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1、Module 4 Great scientists 课中学案 导学案课题Great scientists课时1 课时教学目标1.Revise words and phrases 2. Read and learn more about the text.3. Learn important language points.教学重点learn to use the words,phrases and sentences教学难点Deal with some important new language points.课堂导学Step I. Important words(高频单词):1.rice-

2、growing n.水稻种植其构词法为 n+现在分词meat eating animals 食肉动物 English-speaking countries说英语的国家【归纳拓展】复合形容词的常见结构:1)名词 + 形容词:雪白的_, life-long 终生的2)词 + 现在分词: peace-loving 爱好和平的, time-saving 省时间的,说英语的_3)名词 + 过去分词:man-made 人造的,heart-felt 由衷的4) 形容词+ 现在分词: good-looking好看的, ordinary-looking相貌平常的easy-going随和的,5) 形容词 + 名词

3、+ed : red-lipped 嘴唇红润的,black-bearded 黑胡子的, short-sighted近视的,热心肠的_,中年的_.6)副词+ 现在分词: hard-working努力工作的,fast-growing生长快速的,7)副词+ 过去分词: 著名的_,受过良好教育的_-8)数词名词形容词: three-year-old 三岁的 seven-foot-wide 七英尺宽的 8000米长的 _ six-meter-tall 六米高的2. figure n. 人物,体型,数字,雕像,图形 v.计算,认为He has become a figure known to everyon

4、e. _She has a slender figure. 她身材苗条。Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons. _Please help me to figure out my income tax. 请帮我算一下我的所得税。I figure that youd want your coffee. 我想你要喝咖啡了。【归纳拓展】figure out vt.算出, 想出, 解决The boy cant figure out the algebra problems. 这个男孩做不出这道代数题。I cant figure

5、 out why he is absent. 我弄不明白他为什么缺席。【活学活用】As a public _, Yao Ming knows what to do in face of this kind of thing.A. character B. figure C. person D. opinionSam couldnt _how to print out the document until the teacher showed it to him. A. go through h B. figure out C. come up D. get vt.支

6、持,拥护;支撑;供养;证实;维持 n.支持,支援 The old man entered the room supported by his grandson. _They supported the Democratic Party. 他们支持民主党。他要抚养一大家人。_Can you give some examples to support your argument? 你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗? We need your support. 我们需要你们的支持。【活学活用】The lady is so old that she has to _herself with a cane

7、.(手杖)A. help B. support C. raise D. lift4. convert v. 改变,转换 E.g. 1 I want to convert some RMB into US dollars. 我想把一些人民币换成美元。 2 Weve converted from coal to gas central heating. 我们已经由燃煤改成燃气集中供暖 【归纳拓展】convert A into/to B 把A转换成B convert from A to B 由A变成B【活学活用】I want to convert some Hong Kong dollars _ A

8、merican dollars.A. with B. for C. into D. by 5. replace vt. 代替,替换,与with by 连用; 把放回原处;更换E.g. 1 We replace coal withby gas. 我们用煤气来替代煤炭。 2 Please replace the book on the shelf. _【归纳拓展】1 in place of sb.sth.= in sbs sth.s place 2 take the place of sb. sth. = take ones placeEg.1 You can use milk in place

9、of cream. 你可以用牛奶代替奶油2 She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant took the place of her. _ 【活学活用】1 Teachers will never be _(代替) by computers.2I _ (放回) the cup carefully in the saucer. (碟子)6.quantity n.量,数量There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩下少量的水。她有许多好衣服。_【归纳拓展】a quantity

10、 of/ quantities of许多,大量特别提示:a quantity of或quantities of 可以修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。做主语时,谓语动词的单复数与quantity的单复数形式一致。有类似用法的还有masses of/a mass of 和 good/large amounts of; a good/large amount of.【活学活用】This company is more concerned with quality than with quantity. _7. escape v. 逃走,躲避, 被忽略(没有被动语态) n.逃跑,逃避1 避开,避免不愉快

11、的事 e.g. escape death 死里逃生2 escape from (out of) + 地点 从逃走 液体从.漏出E.g. 她终于从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。_Gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气正从管中逸出。 3被忽略,遗忘,常以物为主语,无被动 The matter has quite escaped my memory. 这件事我完全记不得了。 Her name escapes me. _【归纳拓展】escape from 从中逃脱 escape into 躲进 escape doing sth 逃过,避免做make ones escape 逃跑 a

12、 lucky escape 幸运逃脱 a narrow escape 九死一生 escape sbs attention/notice 逃过某人的注意/被某人忽视【活学活用】The hare was lucky enough to escape _by the hunter.A. shooting B. from shooting C. from being shot D. being shot8. clear a./ ad.清晰的(地) vt.清除;使清楚 vi.变清澈,(天气)转晴We could see fish in the clear water. _He spoke loud an

13、d clear. 他讲话声音大而清楚。She cleared the leftovers from the table. 她清掉桌上的剩饭剩菜。The smog cleared away quickly .烟雾很快就消散了。暴雨过后天气转晴了。_【归纳拓展】clear away 消散,清除 clear up 清除干净,天气放晴【活学活用】On his mothers arrival, the crying babys face_A. cleared up B. cleared up C. warmed up D. smiled It has been raining for three day

14、s. I hope _. A. it will clean up will clear up to clean up to be cleaned upStep II. Important Phrases(盘点短语)1.bring up 抚养,养育, 呕吐,提出Bill was born in Canada but was brought up in America. _These are matters that you can bring up in committee. 这些问题你可在委员会中提出。She caught a cold and felt very

15、 sick. After a while, she brought up her lunch.她感冒了,感觉特别难受,过了一会儿,她把午饭吐出来了。 【归纳拓展】bring in 赚钱,传入 bring back 送回,使回想起, bring about 带来,造成 bring out拿出,罢工,开放,生产【活学活用】.If children are badly _, they behave badly.A. brought in B. brought up C. brought about D .brought backHis work _5,000 a year .A. b

16、ring up B. bring to C. bring in D. bring into2. come to power 掌权,上台E.g. When did Napoleon come to power? 拿破仑是什么时候上台的?【归纳拓展】1 take seizelose power 掌握夺取失去政权2 in power 当权,执政 e.g. The present regime has been in power for two years. 现政权已执政两年了。3 within beyond power 在能力范围内外 e.g. It is not within my power.

17、我爱莫能助。4out of/outside sbs power to do sth 做某事超越某人的能力【活学活用】It has been five years since this party _. Many people wonder whether it will stay on.A.has come to power B. came to power C. has been in power D. in power3.earn ones living 谋生My brother earns his living as a bookseller.我弟弟以卖书为生。【归纳拓展】earn /m

18、ake a living, make ones living, get/gain a living 谋生【活学活用】他靠教学谋生 accident 偶然地I only found it by accident. 我只是碰巧找到的。他偶然遇到汤姆。_【归纳拓展】by accident同义词有:by chance=accidentally反义词有:on purpose=by design 故意地【活学活用】I didnt mean to hurt you. I did it_.A. on my own B.on purpose C. with great care D. by accid

19、ent Oh, stop blaming him. I dont think he broke your window_. A. with care B. on purpose C. by accident D. with aim5. attach to 将绑在上绳子被系在一块大石头_【归纳拓展】attach sth to sth 把系在上面 be attached to 被绑在依附于,依恋attach importance to 重视,强调Step III. Important sentences(精彩句式)1. He thought that the key to feeding peop

20、le was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly. 他认为,解决人们吃饭问题的关键在于更快更多地生产稻米。1 the key to 意为 “ 的关键;的钥匙;的关键” to 为介词 The key to success lies in hard work.【归纳拓展】be(get) used to 习惯于,devote oneself to 致力于,look forward to 期待做某事, get down to 开始认真做 make contributions to 对做出贡献除key 外,其他必须和介词to 搭配的名词有an

21、swer, entrance(入口),reply, access, approach, solution.2 to have more rice and to produce it more quickly 不定式短语做表语,对主语进行解释说明,一般表示具体的动作,特别是将来的动作。若主语部分含有实义动词do 某种形式,则动词不定时中的不定式符号to 可以省略。E.g. 1 My wish is to become a doctor. 我的愿望是成为一名医生。2 What I would suggest is to start work at once.3 The only thing tha

22、t she wants to do now is (to) go for a holiday.现在她想做的唯一的事就是去度假。【活学活用】我不知道问题的答案。_What we wanted to do then was _a good rest.A. had B. have C. has D. having2. Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science.坐在轮椅里,通过一台特殊的计算机讲话,他已成为科学的代言人。Moving in a wh

23、eelchair and speaking through a special computer,是现在分词短语做状语,表示方式,相当于By moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer.He sat there reading a newspaper. _Following him into the room, I wasnt noticed by anybody.我跟在他后面进了房间,没有人注意到我。【归纳拓展】现在分词短语作状语还可以表示时间,条件,让步,结果,伴随等情况等。注意分词或分词短语的逻辑主语必须与

24、句子的主语保持一致。现在分词短语与句子的主语有逻辑上的主谓关系。【活学活用】听从了父亲的建议,他取得了很大的进步。(follow)_A local publicity official said trampling accident happened at a private school in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province,_eight dead and twenty-six_.A. leave; injured B. left; injured C. leaving; injuring D. leaving; injured高一英语必修四模块四课中学案答案St

25、ep I. Important words (高频单词) :1.snow-white, English-speaking, warm-hearted, middle-aged, well-known, well-educated, 8000-meter-long2. 他已成了一个知名人物。我们的教科书有许多图表帮助解释课文。 B B3. 老人由孙子扶着进了房间。He has a large family to support. B 4. C5. 请把书放回到书架上。她不能去参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。replaced, replaced6.She has quantities of goo

26、d clothes.这家公司对质量比对产量更重视7.She managed to escape from the burning car.。我记不起她的名字了。 D8. 我们看到清澈的水中有鱼。The sky cleared after the stormA BStep II. Important Phrases(盘点短语)1.比尔出生于加拿大,但在在美国长大。 B C2. B3.He makes a living by teaching。4. He met Tom by accident. D B5. The rope was attached to a huge stone.Step III. Important sentences(精彩句式)1.成功的关键在于努力工作。 I dont know the answer to the question. B2. 他坐在那里读报。Following his fathers advice, he made great progress. D


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