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1、Unit6An old man tried to move the mountains第一课时Section A (1a2d) 一、 翻译以下单词或短语女娲补天后羿射日 大闹天宫愚公移ft 一就 除非 放弃同意某人的观点 代替,反而 有点儿;稍微尽力去做某事提醒;使想起 二、 按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. You should come here on foot.(改为否定句)Youhere on foot.2. Mr.Yangtoldus,”Iwillhavealong holiday.”(改为间接引语)Mr.Yangtoldus holiday.along3. Anoldmanmov

2、edthemountainsmanyyears ago.(改为一般疑问句) anoldman many years ago?themountainsI. waswatchingTVwhenMothercamein.(用while 改写) I 三、课后巩固TV, Mother came in.1. May I have a rest? I have already finished the report.A. write B. writingC. to writeD. written2. Teresa isnervousshe cant talk in front of the 4 class.

3、 A. such; thatB. too; toC. so; that 3.What smells terrible, Ted?-Imsorry.Ill wash them at once.myshoesandA. take away B. put away C. move awayD. get away4. I asked two people the way to the station, butof them could help me.A. bothB. neitherC. either D. all5. -I never thought she wouldmy invitation

4、to the concert. -What a pity! She would feel sorry for missing the concertsome day.A.remindB.supposeC.acceptD. refuse6. ImyhomeworkassoonasIgot home last night.A. doB. didC. will doD. am doing四、根据汉语完成句子。(每题 5 分,共 50 分)1. 当他们忙着搬运石头时,一场交通事故发生了。Whentheyweremovingthe stone, a traffic accident happened.

5、?2. 对愚公一家来说搬动大ft似乎不可能。Itdoesnt Gongs family to move a mountain.3. 汤姆乘早班车去上学而不是步行去。forYuTomcaughttheearlybustoschool walking.4. 孙悟空如词的聪明以至于他能把自己变成不同的动物。Sun Wukong is so cleverhe can turn himselfdifferent animals. 5. 为 了使他父母高兴,下周他们要结婚.Totheir parents, they will next week.第二课时 Section A (3a4c、Grammar F

6、ocus) 一、 翻译下列单词及短语。从前_结婚 爱上,喜欢上变成 西游记 couplestepsister prince 二、 翻译下列句子:called 这是因为他能根据他的形状和大小,做出 72 种变化,把自己变成不同的动物和物体。1979 年 11 月,英国学生能够观看一部叫美猴王的心电视节目 .30 多年前这个电视节目一推出,西方的孩子对读这个故事很感兴趣,因为聪明的美猴王一直与邪恶斗争, 帮助弱者,并从不放弃。 .老鼠们知道除非它们帮她的衣服,否则她不能去参加晚会。 这对新婚夫妇如此开心,以至于结婚时都止不住的笑。三、 单项选择:1. Peter is seriously ill.

7、 So I will attend the meeting.A. insteadB. instead himC. instead ofD. insteads of2.Whowillgotoattendthatmeeting me?A.insteadB.butC.notD.instead of3. Youwillfallbehindothersyouwork hard.A.ifB.unlessC.thoughD.since 4.Unlessyoutakemorecare,youwillhavean accident. (同义句) you have an accident.takemorecare

8、,youll5. We cant pass the exam,we study hard.A.becauseB.andC.unlessD.or四、用所给单词正确形式填空。1. WhenIpassedtheclassroomlastnight,I heard someone(talk) loudly.2. After graduation from the University ,he got (marry) to a girl.3. Wewillputoffthesportsmeetingifit (rain) tomorrow.4. Hesaidhe(can)speakthreelangua

9、ges.5.Mybrother(talk)onthe phone when I came back home.【课后巩固】一、单项选择 (每题 5 分,共 30 分)1. I will send you an E-mail as soon as I in Canada.A. arriveB.arrivedC.amarrivingD. will arrive2. Mysisterhaspracticedtennisforalong time.She plays tennisyou .A. As good asB.so well asC. as well as3. As soon as you f

10、inish,you will callme .A. worksB. to workC. workingD. worked4. Lucytriesherbesttostudy,she wont pass the exam.A. IfB. WhenC. BeforeD. Unless5. Our English teacher was ill,so Miss Wang had a class for us.A. tooB. EitherC. Instead ofD. instead二、根据汉语完成句子。(每题 5 分,共 50 分)1. 他变得对观看足球赛感兴趣。He a football mat

11、ch.2. 她坚持努力学习,从不放弃。She , and never.3. 三年前这本书出版了。This book three years.4. 这部电影鼓舞了中国人民许多年了。Thisfilm many years.Chinesepeople5. 美猴王能使他的金箍棒变小吗? theMonkeyKinghisstick ?第三课时Section B (1a2e) 一翻译下列单词及短语。1.听起来愚蠢 3.整个家庭 5.去睡觉 7.迷路 一单项选择:2.在森林里 4.制定一个计划 6.沿路 8.醒来 1. They are here allyou!A.becauseB.becauseofC.b

12、ecauseaD. because an2. Wecantgohomeitsraining now.A.becauseB.becauseofC.becauseaD. because an二按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. Willyoutakeabustowork?(改为同义句)Will you go to work?2. Sheisgoingtovisitherfriendnext week.(对划线部分提问) shegoingtovisitherfriend?3.I couldnt go to bed before ten oclock.( 改为同义句)Igo to sleepten o

13、clock.4. ”Howoldareyou?”Jackaskedher.(改为间接引语)Jackaskedher .5. Thechildrenweresingingwhenhegot there.(改为一般疑问句) thechildrenwhenhegotthere?课后巩固一、单项选择1.Thereareaboutfivemonkeysinthemountain.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundred ofD. hundreds of2. Wefoundveryinterestingtolearnabout Chinese culture.A. it isB. that

14、C. itD. that is3.Iwanttoknow tomorrow.thedayafterA.whatshewill doB. what will she doC.whatshedidD. what did she do4. Wehavent yet.allthedifficultiesA. done withoutB. out downC. Gone throughD. got5. Notallthestudentsareintheclassroomandareplayingfootballontheplayground.A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a

15、few6. The work is .You can finish it by yourself.A. easy enoughB. enough easy.C. difficult enough.D. enough difficult二、根据汉语完成句子。1. 他说他和同学们相处的很好。Hesaidhe hisclassmates.2. 上周考试时他很紧张。Hewhen helast week.3. 我参观杭州时就爱上了他。I whenIvisited Hangzhou.4.你不应该和你的姐姐吵架。You your sister.5. 他们试图欺骗我。They me.6. 在我们家乡有很多石头

16、砌成的房子。Inour hometowntherearemanyhouses stones第四课时Section B (3aself check) 一. 翻译下列单词及短语。在房子里面了解 因为_穿上 出去面包片 不要紧找出 二. 翻译下列句子:1. 妻子告诉丈夫,如果他不把孩子们扔到森林里,让他们自生自灭,整个家庭就会灭亡。2. 我真在沿路仍白色的石头。除非我这样做,否则我们将会迷路的3. 你们在森林里睡了这么久!4. 看!它在把我们引向那座由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的美妙小屋。三用所给单词正确形式填空。1. Mysisterwouldlike(be)amovie star.2. Theoldw

17、omanmakesa(live)by selling clothes.3. Heisoneofthebest(sing)in China.4. How(luck) that boy felt!5. Im against(stay) here .We must gonow.6.I think I(stay) at home tomorrow.四按要求进行句型转换,每空一词。1. Jackstudiessomeobjectslastnight.(用 at seven oclock last night 改 写 )Jacksomeobjectsatseven oclock last night.2.

18、 Hecouldntmovethemountainsbecausethey were big and high.(对划线部分提问) hethe mountains?2. Hewillwinthematchnexttime.(改为一般疑问句) hethe match next time.3. Could you please turn off the TV?(改为同义句) you mindthe TV?4. Theboywasreadingabikewhenhemethis stepsister.(就划线部分提问) theboy met his stepsister?五根据汉语完成句子。when

19、he1. 五年前你住在哪里?十年后你会在哪里工作? Whereyoufiveyearsago? Whereyouin ten years?2. 如果他走了,将会发生什么?What he?3. 他们总是和老师相处得好吗? always get teachers?they their4. 我昨天买的手机不能用。Themobilephone .yesterday 5. 英语是最重要的科目之一。English isthe most.6. 他很愚蠢以至于很多人欺骗他。Hewasso that many peoplehim.7. 我儿子直到我回家才睡觉。Mysonsgo to sleepIll go home.


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