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1、2021年高三一轮复习第四周同步检测英语试题含答案请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、阅读理解(本题共4道小题,第1题0分,第2题0分,第3题0分,第4题0分,共0分)Mrs. Packletide intended to shoot a tiger. Not that the desire to kill had suddenly e to her, or that she felt she would leave India safer with one wild beast less. It was because Loona Bimberton had recently taken

2、 a plane to the forest and killed a tiger, and the newspapers showed photographs of Loona Bimberton with a tiger-skin on. In a world supposed to be moved by hunger and by love, Mrs. Packletides movements were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.Circumstances proved favorable. Mrs. Packlet

3、ide had offered a thousand rupees (印度卢比) for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without risk or effort, and it happened that an old tiger was frequently ing to a neighboring village at night. He was so old that he couldnt kill animals in the wild and just satisfied his appetite to the smaller house

4、hold animals. The villagers were eager to earn the thousand rupees; children were posted night and day in the jungle to watch the tiger, and the cheap goats were left about to keep him from going elsewhere. The one great fear was that he should die of old age before the day of Mrs. Packletides shoot

5、.The great night arrived. A platform had been built in a tree, on which sat Mrs. Packletide and her paid panion, Miss Mebbin. A goat with a loud bleat (咩咩叫) was tied down at the correct distance. With an accurate gun, they waited for the ing of the tiger.“I suppose we are in some danger?” said Miss

6、Mebbin.She was not actually nervous about the wild beast, but she was unwilling to perform a bit more service than she had been paid for.“Its a very old tiger. It couldnt spring up here even if it wanted to.” said Mrs. Packletide.Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of the old tiger. H

7、e saw the goat, and lay on the earth for a short rest before attacking.The gun fired very loudly, and the great yellow beast jumped to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death. In a moment a crowd of excited villagers appeared on the scene, and their shouting carried the glad news to

8、the village.It was Miss Mebbin who found that the goat was dying from a bullet-wound, while no wound could be found on the tiger. Evidently the wrong animal had been hit, and the tiger had died of heart-failure, caused by the sudden loud noise of the gun. Mrs. Packletide was annoyed at the discovery

9、; but anyway, she owned a dead tiger, and the villagers, anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly accepted the fiction that she had shot the tiger. And Miss Mebbin was a paid panion. Therefore Mrs. Packletide faced the cameras with a light heart, and her pictures appeared on the newspapers of Engla

10、nd and America. As for Loona Bimberton, she refused to look at a newspaper for weeks, and was in a depressed emotion for quite some time.Mrs. Packletides tiger-skin was inspected and admired by the neighbors, and Mrs. Packletide went to the Costume Ball in the character of Diana (狩猎女神).“How amused e

11、veryone would be if they knew what really happened,” said Miss Mebbin a few days after the ball.“What do you mean?” asked Mrs. Packletide quickly.“How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death,” said Miss Mebbin, with her unpleasant laugh.“No one would believe it,” said Mrs. Packletide, he

12、r face changing color rapidly.“Loona Bimberton would,” said Miss Mebbin.Mrs. Packletides face settled on greenish white. “You surely wouldnt give me away?” she asked.“Ive seen a weekend cottage near Dorking,” said Miss Mebbin, “six hundred and eighty. Quite a bargain, only I dont happen to have the

13、money.”Miss Mebbin possessed the pretty weekend cottage. Mrs. Packletide lost interest in animal-hunting.“The extra expenses are so heavy,” she said to inquiring friends.21Mrs. Packletide planned to shoot a tiger because she _.A. would leave India saferB. hated the wild animalC. admired her good fri

14、endD. disliked a certain person22What did Mrs. Packletide want the villagers to arrange for her?A. A platform in a tree. B. A paid panion.C. An accurate gun. D. A safe shooting.23What was the result of Mrs. Packletides shooting?A. The old tiger was shot to death.B. Neither the tiger nor the goat was

15、 shot.C. The old tiger missed being shot.D. Both the goat and the tiger were shot.24What is the message conveyed in the story?A. Life is hard for one to predict.B. Everything es for a reason.C. Its unwise to keep bad pany.D. False pride costs more than expected.BA telescope (望远镜), called Gaia, is be

16、ing designed by astronomers in Europe, and it couldnt be more different from Pan-STARRS, which is another telescope being designed. While Pan-STARRS will be looking for asteroids (小行星) and ets headed for Earth, Gaia will be looking at our entire galaxy (银河系). Gaia is designed to draw a map of the Mi

17、lky Way, our home galaxy. Just as a map of your town gives you a picture of where things are located, Gaias map of the galaxy will tell astronomers where the stars are. Over five years, Gaia will observe (观察) about a billion stars and other objects in our galaxy. Each object will be observed about 7

18、0 times. Gaia will be sent into space connected to a rocket. It contains two telescopes, each focused at a different angle (角度). These two telescopes act like Gaias “eyes”. The reason why humans can see things in 3D is that we have two eyes focused on the same object, at slightly different angles. B

19、y using two telescopes like eyes, Gaia can produce the first 3D map of the positions of the stars it views. Gaia, which is to be sent into space in xx, will be a powerful telescope. If you were to use it on Earth, for example, you could stand 600 miles away from your best friends and still get a cle

20、ar picture of their hair. Gaia is one of more than a dozen telescopes being designed by scientists right now. The next generation of telescopes will reveal new parts of our universe that will seem surprising. The universe, with all its planets, stars and other strange objects, is a puzzle with piece

21、s that we can see by using powerful telescopes. 25. How many different angles can Gaia focus at each time?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.26. The map to be drawn by Gaia _.A. can show every building on EarthB. can show you where your town isC. will just show the stars around EarthD. will show where the stars ar

22、e in our home galaxy27. Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?A. What Gaia will do in space.B. When Gaia will start to work.C. How powerful Gaia will be.D. What Gaia will do to Earth.28. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that the next generation of telescopes _.A. seem very surprising

23、to scientists B. will not be put into use in a short timeC. will just look at new things in universe D. will be more powerful than the old generations CBy May, after three months, I had lost 22 pounds and reached my goal of 115 pounds. My friends would say “Alice, you look great!” or “ How did you l

24、ose so much weight? ”. Those pliments(赞扬)made me feel good and confident.Soon I dropped to 110 ponds. A few of my friends told me that I need to stop dieting because I was starting to look sick. They brought me a presenta bag of chocolates, which I later gave to my sister. My mum would e to my room,

25、 with tears in her eyes, and have long chats about how harmful this diet was and begged me to stop. My dad would leave worried messages on my cell phone at school, telling me that it would do serious harm to my body.By mid-June, when school was ing to an end, I was down to an only alive state of 95

26、pounds. All of a sudden, I knew I had to do something. I guessed the number itself scared me. I recalled my doctor. He told me about a girl who was 95 pounds and was at the risk of dying. I knew I was putting my life at risk, but for what? To make those who love me worried? Is it worthwhile to be th

27、in?Now I realize that models in magazines, TV and movies are not realistic. The price to pay for the “perfect body” is living with the dangerous and sometimes deadly eating disorder. And there are more important things to think about than how thin you are.29. How did the author feel when she weighed

28、 115 pounds? A. Happy. B. Disappointed. C. Worried. D. Painful.30. The authors mother went to her room to _.A. bring her some chocolates. B. tell her she missed her. C. ask her to stop dieting. D. talk about her studies.31. The author decided to stop dieting_.A. when her friends told her to do so B.

29、 when her weight dropped to 95 poundsC. when her father left some messages D. when her mother had a talk with her32. What does the writer want to tell us?A. It is too expensive for people to lose weight.B. You will be healthy as long as you stop dieting.C. There is no model with a perfect body in re

30、al life.D. Being thin is not the most important thing in our life.DVancouvers Chinatown-Canadas largest ChinatownVancouvers Chinatown is North Americas second biggest Chinatown, after San Franciscos. Mandarin(普通话)and Cantonese are the mother tongues in 30% of Vancouver homes, which makes Chinese the

31、 largest “minority” ethnic group(少数民族).Vancouvers Chinatown is the place to visit for a taste of Chinese culture.In Chinatown, there are a lot of traditional products and buildings, such as the stone lions which represent for the prestige(名声;声望),many red lanterns which stands for the happiness. What

32、s more interesting, in Chinatown, a typical Suzhou garden can be found. Chinatown not only expresses the culture of China to the other cultures, but also one part shows that Vancouver is the multicultural society. Chinatown which carries many Chinese cultures is built by Chinese in Vancouver. In the

33、 beginning, Chinatown was the munity only for Chinese people, but nowadays, more and more other people from different countries are willing to know the Chinatown, It is the part of the Vancouvers society, and Chinatown is also changing gradually in order to adjust to Vancouver.There are lots of inte

34、resting markets with many varieties of fresh and dried seafood and mushrooms in the China town. Youll also find cheap and fine house ware and traditional Chinese medicine. During the summer, on weekend evenings, Keefer and Pender Streets bee a busy open-air night market. If you have enough time for

35、a meal, try at one of the many small restaurants. It is not an expensive, multi-course culinary(烹调的)adventure. Relax in the peaceful Dr.Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, or just steps away on Pender Street. Visit the Chinese Cultural Centre Museum, or participate in one of its many activities.33

36、.In Vancouvers Chinatown you can see all the things EXCEPT.A. a typical Suzhou garden B. the stone lionsC. the Chinese History Museum D. red lanterns34.From the third paragraph, we can infer that .A. Canadians helped to build Vancouvers ChinatownB. only the Chinese people live in Vancouvers Chinatow

37、nC. in Vancouvers Chinatown you can appreciate the culture of VancouverD. an increasing number of people e to Vancouvers Chinatown35.If you are tired you should have a rest in .A. Dr.Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese GardenB. the Chinese Cultural Centre MuseumC. an interesting market on the Pender Stree

38、tD. one of the many small restaurants EEvery single human being on this planet has a path and purpose to fulfill, whether they realize it or not.36List what you love and connect the dots.37It may not make sense at first, but all of the things you enjoy doing are part of your path in one form or anot

39、her, so grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing. Once you have your list, take a step back and see how all these brilliant pieces might connect to the work you are meant to do.Identify what you do with ease. Often our passion and purpose are staring us right in the face, but its so natural

40、 to us that we dont think anything about it.38Just because they are easy for you doesnt mean thats the case for everyone else. By identifying what es naturally to you, you have the ability to build on your strengths and help others in ways you never thought possible.39Finding your passion is directl

41、y related to doing the things that light you up and set your soul on fire. If you love to teach, run, and host live events, then please, do them all! Who says your life purpose has to be just one thing? You are meant to experience life and all that it has offered.Ask others to help. If you are still

42、 feeling stuck in finding your passion and purpose in life, it might be time to ask others for help. It can be difficult for you to see where you truly shine because you are simply too close to connecting the dots on your own. Friends, family members and professionals have a view that you dont.40A.

43、Do what makes you happy.B. Find what you do with ease.C. Dont overlook the things that are easy for you.D. They can help you to see things within yourself.E. You cannot count on others to help you pletely.F. Here are ways to find your passion and purpose from now on.G. Identifying the things you lov

44、e is the best way to find your passion and purpose.评卷人得分二、完型填空It always seemed like having traditions was a good thing. They create41that will last a lifetime. So when our children, David and Darla, were preschoolers we42a family Christmas tradition. It was our tree-decorating party and it would be

45、plete with eggnog(蛋奶酒)and pfeffernsse cookies.The kids were excited as we pulled the freshly43tree into the house. It smelled so good. We would turn on the Christmas songs44the tree decoration began.Our hearts seemed to45to the merriment of the Christmas songs. The kids eyes twinkled(闪光) with46. It

46、was a heartwarming evening. When finished, we would sit drinking the eggnog and snacking on pfeffernsse cookies.Years later, when my daughter Darla was home from college, she47to help decorate the tree. I was so48. Before we knew it, the tree decoration was finished. It was a beautiful tree and its4

47、9smell filled the room. As we had every year before, I brought out the eggnog and the pfeffernsse cookies for our traditional50.Then, during the laughter, Darla suddenly got very51and said she had something to tell me. From her hesitation and body52, I learned that she was53it. She sat down next to

48、me. Then very54and caringly, Darla looked me in the eye and said,Mom, Ive55liked pfeffernsse cookies.Then I56the importance of what she had just said. Why didnt she ever tell me? All those childhood years, rather than57Moms feelings and spoil Moms tradition, she had stood the cookies58. From a childs heart, year after year she had given me the gift of59!My daughter taught me lifes very important60: The best gifts arent alwa


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