小学生爱国主的题演讲稿小学生爱国精彩演讲稿篇(DOC 16页).doc

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1、 小学生爱国主题演讲稿_小学生爱国精彩演讲稿6篇为祖国富强而献身的远大志向,让我们用全部的聪明才智和生命热血来建设我们的祖国吧!以下学习啦小编整理的小学生爱国主题演讲稿,供大家参考,希望大家能够有所收获!更多热门的爱国题材的演讲稿、爱国一分钟优秀演讲稿,欢迎往下点爱国题材的演讲稿热爱祖国,努力学习小学生关于爱国故事演讲稿爱国英雄钱学森爱国一分钟优秀演讲稿祖国在我心中一年级关于爱国主题演讲稿祖国我的骄傲 小学生爱国主题演讲稿1敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学:大家好!今天我演讲的题目是祖国在我心。五千年漫漫征程,一路风雨一路行。中华民族曾有过向世界开放,国力强盛的汉唐辉煌,也有过闭关锁国,落后挨打的近代耻



4、开放,与时俱进谱新篇:浦东崛起,港澳回归;北京申奥成功,”神舟”号遨游太空;上海举行APEC会议,中国经济顺利入世。这一切无不在昭示着:中国巨龙的飞速发展和不断强大。历史给我们以启迪:一个走向世界的民族,必须自尊自立,自信自强;未来给我们以召唤:一个走向世界的民族,必须胸怀宽广,博采众长,才能以昂然身姿挺立于世界民族之林。今天我们是祖国的希望,明天我们就是祖国的栋梁。祖国永驻我心,我心属于祖国。我的演讲完了,谢谢大家!(敬队礼) 小学生爱国主题演讲稿2今天我将给大家带来最真挚的演讲。我演讲的题目是我爱你祖国。在我十几年的生活中,我一直认为自己很幸福,我的生活时时充满着欢乐,处处铺满着鲜花。谈起



7、国吧!现在,我要深情地说一声:“我爱你祖国! 小学生爱国主题演讲稿3敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家上午(下午)好!我是xx小学四年级1班的小学生xxx,我给大家演讲的题目是祖国在我心中。站在这里,我首先想请问你们一个问题:在你们心中,什么最伟大?我想,答案一定是两个字祖国。我们在圆明园里认识了祖国的屈辱和悲愤;在长城岭上,认识了祖国的雄伟和磅礴;在大漠荒原,认识了祖国的广大和辽阔;在丝绸大道上,认识了祖国的悠久和渊博。当我们看到书本里祖国的那段被列强侵略的屈辱历史时,我们义愤填膺(ying),因为祖国在我们心中;当香港回归祖国时,我们激动,我们流泪,因为祖国在我们心中;当举国上下迎接着2008


9、的教室里,诵读着古今优秀诗篇时,我们是不是该重新诠释古人“头悬梁,锥刺骨”的刻苦精神?当我们读着“程门立雪”时,是不是更应该珍惜如今的锦绣年华?当我们畅游在网络时代,是不是该为足不出户便知天下事、读万卷书而倍感自豪?“忆往惜,数风流人物,还看今朝。”同学们,努力学习吧,把我们的祖国建设的更加美丽!不需要问我们为了什么?因为祖国永远在我们心中!谢谢大家!下一页更多精彩小学生爱国主题演讲稿小学生爱国主题演讲稿篇4各位老师、同学们:今天,我非常荣幸,能够站在庄严的国旗下为大家演讲。我为大家演讲的题目是:爱国主义教育之祖国在我们心中“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”。 “国家”对于即将成年的中学生不应该是一个空泛











20、,我们雀跃,因为祖国在我们心中; 当香港回归祖国时,我们激动,我们流泪,因为祖国在我们心中;当举国上下迎接着20xx年北京奥运会时,我们燃烧,我们沸腾,这也是因为祖国在我们心中!近百年来,那许许多多的中华儿女,为了让这个家园繁荣昌盛,为了能让人民过上安定的生活,哪一个不是用“祖国在我心中”来鞭策自己继续努力奋斗。周恩来之所以能成为中国人民敬仰的一代伟人,不就因为他从小用“为中华之崛起而读书”来鞭策自己;“少年强,则国强;少年富,则国富;少年屹立于世界,则国屹立于世界!”我们是祖国的骄子,是新时代的宠儿。怎样用钢筋铁骨支撑起共和国的大厦,怎样迈开走向世界的步伐?同学们,当我们坐在宽敞明亮的教室里

21、,诵读着古今优秀诗篇时,我们是不是该重新诠释古人“头悬梁,椎刺骨”的刻苦精神?当我们读着“囊萤映雪”时,是不是更应该珍惜如今的锦绣年华?当我们畅游在网络时代,是不是该为足不出户便知天下事、读万卷书而倍感自豪?“忆往惜,数风流人物。还看今朝。”同学们,努力学习吧,把我们的祖国建设的更加美丽!不需要问我们为了什么?因为祖国永远在我们心中!看了”小学生爱国主题演讲稿”的人还看了:1.小学生关于爱国故事演讲稿2.小学生爱国主义主题演讲稿3.2017年小学生关于爱国主题演讲稿4.一年级关于爱国主题演讲稿5.一年级爱祖国主题演讲稿5篇organization system and working mode

22、, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two ma

23、nuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strength

24、en the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission

25、 and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the ad

26、justment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of

27、 the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and stu

28、dy, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres t

29、raining project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jo

30、intly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the ye

31、ar is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secretary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize

32、the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to democratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the basis of s

33、ummarizing the experience and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and gradually formed a set of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outstanding cad

34、res to the central mission in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other central organs and sending work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachment cadre

35、 management, selection, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the National Development Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the requirement

36、s of post training, further curriculum scientifically and rationally, adopt arrangement menu course, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establish a qual

37、ity teacher training team, establish and implement course evaluation system; take delivery of training to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recognition of

38、the publicity, and actively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of institutionalization, standardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Youth Serv

39、ice medal, dedication to the society to create conditions, build the stage. During the 54, named in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two) the est

40、ablishment of municipal Party committee of young talent information database. In accordance with the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various levels gene

41、rally established the young talent database, construction of city, county (directly under the Communist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent information database the relevant information collection system, and gradually establish the citys young people, the Communist Youth Leag

42、ue youth talent information network, provide information platform for young talent resource development.Five, take effective measures to strengthen the mission management(a) to strengthen the mission management work. Strengthen the dues collection and management, continue to adhere to the dues colle

43、ction regularly reporting system, the annual comprehensive award in recognition of the tour and the tour one vote veto system audit system. Do statistical work in the group. The group service award in recognition of the advanced units, standardization, promoting group management work institutionaliz

44、ed.(two) to strengthen the organization of research and information exchange efforts. Grassroots carry out research, efforts to form a number of theoretical results. Make full use of the network carrier, to explore the establishment of electronic group service system, promote the work of Communist Y

45、outh League information.Attachment 4:XX municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of the Communist Youth League work pointsIn 2006, the Communist Youth League propaganda ideological work XX to Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, study and implement t

46、he partys sixteen and the spirit of the the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee implementation of the eight plenary session of the two committee, the citys cultural work conference, the Propaganda Department of the meeting and the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Centra

47、l Committee permanent mission spirit, closely around 11th Five-Year XX the goal of full implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the times, close to reality, close to life, close to the young, persevere grasp orientation, gr

48、asping deepening, grasping construction innovation, further improve the groups propaganda and ideological work ability, unity To guide the majority of members of the youth to achieve the 11th Five-Year planning tasks, the overall construction of a well-off society, building a socialist harmonious society to make new contributions.One, adhere to the Three Represents important thought and Scientific Outlook on Development education to guide the youth, to further strengthen the


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