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1、Module 2教学案1Teaching aims:1. To introduce fantasy novels to the students and improve the students ability to appreciate fantasy novels and films.2. To know how to tell stories using present simple.3. To know the popular fantasy novels and films of Western novelists. And appreciate fantasy basically

2、and widen their knowledge to improve their cultural levels.Important and difficult points:1. Get students to understand how to use the adverbial clauses with ing and grasp what meaning they stand for.2. Make students know how to write simple fantasy stories.Teaching procedures:Period 1 Introduction

3、and FunctionStep 1. In this part, the teacher can let the Ss answer the following questions in order to introduce the new module.1.Have you ever read a Harry Potter novel or seen one of the films? Do you enjoy it? Say why/why not.2.Have you ever read any other fantasy novels. What is it about?3.Are

4、you interested in fantasy literature? Say why/why not.4.Have you read a fantasy novel called His Dark Materials? If you have, tell us much as you know about it. If you havent, read the passage in Activity 1.Step 2. Ask the Ss to read the passage about His Dark Material and ask them tell us which wor

5、ds and phrases prove it is a fantasy novels.Then ask all the Ss to read the passage and finish Activity2 and every two compare their answers. At last teacher tell the Ss the right answers.Step 3. Let all the Ss read the words and phrases in the blanket and make sure to understand their basic meaning

6、. Then ask every two students to choose58 words to make sentences. But all the sentences must be about the topic of the module.For example:S1: In my opinion, not only children but also adults enjoy fantasy stories.S2: In fantasy stories, all creatures can talk as human beings do.S1: In that fantasy

7、novel, the hero is a boy called Harry Potter.Step 4. Ask the Ss to read the passage in Activity1 and try to remember the information as much as they can. Then ask them to close their books; every two Ss as a group to ask and answer the information about the novel His Dark Materials.For example:1.Wha

8、t kind of novel is His Dark Materials?2.Who is the author of the novel?3.Who is the hero/heroine of the novel?4.What is the first book of His Dark Materials about?In this exercise, ask the Ss to try to use the words in the blanket in Activity2.Step 5. Ask the Ss to read Activity1 again, the introduc

9、tion of novels character and Activity1 then answer the question.What sense is used to tell the story?Now ask the Ss in what condition is present continuous used?For example:1.Explanation about film or introduction about content of the story When Xiulians sword is stolen, Mubai and Xiulian try to get

10、 it back.2.The topic of news or novelsLei Feng Joins the ArmyPrime Minister Tony Blair Gets a Rousing Welcome in Sydney3.The explanation about pictures or actions in filmsIn the park, Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story.Step 6. Ask every student to read Activity2 in silence then fill in the

11、blanks according to the context. Now ask the Ss to check their answers each other and then the teacher gives them the right answers.At last ask the Ss to read the conversation aloud and then act it out.Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary Step 1. According to asking some questions about INTRODUCTION, the

12、 teacher leads the Ss into the study of READING. The teacher can say like the following.The topic in this module is fantasy literature. In the part INTRODUCTION, we have learned that one of the greatest fantasy novels ever written is His Dark Materials. Could you say anything about its author, hero,

13、 heroine or the main plot of the story?1.Step 2. Ask the Ss to read the text quickly and grasp the main ideaAsk some Ss to answer the questions and help the Ss understand the main idea of the passage.Step 3. Ask the Ss to read the whole text and do Activity2 and Activity3, then give them the right a

14、nswers.Step 4. Important word or phrases 1.At this time of night there was very little trafficTraffic means vehicles of pedestrians in transit.交通流动中的车辆或行人。e.g. 警察拦住迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。The police stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross.In addition, traffic has another meaning.(1)the passage of p

15、eople, vehicles, or messages along routes of transportation of communication交通e.g. 交通繁忙 the heavy traffic 交通阻塞traffic jam(2)the commercial exchange of goods; trade贸易货物的商业交换;商贸e.g. 酒业 the traffic in liquor2. The cat approached the place again, just an empty patch of grass between the trees and the bu

16、shes, and patted the air once more.Here approach means come near or nearer to somebody/something in space or time.接近,靠近(某人/某事物)e.g. 接近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的就是教堂。As you approached the town the first building you see is the church.Approach has another meaning(1)go to somebody for help or support or in order to

17、 offer something(为求助或提供某事物)接近(某人)e.g. 找银行经理寻求贷款 approach ones bank manager for a loan(2)be similar in quality or character to somebody/something(在性质或特点上)接近(某人或某事物)e.g.莎士比亚的伟大,鲜有作家能望其项背。Few writers even begin to approach Shakespeares greatness.3. But Will knew without any doubt that that patch of gra

18、ss on the other side was in a different world.Here without doubt is phrase; its meaning is certainly无疑地,确实地e.g. 他确实是我所教过地学生中最聪明的。He is without doubt the cleverest student Ive ever taught.Here the teacher can teacher the Ss another phrases about doubt.In doubt means uncertain; undecided不肯定的;不确定的。e.g.

19、 没有把握就不要做。If in doubt, dont do it.No doubt means very probably无疑地,很可能e.g.他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.4.What he saw frightened him, but he didnt hesitate.Here hesitate is a verb; its meaning is be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain

20、or unwilling; pause in doubt犹豫;踌躇;迟疑。e.g. 他对是否参加考察队仍拿不定主意。Hes still hesitating about joining/ over whether to join the expedition.In addition, hesitate has another meaning.Be reluctant不情愿e.g. 我舍不得把这么多钱花在穿衣服上。I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.5. Any creature who possesses one of these ring

21、s has great power.Here possess is a verb; its meaning is have (sth.)as ones belongings; own占有;拥有。e.g.他决定放弃他所拥有的一切,出家为僧。He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.In addition, it has another meaning.1.have (sth.)as a quality具有(某品质)e.g.他有做好这项工作必备的耐性和应变能力吗?Does he possess the nec

22、essary patience and tact to do the job well?2.control or dominate ( a persons mind)(esp. passive)控制,支配(人的思想)(尤用于被动语态)e.g.他老是觉得有人跟踪他He is possessed with the idea that he is being followed.Its noun is possession, its meaning is财产,拥有。.e.g. 他的财产很少。He had few possessions.Period 3. Listening and Vocabular

23、y; GrammarStep 1. Ask the Ss to do Activity3.And let the Ss read the words in the box after the teacher. Then ask the Ss to do it by their selves and guess their meanings ,finally the teacher give them the right answers.Ask the Ss to make sentences using the words in Activity3.For exampleA frog came

24、 out of a nearby cottage and changed itself into a handsome young man.Step 2. Ask every two Ss to do Activity1 and give the right order of the 8 sentences according to ones understanding. And the teacher doesnt give them the right answers.Ask the Ss to listen to the tape for the first time, and ask

25、them to grasp the main idea. And then check whether their orders they have made are right.Listen to the tape again, try to answer the 8 questions in Activity5.Listen to the tape for the third time; ask the Ss to check their answers one by one. Finally the teacher gives them the right answers.Listen

26、to the tape for the last time, pause and explain if necessary. Step 3. Ask the Ss to read the text The Cat That Vanished and find the sentences containing v-ing as adverbial clauses.For example1.but as he stood trying to decide what to do, he saw a cat.2. Putting down his shopping bag. Will held out

27、 his hand, and the cat came up to him.3.Still watching, Will saw the cat behave strangely.4.When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the place where the cat had vanished.5.Pushing his shopping bag through, he climbed through the hole in the walls of this world and into another.

28、6.Bending to look through, he saw the road in his own town, his own world.7.Feeling that he was dreaming but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide.Step 4. Ask the Ss to read the sentences aloud and think whether the act of the v-ing and the verb happen at the s

29、ame time. Then do the exercises in Activity1.Ask every student to read the four sentences in Activity1, then answer the four questions in Activiry2, finally the teacher give the right answers.Ask the Ss to discuss the character of v-ing as adverbial. Then the teacher tell the Ss the characters. Step

30、 5. Ask every student to do the exercise in Activity4, then the teacher give the right answers to the students.Now give the students another exercises.I.Complete the sentences using the given v-ing.1.Walking into the library, the girl student_.2.Reading in the library, Professor Wang_.3.Driving on t

31、he highway, the young man_.4.Hunting in the forest, the prince_.5.Playing the violin in his room, the boy_.6.Singing and laughing on the green land, these children_.II.Use the v-ing as adverbial to complete the sentences.1.Our English teacher went out of the classroom, _.2._,he sent another email to

32、 his pen pal.3.The boy was now in the school library, _.4._, the strange creature vanished.5._, the cat led Will to another world.6.The tiger came out of the bushes, _.In this exercise, the teacher can ask some Ss to complete the same sentence and compare who did better.For exampleNo 4 in exercise I

33、I (1)Jumping into the lake, the strange creature vanished.(2)Running into the bushes, the strange creature vanished.(3)Flying out of the cave, the strange creature vanished.Step 6. In order to learn the new grammar, the teacher can help the Ss to revise the content in Grammar(1) using the following

34、exercises.Use the correct verb form to fill in the blanks.Hunt behave move leap put1._ in the forest, the prince came across a beautiful girl.2. The old lady looked around, _ down her bag on the ground.3. _ back and forth, the cat behaved strangely.4. _ in a particular way, the cat wanted to show wi

35、ll something.5. _ slowly on the ground, the wounded man suddenly saw a poisonous snake.Now ask every student to do the exercise and then ask them check the answers each other, finally the teacher give the correct answers.Step 7. Ask the Ss to discuss the differences of the v-ing between the two exer

36、cises. And draw the conclusion: in front of the v-ing we can add prep. or conj.Ask the Ss to do the exercises in Activity2 and Activity3 and then the teacher correct their mistakes and finally give them the correct answers.Period 4 Vocabulary and Reading ; Writing; Everyday English; TaskStep 1. Ask

37、the Ss to read the text and get the main idea of the passage.Step 2. Match the questions and the paragraphs. (a)How long did it take to write the series? (b) What is the appeal of Harry Potter? (c) What does J.K. Rowling plan to do next? (d) Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from? (e) How man

38、y people have read Harry Potter? (f) How did J.K. Rowling begin writing the first book? (g)When did success arrive? Answers to the questions: 4 5 extra 1 6 2 3.Step 3. Ask the Ss to answer Activity 4.Answers to the questions: c a d b cStep 4. Ask the Ss to work in pairs and discuss the answers to th

39、e questions.1 Why do you think the Harry Potter stories are so popular?2 Have you seen the films? If so, what did you like best?3 what do you think is the most popular book for children in China? Have you read it?4 Which activity do you think is more important to you than the others, reading,Watchin

40、g TV or playing computer games? Why? Step 5. Ask the Ss to read the storys beginning in Activity1 and see what tenses are used in the sentences.Ask the Ss to answer the following questions according to the suggestion in Activity2.1.Did the young man do good things with the ring or bad things?2.How d

41、id he do good/bad things with the ring? Give examples to show.3.Did he have problems because of the ring?4.Did other people find his secret? How?5.Did the story end happily or unhappily?Step 6. Ask the members of every group to discuss the question to agree with each other and every one write a pass

42、age then make up a complete story.Ask all the Ss to read and correct the story and see if the past tense and v-ing are right. Finally ,write down the last correct story on their composition notebooks.Step 7. Ask the Ss to read the sentences and discuss the answers then the teacher give them the corr

43、ect answers. Now the teacher can explain the meaning of every sentence to the students and tell them how to use them.Step 8. In this part, the teacher can discuss the writing with the students in the class. Of course the teacher also can ask the Ss to complete it as a after-class homework.Period 5 S

44、peaking, Cultural corner and Module fileStep 1. Ask the three or four Ss to discuss the text The Cat That Vanished which are divided into three or four parts.For exampleWe can divide it into three partsPart1: What the cat did and how the cat vanished?Part2: What will found and how he entered another

45、 world?Part3: What he saw and how he felt after entering another world?Step 2. Ask the Ss to retell their own chosen part. If necessary, the other two Ss can give him a hand. Allow the standard student to write down the key words and then finish the task according to the key words.Ask every Ss to di

46、scuss what had happened after Will entered another world. And then share their story with all the Ss.Step 3. Ask all the Ss to close their books and listen to the tape, and then answer the following questions.1.When did the story happen?2.Why is the Ring important to the story?3.How did the story en

47、d?Now ask the Ss to get through all the text and find out the main idea of each passage.Ask the Ss to read he text again and answer the three questions in the book.Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions in groups.1.What do you think of the book? Why do you think so?2.Find a similar Chinese story and tell it.Step 4. Ask the Ss to think of the use, meaning; opposition meaning words, similar meaning words and the form of words to learn the important words.For exampleComfortablecomfortably definitedefinitely frightenfrightened Kingqueen hesitatehesitation


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