外研版五年级英语上册-全册分课时练习题(DOC 83页).docx

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1、Module1Unit 1Did you come back yesterday? 一、选出与句中画线单词同类的一项。A. usB. thoseC. noodlesD. metE. town() 1. They visited the London Eye yesterday. () 2. We live in a big city. () 3. This is our Chinese friend. () 4. Dont run! Wait for me. () 5. Did you have rice yesterday?二、单项选择。() 1. Did you _ to the cine

2、ma last night?A. goB. goesC. went() 2. I went to school_ bus. A. inB. onC. by() 3. Our school bus is coming. Hurry_! A. forB. upC. to() 4. Lets_ some ice creams. A. boughtB. to buyC. buy() 5. Daming is back_ Shanghai. A. fromB. withC. at三、情景交际。() 1. 你和朋友游玩时,感到口渴了,你想买些水,你应这样说_A. Lets buy some ice cre

3、ams. B. Lets buy some water. () 2. 你想知道对方是否是昨天回来的,你应这样问_A. Did you come back yesterday?B. Did you come back last Sunday?() 3. 约翰想把他的中国朋友大明介绍给同学,他应说_A. This is my Chinas friend, Daming. B. This is my Chinese friend, Daming. () 4. 你想知道对方昨天是否步行上学,你应说_A. Did you walk to school yesterday?B. Did you go to

4、 school by bus yesterday?() 5. 埃米想知道你是否住在北京,她应这样问_A. Does she live in Beijing?B. Do you live in Beijing?四、给下列句子配上合适的图片。() 1. Look at that ice cream. () 2. I had noodles yesterday. () 3. Lets buy some milk. () 4. Were back from Beijing. () 5. They visited the Great Wall. A. B. C. D. E. 五、连词成句。1. back

5、Sundaywelastcame (. )_2. myIicecreamdropped (. )_3. youricehavedidyesterday (?)_4. livedotooLondonyouin (?)_5. homenowweregoing (. )_参考答案一、1. D2. E3. B4. A5. C二、1. A点拨:句中有助动词did,故实义动词用原形。2. C点拨:“乘公共汽车”应为by bus。3. B4. C点拨:lets 后跟动词原形。5. A三、1. B2. A3. B4. A5. B 四、1. C2. E3. A4. D5. B五、1. We came back

6、last Sunday. 2. I dropped my ice cream. 3. Did you have rice yesterday?4. Do you live in London too?5. Were going home now. Module1Unit 2We bought ice creams. 一、选出与所给单词画线部分发音相同的一项。() 1. meatA. headB. breakfastC. ice cream() 2. giveA. finishB. bikeC. rice() 3. parkA. warmB. dollarC. postcard() 4. tel

7、lA. metB. emailC. phone() 5. backA. aboveB. appleC. last二、选择合适的单词填空。last, meet, dropped, friend, phoned1. I_ my book on the floor(地板). 2. Her mother went to Shanghai_ week. 3. John is Sam and Amys_. 4. Lingling_ me last night. 5. Did you_ your friend in the park yesterday?三、单项选择。() 1. Yesterday Ms S

8、mart_ some apples. A. buysB. boughtC. buy() 2. I dropped my ice cream_ Johns new shoes. A. onB. upC. for() 3. Where_ you go last Sunday?A. doB. wereC. did() 4. We_ back yesterday. A. cameB. comeC. coming() 5. Did they go home by bike?_. A. Yes, they doB. No, they didC. No, they didnt四、选出与句意相符的图片。()

9、1. Yesterday my father went to Dalian by train. A. B. () 2. Did Xiaoyong phone you? Yes, he did. A. B. () 3. We went to Hainan last Tuesday. A. B. () 4. Lucy watched TV last night. A. B. () 5. I went to the zoo with my parents. A. B. 五、照例子(增加、删减或替换一个字母)写单词。例:partpark1. meat_2. the_3. come_4. end_5.

10、worry_6. sun_7. talk_8. rain_9. back_10. round_六、根据图示补全句子。1. I want to_ _ _to Daming. 2. We met our teacher_ _ _. 3. They went home_ _. 4. Heres a_ for you. 5. Yesterday I bought_ _ _. 七、补全对话。A: Hi! 1. _did you go last week?B: I went to London. A: 2. _did you go with?B: My father. A: Did you come ba

11、ck yesterday?B: No, I 3. _back last Sunday. A: What did you do there?B: I visited lots of places, and 4. _many photos. A: What did you buy in London?B: I didnt 5. _anything, but I had a lovely time. 八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (建议用时:4分钟)Last Sunday, I went to the West Lake(西湖) with my parents. We went there by t

12、rain. It is very beautiful. Many people walked around(绕着) the lake. We saw many boats on the lake. I bought a beautiful kite near the lake. We also ate some nice food there. We had a good time. I love the West Lake. () 1. I went to the West Lake with my_. A. friendB. parentsC. brother() 2. We went t

13、here by_. A. trainB. planeC. bus() 3. Many people _around the lake. A. ranB. jumpedC. walked() 4. We saw many boats on the_. A. seaB. riverC. lake() 5. I bought a _near the lake. A. kiteB. postcardC. pen参考答案一、1. C2. A3. C4. A5. B 二、1. dropped2. last3. friend 4. phoned 5. meet三、1. B点拨:由Yesterday 可知,动

14、词应用过去式。2. A 3. C点拨:该句为特殊疑问句,句中有实义动词go,由last Sunday可知助动词要用did。4. A5. C四、1. A2. B3. B4. A5. B五、1. meet2. then3. home/some4. send5. sorry6. run7. walk8. train9. black10. ground (答案不唯一)六、1. send an email2. in the park3. by bus 4. postcard5. an ice cream七、1. Where2. Who3. came 4. took5. buy八、1. B2. A3. C

15、4. C5. AModule2 Unit 1 What did you buy?一、选择合适的单词或短语填空。 1. We_ food for our party. 2. _ cheese did your mum buy?3. Xiaoqiang_ his pen yesterday. 4. Did you_ any bananas?5. _ girls are there under the tree?6. Lets do our homework_. 二、单项选择。() 1. Amy, go _ buy some eggs, please. A. orB. andC. but() 2.

16、We didnt buy _ apples. A. anyB. muchC. some() 3. How much _ do you need? A. bananasB. milksC. water() 4. My little sister _ pears. A. likeB. likingC. likes() 5. I need water _ my trip. A. toB. forC. with三、将下列句子与相应的图片连线。1. How much milk did she buy?A. 2. Ill make a shopping list.B. 3. He didnt buy an

17、y eggs.C. 4. How many bananas do you have?D. 5. Did you buy any vegetables?E. 四、情景交际。() 1. 你想知道妈妈买了几个苹果,你应问_() 2. 春游时你不小心丢了书包,你会对妈妈说_() 3. 妈妈从超市回来,你会问妈妈_() 4. 你想告诉妈妈表妹Lucy喜欢香蕉,你应说_() 5. 妈妈想让你去买些水果,她会说_A. What did you buy, Mum? B. Go and buy some fruit, please. C. I lost my bag. D. Lucy likes bananas

18、. E. How many apples did you buy?五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Mr Smart is making a _ (shop) list. 2. How many_ (book) are there on the desk?3. We can _ (go) home by bus. 4. First, _ (finish) your homework. 5. Miss Green _ (like) swimming. 6. Yesterday my mum _ (buy) a new dress. 六、将下列句子英汉互译。1. We need food for

19、 our picnic. _2. 这是清单。_3. 你买的什么?_4. How many pencils did you buy?_5. Did you buy a new Tshirt?_6. We didnt buy any bananas. _参考答案一、1. need2. How much3. lost4. buy 5. How many6. first二、1. B点拨:肯定句中两个并列的成分之间用and连接。2. A点拨:any用于否定句和疑问句中。3. C点拨:How much 后跟不可数名词。4. C点拨:一般现在时中主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 5. B三

20、、1C2A3B4E5D四、1. E2. C3. A4. D5. B五、1. shopping 2. books点拨: How many 后跟可数名词复数。3. go点拨: 情态动词 can 后跟动词原形。4. finish点拨: 祈使句用动词原形。5. likes点拨: 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式。6. bought点拨:由 Yesterday 可知,动词应用过去式。六、1. 我们的野餐需要食物。2. Heres the list. 3. What did you buy?4. 你买了多少支铅笔?5. 你买了一件新T 恤衫吗?6. 我们没有买香蕉。Module2Unit 2 How

21、 much cheese did you buy?一、读句子,从中圈出含有例词画线部分读音的单词。1. numberHow much juice did he drink?2. firstThere are two birds in the tree. 3. cheeseWe need some food. 4. lostThere is a bottle here. 5. motherMs Wang is an English teacher. 二、单项选择。() 1. _ teachers are there in your school?A. How muchB. How manyC.

22、How big() 2. Did Tom _ all the chocolate?A. eatB. eatingC. ate() 3. Here are two _ for you. A. cheeseB. appleC. bottles() 4. How much milk do you want? A bottle _ two?A. orB. andC. also() 5. _Amy like chocolate?Yes, she_. A. Does, doB. Do, doC. Does, does三、选出与图意相符的句子。() 1. A. We need a big bag for o

23、ur picnic. B. We need rice for our picnic. () 2. A. How much juice did she drink?B. How much milk did she drink?() 3. A. We also bought a lot of cheese. B. We also bought a lot of chocolate. () 4. A. Here are two big apples for you. B. Here are two big pears for you. () 5. A. You can use the car ove

24、r there. B. You can use the bike over there. 四、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Can I u_ your pen?2. We bought two b_ of milk. 3. What did you b_ at the supermarket?4. She didnt eat a_ chocolate. 5. You c_ eat some fruit now. 五、根据图示简要回答问题。1. How many pears do you have? _ 2. Where did you go yesterday? _ 3. How muc

25、h milk did you buy? _ 4. What did you buy? _ 5. How much meat did she buy? _ 六、选择合适的单词或词组补全对话。How much, drank, bought, Where, How many, kilos, half, DidA:1. _ you go shopping yesterday?B:Yes,I 2. _ some oranges. A:3. _ oranges did you buy?B:I bought five 4. _. And I also bought some cheese and juice

26、. A:5. _ cheese did you buy?B:I bought 6. _ a kilo. A:7. _ is the juice?B:I 8. _ it all. 七、阅读短文,完成下列各题。 (建议用时:6分钟)Ben Webb is going to be eleven years old tomorrow. Bens mother is going to give (举办) a birthday party for her son. Now all the family are busy now. Mrs Webb is making a birthday cake. Be

27、n and his sister are cleaning the house. Now Mr Webb is talking with Mrs Webb. Mr Webb:Can I help you, dear?Mrs Webb:Yes, can you go shopping now?Mr Webb:Sure. Mrs Webb:Is there any meat in the fridge?Mr Webb:No, there isnt. Mrs Webb:Well, some meat and twenty chicken legs. Is there any orange juice

28、?Mr Webb:Yes, but only a little. Mrs Webb:We need some orange juice. And we need a birthday hat and some flowers. Mr Webb:Shall we give Ben a present?Mrs Webb:Oh, yes. Lets buy a new Tshirt for him. Mr Webb:What colour would Ben like?Mrs Webb:Yellow. He likes yellow best. 1. 根据短文内容完成下列购物单。SHOPPING L

29、ISTsome meat2. 根据短文内容回答问题。(1) How old is Ben going to be tomorrow?_(2)What is Mrs Webb doing?_(3)Who is cleaning the house?_(4)What present can Ben get from his parents?_参考答案一、1. much2. birds3. need4. bottle 5. teacher二、1. B点拨:teachers 是可数名词复数。2. A3. C点拨:two 后跟可数名词复数。4. A点拨:两者之间选择用or连接。5. C点拨:主语是第三人

30、称单数,助动词用does。三、1. A2. A3. B4. A5. B四、1. use2. bottles3. buy4. any5. can五、1. Four. 2. I went to the supermarket. 3. Two bottles. 4. A Tshirt. 5. Half a kilo. 六、1. Did2. bought3. How many4. kilos 5. How much6. half7. Where8. drank七、1. SHOPPING LISTsome meattwenty chicken legssome orange juicea birthda

31、y hatsome flowersa Tshirt2. (1) He is going to be eleven years old. (2) She is making a birthday cake. (3) Ben and his sister. (4) A new Tshirt. Module3Unit 1Where did you go?同步练习一、摘苹果,组单词。1. pl_ce2. t_k3. r_ver 4. b_st5. min_te 6. h_r二、根据图示选词填空。river, twenty, museum, train, minutes 1What did you se

32、e in the_? I saw many old things. 2How many_ are there in an hour? Sixty.3I took a boat trip along the_. It was wonderful. Great!4What is twelve and eight? Its_.5How did you go to Hainan? I went there by_.三、单项选择。() 1. Please_ me about your trip.A. tellB. tellingC. tells() 2. John likes playing footb

33、all_.A. really B. best C. good() 3. It took_ one hour to do our homework. A. we B. us C. they() 4. What did you do_ the weekend?I washed my clothes.A. to B. in C. at() 5. _We went to Dalian.A. How did you go?B. Where did you go?C. What did you see?四、连词成句。1likeLinglingmuseumdidthe (?)_2onemeitthereto

34、okhourgetto (.)_3goodyesterdaywedayhada (.)_4oftheyplacesvisitedlots (.)_5goSundaydidwhereyoulast (?)_五、选择合适的句子,补全对话。A:Hello, Amy.B:1._A:Fine, thanks. What did you do at the weekend?B:2._A:Oh.3._B:Lingling. We saw lots of monkeys.A:4._B:By bus.A:5._B:Yes, she likes monkeys best. We had a good time.A

35、Hello, Daming. How are you?BWho did you go with? CDid Lingling like them? DHow did you go there?EI went to the zoo. 参考答案一、1.a2.oo3.i4.e5.u6.ou 二、1.museum2.minutes3.river 4twenty5.train三、1.A点拨:祈使句用动词原形。2B点拨:“最” 用best表达。3B点拨:动词后跟人称代词宾格形式作宾语。4C 5B点拨:答语回答的是地点,故问句应为去了哪儿。四、1. Did Lingling like the museum?

36、 2. It took me one hour to get there. 3. We had a good day yesterday. 4. They visited lots of places. 5. Where did you go last Sunday?五、1.A2.E3.B4.D5.C Module3Unit 2 Daming took a photo of his father.一、在下列单词的词首加上一个字母,使之变为另一个单词,并用新单词组成短语。1old_ _2long_ _3all_ _4our_ _5rain_ _二、单项选择。() 1. They walked along the river for_. Ah


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