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1、Unit Four Why dont you talk to your parents?一 词语,句型重n加油点解析1. Why dont you don加油?【解析】Why dont you do?n加油是常见的提建议的句型,该句型还可以用来发出礼貌的邀请。 同样n加油表示征求对方意见的句型:What aboutn加油 doing? / How about doingn加油? Would you like to do sn加油th? Lets do sth.Youd bn加油etter do/ not do sth. 【做一做】1. -n加油-Why not _(wear) a hat? n

2、加油 -Good idea.n加油2. -How about _n加油_(visit) our teacher? -Tn加油hat sounds good.3. -Lets _n加油_(take) the dog for an加油 walk. -Sorry, I can加油nt.4. Would you minn加油d my _(open) the door? -n加油-Of course not.5. Would you like _n加油_(come) to my party? -n加油-Id love to, but1.n加油 -Tomorrow will be sunnyn加油. Ho

3、w about having a picnic in the parkn加油? -_n加油_ But I have to prepare n加油for tomorrows exam. A. Id love. n加油 B. Id love to. C. Thn加油ats right.2. - A n加油new 3D movie is on. Shall we go and see n加油it this weekend? - _! Wn加油hats it? A. I must be goinn加油g nowB. You are rightC. Why notD.n加油 My pleasure3.

4、-Look! Its rn加油aining heavily. _ take a rn加油aincoat with you? -Wen加油ll, Ill take one right now.n加油 A. Why not B. Why dn加油ont C. Would youn加油 mind D. Would you liken加油4. A: Would you like to dn加油ance with me? B: . I have too n加油much homework. A. Sorry, I can加油nt.B. Of course not.C. Thats n加油OK.D. Id

5、like to.2. allow【解析】aln加油low 及物动词,意为 “允许”。用法:n加油_允许某人做某n加油事。allow 用法:_n加油允许某事,例如: We dont an加油llow such a thing._n加油_ 允许做某事。 例如: We dont aln加油low smoking in our house. 【做一做】1. 我n加油的父母不允许我上学的晚上上网。My parentsn加油 dont allow me _ on加油n weekdays.2.他们不允在这条街上停车。 Tn加油hey shouldnt allow _ in n加油this street.3.

6、 look throun加油gh【解析】look through 意为“翻阅,浏览”,后直接跟宾语。例如n加油:My brother is lookn加油ing through the newspan加油per to find a better jon加油b.与look相关的短语: _n加油 照顾,照看 _ 看 _n加油_ 看起来像 _n加油_ 寻找 _当心 n加油 _(在字典等中)查找【做一做】n加油1. - Would you please_ then加油 paper for me and see if tn加油here are any mistakesn加油? - Of course I

7、 will.A. look aroundn加油B. look throughC. ln加油ook upD. look inton加油2. Peter, what will you don加油 if your parents go out? n加油They ask me to _ myself. An加油look afterBlook up Clook fon加油r Dlook through3. I dontn加油 know the new word. It doesnt n加油matter, you can _n加油_ in the dictionary. n加油A. look up it

8、n加油B. look it up C. n加油look for it D. lon加油ok it for4. instead 【n加油解析】instead副词,反而、代替位于句子的开头时,多用逗号与句n加油子的主体部分隔开;位于句子的结尾时不用逗号与句子的主体部分隔开n加油。例如: Jackdidnthavenoodn加油lesforlunch. Insten加油ad,hehadriceandfish.n加油 Annsaidnothing.Sn加油hebegantocryinstead.insteadon加油f短语介词,代替,而不是。在句中的位置比较灵活,其后需n加油接被代替的内容作宾语,其宾

9、语多由名词、代词、动词ing形式以及介词短语等充n加油当。例如:【做一做】用instead或instead of填空1. Davn加油ewentfishing _gon加油ingskating.2. Mybrotherisn加油ntgoodatmath. _, heisn加油goodatEnglish.3. I likeren加油adinginthelibrary _n加油_intheclassroom.4. Yesterdayn加油John _ Mr.Zn加油hanggaveusa talkon加油nAmericanhistory.5. Daven加油 went cycling_going

10、skan加油ting.6. My brother isnt good atn加油 math._,he is good atn加油 English.7. Mr. Zhang lin加油kes reading newspapers_n加油_books. 8. l like reading in加油n the library_in then加油 classroom. 9. Yesterday John_n加油_Mr. Zhang gave us tn加油alk on American history. 5. non加油t until【解析】until表示动作、状态的持续,强调“一n加油直到为止”,或

11、强调某个动作或状态一直持续到另一个动作或状态出现之前。常与表n加油示延续性动作的动词连用。例如: I waited untn加油il three oclock, but he didnt comen加油.not until表示“到为止;直到才”,常与表示瞬间性n加油动作的动词连用。如: His father dn加油idnt come back home untin加油l 23:00. 【做一做】1. We didnt start n加油our discussion _ everybodyn加油 arrived.A. since B. if C. n加油while D. until2. Mom

12、, shall n加油we have supper now?Oh, we wn加油ont have supper _ yon加油ur dad comes back. A. until n加油B. since C. while D. after3.n加油 Last night Dad and Mum didnn加油t come back home _ I finishen加油d my homework.A. while n加油B. if C. until D. as4.n加油 Tom, you look tired this mornin加油ng. Whats wrong? I was so n

13、加油busy that I didnt go to bed _ 12 n加油oclock last night. A. unn加油til B. when C. n加油though D. unless6. altn加油hough【解析】although意为“尽管”,较正式,语气强,用n加油来引导让步状语从句。 although引导n加油的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。例如:n加油 He often helps me with my En加油nglish although he is quiten加油 busy. Although Betty was ill, she n加油came t

14、o school yesterday.although引导的从n加油句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, stilln加油连用。【做一做】1. Usually, we dont n加油know how important something is _n加油_ we lose it. A. or n加油 B. until C. asn加油 soon as D. after2. _ tn加油hey are very tired, n加油they feel happy because theyve finallyn加油 finished their homework.A. So n加

15、油 B. Although C. If n加油 D. But3. You bought the car n加油about ten years ago? Yes. _ itn加油s old, it still runs well.A. Becaun加油se B. Since n加油 C. Although D. But4n加油. Jack still came to school _ hn加油e was ill.A though n加油 B. hot C. if n加油 D. so7. Its time fon加油r【解析】_ 是该做某事的时候了。 _n加油_是该做某n加油事的时候了。 _是某人

16、n加油该做某事的时候了。【做一做】 1. 到你值日的时候了n加油. _ you n加油to be on duty. 2. 你爸爸回来了。该吃晚饭了.Youn加油r dad has come back home. Its time _n加油_. 3. Its tn加油ime that you _ to n加油school. A. wen加油nt B. go C.n加油 to go D. going8. the Taylon加油rs【解析】the+姓氏的复数形式表示 “姓该姓氏n加油的一家人”,作主语时谓语动词用复数。例如: The n加油Taylors are a typical America

17、n famn加油ily. a/an 姓氏单数”表示某家族的一个成员。例n加油如:His wife is a Kennedy(a men加油mber of the Kennedy family)【做一做】 n加油 1. The Browns _n加油(be) from New York. 2. n加油John一家人在看电视。The Johnsn加油 _ now. n加油3. 史密斯一家人正在吃饭。 The Smiths n加油_ at tn加油he dinning hall. 二 词汇复习I.根n加油据首字母或句子意思完成单词,使句意完整:1. Look n加油at the girl under

18、 the trn加油ee. Can you g_ n加油who she is?2. In the end, we made an加油 d _with him.3. Chinan加油 is trying to improve r_n加油_ with other countries.4. Look atn加油 the c_ in the sky. They n加油are very beautiful.5. In加油 always feel n_ when I speak in fn加油ront of many people.6. Fill in the n加油blanks with p_ word

19、s.7. Hn加油elena often o_ seats to the oldn加油 on the bus.8. Students shouldnt c_n加油_ others homework. 9. My pan加油rents give me too mush p_n加油_ about school.10. In my n加油o_, its important for parn加油ents to communicate with things happenn加油 in School11. If you have sn加油ome worries, you can talk to your

20、parn加油ents or other family m_n加油_.12. You shouldnt c_n加油_ with your classmates to n加油get better grades.13. Tn加油he Zhangs are a t_n加油_ Chinese family.14. After-schn加油ool classes can help kids to get into an加油 good u_.15. She was s_n加油_in finding a new job so sn加油he was really happy.16. Pn加油arents sho

21、uldnt p_ thn加油eir children so hard.III. 用所给词的适当形式n加油填空1. My brother is very busyn加油. He doesnt have any freen加油 time _(play) computer n加油games. 2. Im really _(tirn加油e) because I studied untin加油l midnight last night.3. When加油n parents argue, its like a big, bn加油lack cloud _(hang) oven加油r our home.4.

22、My sister borrows my CDsn加油 without _(ask). Whn加油at should I do?5. Sun Yang in加油s good at _n加油_(swim) . He did best in 2n加油019.6. When I came in, I found him _n加油_(write) somethin加油ng on my seat.7. His _n加油_(old) brother wants to be a von加油lunteer and help the homn加油eless children.8. Her words mn加油a

23、de her parents _(n加油angry).9. The Internet makn加油es our life nicer, _(easy) and mon加油re colorful than befon加油re.10. Their parents arent wn加油ith them, so they look after _n加油_(they).11. n加油He does lots of things on weekenn加油ds, like _(clen加油an) the room, doing some wan加油shing, and so on.12. Keep n加油_

24、(work) hard and yon加油u will succeed.13. Its time _(hn加油ave) a rest. Lets stop working.14. The oldn加油 man was very strict and he didnt len加油t us _(come) in.15. Free activin加油ties like exercising and _n加油_(hang) out with friends are really ren加油laxing.16. Doctors say ton加油o much pressure is not good n

25、加油for a childs _n加油(develop).17. Its _n加油_(fair) to let us do so mucn加油h homework without rest.18. _n加油(tire) children cantn加油 study well.19. He alwayn加油s felt bad then he _n加油_(drop) his grades.20. Is there a n加油toilet in the _n加油_(neighbor)?21. Dont push students ton加油o hard. They have enough _n加油

26、_(stress).22. Neithen加油r of the two answers _n加油_(be) right.23. Both of the twins _n加油_(like) challenges.24. Eithn加油er of them _(be) going tn加油o give us a report.25. Why donn加油t you wait a few _n加油(many) days before _n加油_(talk) to hn加油er?26. When you get _n加油_(old), you win加油ll get to understand you

27、n加油r parents.27. When do you n加油take your daughter to n加油football _(train)?28. My parentn加油s give me a lot of _n加油_(press) about school.29. Eating n加油fruit and vegetables _(be) n加油is good for our health.30. Childrenn加油 are only _(allow) ton加油 wear school uniforms.31. We are ally hn加油appy about his _

28、n加油(success). He is realln加油y a _(success) person加油n.32. He finally _(n加油success) in passing the exan加油m.33. Its a/an _(usualn加油) experience, few peopn加油le have chances to do it.n加油34. Do you know how to man加油ke him _(live) a happyn加油 life?三 语法复习I单项选择1. -Do yon加油u often get online? -Yes, n加油I _ lots

29、 of time on it. In加油ts a good way to relax. A. cn加油ost B. spend C. taken加油 D. pay2. Look at the n加油boy _ in the corner. Lets go andn加油 help him. A. cry Bn加油. to cry C. crying n加油 D. cried3. -The meat is _n加油_ delicious. -Yes, but dontn加油 eat _. A. too mucn加油h, much too B. too mn加油uch, too much C. mu

30、ch too, much too Dn加油. much too, too much4. Yestn加油erday he stayed at home and helped hin加油s parents _ to the cineman加油. A. instead of gon加油ing B. instead to go C. instean加油d go D. instead of to go5. The tn加油eacher speaks very loudly_n加油_ all the students can hear hen加油r.A. so that B. n加油because C.

31、since n加油D. when6. Bob promises ton加油 join in the football match _ hn加油e has to help his parents on n加油the farm. A. if B. an加油s C. unless n加油 D. when7. - How can n加油I _ well with my lessons, Dad? -n加油 Practice makes perfect. A. worn加油k on B. hold n加油on C. get on n加油 D. keep onn加油8. - My new phone wa

32、s stolen when加油n I took a bus yesterday. - _n加油_. A. In加油m sorry to hear that B. it dn加油oesnt matter. C. Dn加油ont be silly D. Id love to9.n加油 You bought the car abn加油out ten years ago? Yes. _ its n加油old, it still runs well.A. Because n加油 B. Since n加油 C. Although D. Butn加油10. _ Amy likes to go to the

33、cin加油nema, but she doesnt like to see hon加油rror films. A. Since B. As n加油 C. Though D. 不填1n加油1. Where are you going for the comin加油ng winter camp? I wont deciden加油 on the place the end on加油f this month. A. until B. n加油unless C. though D. n加油through 12. My littn加油le brother didnt answer my quesn加油tio

34、n. _, he asked me a questn加油ion.A. Although B.n加油 But C. Instead D. So13.n加油 We dont allow _ n加油in our offices, but we allown加油 people_ in the smoking rn加油ooms.A. to smoke; to smoke B. n加油smoking; smoking C. to smoke; smon加油king D. smoking; to smoken加油14. Can you _ me with some in加油nformation about

35、the tran加油vel?A. provide B. offer n加油 C. give D. pass15. Inn加油 our class, our teacher ofn加油ten makes us _ each other _n加油_ a problem.A. to argue with; abn加油out B. argue with; about Cn加油. to argue with; for n加油 D. argue for; with16n加油. Parents often _ goodn加油 education _ childn加油ren.A. offer; for B.

36、offer; to n加油 C. send; to D. send; fon加油r17. Itwasraininghard.n加油_,wewentouttoloon加油kfortheboy. A. But B. n加油However C. So D. And18n加油. My little son saw _ outsidn加油e. Shall we go and haven加油 a look? A. strange something B. n加油something strange C. anything strange n加油 D. strange anything19n加油. The g

37、overnment builds lots n加油of low-rent houses(廉租房) to let peopn加油le _in. A. live n加油B. to live C. living n加油 D. lived20. Diana isn加油 so good a girl that she _n加油_ most of her free time withn加油 her grandparents. A. spends B. n加油costs C. takes D. affords21.n加油 I _ this book _ that one, andn加油 I found th

38、is one is thicker.A.n加油 compare; with B. compare; to n加油 C. compared; with Dn加油. compared; to22. What a n加油surprise it is that youve hiked on Mon加油unt Tai! I didnt believe n加油I could do it _ I got n加油to the top.A. unlessn加油 B. after C. until n加油 D. as23. Would you liken加油 some milk ? No, thann加油ks.

39、I dont like it, _n加油I know its good for my health. A. ben加油cause B. though n加油 C. if D. whn加油en24. One important aim of our schn加油ool is to prepare us for then加油 future _we can face all the challn加油enges with confidence. A. so fn加油ar B. sn加油o that C. even if n加油 D. if only25.I think tn加油he result mu

40、st him n加油very much.A.surpriseB.surprin加油sedC.surprisingD.sun加油rprises26. he is n加油very poor, he feels very n加油happy.A.Although; n加油 B.Although;/ C.Because;son加油D.Because;/27.You n加油could save some money you can bn加油uy a gift for your mothern加油.这个工作可让学生分组负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,n加油每周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其n加油目的在于扩大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些n加油,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱n加油心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40n加油多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考n加油书吗?A.in order toB.becauseCn加油.soD.so that28.The old man looksn加油 very unhappy, because n加油h


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