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1、现在完成时态讲解及练习一、现在完成时的构成 肯定句: 主语 +have/ has + done (过去分词 )+其它He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years.一般疑问句: Have/ Has +主语+ done (过去分词 )+其它Has he lived in Shenzhen for 4 years?否定句: 主语+have/ has+ not + done (过去分词 )+其它 He has not finished his homework.过去分词的构成方法如下 :1. 一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加 ed. work-worked answer-a

2、nswered obey-obeyed want-wanted2. 以不发音的 -e 结尾的动词只加 d.Move-moved hope-hoped divide-divided3. 字尾是辅音 +y 的动词。则将 y 改 i 加 ed.study-studied tidy-tidied satisfy-satisfied4. 以重读闭音节结尾的词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加ed.stop-stopped regret- regretted drop-dropped不规则动词过去式与过去分词分类记忆表1.花费costcostcost2.割cutcutcut3.伤害h

3、urthurthurt4.让letletlet5.放putputput6.朗读readreadread7.设置setsetset8.打击,碰撞hithithit9.关上门窗shutshutshut10.让letletlet、 AAA. (原形,过去式和过去分词一致)7.建筑buildbuiltbuilt8.借出lendlentlent9.花费spendspentspent10.派遣sendsentsent4) 过去式、过去分词在原形词尾加 t 或 d11.学会learnlearnt/edlearnt/ed12.意思meanmeantmeant13.燃烧burnburnt/edburnted13

4、.做梦dreamdreamt/eddreamt/ed13.处理dealdealtdealt14.听hearheardheard5) 过去式、过去分词改为 -ept二、ABB (过去式和过去分词一致)1) 过去式、过去分词含有 -ought1.带来bringbroughtbrought2.买buyboughtbought3.打架fightfoughtfought4.想thinkthoughtthought5.寻找、探究seeksoughtsought2) 过去式、过去分词含有 -aught15.保持keepkeptkept16.睡觉sleepsleptslept17.扫sweepsweptswe

5、pt6) 过去式、过去分词改为 -elt18.感觉feelfeltfel19.嗅smellsmelt/edsmelt/ed20.拼写spellspelt/edspelt/ed5.抓住catchcaughtcaught6.教teachtaughttaught3) 过去式、过去分词 -t 替换原形 -d20.孵蛋laylaidlaid21.说saysaidsaid7) 过去式、过去分词改为 -aid22.支付paypaidpaid8) 过去式、过去分词改为 -old23.卖sellsoldsold24.告诉telltoldtold9) 过去式、过去分词改为 -ood25站standstoodsto

6、od26.明白understandunderstoodunderstood10) 其它变化27.得到getgotgot(gotten)28.坐sitsatsat29.照顾babysitbabysatbabysat30.离开leaveleftleft31.失去loselostlost32.找到findfoundfound33.有have(has)hadhad34.握住,召开holdheldheld35.制造makemademade36.悬挂hanghunghung37.照耀shineshoneshone39.赢winwonwon40 逃跑fleefledfled41 喂feedfedfed42.

7、引导, 导致leadledled43 遇见meetmetmet三、 ABA (过去式与原形一致)1.变成becamebecomebecome2.来comecamecome3.跑runranrun四、 ABC (原形、过去式、过去分词各不一样)1). 过去分词在过去式或原形后加 -n 或-en1.击败beatbeatbeaten2.破坏breakbrokebroken3.驾驶drivedrovedriven4.吃eatateeaten5.落下fallfellfallen6.给givegavegiven7.生长growgrewgrown8.知道knowknewknown9.吹blowblewblo

8、wn10.扔throwthrewthrown11.展示showshowedshown12.弄错mistakemistookmistaken13.拿taketooktaken14.摇动shakeshookshaken15.说speakspokespoken16.选择choosechosechosen1是be(is, am; are)was; werebeen2开始beginbeganbegun3做dodidDone4喝drinkdrankdrunk5飞flyflewflown6忘记forgetforgotforgot/forgotten7躺lielaylain8骑rideroderidden9打

9、电话ringrangrung10唱singsangsung11穿wearworeworn12游泳swimswanswum13写writewrotewritten14去gowentgone2)三种形式都有变化二、现在完成时标志词:recently; recent years; these days/ years; lately; since; for+时间段; in the past few years; ever since; inthe last five months; up to now; since then; so far; ever; never, yet; once; twice

10、; already; before; justalready (已经 ): 用于肯定句I have already posted the letter .yet(已经 ): 用于否定句 ,疑问句He hasn t done his homework yet.just(刚刚)They have just left.ever(曾经)Have you ever been to Beijing ? never(从不)I have never seen him .before(以前)Have you seen the film before?since(自从以来)I ve worked in the s

11、chool sin c1e999.for(长达)He s lived in Shenzhen for 6 years.in the past several days / weeks/ year在s( 过去的 ) recently(最近)I have not written to my parents recently.so far(到目前为止 )So far she has learned 5 English songs.up to now(到目前为止 )this morning/month/year(今天早上 /这个月 /今年 )已经 ), yet( 已经 ),引导的时间短语或三、现在完成

12、时的用法1) 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作 , 并对现在有影响。常与 already( just( 刚刚),ever( 曾经)等词连用 .Already , yet 的用法already: 常用于肯定句中 . yet: 常用于否定句 , 疑问句尾 .Someone has broken the window. 窗( 户现在是坏的 )I have already lost the key. ( 我现在没有钥匙 )I haven t read that booekt .y (不了解书的内容 )I have just cleaned my hands. ( 手是干净的 )3) 现在完成时表示从过去一

13、直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与 for, since 从句连用 .since , for 的用法 :since: (自以来 )1)since+时间点He has stayed here since 5o clock.2)since+ 时间段 + agoHe has stayed here since 5 hours ago.3)since+ 从句for: ( 长达)for+ 时间段He has kept the book for 2 weeks.She has learned English for 5 years.He has lived in Beijing since he was bo

14、rn .Have you stayed here since 3 o clock?四、have/has been to; have/has gone to; have/has been inhave /has been to 曾经去过某地,人已经回来了have /has gone to 去了某地,人还没回来 have /has been in 去了某地并一直待在那1. 我去过上海。 I have been to Shanghai twice.2. -Where is Jim? -He has gone to England(尚未回来)3. I have been in Shanghai for

15、 three years 我到上海已有三年了。1、现在完成时的 完成用法 现在完成时的 完成用法 指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产 生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。例如: He has turned off the light. 他已把灯关了。( 动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况 - 灯现在不亮了。 )现在完成时 完成用法 的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间 状语 ( 如: already , yet , before , recently 等 ) 、频度时间状语 ( 如: never , ever , once 等 ) 、包括现在时刻在内的时

16、间状语 ( 如: this morning / month / year. , today 等 ) 连用。例如: Have you found your pen yet ?你已找到你的钢笔了吗?2、现在完成时的 未完成用法 现在完成时的 未完成用法 指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能 还要继续下去。例如:1. He has lived here since 1978/he moved here自. 从 1978 年以来,他一直住在这儿。( 动作起始于 1978 年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。 )2. I have been in the army for more t

17、han 5 years.我 在部队已经呆了五年多了。( 动作开始于 5 年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。 ) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语 ( 由 since 或 for 引导 ) ,或表示与现在 时刻相连的时间状语 ( 如: up to now , so far 到目前为止 ) 等。例如: I have heard nothing from him up to now. 到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。3. 瞬间动词不能和时间段连用,瞬间动词转换成延续性动词:把动作换成状态动作状态动作状态diebe deadbeginbe onborrow/buykept/hadend/f

18、inishbe overleavebe awayjoinbe inarrivebe heremarrybe married例如:1. 他的爷爷已经去世 2 年了。 His grandpa has been dead for 2 years.2. Nick 参军 3 年了. Nick has been in the army for 3 years3. 他离开深圳好长时间了。 He has been away from Shenzhen for a long time.4. 这本书我已借了 4 个月了 I have had/kept the book for 4 months.五、现在完成时与一

19、般过去时的区别(1) 一般过去时的谓语动词用过去式,而现在完成时的谓语基本构成是 助动词 have /has + 过去分词 。如: The film started at 7 oclock. He has been a teacher for many years.(2) 一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用 。如: yesterday, last week, two years ago, just now, in 2002 等 ; 而现在完成时则常与 just, already, ever, never 等副词和 these days, this week, since., for./si

20、nce.ago/ up to now/so far等 表示 一段时间的状语 连用。(3 ) 一般过去时表示过去 某个时间 发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。 说话的侧重点只 在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对 现在 产生的影响。如:He visited Guilin in 1998. 他 1998 年参观过桂林。 ( 只说明去桂林的时间 ) (4)现在完成时表示 动作发生在过去,对现在造成了影响或产生了结果 。 不与确定的过去时间 状语连用。如: Jill has bought a new computer. 吉尔买了一台新电脑。 ( 着重点是现在有了一台新电脑 ) 看看以下的几组句子,有什

21、么区别?(A) Have you seen the film?(B)Did you see the film?说明 你看过这部电影吗?(A) 句强调的是被问者对剧情是否了解;(B) 句强调的是看这部电影的动作是否发生过,并不强调是否知道其内容。(A) He has lived in Beijing for 8 years. (B) He lived in Beijing for 8 years. 说明 他在北京住了 8 年。(A) 句讲的是到目前为止他在北京住了 8 年,可能还会继续在北京住下去。(B) 句讲的是他在北京住过 8 年,现在不在北京了。练习一、抄写动词以及过去式和过去分词。1.

22、be- 21 break 2. come- 22 bring 3. go- 23 build 4. do- 24 bite -_5. have- 25 catch 6. drink- 26 choose 7. give- 27 cut -_8. eat- 28 fall -_9. know- 29 fly -_10. run- 30 forget 11. say- 31 grow 12. see- 32 hit -_13. find- 33 hurt -14. draw- 34 keep 15. get- 35 lend -16. hear- 36 lose 17. begin- 37 mee

23、t 18. buy- 38 put -_19. leave- 39 read -20 become - 40 ring -二、用 for 或 since 填空1. Mr. Brown has had his TV 15 years.2. I ve taken driving lessons last month.3. My sister has had her cell phone a month .4. My friends haven t visited me my birthday.5. We haven t used ouar rc a long time .6. She hasn t

24、 had a good cup of coffee years.7. Tom has worn glasses he was 7 years old.8. Jill has been in Ireland Monday.9. Mr. Jason has been in Paris three days.10. My aunt has lived in Australia15days.11. Margaret is in her office. She has been there 7 o clock.12. India has been an independent country 1974.

25、13. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty many years.14. Mike has been ill a long time. He has been in hospital October.三、改写句子,使原句的意思不变,每空一词。1. The English professor arrived here about a week agoThe English professor here for about a week .2. Her husband started to work on the farm thre

26、e hours ago .Her husband on the farm for three hours .3. The French musician came to China last month , and he is still here .The French musician China for a month .4. He joined the army in 1985 .He the army 1985 .5. He joined the League half a year ago .He has been a League half a year .6. The bus

27、left five minutes ago .The bus already for five minutes .7. The girl bought a new school bag in September .The girl the school bag since September .8. The shop closed last winter .The shop since last winter .9. The film began ten minutes ago .The film for ten minutes .10. The dog died two days ago .

28、The dog for two days .11. The meeting ended last month .The meeting for a month .四、用 have/has been to, have/has gone to 填空:1. Where is your brother? He the shop. He ll be back soon.2. you ever to America? Yes, I New York twice.3. Here you are at last! Where you ? I London.4. David Australia. I m sur

29、e he s already arrived.5. Is Benny here? No, he the school library. He left five minutes ago.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I (wait) for him for two hours . I am very angry.2. He (be) a doctor since he was twenty.3. The film (be) on for fifteen minutes.4. you ever (read) that book before?5. you ever (try) to chan

30、ge her?6. No one (arrive) here yet.7. the bus (leave) yet?8. I (not talk) to him yet.9. I already (make) the bed.10. They just (go). They will be back soon.11. When you (meet) him ? Last night or this morning?12. She (not come) here recently .13. She (never see) the man before .14. I (meet) him befo

31、re, but I forget his name.15. It is eleven o ck. Hec l_o (not come) back yet.16. He (write) five stories so far .17. She (be) a teacher for ten years , she likes her job very much.18. she (call) on you lately ?选择题1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they whats happened to him .A. knewB. have knownC.

32、must knowD. will know2、He has been to Shanghai , has heA. already B. neverC. ever3、Have you met Mr Li ?A. justB. agoC. beforeD. stillD. a moment ago4、The famous writer one new book in the past two year .A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. has written5、 Our country a lot so far .Yes . I hope it

33、will be even .A. has changed ; well B. changed ; goodC. has changed ; betterD. changed ; better6、Zhao Lan already in this school for two years .A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied7、We Xiao Li since she was a little girl .A. knowB. had known C. have known8、Harry Potter is a very nice f

34、ilm .I it twice .A. will see B. have seen C. saw9、 These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When there ?A. will they go B. did they goC. do they go10、you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I it a moment ago .D. are ; studyingD. knewD. seeD. have they goneA. Did ; do ; finishedB. Have ; done

35、; finishedC. Have ; done ; have finished11、 His father the Party since 1978 .A. joined B. has joined 12、Do you know him well ? Sure .We friends sinceA. were B. have been 13、How long have you here ?About two months .A. been B. gone 14、Hurry up! The play forA. has begun B. had begunD. will ; do ; fini

36、shC. was inten years ago .C. have becomeC. cometen minutes .C. has been on15、 It tenA. is16、 Miss GreenA. has goneyears since he left theB. has isnt in the office . she_B. wentarmy .C. will to the library .C. will go17、My parents Shandong for ten years .A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone t

37、o 18、The students have cleaned the classroom, ?A. so theyB. don t theyC. have theyD. has been inD. have madeD. arrivedD. beganD. wasD. has beenD. have beenD. haven t they19、has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he to China?A. How soon, comes B. How often, got20、His unclefor more than 9 y

38、ears.A. has come hereC. How long, cameD. How far, arrivedB. has started to workC. has lived there D. has left the university21. you the text yet ? Yes, we it two hours ago.A. Did copydidB. Have copied haveC. Have copied didD. Did copy had22. You me waiting for two hours. I for you since five.A. kept

39、 waitedB. have kept waitedC. kept have waitedD. have kept have waited23. you ever America ? Yes, I have.A. Have gone to B. Have gon einC. Have been toD. Have been inD. has been at24. My brother college for over three years.A. has gone toB. has been toC. has been in25. -I have seen the film“ Titanic ” already.-When you i?tD. did ; seen-The day before yesterday.A. have; seenB. will ; seeC. did ; see26. Mr Black in China since five years ago.A. lived B. has lived C. lives D. is going to live


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