初中英语语法习题大全+答案(DOC 9页).doc

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1、初中英语语法习题大全+答案一、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1、Tom (be) in Paris since 2 years ago.2、I (be) to the Great Wall twice.3、My uncle (be) in this city for many years.4、We (visit) our teacher already.5、May (go) home yet?6、He (read) the book 3 times.7、They just (leave) the farm.8、She (not play) football these days.9、My frie

2、nd (see) the film before.10、He never (meet) a foreigner. 11、He (give) you the answer as soon as he (come) back.12、There (be) a meeting tomorrow. Please (come) on time.13、My mother (work) for 3 years.14、(be) there much snow last winter? No, there (not).15、We (start) at 10 if it (stop) raining.16、The

3、plane (take off) in a moment.17、It (rain) for 3 days. There are too much rain this year.18、How long you uncle (live) in Beijing.19、We (learn) many words since we came to this school.20、Where is Tom?He (go) to Hangzhou. he ever (be) there before?Yes. He (be) there 3 times.When he (go) there?He (go) t

4、here 3 days ago. 21、The wind (blow) hard yesterday. It (blow) off my hat.22、you (hear) the news last night?23、They (write) letters the whole morning. They didnt have a rest.24、One day I (happen) to be alone at home. He (come) and we (have) a chat.(聊天)25、She often (talk) about that book.26、The train

5、(leave) in 10 minutes.27、Look! The children (play) in the park.28、I already (walk) for 20 minutes. Im too lived.29、How long your father (live) in Beijing.30、I (not read) todays newspaper yet it (come)?31、His father (be) a doctor since 1987.32、The foreign guests (arrive) in 5 minutes.33、I (see) her t

6、his morning. Whats wrong with her?34、The boy (study) now. (not make) any noise.35、Yesterday I (go) to (see) a film. On my way to the cinema, I (meet) your mother there. We (talk) a lot. We (be) very happy. 36、What you usually (do) after class? Sometimes I (go) to the library and sometimes I (have) s

7、ports with my classmates. 37、The students (listen) to the radio. (not sing) here, please. 38、Im late the train (leave)? 39、Last week my grandma (go) to (see) a friend of her. She (be) very happy. She (cook) a good dinner. They (enjoy) it very much.40、Tomorrow (be) Sunday. I (visit) an old friend.41、

8、I (fall) and (hurt) my neck last week.42、Sometimes Li Ming (do) his homework at school. Now he (do) it in the classroom.43、What Lin Ying (do) now? She (help) Wang Lin with his lessons. she often (help) him with his lessons? Yes, she (help) him with his lessons twice a week.44、We (have) one or two ne

9、w subjects every year. We (have) physics next year. I (work) hard at it.45、Its five oclock now. The students (clean) their classroom.46、Li Fangs father (work) in that school.47、We (have) a good time in the Summer Palace last Sunday.48、He (not do) the cooking yesterday.49、Look! the students (dance).5

10、0、Mary (listen) to the radio when her mother came in.51、Last night the boy (draw) a picture.二、完成下列反意疑问句1、Youre in Grade two now, ?2、Mary is going to study Chinese, ?3、Were going to have a meeting this week, ?4、They wont have a good time, ?5、Lets go to school, ?6、Listen to me, ?7、Theres little water

11、in the rive, ?8、The little girl can hardly read, ?9、He has never been to Japan, ?10、The students borrowed few English books from the library, ?11、Kate made few mistakes in the exam, ?三、单项选择1、The boy likes questions.AaskBanswerCto ask2、Well try there on time.Ato getBgettingCgot3、They hoped their moth

12、er soon.Ato seeBsawCseeing4、Im glad you again.AmeetBmetCto meet5、He often helps me my bike. AmendingBto mendCto mended6、I heard Alice in the next door.AsingsBsangCsing7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.AdoBto doCdoing8、He saw Dick in and take a book away.AcameBcomingCcome9、Does Jack want a wr

13、iter?AbeBisCto be10、The boss had them from morning to night.AworkedBworkingCwork11、Its time home.Ato goBwentCgoing12、Tom is kind. He would like you.Ato helpBhelpChelped13、Dont forget your books to school.AbringBto bringCbrought14、I dont know .Awhere does he live Bwhat is he doing Cwhere he livesDwha

14、t he is dring it15、Ask him how much .Adid it costBcost itCit costedDit costs16、I wonder used for.Awhat was this roomBwhich was this roomCwhat this room wasDthat this room was17、I really dont know . Awhere he was bornBwhere he is born Cwhere was he bornDwhere is he born18、We have no iden . Ahow worri

15、ed was he Bhow worried he was Cthat was he worried Dwhat was he worried19、He wanted to know there.Ahow long time I had beenBhow long had I been Chow long I had beenDhow long I was20、My mother wants to know .Ahow is Tom getting along Bhow he is getting along Cwhat is he getting along Dwhat he is gett

16、ing along21、What shall we do it rains tomorrow? AifBwhenCsince22、The doctor didnt have a rest the operation was over. AbeforeBafterCuntil23、She didnt go to the cinema she was very busy. AwhenBuntilCbecause24、His parents didnt send their children to school life was hard. AifBwhileCbecause 25、Finish d

17、oing your homework you go to bed. AbeforeBuntilCafter 26、The film was interesting all of us wanted to see it again.Aas, asBso, thatCsuch, that 27、he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room. ABeforeBAs soon asCafter 28、There are students in Class One in Class Two.Aas many, tha

18、nBas much, asCmore, thanDso many, as 29、I was watching TV, my sister was litening to the radio programme. AAfterBWhileCBefore30、Lets wait for him he back. Auntil, will come Buntil, came Cif, will come Duntil, comes31、Ill remember her the letter.AgiveBgaveCto give 32、He turned on the radio and stoppe

19、d to the radio.AlistenedBto listenClistening 33、He had decided it again. AwrittenBwritingCto write 34、Its cold. You need warm clothes.Ato wearBwearingCwore 35、Mr Black mill agree there with you.Ato goBwentCwill go36、They were able to last year.AswamBswimCswimming37、She is pleased her friend.Ato meet

20、BmetCmeeting38、They were sorry that.Ato hearBheardChearing39、He is sure tomorrow.Ato comeBwill comeCcoming40、Teacher told us quiet.AisBareCto be41、He will teach me this year.Ato skateBskatingCskated42、They asked him any noise.Anot makingBno makeCnot to make43、Did you hear her the song in English las

21、t night? AsingBsangCto singDsings44、The students dont know next.Ato do whatBwhat to do Cwhat doDdo what45、The boss made them ten hours a day.AworkedBworkingCworkDto work46、Id like my good friend to my home.AcomeBwill comeCcomingDto come47、Will you help me this morning?Ado the washBto do the wash Cdo

22、 the washing Ddoing the washing48、Id love that film, will it be on tomorrow?AseeBto seeCseeingDseen49、He told them on with the work.Ato goBgoingCgoDwent50、Well try the work before seven oclock.AfinishedBfinishCto finishDfinishing51、Its raining hard. Youd better .Ago outBnot go outCno to go outDto no

23、t go out52、This maths problem is difficult. Let me it over. Ato thinkBthinkingCthinkDthought53、Sorry Ive kept you for a long time.AwaitBto waitCwaitingDwaited54、Its not easy a foreign language.AlearnsBlearnCto learnDlearning55、The doctor was busy on the woman at that time.AoperateBoperatingCto opera

24、teDoperated56、Im hungry. Please give me something .AeatBeatingCto eatDeaten57、Mr Smith enjoys to light music.AlistensBto listenClisteningDlisten58、It was very late at night he still went on .AworksBworkedCworkingDwork59、When they walked along the river, they suddenly heard somebody for help.AcallBca

25、llingCcalledDto call60、Stop and listen to me carefully said the teacher.Ato talkBtalkingCtalkDtalks61、The teacher asked me the question in English.AanswerBto answerCansweredDanswering62、It was eleven oclock, she stopped the child from TV.AwatchBwatchingCto watchDwatched 63、He is strong enougn the bo

26、x.AcarryBto carryCcarryingDcarries64、Please be quiet. You talk loudly in the library.AneedntBmustntCneedDmust65、Dont be late. You be there on time.AmustBcanCmayDneednt66、I speak to Ann? Speaking.AMustBMayCNeedDShall67、Ive looked for my pen everywhere, but I find it.AcouldntBcantCmustntDdidnt68、Excus

27、e me I ask you a question?AwillBdoCmayDwould69、This science book good care of.Amust be takeBmust take Cmust be takenDmust to be taken70、Must I finish my homework now? No, you .AmustntBcantCneedntDmay not 71、You must be here at six tomorrow morning. Sorry I be here so early.AneedBmustCmayDcant72、you

28、answer the telephone, please?AMustBMayCNeedDCould73、Dont be late. You be there on time.AmustBcanCmayDneednt74、We catch up with you. Please speak a little more slowly.AcanBcantCmay notDmust75、This watch next Monday.Acan mendedBcan be mended Ccan be mendDcan be mending76、The stars in the daytime.Acant

29、 be seeBcant see Ccant be sawDcant be seen77、Tom was very hungry he ate all the cakes.AandBbutCsoDor78、The teacher is very tired she is still working very hard.AbutBsoCandDor79、Mr Wang has worked there it opened.AbecauseBsinceCforDso80、Well go to visit the Great Wall it doesnt rain tomorrow.AsinceBb

30、eforeCwhenDif 81、I came into the office, the teachers were having a meeting.AWhenBWhileCWhichDSince82、Its a long time we met last.AbeforeBafterCsinceDso83、I didnt watch TV I finished my work.AafterBwhenCwhileDuntil84、I hear easy.Athat physics isntBif physics isnt Cwhat physics isDthat physics85、She

31、tole me her teacher.AMr Green is Bthat Mr Green is Cif Mr Green wasDMr Green was 86、Do you know to that post offece?AHow much is itBhow far it is Chow far is itDhow long it is87、Do you remember how many times to America?Ahave you beenBhad you been Cdid you goDyou have been88、I didnt know in the clas

32、sroom.Ais sheBif she isCif was sheDif she was89、Does anybody know for Xian tomerrow?Aif is Licy leavingBif Lucy leaves Cthat Lucy is leavingDthat Licy leaves90、Do you know back soon?Awhen she will comeBif will she comeCif she will comeDif she comes【答案】一、1、has been2、have been3、has been4、have visited5

33、、Has, gone6、has read7、have, left8、hasnt played9、has seen10、has, neet11、will give, comes12、will be, come13、has, worked14、was, wasnt15、will start, stops16、will take off17、has rained18、has, lived19、have learned20、has gone, has, been, has been did, go, went21、blew, blew22、Did, hear23、were writing24、happ

34、ened, came, had25、talks26、will leave27、are playing28、have, walked29、has, lived30、havent read, has, come 31、has been32、will arrive33、didnt see34、is studying, Dont make35、went, see, met, talked, were36、do, do, go, have37、are listening, Dont sing38、Has, left39、went, see, was, cooked, enjoyed40、is, will

35、 visit41、fell, hurt42、does, is doing43、is, doing, is helping, Does, help, helps44、have, will have, will work45、are clearing46、works47、had48、didnt do49、are dancing50、was listening51、drew52、has worked53、have walked54、have waited55、has lasted56、have returned57、have, seen, did, see, Do, like, like二1、arent you 2、isnt she3、arent we 4、will they 5、shall we6、will you 7、is there 8、can she 9、has he 10、did they11、did she三、15CAACB610CACCC1115AABBD1620CABCB2125ACCDA2630BBCBD3135CBCAA3640BAAAC4145ACABC4650DCBAC5155BCCCB5660CCCBB6165BBBBA6670BBCCC7175DDABB7680DCABD8185ACDAD8690BDDCC


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