001年1月六级试题18. In spite of the _economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly. A) gloomy B) miserable C) shadowy D) obscure 19. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in preliterate societies in order to attract good health or to _ disease. A) set aside B) wa

14、rd off C) shrug off D) give away 20. The international situation has been growing _difficult for the last few years. A) invariably B) presumably C) increasingly D) dominantly 21. The prisoner was _ of his civil liberty for three years. A) discharged B) derived C) deprived D) dispatched 22. Small far

15、ms and the lack of modern technology have _ agricultural production. A) blundered B) tangled C) bewildered D) hampered 23. The Japanese scientists have found that scents _ efficiency and reduce stress among office workers. A) enhance B) amplilf C) foster D) magnify 24. All the students have to _to t

16、he rules and regulations of the school. A) confirm B) confront C) confine D) conform 答案:18. A 参考译文:尽管经济发展前景不容乐观,但制造业的产量却稍有增加。A) gloomy 低迷的B) miserable 痛苦的C) shadowy 阴影的D) obscure 模糊的19. B 参考译文:在史前社会,主要是男人纹身或纹面以追求健康或防止疾病。A) set aside 拔出B) ward off 防止C) shrug off 对.满不在乎D) give away 泄露20. C 参考译文:最近几年里,

17、国际形势日益严峻。A) invariably 不变的B) presumably 大概C) increasingly 越来越D) dominantly 支配地21. C 参考译文:那个罪犯被剥夺了三年的公民自由权。A) discharge 释放B) derive 派生C) deprive 迷惑D) dispatch 派遣22. D 参考译文:农场规模小和现代技术的缺乏束缚了农业生产。A) blunder 做错,办错B) tangle 使陷入C) bewilder 迷惑D) hamper 阻碍23. A 参考译文:日本科学家已经发现,香味能提高办公室工作人员的工作效率能减缓压力。A) enhanc

18、e 提高B) amplify 扩大C) foster 培养D) magnify 放大24. D 参考译文:所有学生都必须遵守校纪校规。 A) confirm 确定B) confront 对抗C) confine 限制D) conform 遵循 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(九) 2001年1月六级试题25. He _ his head, wondering how to solve the problem. A) scrapped B) screwed C) scraped D) scratched 26. As soon as the boy was able to earn his own

19、living he _ his parents strict rules. A) defied B) refuted C) excluded D) vetoed 27. The helicopter _ a light plane and both pilots were killed. A) coincided with B) stumbled on C) tumbled to D) collided with 28. To _ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition th

20、at others may also share the enjoyment. A) conserve B) conceive C) convert D) contrive 29. Put on dark glasses or the sun will _ you and you won t be able to see. A) discern B) distort C) distract D) dazzle 30. In _ times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a more favourable climate

21、. A) prime B) primitive C) primary D) preliminary 答案:25. D 参考译文:他挠着脑袋,思索着如何解决这个问题。A) scrap 打斗B) screw 旋,拧C) scrap 刮擦D) scratch 抓、擦26. A 参考译文:那个男孩刚能够养活自己,就公然违抗父母的严厉管教。A) defy 公然违抗 B) refute 反驳 C) exclude 排除 D) veto 否决27. D 参考译文:那架直升飞机与一架轻型飞机相撞,两个飞行员均遇难了。 A) coincide with 巧合B) stumble on 绊倒C) tumble t

22、o 翻转D) collide with 碰撞28. A 参考译文:保存就是保留并爱护,把我们所喜爱的东西好好保留下来,别人也可以分享我们的快乐。A) conserve 保存B) conceive 设计C) convert 转变信仰D) contrive 谋划29. D 参考译文:戴上墨镜,否则耀眼的阳光会让你看不见东西。A) discern 辨别B) distort 扭曲C) distract 分心D) dazzle 眩目30. B 参考译文:在原始时代,人类长途跋涉不是为了找乐趣,而是为了寻找更加适宜的气候。A) prime 首要的B) primitive 原始的C) primary 主要的

23、D) preliminary 初期的 大学英语六级词汇真题练习题(十) 2001年6月六级试题1.If you want this painkiller, youll have to ask the doctor for a _. A)transaction B)permitC)settlement D)prescription 2.The _ form childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody. A)conversion B)transition C)turnoverD)transformation 3.It i

24、s hard to tell whether we are going to have b boom in the economy or a _. A)concession B)recession C)submission D)transmission 4.His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his as _ he developed own technique. A)descendants B)predecessors C)successors D)ancestors

25、 5.Failure in a required subject may result in the _of a diploma. A)refusal B)betrayal C)denial D)burial 6.To help students understand how we see, teachers often draw an _between an eye and a camera. A)image B)analogy C)imitationD)axis 7.A 1994 World Bank report concluded that _girls in school was p

26、robably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today. A)assigning B)admitting C)involving D)enrolling 答案:1.D 如果你想买这个止痛药,就必须有医生开的处方。A)transaction 交易B)permit 允许C)settlement 解决D)prescription 处方2.B 由童年到成年的过渡阶段对每个人来说往往都是很重要的一段时期。A)conversion 转变信仰B)transition 过渡C)turnover 成交

27、量D)transformation 变化3.B 很难判断我们的经济是要经历繁荣还是衰退。A)concession 妥协B)recession 衰退C)submission 屈服D)transmission 传播4.B 当他形成自己的技艺后,在使用色彩、光线和图形方面很快摆脱了前辈们的那些传统风格。A)descendant 后代B)predecessor 前人C)successor 继任者D)ancestor 祖先 5.C 必修科目考试不及格可能会导致得不到毕业证。A)refusal 拒绝B)betrayal 背叛C)denial 否认D)burial 埋葬6.B 为了帮助学生更好地理解我们是如何看见东西的,老师们经常把眼睛和照相机作类比。A)image 意象B)analogy 类比C)imitation 模仿D)axis 轴7.D 世界银行1994年的一份报告得出这样的结论:学校招收女生可能是发展中国家消除贫困的惟一最为有效的途径。A)assign 指派B)admit 承认C)involve 包含D)enroll 招收转贴于:CET-6考试_考试大14


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