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1、Lesson24: Writing a Poem【学习目标】知识目标:humorous, fairy, tale, plot, character; fairy tale; I like reading stories, but I think they are very hard to write. Jenny thinks stories are easier to write than poems, but I dont think so. At the beginning, I was afraid to try writing a poem. But it was too hard

2、to write that poem!能力目标:能学着写一首英文诗;复习情态动词must的用法。情感目标:学习多种英文文体,从中发掘学习的乐趣,激发学习兴趣。【重点及难点】复习情态动词must的用法;学着写一首英文诗。【导学过程】一、自主预习.基础单词。1. 偷幽默的,诙谐的_ 2. 情节_ 3. 人物,特点,特色_ 4. 故事,童话_ 5. 仙子,小精灵_ . 核心短语。1. 童话故事 _ 2. 不同种类的 _3. 尝试做某事 _ 4. 鼓励某人做某事 _. 检查单词及词组的读法并校正。二、合作探究Task 1:速读,弄懂文章大意,完成Lets do It 1。 Task 2:细读,并找出课

3、文中所涉及的短语和句型。Task 3:小组讨论导学案上的Language Points。Task 4:完成Lets do it 2、project。三、交流展示Language Points:1. At the beginning, I was afraid to try writing a poem. 起初,我不敢尝试写诗歌。at the beginning 的意思是“开始时,起初”,at也可以换成 in。例如:They were cheerful in/at the beginning.开始时,他们情绪高涨。后接 of 短语时,只能用 at the beginning。例如:It is i

4、mpossible for them to get back their money at the beginning of May. 他们五月初要回钱是不可能的。A policeman stood at the beginning of the street. 一位警察站在街道的起点处。2. Then my teacher encouraged me to write a humorous poem because I am always saying funny things. 后来,老师鼓励我写幽默的诗,因为我总是说一些有趣的事情。always 副词,表示“总是;一直”,常用于一般现在时

5、,表示经常性的行为和动作。always 也可以用于进行时,表示某种思想、情绪或行为反复发生, 且含有不满、 厌恶、 烦躁、 感叹等感情色彩。例如:You are always making troubles! 你怎么老找麻烦?!He is always telling lies. 他总是撒谎。四、当堂检测. 短语连线1. be afraid of A.了解2. different kinds of B. 害怕3. learn about C. 开始4. at the beginning D. 鼓励某人做某事5. encourage sb. to do sth. E. 各种不同种类的. 句型展示

6、1. 一个好的故事必须有好的人物和有趣的情节。A good story _ _ _ characters and _ _ plot.2. 诗和故事你更喜欢写哪一个?Which do you _ _ _, poems or stories?3. 但是写诗太难了。But it was _ hard _ _ that poem.4. 后来我决定写一首关于猫的诗。_ I decided _ _ a poem _ a cat. 连词成句1. her, will, sweater, show, new, Jenny, you_2. about, nature, writing, a, poem, Dann

7、y, is_3. poems, kinds, we, different, of, read, many_4. poem, now, a, just, I, wrote_五、作业布置1. Finish the exercise of this lesson.2. Preview Lesson 25.【教学反思】参考答案:一、自主预习.1. humorous 2. plot3. character 4. tale5. fairy . 1. fairy tale 2. different kinds of 3. try doing sth. 4. encourage sb. to do sth.四、当堂检测. 1-5 BEACD. 1. must have great, an interesting 2. prefer to write 3. too, to write 4. Later, to write, about. 1. Jenny will show you her new sweater. 2. Danny is writing a poem about nature. 3. We read many different kinds of poems. 4. I wrote a poem just now.


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