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1、Unit 1 School life三言两语1.The more a student is encouraged,the harder he will work at his lessons.2There are a variety of afterclass activities in our school,which benefit us a lot.3In conclusion,get rid of your pressure and work hard,and you will achieve your goal.1.上一流大学的梦想深深地吸引我们,所以我们已下定决心来实现它。The

2、dream of going_to_the_firstclass _university attracts us greatly and we have made up our minds to_achieve_it.2如果我们有困难,可以向老师们和同学们寻求帮助。If_we_have_difficulties,we can turn_to_our_ teachers_and_classmates_ for_help.单词拼写应用核心单词1select vt.选择,挑选2earn vt.获得;赚,挣得3broadcast vt.& n广播,播放4exchange n& vt.交换;交流5res

3、pect n&vt. 尊敬,敬重6experience n& vt.经历,体验7charge n负责,掌管 vt.使承担责任;收费8struggle n难事;斗争;努力vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1(2019全国卷)Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences (experience) that help somebody gain an advantage.2(2019浙江卷)The concert was_broadcast (broadcas

4、t) live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time.3(2019江苏卷)Naomi heard multiple stops and starts,Steve struggling (struggle),searching while his wife Joni called him “honey” and encouraged him.4(2018全国卷)My grandpa said last summer they earned (earn) q

5、uite a lot by selling the fish.拓展单词1inform vt.通知,告知information n消息2fluent adj.流利的fluently adv.流利地fluency n流利3donate vt.捐赠donator n捐赠者donation n捐赠;捐款4devote vt.致力于;献身devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的devotion n奉献;挚爱5prepare v把 准备好,筹备prepared adj.有准备的preparation n准备,筹备6approve vt.& vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意approval n批准,赞成appro

6、ving adj.赞成的,满意的7encourage vt.鼓励encouragement n鼓励encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的8satisfy vt.使满意satisfied adj.满意的satisfying/satisfactory adj.令人满意的satisfaction n满意语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1His plan was approved,and the approval won him many approving glances.(approve)2My mother was preparing supper while my father was ma

7、king preparations for supper.(prepare)3Thanks to your encouragement,I made continuous and encouraging progress in math,and finally decided to study it in the university.(encourage)4The teacher advised me to improve the fluency of my spoken English,because I couldnt speak English fluently.(fluent)5Th

8、e result of the experiment was very satisfying/satisfactory.Not only did we feel satisfied with it,but our teacher looked at us with satisfaction.(satisfy)6Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their careers.Once they are devoted to them,their devotion must bring them big success.(devote

9、)阅读单词1literature n文学2academic adj.学业的,学术的3somehow adv.不知为什么;不知怎么地4sculpture n雕像,雕塑 5splendid adj.极佳的,非常好的6challenging adj.具有挑战性的7extra adj.额外的,外加的8independent adj.独立的9dynasty n朝代,王朝1(2019全国卷)Youth 1518 years old in select communities(社区)adj.有钱、有社会地位的人使用的2(2018全国卷) The noise shakes the trees as the m

10、ale beats his chest and charges toward me.v.猛冲3(2017全国卷) Freddy was an average student,but not an average person.adj.一般的,普通的4(2016全国卷) It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.n.方面短语多维应用高频短语1.dev

11、ote.to.把奉献给 2.look_back_(on) 回忆,回顾3become_interested_in 对感兴趣语境运用(填入一个适当的词)He became interested in teaching and devoted all his energy to it,for which he earned his students respect.Looking back on the days he spent teaching,he smiled with satisfaction.4.make_use_of利用5inform_sb.of/about_sth.通知某人某事6in

12、_charge_of 负责,掌管7for_free 免费语境运用(填入一个适当的词)After graduation,he was independent of his parents and made full use of time to prepare for the job on the Internet,where he was kept informed of/about the latest news.8.approve_of 赞同,同意9on_average 平均,一般地10make_sure 确保,保证11become_used_to 习惯于12be_fond_of 喜爱,喜

13、欢语境运用(填入一个适当的词)She was an average student and was fond of dancing,but her parents didnt approve of her learning it.So she had to practise for on average two extra hours to make sure that she would be selected as a member of her school dancing team.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.it代替动词不定式作形式主语We also had differ

14、ent students in some classes,so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.对北京和张家口来说,获得2022年冬季奥运会举办权是一个巨大的成功。It_is_a_great_success for Beijing and Zhangjiakou to_win the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.2.on/upon(doing) sth.一就Upon finishing his studies,he started travell

15、ing in China.一到达剧院,他就发现朋友给他的票忘在家里了。On/Upon_arriving_at_the_theatre,he found the ticket that a friend gave him left at home.3.so.that.如此以至于 I was a little nervous at first,but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.这本书非常有趣,我想再看一遍。This book is_so_interesting_that I would like t

16、o read it again.1experience n& vt.经历,体验 (1)be a(n).experience for sb.对某人来说是一个的经历have experience in (doing) sth.在(做)某事方面有经验with much/rich experience 具有丰富的经验(2)experienced adj.有经验的,经验丰富的be experienced in (doing) sth.在(做)某事方面有经验bring a wealth of experience to the team为该队带来宝贵的经验learn by experience从经历中吸取

17、教训experience joy in helping others in trouble体验帮助有困难的人带来的快乐experience all sorts of difficulties and hardships经历各种各样的艰难困苦 基础练习单句语法填空(2019全国卷)Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience.He is a doctor with much experience,who also has many unusual experiences. (experience)He is a

18、n experienced(experience) teacher,that is,he has rich experience in teaching(teach)能力提升一句多译中国是世界第二大经济体,在发展经济方面有着丰富的经验。China is the worlds second largest economy and has_much_experience_in economic development.(experience)China is the worlds second largest economy and very_experienced_in_developing t

19、he economy.(experienced)名师点津experience表示抽象意义的“经验,体验”时,是不可数名词;表示具体意义的“经历”时,是可数名词。2respect n& vt.尊敬,敬重(1)have/show respect for.尊重 earn/win the respect of sb.赢得某人的尊重out of respect (for sb.) 出于(对某人的)尊敬in all/some/many respects 在各个/某些/许多方面with respect to 关于;就 而言(2)respect sb.for.(be respectful to sb.for.

20、) 因 而尊重某人(3)respectful adj.表示敬意的;尊敬的with respect to your other proposals关于你的其他建议show respect for those who are older 尊敬长者respect the ideas of others 尊重别人的意见respect yourself尊重你自己基础练习单句语法填空Out of respect for farmers labor,we are taught not to waste a single grain of rice.I hope your company can have m

21、ore respect for passengers and improve service.能力提升一句多译我们十分尊敬最美丽的乡村女教师邓丽,因为她为孩子们所做的一切。We deeply_respect Deng Li,the most beautiful country female teacher,for what she has done for the children.(respect v)We show/have_deep_respect_for Deng Li,the most beautiful country female teacher,for what she has

22、 done for the children.(respect n)We are_deeply_respectful_to Deng Li,the most beautiful country female teacher,for what she has done for the children.(respectful adj.)名师点津respect作“问候;敬意”讲时,常用复数形式。如:Give my respects to your parents.代我问候你的父母。3devote vt.致力于;献身(1)devote.to.把贡献给;致力于,把用于devote oneself to

23、.献身于,致力于(2)devotion n奉献;忠诚;专心devote ones whole life to benefiting mankind为全人类的利益献出自己的一生devote oneself entirely to writing全心投入写作devote everything we have奉献我们的一切基础练习单句语法填空Her devotion(devote) to the job left her with very little free time.Devoted(devote) to his patients,he gave all his life in saving

24、their lives.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达) His life was spent in caring for the sick and needy.(高级表达) His life was_devoted_to_caring_for the sick and needy.(devote)(高级表达) His life was_occupied_in_caring_for the sick and needy.(occupy)名师点津与devote搭配的to为介词,后跟名词、代词及动词ing形式。4struggle n难事;斗争;努力 vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎(1)struggle for

25、 为而努力/奋斗/斗争struggle with/against 与做斗争struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来struggle to do sth.努力或挣扎着做某事(2)Its a struggle for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事很费力struggle against/with difficulties 与困难作斗争struggle through the snowstorm 冒着暴风雪前进win the struggle for freedom赢得争取自由的斗争make a struggle to get free挣扎着想跑掉基础练习单句语法填空We

26、 should believe in ourselves and make great efforts to struggle for success as well as wealth.It is a struggle for him to_get(get) up at six in the morning.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达) Like many women of her age,she tries to find a balance between her career and her family.(高级表达) Like many women of her age,she st

27、ruggles_to_find a balance between her career and her family.(struggle)名师点津struggle with既可以表示“与并肩作战”,也相当于struggle against,表示“与斗争”。5exchange n& vt.交换;交流(1)make an exchange 交换in exchange (for.) 作为(对 )交换(2)exchange A for B 用A换Bexchange sth.with sb.与某人交换某物exchange experience at the meeting在会上交流经验an excha

28、nge visit to Germany去德国交流访问have a frank exchange of views with her boss与老板开诚布公地交换意见基础练习单句语法填空Hes giving her French lessons in exchange for her teaching him English.I wish to exchange it for another camera or declare a refund.能力提升一句多译他用一个苹果换了我一块蛋糕。 He gave me an apple in_exchange_for a piece of cake.

29、(exchange n)He exchanged_an_apple_with me for a piece of cake.(exchange v)名师点津exchange和change作动词时,前者强调双方交换,而后者则强调事物的属性或位置的改变。6inform vt.通知,告知(1)inform sb.that.通告/告知某人 inform sb.of/about.通告/告知某人keep sb.informed of/about.随时告知某人/使某人了解 (2)informed adj.消息灵通的;见多识广的inform young people about the dangers of

30、drugs让年轻人了解毒品的危害inform me of your decision把你的决定告诉我inform me when to begin the final examination告诉我什么时候期终考试基础练习单句语法填空They would inform him of/about any progress they had made.The boss asked his secretary to keep him informed(inform) of the projects progress.能力提升一句多译他告知公司船已安全到达。He informed_the_company

31、_that_the_ship_had_arrived_safely.(inform that.)He informed_the_company_of_the_ships_safe_arrival.(inform.of)名师点津inform后不接双宾语,即不能用inform sb.sth.和inform sth.to sb.;inform的宾语通常只能是人,所以当后接从句时,其前的sb.不能省略。7approve vt.& vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意(1)approve sth.批准/通过某事approve of sth.赞成/同意(做)某事approve of sb./sb.s doing

32、sth.同意某人做某事(2)get ones approval 得到某人的同意/批准give ones approval to sth.批准某人做某事(3)disapprove vi.不同意,不赞成approve of what I did赞成我做的事approve the building plan批准该建筑计划基础练习单句语法填空I approve of your earning(earn) some money,but please dont neglect your studies.She would never do anything that did not meet with h

33、er parents approval (approve)能力提升一句多译如果您能够批准我的申请,我将非常感激。I would appreciate it if you could approve_my_application.(approve)I would appreciate it if my application could get_your_approval.(approval)名师点津approve不可用于approve sb.to do sth.。8charge n负责,掌管 vt.使承担责任;收费(1)charge sb.for sth.为某事而向某人收费charge sb.

34、with (doing) sth. accuse sb.of (doing) sth.指控某人犯罪(2)in charge of.负责,掌管in the charge of.由负责/掌管take charge of 负责,掌管free of charge 免费dismiss the charge against him驳回对他的指控deliver free of charge免费送货上门charge into the room冲进屋charge two dollars for repairing the bike修自行车索价两美元基础练习单句语法填空Ill be in charge of th

35、e whole factory when Mr.Black is away. The whole factory will be in the charge of me when Mr.Black is away.The man who had taken charge of the company was_charged(charge) with taking drugs.能力提升一句多译据说,她被指控谋杀了她的丈夫。Its said that she is_charged_with_murdering her husband.(charge)She is said that she is_

36、accused_of_murdering her husband.(accuse)名师点津in charge of以人作主语,指“某人负责/主管某事”;in the charge of以物作主语,指“某物由某人掌管”。9for free 免费(1)free of charge 免费set.free 释放,使获得自由be free from/of 没有,免受的(2)free.from.把从中解放出来,使摆脱be as free as the wind 自由自在free oneself from ones difficulties 从困难中解脱出来get access to that swimmi

37、ng pool for free免费使用那个游泳池 基础练习单句语法填空We want to give all children a world free of/from violence.Anyone can download and use the app,free of charge.能力提升一句多译自那时起,现代机器已经把人们从原始生活中解放出来了。Modern machinery has_freed_people_from that primitive existence ever since then.(free.from.)Modern machinery has_set_peo

38、ple_free_from that primitive existence ever since then.(set.free)10look back (on) 回忆,回顾look around 环视look up 查阅;抬头看look into 调查,向里看look up to 尊敬,敬仰look forward to 盼望,期望look down on/upon 轻视,瞧不起look through 仔细浏览,查阅look ahead 向前看,为将来打算look back on those unforgettable years回忆那些难忘的岁月look through several

39、newspapers before breakfast早饭前浏览几份报纸look forward to seeing you again期待着与你再次相见look ahead at what might happen未雨绸缪 基础练习单句语法填空Old people enjoy looking back on the past while the young enjoy looking forward to the future.It is reported that the police will soon look into the case of the two missing chil

40、dren. 能力提升完成句子如果你自己都瞧不起自己,没有人会瞧得起你。Nobody will look_up_to you if you look_down_on/upon yourself.11make use of 利用(1)make full/good use of 充分利用make the best/most of 充分利用be of (no) use(没)有用put.to use 加以使用come into use 开始被使用(2)Its no use/useless doing sth.做某事是没用的make full use of the waste water充分利用废水put

41、 the new school to use使用新学校be of great use to you对你有很大用处基础练习单句语法填空This old machine is of no use; well try to get rid of it.My mother always tells us it is no use crying(cry) over spilt milk.The value of life lies not in the length of days,but in the use we make of them.能力提升词汇升级(普通表达) In my opinion,e

42、very minute should be fully used to learn well by us.(高级表达) In my opinion,every minute should be_made_full_use_of to learn well by us.(use n)(高级表达) In my opinion,every minute should be_made_the_best/most_of to learn well by us.(best/most)12(教材P2) We also had different students in some classes,so it_

43、was_a_struggle_for _me_to_remember all the faces and names.上某些课的时候,班上的同学也不一样,所以对我来说记住所有人的面孔和名字可是一件难事。句型公式句中it为形式主语,而后面的动词不定式的复合结构for me to remember.是真正的主语,其中for me是不定式的逻辑主语。(1)Itben./adj.(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)做某事是(2)Itbeadj.(of sb.)to do sth.(某人)做某事是形容词(easy,difficult,important等)说明不定式行为的性质和特点时,常用“f

44、or sb.”作不定式的逻辑主语。形容词(kind,nice,good等)说明不定式的逻辑主语的性格和品行时,常用“of sb.”作不定式的逻辑主语。金句推送(2019北京卷) For many students,Wilsons help is not only appreciated,its also entirely necessary for them to be able to complete their college education.对许多学生来说,威尔逊的帮助不仅受到赞赏,而且对他们完成大学教育也是完全必要的。基础练习单句语法填空It is a great honour f

45、or me to_be_asked(ask) to speak here.It is not easy for some parents to communicate with their children.How silly it was of you to give up such a good chance.能力提升一句多译我们有必要把这一切都告诉他父亲吗?Is it necessary for_us_to_tell his father everything? (动词不定式)Is it necessary that_we_should_tell his father everything? (that从句)13(教材P9) Upon_finishing_his_studies,he started travelling in China.学习一结束,他就开始游历中国。句型公式句中Upon finishing his studies为upon/on doing.结构,意为“一就”。介词upon/on后接名词或动名词,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。其他表示“一就”的基本句型还有:as soon as,the moment/instant/minute从句,immediately/ directly从句,hardly/ scarcely.when.,no


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