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1、1汉译英的篇章处理汉译英的篇章处理2 广告类实用文翻译 旅游类实用文翻译3广告类实用文翻译 英汉广告的跨文化因素 不同的文化价值观不同的心理结构不同的地域环境与人文环境 翻译时要注意以下差异 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理 为向译文读者忠实地转达原文信息,有时要作适当的文化转换 译例赏析4 英汉广告的跨文化因素不同的文化价值观56 翻译要点 要熟悉外族文化,了解异域人民审美心理 芳芳 白象 蜜蜂 金鸡牌 马戏牌扑克牌 白翎 FangfangWhite ElephantBeeGolden CockMaxipukeWhite Feather7 为向译文读者忠实地转达原文信息,有时要作适当的文

2、化转换 玉兔 藕粉 轻身减肥片 Jade RabbitLotus Root StarchObesityReducing Tablets Moon RabbitLotus Rood PowderSlimming Pills8“美人美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠(花店广告)鲜花,倾诉衷肠(花店广告)一册在手,纵观全球一册在手,纵观全球(环球环球杂志广告)杂志广告)穿上穿上“双星双星”鞋,潇洒走世界(鞋业广告)鞋,潇洒走世界(鞋业广告)中华铅笔品质优良,书写润滑,美观大方中华铅笔品质优良,书写润滑,美观大方 人戴人戴”梅花梅花“,准时乐道(手表广告),准时乐道(手表广告)“波导波导手机中的战斗机手机中的战斗机

3、”(波导手机(波导手机广告)广告)“成功之路,从成功之路,从头头开始。开始。”(飘柔)(飘柔)9 Flowers by BEAUTY speaks from the heart.The Globe brings you the world in a single copy!Double Star takes you afar.Smooth and beautiful,Zhonghua high quality pencils.Give the watch to all and to all a good time.Bird handsets as powerful as fighters.St

4、art ahead.10旅游类实用文翻译 景点名称的翻译景点名称的翻译 旅游资料的翻译旅游资料的翻译11 景点名称的翻译 音译为主,适当意译,照顾通译太和殿太和殿中和殿中和殿保和殿保和殿象鼻山象鼻山 Tai He Dian(Hall of Great/Supreme Harmony)Zhong He Dian(Hall of Central Harmony)Bao He Dian(Hall of Preserving Hall)Xiang Bi Shan(the Elephant Hill)12 旅游景点地名称由旅游景点地名称由专名专名和和通名通名组成组成九龙九龙山山七星七星岩岩拙政园拙政园景

5、点地名的实体部分景点地名的实体部分 景点的类别自然景点的类别自然 vs 人文人文山,岩,峰,江,石等山,岩,峰,江,石等vs宫,亭,楼,台,塔等宫,亭,楼,台,塔等Jiu Long Shan(the Nine Dragon HillQi Xing Yan(the Seven Star Crags)Zhuo Zheng Yuan(Garden of Humble Administration)13 景点名称翻译的注意事项景点名称翻译的注意事项 切忌望文生义切忌望文生义 查对有关资料查对有关资料 考证历史史实考证历史史实14 切忌望文生义切忌望文生义 稻香稻香村村杜甫杜甫草堂草堂 Paddy Sw

6、eet Village/CottageDu Fus Straw/Thatched CottageTo cover(a roof etc.)with thatch(dried straw,reeds etc.15 查对有关资料虎跑泉Tiger Running SpringTiger-clawed SpringTiger Dug SpringTiger Spring16 考证历史史实 寒山寺 三老石室Bleak Mountain TempleTemple of Cold HillHanshan Temple古时掌教古时掌教化之乡官化之乡官The Stone Chamber of the Three

7、 Venerables(who were famous seal-engraving artists)Three Old MenSanlao Stone Chamber17 旅游资料的翻译旅游资料的翻译 释义法 增补法 类比法18 释义法释义法 端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子。端午节那天,人们都要吃粽子。During the Dragon Boat Festival(which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month),it is a common practice to eat Zongzi,which is a rice pudding

8、wrapped up with weed leave.19 增补法增补法 孔子(公元前孔子(公元前551前前479)是春秋时期鲁)是春秋时期鲁国人,名丘,字仲尼。国人,名丘,字仲尼。Confucius,who lived from 551 B.C.to 479 B.C.,was born in the Kingdom of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history(722-481 B.C.).His given name was Qiu and courtesy name Zhongni.20 类比法类比法 故宫耗时故宫耗时14

9、年,整个工程于年,整个工程于1420年结束。年结束。The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years,and was finished in 1420,72 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World./14 years before Shakespeare was born.21旅游资料的翻译 卢沟桥始建于金大定29年(公 元1189年),于金明昌三年(公元1192年)建成。桥全长266.5米,宽7.5米,桥身共11孔,是一座连拱大石桥。大桥扶栏上雕刻的狮子大小不

10、一,形态各异,北京民间就有“卢沟桥”的狮子数不清“的说法。1962年曾为此进行了清点,共有485只。1979年在河中又挖出了一只。这些石狮子技术价值极高,特别是桥东的南边栏杆上有一只石狮子,高竖起一只耳朵,好像在倾听桥下的流水声和过往行人的谈话。1937年7月7日,在卢沟桥想起了抗击日本帝国主义的第一声炮响,揭开了抗日战争的序幕。22 卢沟桥始建于金大定29年(公 元1189年),于金明昌三年(公元1192年)建成。桥全长266.5米,宽7.5米,桥身共11孔,是一座连拱大石桥。The Lugou Bridge started to be built in 1189 and was compl

11、eted three years later.This 11-arch stone bridge is 266.5 meters long and 7.5 meters wide.23 The balustrades are adorned with carved lions of different sizes and posture.There is a saying in Beijing that“The lions on the Lugou Bridge are too numerous to count”.大桥扶栏上雕刻的狮子大小不一,形态各异,大桥扶栏上雕刻的狮子大小不一,形态各异

12、,北京民间就有北京民间就有“卢沟桥卢沟桥”的狮子的狮子数不清数不清“的说法。的说法。24 1962年曾为此进行了清点,共有485只。1979年在河中又挖出了一只。In fact,there were 485 lions altogether according to a 1962 count.In 1979 one more was discovered in the river,bringing the total number to 486.25 这些石狮子艺术价值极高,特别是这些石狮子艺术价值极高,特别是桥东的桥东的南边栏杆南边栏杆上有一只石狮子,高竖起一只耳上有一只石狮子,高竖起一只耳

13、朵,好像在倾听桥下的流水声和过往行人朵,好像在倾听桥下的流水声和过往行人的谈话。的谈话。These stone lions are of great artistic value.On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear pricked up,as if listening intently to the sounds of the water underneath and the conversation of the people passing by.26 1937

14、年年7月月7日,在卢沟桥想起了抗击日本日,在卢沟桥想起了抗击日本帝国主义的第一声炮响,揭开了抗日战争帝国主义的第一声炮响,揭开了抗日战争的序幕。的序幕。On July 7,1937,the first shot of the War of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945)rang out beside the Lugou Bridge.27Lugou Bridge(Marco Polo Bridge)The Lugou Bridge started to be built in 1189 and was completed three years late

15、r.This 11-arch stone bridge is 266.5 meters long and 7.5 meters wide.The balustrades are adorned with carved lions of different sizes and posture.There is a saying in Beijing that“The lions on the Lugou Bridge are too numerous to count”.In fact,there were 485 lions altogether according to a 1962 cou

16、nt.In 1979 one more was discovered in the river,bringing the total number to 486.These stone lions are of great artistic value.On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear pricked up,as if listening intently to the sounds of the water underneath and the conversa

17、tion of the people passing by.On July 7,1937,the first shot of the War of Resistance Against Japan(1937-1945)rang out beside the Lugou Bridge.28中式菜肴名称的翻译 刀法及技巧的翻译 切、削切、削 切丝切丝 切碎切碎 切丁切丁 切柳切柳 去骨去骨 剁末剁末刻、雕刻、雕去皮去皮 刮鳞刮鳞CuttingSlicingShreddingMincingDicingFilletingBoningMashingCarvingSkinning/peelingscaling29 烹调方法的翻译炒炒煎煎爆爆炸炸/汆汆烧烧煮煮蒸蒸炖炖/煨煨/焖焖薰薰烘烘/烤烤白灼白灼Stir-fryingPan-fryingQuick-fryingDeep-fryingBraisingBoiling


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