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1、 主语主语 宾语宾语 定 语定 语 表 语表 语 补 语补 语 状 语状 语To doV-ing V-e d非谓语动词功能表非谓语动词功能表 非谓语动词的形式非谓语动词的形式主动态主动态被动态被动态一般式一般式to do to be done进行式进行式to be doing完成式完成式to have done to have been done完成进行式完成进行式to have been doing过去分词过去分词done现在分词现在分词主动态主动态 被动态被动态一般式一般式doing being done 完成式完成式having donehaving been done动动词不定式词不定

2、式True or false?1.Laying eggs is her full-time job.2.Jack having not come to the party greatly disappointed me.5.It is bad manners of you to stare at a guest.6.You are convenient to travel around.4.Walk after supper is very useful to me.3.Do you mind me smoking here?7.Its useless to study English wit

3、hout practice.2.动词动词不定式不定式的逻辑主语可以由的逻辑主语可以由for短短语表示。如果逻辑主语与前面的形容词语表示。如果逻辑主语与前面的形容词有主表关系,则由有主表关系,则由of短语表示。短语表示。而而-ing形式的逻辑主语可用名词或代形式的逻辑主语可用名词或代词的词的普通格或所有格普通格或所有格来表示。如:来表示。如:不定式不定式,现在分词现在分词,过去分词做过去分词做状语状语的区别的区别 不定式作状语一般表示不定式作状语一般表示目的目的,(only to do意外结果意外结果,never to do)1.They ran to the hall to talk abou

4、t the plan(目的目的)2.The boy is not tall enough to reach the book shelf(结果结果)(句式句式)3.We are glad to hear the news.(原因原因,形容词后)形容词后)现在分词过去分词作状语一般表示现在分词过去分词作状语一般表示其他状语其他状语.注注意以下意以下3种作状语都表示种作状语都表示被动被动Being done 进行进行 Having been done 强调完成强调完成Done 一般的形式一般的形式1.Protected by guards then,he felt safe.2.Living in

5、 the country for many years,he knew a little about farming.3.He hurried there to hope to get the form.4.They stood by the roadside and watching the performance5.Didnt know what to do,he went to his parents for help.6.Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.7.The pop singer,followed by

6、 two body guards,came to meet his fans.8.Having a lot of debts,the boss offered him a well-paid job.True or false?1.Customers cant avoid persuading to buy what they dont like at all.2.The nurses need to look after the patients wanting to care for.3.Id love to come to the party,but I was too busy.4.I

7、t is beginning raining.5.He regretted to have raised objection.6.Nobody is permitted smoking in public.7.You neednt to tell him now,he happened to have been informed already.8.-I usually go to work by bus.-why not try riding for a change?9.The virus is believed spreading fast.作宾语应注意的问题作宾语应注意的问题 A.只能

8、用动名词作宾语的动词和词组:finish,admit,allow,avoid,escape,risk,suggest,consider(考虑考虑),imagine,delay(,mind,appreciate,enjoy,miss(错过错过),practise,deny(否认否认),insist on(坚持坚持),look forward to,be worth,devote to,set about (动手去做动手去做),put off(推迟推迟),cant help,cannot stand(不能忍受不能忍受),keep,give up(放放弃弃),get down to,pay atte

9、ntion to,be used to,turn to,devoteto,stick to,risk,excuse,forgive 等等等等易错点回顾:易错点回顾:1.下面短语中的下面短语中的to是介词是介词,后面只能跟名词或动,后面只能跟名词或动名词名词:belong to,object to(反对反对),devote oneself/ones time/energy to,get down to(着手干着手干),lead to(通向,导致通向,导致),pay attention to,look forward to(盼望盼望),be used to(习惯于习惯于),stick to(坚持坚

10、持),see to,refer to,turn to等。等。Eg:His whole family objected to his give up the job.His whole family objected to his giving up the job.B.B.既可用动名词也可用不定式作宾语的动词,既可用动名词也可用不定式作宾语的动词,且意思区别不大的有:且意思区别不大的有:like,love,start,begin,continue,prefer,hate,等等C.既可用动名词也可用不定式作宾语的既可用动名词也可用不定式作宾语的动词,且意思区别较大的有:动词,且意思区别较大的有:

11、remember doing sth.(记得做了某事)(记得做了某事)remember to do sth.(记住去做某事(记住去做某事forget doing sth.(忘记做过某事)(忘记做过某事)forget to do sth.(忘记去做某事(忘记去做某事)stop doing sth.(停止做某事)(停止做某事)stop to do sth.(停下来去做某事)(停下来去做某事)try doing sth.(试着做某事)(试着做某事)try to do sth.(尽力去做某事)(尽力去做某事)mean doing sth.(意味着做)(意味着做)mean to do sth.(意欲(意

12、欲/打算去做)打算去做)regret doing sth.(后悔做过某事)(后悔做过某事)regret to do sth.(对要做的事表示歉)(对要做的事表示歉):tell/say/informgo on doing sth.(继续做同一件事)(继续做同一件事)go on to do sth.(接着做另一件事)(接着做另一件事)be used to doing sth.(习惯于做某事)(习惯于做某事)be used to do sth.(被用来做某事)(被用来做某事)cant help doing something (情不自禁(情不自禁)cant help to do something

13、(不能帮助做(不能帮助做.)D.allow,advise,forbid,permitallow,advise,forbid,permit 的特别用法。的特别用法。1.The doctor advised taking a weeks rest.2.The doctor advised us to take a weeks rest.3.We were advised to take a weeks rest.1.They dont permit _cars here.2.They dont permit anyone _his car here.3.Cars are not to permit

14、ted _here.E.need,require,want 的特别用法。的特别用法。1.The TV set needs repairing(to be repaired).2.I think your garden wants watering(to be watered).3.The patients required_(look after).4.They need _(borrow)a necklace.2.下列动词后只能跟下列动词后只能跟不定式:不定式:afford,agree,ask,attempt,choose,decide,hope,expect,intend,learn,lo

15、ng,manage,offer,plan,pretend,promise,refuse,want,wish等。等。(F)He offered helping me.(T)He offered to help me.Translation.1.一个书面答复一个书面答复 2.二手房二手房 3.来年来年4.批改过的作业批改过的作业 5.听起来不错的主意听起来不错的主意 6.正在召开的会议正在召开的会议 7.下次讨论的主题下次讨论的主题 8.上周组织的活动上周组织的活动 9.正在攻读学位的人正在攻读学位的人 10.在国外工作多年的专家在国外工作多年的专家 11.最后一个离开的人最后一个离开的人 12.

16、冰雪覆盖的草原冰雪覆盖的草原 13.感到失望的观众感到失望的观众14.令人失望的回应令人失望的回应 15.昨天来参观的人昨天来参观的人不定式不定式,现在分词现在分词,过去分词做过去分词做定语定语的的区别区别 The school The school to be builtto be built is intended for is intended for the disabled children.the disabled children.The school The school being builtbeing built is intended for is intended fo

17、r the disabled children.the disabled children.The school The school built last yearbuilt last year is intended is intended for the disabled children.for the disabled children.The school,The school,having been built for two having been built for two years,years,,is intended for the disabled is intend

18、ed for the disabled children.children.即将要建的即将要建的 正在建设的正在建设的去年建的去年建的 (这形式也表示一般现在的被动。(这形式也表示一般现在的被动。)花了两年多建设的花了两年多建设的,(,(仅作非限定性仅作非限定性).He planned to make up for the lost time in the years to come.The room facing south is.The material feeling smooth washes easily.The house belonging to him is under rep

19、air.The rising sun looks so bright.The beloved teacher is easy-going.A used car is as good as any other.A writing desk is used for即将到来的即将到来的习习惯惯状状态态正在进行正在进行一般现在的被动一般现在的被动现在完成的被动现在完成的被动动名词,指用途动名词,指用途1.不定代词不定代词something,nothing,little,much,a lot 等等习惯上用不定式做定语习惯上用不定式做定语 I have something to do tonight.He

20、 still has a lot of homework to finish.2.get/fetch/find/give sb to do.a sleeping cara smoking room listening practice an opening speecha booking officerunning water卧铺车卧铺车吸烟室吸烟室听力练习听力练习开幕词开幕词售票处售票处自来水自来水不定式不定式,现在分词现在分词,过去分词做宾补的区别过去分词做宾补的区别:A order sb to do /order sth to be done B have sb doC have sth

21、 doneD (not)have doing/have sb doing all morningE with+宾语宾语+宾补宾补F 不定式不定式to的省略情况的省略情况 非谓语动词中的句型非谓语动词中的句型 1)It is+no use/good(fun,a great pleasure,a waste of time,.)等名词等名词+doing sth.It is no use crying.2)There is no use(good/point/sense/harm)+doing sth 做某事没用做某事没用 There is no use crying over spilt milk

22、 Predicative 1.Her wish is _(成为工程师成为工程师).2.Her job is _(看护看护)the children.3.His attention _(集中于集中于)what he was doing.4.They were _(震惊)(震惊)at the news.5.The door _(仍然未锁仍然未锁).6.What they saw was _(令人震惊(令人震惊).7.Nowadays,they are _(忙于忙于)the programme.下列动词的形容词有两种形式下列动词的形容词有两种形式(-ed /-ing)excite,interest,

23、disappoint,encourage,discourage,puzzle,amaze,surprise,astonish,shock,confuse,amuse,delight,tire,satisfy,please,worry特别注意特别注意不常用的非谓语形式不常用的非谓语形式:(背诵例句背诵例句)to be doingto have doneto have been doinghaving(been)done3.疑问词疑问词who,what,which,when,where和和how后加不定式构成一种特殊的不定式短语后加不定式构成一种特殊的不定式短语:When to start has

24、 not been decided.(主语主语)I dont know what to do我不知道该怎么办。我不知道该怎么办。(宾语宾语)The difficulty was how to cross the river(表语表语1.Dare you to say so?True or false?2.We would rather not to tell about it.3.There is no choice but go to the doctor.4.there is nothing to do but wait.5.Have you joined the club?-no,but Im going to.6.He is no longer what he used to be.7.He didnt attend it,because he was told not to.8.He didnt pay any attention,but he should.


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