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3、,主语+do(does)not如:Doyoulikeoranges?你喜欢桔子吗?Yes,Ido是的,我喜欢。(No,Idont不,我不喜欢。)3,一般现在时的用法1)经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。时间状语:every,sometimes,often, usually, always, at,onSundayIleavehomeforschoolat7everymorning.2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。Theearthmovesaroundthesun.ShanghailiesintheeastofChina.3)表示格言或警句中。Pridegoesbeforeaf

4、all.骄者必败。注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。例:Columbusprovedthattheearthisround.4) if 条件句或when等时间状语从句主将从现第三人称单数的用法在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,即常在动词原形后加-s或-es。但有些同学们对于哪些主语是第三人称单数还不十分清楚,现归纳总结如下:一、人称代词he,she,it是第三人称单数。如:HelikeswatchingTV.他喜欢看电视。Shehaslunchattwelve.她十二点吃午餐。Itlookslikeacat.它看起


6、ything,something等及指示代词this,that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:Everyoneishere.大家到齐了。Thereissomethingwrongwiththewatch.这块手表有毛病。Thisisapen.这是一支钢笔。Thatisaneraser.那是一块橡皮擦。五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如:Themilkisintheglass.牛奶在玻璃杯里。Thebreadisverysmall.那面包很小。六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如:6isaluckynumber.6是个吉利数字。Iisaletter.I是个字母。六、变化规则 V+s

7、; -ch,-sh,-s,-x,-o+es; -辅音字母+y-y变i+es巩固练习题:写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 1. work_ read_ clean_ write_ 2. teach_ wash_ guess_ watch_ pass _ fix _3. go_ do_ 4. study_ fly_ cry_ play_ carry _ 5. have_ 一般现在时疑问、否定句专练一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 work_ do_ fly_ cry_ teach_ carry _ wash_ read_ clean_ pass _ fix _ write_ guess_ watc

8、h_ go_ study_ play_ have_ 二、把下列句子改为疑问句、否定句1.Heoftenhasdinnerathome. _heoften_dinnerathome?He_often_dinnerathome.What _heoften_athome?2.DanielandTommyare membersoftheReadingClub._DanielandTommymembersoftheReadingClub?DanielandTommy_ membersoftheReadingClub.3.SheandItake awalktogethereveryevening._she

9、and_ take awalktogethereveryevening?SheandI_ _ awalktogethereveryevening.How often_sheand_ take awalktogether?4.Thereissomewaterinthebottle._there_waterinthebottle.?There_ _waterinthebottle.5.WewatchTVonweekdays._ _watchTVonweekdays.?We_ _ TVonweekdays.What _ _onweekdays.?6.Nickdoes hishomeworkonSun

10、days._Nick_ hishomeworkonSundays?Nick _ _ hishomeworkonSundays.What _Nick_ onSundays?7.T heylike reading._ they_reading?T hey_ _ reading.8.Shelikestheblackbagverymuch._she_theblackbagverymuch?She_ _ theblackbagverymuch.What _she_ verymuch?9.My parentsread newspaperseveryday?_ parentsread newspaperse

11、veryday?My parents _ _ newspaperseveryday.How often_ parentsread newspapers?10.Thegirlteaches usEnglishonSundays._thegirl_ _EnglishonSundays?Thegirl_ _ _ English onSundays.What_thegirl_ _ onSundays?11. Myclassmateknowsthemanonthebike._classmate_themanonthebike?Myclassmate_themanonthebike.Who_classma

12、te_?12.Hissisterusuallygoestoschoolat7:00am._hissisterusually_toschoolat7:00am?Hissister_usually_toschoolat7:00am.When _hissisterusually_toschool?13.LinTaolikes hisnewsweater._LinTao_hisnewsweater?LinTao_hisnewsweater.What _LinTao_?14. Theclothingshopisonsale._theclothingshoponsale?Theclothingshop_o

13、nsale.15.Maryhas somebooks._Maryhas _books.Mary_ _ _books.16.Helikes English._he_English?He_English.17.Iwantto gotoamovie._wantto gotoamovie?I_ _ to gotoamovie.18.Heknows theteachersname._he_ theteachersname?He_ _theteachersname.Whose name _he_?19. I eat apples every day._ eat apples every day? I _

14、_ apples every day.How often_ eat apples ? 20. They go to school by bus every day._they_to school by bus every day?They _ _ to school by bus every day.How_they_to school every day?21. She gets up at six ._ she _ up at six ?She _ _up at six .When _ she _ up ?22. CoCo has eggs for breakfast._ CoCo_egg

15、s for breakfast?CoCo_ _ eggs for breakfast.What _ CoCo_ for breakfast?23. David does his homework after school._David_his homework after school?David _ _ his homework after school.What_David_ after school?24. I often play football after school_ often play football after school?I _ often_ play footba

16、ll after schoolHow often_ play football after school?25. .I have some books. _ _ books? I _ _ _ books. What _ _? 26. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis. _Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis. Gao Shans sister _ _ playing table tennis. 27. She lives in a small town near New York._she

17、_ in a small town near New York?She _ _ in a small town near New York.Where_she _ ?28.I watch TV every day. _ _ _ TV every day? I_ _TV every day. How often _ _ _ TV? 29 . Nancy runs very fast_Nancy _very fast?Nancy_ _ very fast30.We have four lessons in the morning. _ _ four lessons in the morning?

18、We _ _four lessons in the morning. How many lessons _ _ in the morning? 31.DanielwatchesTVeveryevening._Daniel _ TVeveryevening?.Daniel_ _TVeveryevening.How often _Daniel _ TV?32.Idomyhomeworkeveryday._ _homeworkeveryday?I_ _myhomeworkeveryday.33.Shelikesmilk._she_ milk?She_ _milk.34. Mingming usual

19、ly waters the flowers every day._ Mingming usually_ the flowers every day?Mingming _ usually _ the flowers every day.35. They are in Grade Six._they in Grade Six?They _ in Grade Six.What Grade_they in?36. I usually do my homework in the evening._ _ usually _ _ homework in the evening?I_ usually _ my

20、 homework in the evening.37. They always play football after school._ they always _ football after school?.They _ always _ football after school.When_ they always _ football?.38. John often goes to school by taxi._John often _ to school by taxi?John _ often _ to school by taxi.How _John often _ to s

21、chool?39.They sometimes sing English songs._They sometimes sing English songs.39.They sometimes sing English songs.40. She likes drawing. _She likes drawing. 40. She likes drawing. 41. He watches TV every evening ._ He watches TV every evening .41. He _ _ TV every evening .42. My mother goes to work

22、 by bike._ My mother goes to work by bike.42. My mother _ _ to work by bike.43. Peter studies English every day._Peter studies English every day.43. Peter studies _ _ other has a new car._My mother has a new car.44. My mother _ _ a new car.45.Lucy does her homework in the afternoon._Lucy does her ho

23、mework in the afternoon.Lucy _ _ her homework in the afternoon.46. There are some pens in the box ._there _ pens in the box .46. There _ _ pens in the box .三、把下列句子改为特殊疑问句1. I usually play football on Friday afternoon. 2. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday. 3. Hissisterusuallygoestoschoo

24、lby bike at7:00am 4. Tom does his homework at home. 5.LilyandLucyarefifteenyearsoldnow. 6.Heoftenhasdinnerathome. 7.SheandItake awalktogethereveryevening. 8.Nickdoes hishomeworkonSundays. 9.Its rainy. 10. They go to school by bus every day. 11. She gets up at six in the morning . 12. CoCo has eggs f

25、or breakfast. 13. David does his homework after school. 14. I sometimes play football after school 15.I have some books. 16. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis. 17. She lives in a small town near New York. 18.We have four lessons in the morning. 19. They are in Grade Six. 20. I usually do m

26、y homework in the evening. 21. They always play football after school. 22. John often goes to school by taxi. 23.It takes me an hour to go to school every day. 24. There are three people in my family. 25.Im in Class Two. 26. My mother goes to work by bike. 27. Peter studies English every day. 28. Si

27、mon and his parents live in Italy. 29. They sometimes sing English songs. 30. Superman flies in the sky. 31. We have ten subjects(学科) have at school. 32. The watch costs 100 yuan 33. Shelikestheblackbagverymuch. 34. He feels well 35. He likes red. 一般现在时用法专练I一.用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1.Heoften_ (have)dinnerath

28、ome.2.DanielandTommy_(be)membersoftheReadingClub.3.SheandI_ (take)awalktogethereveryevening.4.There_ (be)somewaterinthebottle.5.We_ (notwatch)TVonweekdays.6.Nick_ (notdo)hishomeworkonSundays.7._ they_ (like)theWorldCup?8.What_ theyusually_ (do)onholidays?9._ yourparents_ (read)newspaperseveryday?10.

29、Thegirl_ (teach)usEnglishonSundays.11.Myclassmate (know)themanonthebike.12.Hissisterusually (go)toschoolat7:00am.13.LinTao_(like)hisnewsweater.14.Letme (have)alook.15.Lets (play)tennis!16._he (like)English?17.Iwant (go)toamovie.18.He (notknow)theteachersname.19.Nice_(meet)you!20.CanI_(ask)thepolicem

30、an?二、按照要求改写句子1Thisismypencil.(变一般疑问句) yourpencil?2. These red socks are Kates . (变一般疑问句) socks Kates ? 3. I want to buy a big green bag . (变特殊疑问句) you want to buy ?4.Marydoesnothaveanybooks.(变肯句)Mary books.5.Theclothingshopisonsale.(变为否定句) Theclothingshop_onsale.6.Shelikestheblackbagverymuch.(变为否定句) 7.Ibuythepantsforonly50Yuan.(用she改


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