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1、7B Unit7 Welcome 课时练习一、单词辨音( )1A abilityB excitedC decideD climb( )2A seatB greatC weakD meat( )3A sendB evenC alongD enter( )4A ableB aloneC snakeD later( )5A raiseB towardsC passD ours( )6A usedB playedC workedD jumped( )A birthB southC throughD smooth( )8A chalkB walkC halfD hall( )9A enoughB cou

2、sinC countryD south( )10A smokeB lockC crossingD forest二、词汇1.-Do you like _ stamps? - Yes, I do.(收集)2.He is a _ person. He often drives _. (care)3.Different people have different _. (ability).4.They _(决定) to stay at home because of the heavy rain last night.5.He is too young to look after _. (he)6.H

3、e is _(募集) money for the children in poor areas.7.Its nice of the girl to give her (座位) to the old woman . 8.The children in poor areas cant pay for _(笔记本)。9.Nobody _(相信)his words because he never tells the truth.10. I will visit an old _ home. (people)三、动词填充:.1. -_ John _ (see) a film this weekend?

4、 No, he isnt.2. _(be) he able to dress himself when he was seven years old? 3. We should spend more time_ (learn) English this term.4. If he _ (come) back tomorrow, I _(ride) to see him.5. Look! Each of them _(have) an English dictionary.6. There _ (be) football matches next week, are there?四、选择:( )

5、 1. _good time he had! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( )2.we often hear Jim _ the violin in his room. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play( )3.He always gives his seat _ the old people on the bus. A./ B. to C. for D. with( )4.We should clean _ our classroom if we want to keep it _. A. out ; cl

6、eaned B. up; cleaning C. out; clean D. up; clean( )5.How much does Millie _ the shopkeeper_ the hairclips? A. spend ; for B. spend; on C. pay for; / D. pay ; for( )6.I want to buy a football. How much shall I _? A. cost B. spend C. pay D. pay for( )7.The kite is very beautiful. I want to send_. A.it

7、 you B.you it C.it to you D.you to it( )8 Who _ look after himself when he was 7 years old? A. can B. could C. could be able to D. was be able to( )9.When I_ his room, I found him_ computer games. A. entered into; playing B. entered ; playedC. entered into; plays D. entered ; playing( )10. _! The bu

8、s is coming towards us. A. Look up B. Look out C. Be carefully D. Take care of( )11.He drank some juice. It tasted_and he felt_. A. good ; good B. well ; well C. good; well D. well ; good五、句型转换1. We can collect clothes for the children in poor areas .(提问) we for the children in poor areas . 2.The ch

9、ildren in poor areas even have no money for pens and notebooks .(同义句)The children in poor areas even pens and notebooks .3. Frank read an interesting book about history.(改为一般疑问句) _ Frank _ an interesting book about history?4. He cleaned his room yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ yesterday?5.She did some

10、washing yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ washing yesterday?6.There was some water in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ water in the bottle?7.Alice wasnt tall enough to reach the key .(同义句) Alice was reach the key .六、完成句子:1.我们应该每天把公园清理干净.We should _ _ _ _ every day.2.春天是植树的最佳季节. Spring is _ _ time _ _ trees.3.在公共车

11、上你经常给老人让座吗? Do you often _ a _ to the _ on the bus?4.上星期他参观了老年人之家。He _ an old _ home last week.5.一些家庭甚至不能付钱买笔和笔记本。Some _ _ not even _ _ _ pens and _.6.你可以为他们筹集一些钱来买裤子。You can _ some _ _ them _ buy _.7.他们最需要衣服和鞋子。They _ _ and _ _.8. 仔细听,不要看着窗户的外面。 Listen _! Dont _ _ _ the window.9. 从窗户你能看到外面的海滩和大海._

12、the window you can _ _ _ the beach and the sea.7B Unit 7 Reading1一、单词辨音( )1A B C D ( )2A B C D ( )3A B C D ( )4A B C D ( )5A B C D ( )6A B C D ( )A B C D ( )8A B C D ( )9A B C D ( )10A B C D 二、词汇:1. I told my teacher the correct answer and she _ (点头) with a smile.2.Be careful with (火柴) ,please .3.I

13、read the news about Lin Tao in the _(报纸).4.We should do something to _ (保护) our environment(环境).5.She is a very _ (勇敢的) little girl!6.Its not polite to _(吸烟) on a bus.7.Lin Tao _ (rush) into the kitchen and helped Mrs Sun out.8. Dont go out. The rain is _(pour)down.9.He is _ (bad) ill. So his mother

14、 will take him to the hospital.10.Be _ when you cross the street. You must remember to cross the street _. (care)二、单项选择:( )1. Look at the sign “No smoking”. Sorry, Ill _ my cigarette(香烟) at once.A. put up B. put out C. put on D.put off( )2. Fire may be very dangerous if we are not _. A. enough caref

15、ully B. carefully enough C. careful enough D. enough careful( )3. Its not good to _ dirty water into the river. A. throw B. take C. rush D.pour( )4. There was a fire last night, but the firemen _soon.A. put down it B. put it down C. put it out D. put out it( )5. _great time they have in the park!A.

16、What a B.What C. How a D. How( )6. The young woman has _ daughter.A. a eight-year-old B.an eight-years-old C. an eight-year-old D. a eight-years-old( )7. Only_people can live up to 100 years old. A. few B.a few C.a little D.little( )8. “_ you afraid when you saw the fire?” asked the reporter. A. Wer

17、e B. Are C. Do D.Did( )9. Do you have _ to tell us ? No, nothing . A. exciting anything B. anything exciting C. something exciting D. something excited ( )10. Dont somke in the forest any more, young man! Its dangerous._. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I will D.No, I wont( )11.Today I will go to

18、 _ to see my friend. She is ill in _. A.the hospital, hospital B. hospital, hospital C. hospital, the hospital D. the hospital, the hospital( )12.Amy hurt her leg last Tuesday so she _ walk to school. A.cant B.doesnt C.couldnt D.wasnt三、动词填空:1. He_(be) late for the meeting because he_(not catch) the

19、bus yesterday.2. _ Nike _ (watch) the game this weekend? No, he isnt.3. He _(fall) off the bike and_ (hurt) his leg last Sunday morning.4.At that moment, Millie suddenly heard someone _ (call) for help.5.Who _ (give) a talk for you? Mr Wu did.6. Look! How happy your mother _ (look) !四、句子翻译:1.林涛是个20岁

20、的小伙子。 Lin Tao is a _ _ man.2.他用一条湿毛毯把火扑灭了吗?Did he _ _ the fire _ a _ _?3.他往自己的衣服上泼水来保护自己。He _ water _ his clothes _ _ _.4.那儿烟很浓,火很灼热。There _ _ _ and the fire _ _ _.5.他用一个湿毛毯盖住孙太太然后帮助她逃了出来。He _ a _ _ over Mrs Sun and _ _ _.6.“你真勇敢啊!”他们说,“当时你害怕吗?”“_ _ you are!”they _“_ you _ _ _ _?”7.他住院住了两个星期。 He _ _

21、 _ _ two weeks.8.他真勇敢,从大火中救出了他的邻居。He _ _ _ _ _ his neighbour from a fire.9.火非常危险,我们应该当心。 Fire _ very _. We should _ _ _ it.10.林涛在冲进火堆前,他做了什么来保护自己? What _ Lin Tao _ _ _ _ before he _ _ the fire?7BUnit7 Reading2一、词汇:1.The fire (烧伤)his arms last night.2.Jack Roses life at last.(救).3. Be careful with (火

22、柴) ,please . 4.Why is our classroom so (潮湿)?5.At that (时刻) ,she was afraid.6.She was cold and covered herself with a (毯子).7.He (伤)his legs badly when he fell off the bike. 8. He did nothing to (保护)himself because there was no time. 9.Daniel (泼)water over his clothes and ran into the fire.10.He has t

23、he (able)to finish the work on time.11.Dont throw (垃圾)everywhere.12.Dont (冲)!There are many cars on the road.13.They want to be (记者)in the future.14.Look!Mary is standing near a (垃圾箱).15.We can see a lot of (烟)in the kitchen.16.These (消防员)will come in ten minutes.二、用所给动词适当形式填空:1.Are you afraid (go)h

24、ome alone at night?2. They didnt play football because Simon forgot _ (bring) a football. 3. Yesterday Amy _ (catch) a big fish. 4. If you work hard, you _ (study) English well. 5. Its eight oclock. The Zhangs _ (plan) the trip to Nanjing tomorrow. 6.Do you know what (happen) to the earth in 100 yea

25、rs?三、单项选择:( ) 1. Wood catches fire easily. So _fire.A. keep it away from B. dont keep it away fromC. keep it away D. dont keep it away( ) 2. Can you hear someone _ “help”? A. shout B. shouts C. to shout D. shouting( ) 3. _ interesting the news is! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an( ) 4. My father

26、was watching me _when someone knocked on the door. A.plays the piano B.playing piano C.playing the piano D.play piano( ) 5. I often hear Tom_ the song.A. sing B. sings C. sang D. singing ( ) 6. -Can you post these postcards for us on your way home? -_.A. Fine B. No problem C. Its all right D.I hope(

27、 ) 7. What? Walking on the ice? That sounds_ .A. danger B. well C. dangerous D. dangerously( )8.Over_students watched the film in the hall yesterday. A. two thousands B. two thousand C. two thousands of D.thousand of( ) 9.Very_people can live up to 150 years old. A. few B.a few C.a little D.little(

28、) 10.The T-shirt makes Simon _ .A. look well B. looks beautifully C. look cool D. to look handsome( )11. The story happened _ a cold winter evening . A. in B. at C. on D. /( )12. -What_the day before yesterday? -Nothing. A. happened to him B. did he happen C. happens to him D. did happen to him ( )1

29、3. There is _ _ building in the center of the city. A. 80 metres tall B. an 80-metres-tall C.80 metre tall D. an 80-metre-tall( )14. _ he told me!A. What bad news B. How a bad news C. How bad news D. What a bad news( )15.We cant find the way. Why not stop_the policeman? A.ask B.asking C.to ask D.ask

30、s四、根据汉语完成下列句子:1.不要将任何热的东西放进垃圾箱。Dont the .2.玩火柴很危险。Its dangerous .3.我们应该让孩子远离火。We should .4.父母要求我们当心烟花。Parents ask us .5昨晚他发现他的浴室着火了。He that his bathroom last night.6.上周末他住院了,现在他好点了吗?He was last weekend. Is he now?7.他足够勇敢地把一位老妇人从火里就了出来。He was an old woman a fire.7B Unit7 Grammar一词形转换1. Dont p_ the so

31、up over your clothes.2. He _(can not) work out this problem just now, but now he _ (can).3. Many v_ visit the museum every year.4. I f_to bring our tennis balls, so we couldnt play tennis.5. The story h_ on May 10th 2005.6. People here are good at _ (ski).7. Max is c_, he f_ down and hurt his leg.8.

32、 By the way, can you take your _ with you?(相机)9. Dont _here.Look, the sign says “No _!”(抽烟)10 Can you answer this _? .No _.(问题 )11. He can also _ things with his eyes. (燃烧)二单项选择( ) 1. _ great fun we had at the party last night! A. what B. what a C. how D. how a( ) 2. The story happened _ a cold dark

33、 winter night. A. in B. at C. on D. /( ) 3. The old man doesnt have any child. He lives _.A. along B. alone C. himself D. by( ) 4. Wang Li, _ girl, helped the little boy out of the water. A. a 11-years-old B. a 11-year-old C. an 11-year-old D. an 11 years old( ) 5. _ exciting news! How _ she listens

34、 in class now!A. what an , careful B. what ,carefully C. how , care D. how an ,careless( ) 6. He is a kind man. He always thinks more of _, but less of _.A. the other, himself B. others, himself C. other, him D. others, him( ) 7. - Our school football team always _ in the matches. -Yes, and as I know, it _ win the game yesterday. A. loses / could B. lose / cans C. lost / could D. loses / cans( ) 8. She said her mother was ill in _ and she _ find the way to the hospital. A. hospital / cant B.


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