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1、四年级英语(上)第 4 单元第 1 课时Unit4 My home A Lets talk . Read and choose.1. I have a _. A. hat B. cat 2. Is she in the _?A. living room B. kitchen 3. Is he in the _? A. study . B. bedroom 二、 Read and choose 1. -Is _in your hand ?-Yes, it is .A. she B. he C. it 2. -Where is my pen ? -_A. Yes, it is .B. Its in

2、 your hand .C. No, she isnt . 3. Is _in the classroom ? No, she isnt . A. it B. she C. he 答案一、 B B A 二、 C B B PEP 小学英语四年级 ( 上 ) 第 4 单元第 2 课时当堂达标题Unit 4 My homeA Lets learnI. 图片与对应的单词或词组连线。 1 . A. bedroom 2. B. bathroom 3. C. study 4. D. living room 5. E. kitchen II. 选出与下列房间名称对应的活动。( ) 1. study A.rea

3、d a book( )2. kitchen B. watch TV( )3. bedroom C. have a snack( )4.bathroom D. take a shower( ) room E. have a napIII. 问答配对( )1. Where is your mother?( )2. Is he in the bedroom?( )3.I have a cute cat.( )4. Is it near the window?( )5.Where is the picture?A. No, hes in the study.B. Is it in th

4、e bedroom?C. Yes, it is.D. Its on the wallE. Shes in the living room.答案I. 图片与对应的单词或词组连线。1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. AII. 选出与下列房间名称对应的活动。1.A 2. C 3. E 4. D 5.BIII. 问答配对1. E 2. A 3. B 4. C 5.D 四年级(上)第四单元 Lets spell 当堂达标题Unit 4My FriendsLets spell . Read and judge. 读一读,判断划线部分读音是否相同。相同写 T, 不同写 F.( )1. u s e

5、c u t e ( ) 2. c u t u s ( )3. u s e d u ck( )4. u nder t u b e ( ) 5. m u m f u n ( )6. u p b u s . 将下列单词按画线部分发音归类。D. c u t e B. u p C. f u n D. u s e E.m u m F. Exc u s e G. b u s H. t u b e I. c u t J. u s K. m u l e11. cute _12. up _ III . 读一读,选词填空。 use cut up duck excuse1. I can _ chopsticks. 2

6、. Look at the _. 3. Stand _, please. 4. _ the cake. 5. _me. I lost my pen. 四年级(上)第四单元 Lets spell 当堂达标题答案 . Read and judge. 读一读,判断划线部分读音是否相同。相同写 T, 不同写 F.1.T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T . 将下列单词按画线部分发音归类。A.c u t e B. u p C. f u n D. u s e E.m u m F. Exc u s e G. b u s H. t u b e I. c u t J. u s K. m u l

7、e1. c u t euse Excuse tube mule2. u p fun mum bus cut us III . 读一读,选词填空。1. use 2. duck 3. up 4. cut 5. Excuse四年级英语(上)第 4 单元第 4 课时Unit4 My home B Lets talkI. Check yourself !A. No, they arent .B. They are in the door .C. Are the on the table ?D. Open the door, please !II. Read and choose. ( ) 1. Wher

8、e are my pens ? ( ) 2. Is she in the study ? ( ) 3. Are they near the phone ? ( ) 4. Where is the cat ? A. Yes ,she is . B. Under the bed . C. They are on the desk .D. No, they arent . III. 连词成句显身手。3. are pens the Where ? _4. are the in door They . _ 3. Are near phone the they ? _- 达标练习答案一、 D 二、 C A

9、 D B 三、 1. Where are the pens ? 2. They are in the door . 3. Are they near the phone ? PEP 小学英语四年级 ( 上 ) 第 4 单元第 5 课时当堂达标题Unit 4 My homeB Lets learnI. 图片与对应的单词或词组连线。 1 . A. sofa2. B. bed3. C. table4. D. fridge5. E. phone II. 根据句子意思写单词补全句子 kitchen study sofa table bed1.The_is in the living room2.The_

10、is in the bedroom.3. I read books in the _.4. I cook in the _.5. The cake is on the _.III. 选择正确答案( )1. Is she _the study?A.on )2. Where are my toys?-_ A.They are on the desk. B. Yes, it is.( )3.Jack is in the _room. A.lives )4. They _in the box. A.are )5.Where _the picture?

11、e B.is答案I. 图片与对应的单词或词组连线。1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. CII. 根据句子意思写单词补全句子。1. sofa 2. bed 3. study 4. kitchen 5. table III. 选择正确答案。1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5.B 四年级(上)第四单元 Read and write 当堂达标题Unit 4 My FriendsRead and write . 情景交际。 1.-_ -Its on the desk. A. Whats is it? B. Where is it ? 2.-Is she in the study? -_

12、 A. Yes,she is. B. No,they arent. 3.-Are they near the phone? -_ A. Yes, they are . B. Its Lilys. 4.-_-Theyre on the fridge.A. Where are they? B. Are they on the fridge? . 根据图画提示,判读下面的句子与图画是否一致,一致打 V, 不一致打 X 。1. ( ) The books are in the sofa.2. ( ) The bag is on the chair.3. ( ) The keys are on the fridge.4. ( ) The toy bear is on the bed.5. ( ) The phone is under the table. . 看图选词,补充句子。 (1)The is in the . . . . (2) The are in the . 附参考答案: . 情景交际。 1.B 2. A 3.A 4. A . 根据图画,判读下面的句子与图画是否一致,一致打 V, 不一致打 X 。 X X V V X . 看图选词,补充句子。 1.sofa living room 2. chairs bedroom


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