1、 3.Cut sb to the quick“触及要害”、“刺到痛处”。Your heartless comments cut me to the quick.4.Tear sbs heart out 1.Sting 例:His words stung her.他的话刺痛了她。2.HurtI was deeply hurt by their refusal to help.第1页/共21页“打call”表达的含义“为举起荧光棒”或者“为挥动荧光棒”。“荧光棒”的英文说法是:glow stick。为举起荧光棒:to put ones glow stick up for somebody第2页/共
2、21页“为欢呼”,那么“to cheer for/on someone”如果你开演唱会,我一定到场为你打call。I will be there to cheer you on if you give a concert someday.第3页/共21页Mantis Shrimp,lets move!1.get a move on 赶紧行动 If we get a move on,well arrive there before the store closes.2.jump to it“赶紧行动”。Dont waste time,just jump to it!不要浪费时间了,赶紧的!第4页
3、/共21页I probably fake.)Im sure that I take a fake examination.我确定我考了一个假试。第5页/共21页第6页/共21页 Come here,and let me punch you in the face!你给我滚过来!老娘要一拳揍你脸上去!I guess its time for me to lay waste to that pathetic loser skull of yours.看来是时候把你那个没用的脑袋敲碎了!第7页/共21页Do you have freestyle?指即兴的、随性的、随意的发挥。例如HIPHOP说唱中的
4、freestyle就是即兴说唱的意思。第8页/共21页尬聊“尴尬地聊天”,英语很容易表达:to talk embarrassingly。an embarrassing conversation。第9页/共21页还有这种操作?Excuse me?!(要读出那种惊讶感)I never thought it would be like this.(比较正常的版本)第10页/共21页 Could you just be compassionate?You have no conscience.第11页/共21页 Are you surprised?Are you shocked?第12页/共21页“油
5、腻的中年人”03 注重养生的 health-conscious 04 煽情的 sentimental /sentmentl/05 装嫩 act young 06 炫富 show off 07 晒娃 shareting 08 敬畏神秘力量 respect supernatural power 01 怀旧的 nostalgic /nstldk/02 不修边幅的 untidy /ntadi/第13页/共21页请开始你的表演:Please start your performance.第14页/共21页佛系青年 一种怎么都行、不大走心、看淡一切的活法 youngsters with casual an
6、d calm mindset第15页/共21页怼diss He ignores those who diss him.他不理会那些对他不敬的人。第16页/共21页戏精1:drama queen(女生);drama king(男生)2:an overly dramatic person第17页/共21页 winner winner chicken dinner第18页/共21页手指比心:finger heart你咋不上天呢:Who do you think you are?!老哥,稳:Amazing!Old fellow.我有句话:不知当讲不当讲:No offense,but.第19页/共21页吃瓜群众 netizens,internet users,weibo users,onlookers或者Spectator。打脸slap in the face太瞎了thats ridiculous抓狂go nuts/crazy第20页/共21页感谢观看!第21页/共21页