2019外研版高中英语必修一Unit3 Family matters 词汇精讲.docx

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1、Unit3 Family matters 词汇精讲知识点 1 approach v.走近,靠近;接洽,找商量 n.方式,方法;道路;靠近; 接近Son:(nervously approachingthe table)Erm.Dad, can we talk?(教材 P27) 儿子:(紧张地靠近桌子)呃爸爸,我们能谈谈吗?情景导学All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.所有通往机场的道路都被警察封锁了。He came up with a new approach to working out the maths p

2、roblem.他想出了一个解决这个数学题的新方法。归纳拓展an/the approach通往的道路;的方法做某事的方法用这种方法the way to do/of doing sth.in this waythe method of for doing sth.with this method the means of doing sth.by this meansan approach to( )sth.(做)某事的方法/途径易混辨析链接高考写出 approach 在句中的含义1-1(2020 浙江,完形填空)I couldnt see Don, but as I approached the

3、 tractor he jumped out onto the road,apparently unhurt,and dashed back to me. 1-2(2017 江苏,阅读理解 C)A rethink is required-and as a new approach starts to become apparent,two ideas stand out. 单句语法填空1-3(2020 天津,阅读理解 D)You should remain modest when (approach) perfection.1-4(2018 课标全国,语法填空) Chinas approach

4、 to (protect)its environment while feeding its citizens offers useful lessons for agriculture and food15 / 15policymakers worldwide, says the banks Juergen Voegele.知识点 2 focus v(.焦距,调焦把)集中(于);(使)调节焦距 n.焦点;(眼睛或镜头的)I want tofocus on my band and have a career in music when I leave scho(ol教.我想专注于我的乐队,毕业

5、后从事音乐事业。情景导学You cant take a good photograph unless the camera is in focus.除非照相机对准焦点,否则你是不能拍出好照片的。The camera was a bit out of focus when I took that picture. 我拍那张照片的时候,照相机有点对焦不准。She should do well in her studies this year-shes very focused.今年她的功课应该学得好,她的注意力很集中。材 P27)(China Dail,y 2020 年 11 月)China sh

6、ould focus on/upon promoting high-quality development during its 14th Five-Year Plan period. “十四五”期间,中国应该专注于推进高质量发展。归纳拓展focus()集中()于,专注于 focus 清晰的,焦点对准的 focus 模糊不清的;对焦不准的 adj.注意力集中的;目标明确的链接高考单句语法填空2-1(2020 全国新高考 I,七选五)Too often, when you stand up to give a speech, you focus the public at the expense

7、 of the speaking.2-2(2020 全国新高考 I,七选五)Take the fear out of public speaking by (focus)on your listeners.2-3(2019 浙江,概要写作)If praise is sincere and (focus)on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves averbal reward.2-4(2018 北京,阅读理解 D 改编)While much o

8、f the debate so far (focus) on the safety of driverless cars, policymakers also should be talking about how self- driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放)and offer more convenient, affordable mobility options.知识点 3 assume v.假定,假设,认为You just assume I want to be a lawyer, but t

9、hats only because you are a lawyer(. 教材P27)你只是认为我想当律师,但那只是因为你自己是律师。情景导学It is(generally)assumed that stress is caused by too much wok.人们(普遍)认为,压力是工作太多所致。Assuming that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the XXIV Olympic Winter Game,s what will you do?假设你被选为 2022 年北京冬奥会的志愿者,你会做什么?People make assumptio

10、ns about your job based on your appearance at your first meeting.人们会在第一次见到你的时候根据你的外表对你的工作作出假设。归纳拓展 is(generally)assumed that人们(普遍)认为assuming conj.假定;假如 (that)假设 n.假定,假设make an assumption/assumptions about 对作出假设on the assumption that 假定链接高考单句语法填空3-1(2019 江苏,阅读理解 B)A thoughtful official passed on some

11、 of the copies to the park authorities on the (assume)that they might make a nice blow-upfor one of the visitors centers.3-2(2018 江苏,任务型阅读)It is wrong (assume)arts s groups cannot make a profit.3-3 Hello! I said to him, (assume)he was just rolling for fun.3-4 was assumed that those people for whom t

12、he role of the volunteer was most part of their personal identity would alsobe most likely to continue volunteer work.知识点 4 respect v.尊敬,敬重 n.尊敬,敬意;方面,细节Lawyers help people and are respected by others.(教材 P27) 律师帮助人们,并且受到其他人的尊敬。情景导学She has always been honest with me, and I respect her for this.她一直对我

13、很坦诚,我为此而尊敬她。I show my great respect for the respectable teachers in this respect.在这个方面,我对值得尊敬的老师表示崇高的敬意。The children in our family are always respectful to their elders.我们家的孩子们总是很尊敬他们的长辈。(China Daily,2020 年 10 月)We need to take up our lofty responsibility for the entire human civilization,and we nee

14、d to show respect for nature, follow its laws and protect it.我们要承担起整个人类文明的崇高责任,尊重自然、顺应自然规律并保护自然。归纳拓展respect sb.=show/have respect sb.尊重某人respect sb. sth.因某事而尊重某人 adj.表示敬意的;恭敬的 adj.体面的;值得尊敬的respective adj.分别的,各自的链接高考单句语法填空4-1(2018 浙江,七选五)By following the basic rules of (respect)others, taking care of

15、 what belongs to you , and taking pride in the appearance of theneighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates.4-2(2017 课标全国,阅读理解B)We were (respect)of craft(技艺)and focused on digging into the characters we were going to play.4-3(2016 课标全国 I,阅读理解 B)They had

16、 little respect their grandparents. 4-4(2016 四川,阅读理解A)Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their (respect)campuses.完成句子4-5(2020 全国 I,书面表达)我们身边有很多可敬的人。We have a lot of around us.知识点 5 ignore v.忽视,不理Father:(ignoring Grandfathers wor)dsSt

17、op daydreaming!(教材 P27)父亲:(没有理会祖父的话)别做白日梦了!情景导学The old man is totally ignorant of/about what has happened outside.这位老人完全不知道外面发生了什么事。She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. 她不愿意承认她的无知。归纳拓展ignorant adj.无知的,愚昧的;不了解的be ignorant sth.不知道某事/某物,对某事/某物不了解 n.无知;愚昧链接高考单句语法填空5-1(2017 浙江 11 月,阅读理解 C)We allow

18、 them to be left around because weve been ignorant their value.5-2(2017 天津,阅读理解 A)Write another email as swiftly as you can and send itwith a brief title explaining that thisis the correct version and the previous version should (ignore).5-3 (ignore)the difference between the two research findings w

19、ill be oneof the worst mistakes you make.知识点 6 suit v.适合,满足(某人)需要 n.套装,西服Yes, and you have found the career that suits your talents.(教材 P27) 是的,并且你找到了适合你的才能的职业。情景导学You have to suit your spending to your income.你必须量入为出。Only in that way can you find jobs that are best suited to your abilities and inte

20、rests.只有那样,你才能找到最适合你的才能和爱好的工作。This game is suitable for children in the pre-school age range. 这款游戏适合学龄前范围内的儿童。This piece of music is not suitable to be played in the open air.这首曲子不适合露天演奏。归纳拓展suit.使适合;使迎合be to 适合suitable adj.合适的;适当be suitable 适合Suit“适合,适宜”,指衣服颜色、样式适合某人,还可指合乎需要、口味、地位、条件等fitmatch“适合,合身

21、”,指大小、尺寸、形状等合适,引申为“相称,符合”“适应;相配”,多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配;另外还有“比得上”之意be suitable sth.适合做某事易混辨析链接高考单句语法填空6-1(2020 江苏,22)If you look at all sides of the situation, youll find probably a solution that (suit)everyone.6-2(2019 天津,阅读理解 D)Aman should learn (suit)ways to deal with life.6-3(2018 课标全国,阅读理解 B)People s

22、ettle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited communications and trade.6-4(2016 课标全国,阅读理解 C)There are also varieties developed (suit)specific local conditions.6-5 Many of the fish caught for sport are not suitable eating, so they are thrown away.选词填空(suit, fit, match)6-6

23、 .I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldnt .6-7 When we accept progress and adapt it to our needs, a new past is created. 6-8 When it comes to speaking in public, no one can him.完成句子6-9(2018 天津,书面表达)因此,你是最合适的人选。Therefore, you are person.知识点 7 talent n

24、.天赋,才能;人才Yes, and you have found the career that suits your talents.(教材 P27) 是的,并且你找到了适合你的才能的职业。情景导学My brother had a talent for music when he was very young.我弟弟很小的时候就有音乐天赋。Maradona, who is regarded as one of the most talented football players, passed away on November 25,2020 at the age of 60.马拉多纳被认为

25、是最有天赋的足球运动员之一,他于 2020 年 11 月 25 日去世, 享年 60 岁。归纳拓展show/have(a)talent 展现出/有的天赋 adj.有天赋的;有才能的链接高考单句语法填空7-1(2019 江苏,阅读理解 D)Naomi, Melissas best friend and a (talent) pianist, got to know about this and showed willingness to help.7-2(2017 浙江,阅读理解 A)Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed h

26、is talent art when he was only six years of age.7-3(2016 天津,完形填空)A1 though skills and (talent)bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.知识点 8 aim v.力求达到;瞄准,对准;目的是 n.目标;目的;瞄准It aims to deepen peoples understanding of issues that are related to families. (教材P31)它力求加深人们对

27、关于家庭的问题的理解。情景导学We aim to finish the work by Friday.我们力争在星期五之前完成这项工作。This campaign is aimed at reducing road accidents.这项运动旨在减少公路事故。We held the China Day event with the aim of helping children take a close look at the Chinese culture.我们举办了“中国日”活动,目的是帮助孩子们近距离接触中国文化。She said that her life seemed aimles

28、s after her children left home.她说她的孩子们离开家后,她的生活好像没有了目标。归纳拓展aim sth.力争做到某事aim at doing sth.力争做到某事be aimed at(doing)sth.旨在(做)某事take aim at.把目标对准;把批评的矛头指向 the aim of.目的是,为了 adj.没有方向的;无目标的aimlessly adj.无目标地;漫无目的地链接高考单句语法填空8-1 ( 2019 北京,语法填空B) Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is an annual event (aim)to rai

29、se public awareness about environmental protection.8-(2 2019 北京,阅读理解A)All our projects aim (promote)the developmentof poor and remote communities.8-3(2019 课标全国,阅读理解 B)Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothi

30、ng alongside Chinese works of art, the aim of exploring the influenceof Chinese aesthetics(美学)on Western fashion8-4(2018 浙江,阅读理解 B)The industry has also taken aim the product that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shopping bags.8-5(2017 北京,26)Jane moved (aimless)down the tree-lined street, n

31、ot knowing where she was heading.8-6(2017 北京,完形填空)She started the Ladybug Foundation, an organization aiming at (get)rid of homelessness.知识点 9 apologise v.道歉Later, on the phone she apologised and explained that she was busy with work.(教材P31)后来,在电话里她道歉并解释说她正忙于工作 情景导学I think Tom should apologise to Ja

32、ne for what he did.我认为汤姆应该为他的所作所为向简道歉。I made an apology to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。归纳拓展apologise(to sb.) (doing)sth.因(做)某事(向某人)道歉apology n.道歉,致歉make an apology sb. for sth.因某事向某人道歉链接高考单句语法填空9-1(2017 天津,阅读理解A)Respond quickly and briefly, (apologise) for your mistake.9-2(2017 天津,阅读理解

33、 A)In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick ,light-hearted (apologise)to explain your awkwardness.9-3 Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their neighbors and apologise their playing.参考答案: 知识点 1todoing1-1 走近,靠近 句意:我看不见Don,但当我接近拖拉机时,它跳出来到了公路上,显然没有受伤,然后冲回我身边。1-

34、2 方式,方法 句意:重新考虑是必需的当一个新方法开始变得明显时,有两个想法脱颖而出。1-3 approaching 考查现在分词。句意:当你接近完美时,你应该保持谦虚。本空在句中作状语,主语 You 和动词 approach 之间为主动关系,故本空应用现在分词形式。1-4 protecting 考查动名词。句意:中国在养活中国公民的同时又保护了环境的方法“为全世界的农业和食物决策者提供了有用的借鉴”,(世界)银行的 Juergen Voegele 说。an/the approach to. 意为“的方法”,其中 to 为介词,故本空应用动名词作宾语。知识点 2on/uponin; out o

35、ffocused2-1 on/upon 考查介词。句意:很多时候,当你站起来要发表演讲时,你专注于“公众”,以致忽视了“演讲”。focus on/upon 意为“专注于,集中于”,故本空应用介词 on 或 upon。2-2 focusing 考查动名词。句意:通过把注意力集中在你的听众身上来消除公众演讲中的恐惧。根据空前介词 by 可知,本空应用动名词形式。2-3 focused 考查形容词。句意:如果表扬是真诚的,并且注重努力而不是结果,那么每当你的孩子做值得口头奖励的事情时,你就可以给予表扬。本空和空前形容词 sincere 共同作表语,故本空也应用形容词 focused。2-4 has

36、been focused 考查时态及语态。句意:尽管到目前为止,辩论的大部分内容都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全性上,但决策者也应该讨论一下,自动驾驶汽车如何能够帮助减少交通堵塞、减少排放并提供更方便、更实惠的出行选择。根据空前 so far 可知,本空应用现在完成时:且动词 focus 和从句主语 much of the debate 之间为被动关系,故本空应用现在完成时的被动语态。知识点 3Itassumingassumption3-1 assumption 考查名词。句意:一位考虑周到的官员把一些副本转交给了公园管理部门,假定他们可能会为其中一个游客中心做一个漂亮的大照片。 on the as

37、sumption that“假定,假设”。3-2 to assume 考查不定式。句意:假定艺术团体不能盈利是错误的。本句中 to 为形式主语,故本空应用不定式作真正的主语。3-3 assuming 考查连词。句意:我对它说:“你好!”假设它打滚只是为了好玩。分析句子结构可知此处应填连词 assuming“假设”。3-4 It 考查固定句型。本句为 Itis/was assumed that 句型,其中 it 为形式主语,that 从句为真正的主语。知识点 4for; forrespectful; respectable4-1 respecting 考查动名词。句意:通过遵守尊重他人的基本规则

38、、爱惜属于自己的东西并在总体上以邻里的形象为荣,你很快就会成为一个人人都欣赏的好邻居。根据空前介词 of 可知,本空应用动名词。4-2 respectful 考查形容词。句意:我们尊重技艺,专注于探究我们要扮演的角色。respectful 意为“表示敬意的,恭敬的”。4-3 for 考查介词。句意:他们不尊重他们的祖父母。have respect for sb.意为“尊重某人”,故本空应用介词 for。4-4 respective 考查形容词。句意:有兴趣为体育部工作的学生应联系他们各自校区的体育协调员。respective 意为“分别的,各自的”。4-5 respectable people

39、知识点 5of/aboutignorance5-1 of/about 考查介词。语境表示“由于我们对它们价值的不了解”。be ignorant of/about sth.意为“不知道某事/某物,对某事/某物不了解”,故本空应填介词 of 或about。5-2 be ignored 考查被动语态。句意:你(要)尽可能快地再写一封电子邮件,并附上一个简短的标题将它发送过去,说明这是正确的版本,之前的版本应该被忽略。本空动词 ignore 和其主语 the previous version 之间为被动关系,故本空应用被动语态。5-3 ignoring 考查动名词。句意:忽视这两个研究结果之间的差异将

40、会是你犯的最糟糕的错误之一。本空在句中作主语,故应用动名词形式。知识点 6to; suitedfor; to do6-1 suits 考查时态。句意:如果你从各个方面看问题,你可能会找到一个适合每个人的解决方案。本句描述客观事实,应使用一般现在时;本空是定语从句的谓语动词,其人称与数应与先行词保持一致,先行词为 a solution,故本空应使用第三人称单数形式。6-2 suitable 考查形容词。句意:一个人应该学会合适的应对生活的方式。本空修饰名词 ways,故应用形容词 suitable“合适的”。6-3 to 考查介词。句意:人们定居在这些地方因为它们容易到达,天然适合通信和贸易。b

41、e suited to 意为“适合”,故本空应填介词 to。6-4 to suit 考查不定式。句意:也有培育出来的适合特定的当地环境的品种。根据句意可知,此处应用不定式短语作目的状语。6-5 for 考查介词。句意:许多以运动为目的捕的鱼不适合食用,所以它们被扔掉了。be suitable for 意为“适合”,故本空应用介词 for。6-6 fit 考查动词。句意:我让我的亲戚给我钱作为我的生日礼物,而不是很多不合身的衣服。本句中 fit 作动词讲,意为“合身”,指大小、尺寸合适。6-7 suit 考查动词。句意:当我们接受进步并使之适应我们的需要时,一个新的“过去”就诞生了。本句中sui

42、t 作动词使用,意为“适合,满足(某人)需要”。6-8 match 考查动词。句意:当涉及公开演讲时,没有人能比得上他。本句中 match 作动词讲,意为“比得上”。6-9 the most suitable知识点 7fortalented7-1 talented 考查形容词。句意:Naomi,Melissa 最好的朋友,一个有才华的钢琴家,知道了这件事,并表明愿意帮忙。本空修饰名词 pianist,故应用形容词 talented “有天赋的,有才能的”。7-2 for 考查介词。句意:美国绘画之父本杰明韦斯特在只有六岁的时候就展现出他的艺术天赋。show(a)talent for 意为“展现

43、出的天赋”,故本空应用介词 for。7-3 talents 考查名词复数。句意:尽管技巧和天赋能带来巨大的成功,但是一个人可以拥有的最宝贵的财富是爱心。talent 意为“才能,天赋”时,可作可数名词,根据 and 前的 skills 可知,本空应用名词复数形式。知识点 8to dowithaimless8-1 aiming 考查现在分词。句意:在 4 月 22 日被庆贺的世界地球日是一个力求提高公众环保意识的年度活动。aim to do sth.意为“力争做到某事”,aim 和 event之间为主动关系,故本空应用现在分词作定语。8-2 to promote 考查不定式。句意:我们的所有项目

44、都力争促进贫穷和偏远社区的发展。aim to do sth.意为“力争做到某事”,故本空应用不定式作宾语。8-3 with 考查介词。语境表示“目的是探讨中国美学对西方时尚的影响”。with the aim of.意为“目的是,为了”,故本空应用介词 with。8-4 at 考查介词。句意:该行业还瞄准了作为其替代品出现的产品;可重复使用的购物袋。take aim at意为“瞄准”,故本空应用介词 at。8-5 aimlessly 考查副词。句意:简沿着绿树成荫的街道漫无目的地走,不知道自己要去哪里。本空修饰动词 moved,故应用副词 aimlessly“漫无目的地”。8-6 getting

45、 考查动名词。句意:她成立了瓢虫基金会,一个力求摆脱无家可归的(问题的)组织。aim at doing sth.意为“力争做到某事”,故本空应用动名词作宾语。知识点 9forto9-1 apologising 考查现在分词。句意:迅速简短地回复,为你的错误道歉。本空在句中作状语且和句子主语 you(由 your 可知主语为 you,且祈使句的主语般为you)之间为主动关系,故本空应用现在分词作伴随状语。9-2 apology 考查名词。句意:在这种情况下,最好的解决办法是发送一个迅速的、逗乐的道歉,来解释你的尴尬。根据空前冠词a 及形容词 quick,light-hearted 可知,本空应用名词形式。9-3 for 考查介词。句意:那天早上晚些时候,Dario 建议他们给邻居写封信,并为他们的玩乐道歉。apologise for sth.意为“因某事道歉”,故本空应用介词 for。


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