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1、小学新标准英语(三年级起点)第二册Module 10 Unit 1 Its on your desk.教学设计一、 教材分材本课是小学新标准英语(三年级起点)第二册第10模块的第一单元。本课的功能是用英语描述物品的方位,能够口头运用Its on your desk.这类语句说明物品的位置。二、 学情分析小学低年级儿童活泼、好动,有意注意的时间短,所以课上要采用形式多样并容易调控的活动,让学生积极主动地全面参与到课堂学习中来。让学生真正成为学习的主人,想尽一切办法,让其多听、多说、多练。注意将教学面向全体,让学生的英语学习更贴近生活,落到实处。在第一册第8模块第二单元中,学生们已学过:Where

2、s the bird/cat? Is it in the green bag? No, it isnt. Its in the yellow bag.等语句。学过介词in的用法。Whats this? Its a What are they? Theyre 句型。学过玩具、动物、运动、食物、科目、衣物等单词。本课功能句用不用延伸到Theyre on your desk.(复数形式的表述)?三、 教学目标(一) 知识与技能1、 复习单词 in,学会使用on,under,box,bedroom,会书写in,on;2、 能口头运用Its on your desk. Its under the cha

3、ir. Its in the box.这类语句说明物品的位置。(二) 过程与方法:通过单词与目标语句的学习,学生能用英语自由表达物品的方位。(三) 情感、态度、价值观:培养学生持之以恒,不断探索问题的精神;关心他人,学会感恩。四、 教学重点:语言知识与技能目标教学难点:in, on, under区别运用五、 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Greetings.T: Class begins. Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello, Ms Ren.2. First, let me introduce myself.My name is Lili. Look, Im f

4、rom Taiyang Primary School. This is my English classroom. Im very glad to stand here and study with you.3. This time, lets play a memory game.1) There will be something on the screen. I give you half one minute to remember. Then tell me : what are they? Ready?Go!2) S1: bag,pen,book,desk,pencil,apple

5、,box3) 大屏幕出示答案。4. 复习Wheres ? Its in . 句型,引出box, 教Its in the box.1)T: Look carefully, wheres the pen? S1:Its the bag. Wheres the book? S2: Its in the bag, too. Wheres the pencil? S3: Its in the desk. Wheres the apple? S4: Its in the box.2) Teach “box”,用实物a green box,拼读单词。3) Ask and answer in pairs: “

6、Wheres the apple? Its in the box.”4) Act it out in line.Step 2. Presentation1.Teach “Its on the desk.”1) T: Look at the screen, wheres the monkey? Its in the box.贴图板书:Its in the box. Look, wheres the monkey, now? S1: Its on the desk.2) Teach “on”,用动作并结合学生书桌上的物品操练句型: Its on the desk.Wheres the presen

7、t? Its on the desk. 贴图板书,学生重复功能句。Wheres the book? Its on the desk.Wheres the pencil-box? Its on the desk.Wheres the bag? Its on the chair.3)Practice A. Look at picture 1, wheres the banana? S1: Its on the box. Look at picture 2, wheres the bird? S2: Its on the hat.Look at picture 3,wheres the basket

8、ball? S3: Its on the head.B. Choose one picture you like, ask and answer in pairs.C. Act it out in line.2.Teach“Its under the chair.”1) A.T: look, wheres the dog? Ss: Its under the chair. B. Teach under,under the chair,贴图板书: The football is under the chair. C. Ask and answer in pairs. “wheres the do

9、g? Its under the chair.” D. Act it out.2) Practice:A. Look at picture 1, wheres the cat? S1: Its under the desk. Look at picture 2, wheres the present? S2: Its under the box.Look at picture 3,wheres the car? S3: Its under the tree.B. Choose one picture you like, ask and answer in pairs.C. Act it out

10、 in line.3. on,under,in,box综合练习1) Look at the screen, read and do the actions with me.2) Ask and answer: wheres the doll? Its in/on/under the box. Wheres the box? Its on the doll. 4.布置学习任务:Today well learn M10 U1 Its on your desk. Read after me: Its on your desk.今天我们来学习如何用英语描述物品的位置。Step 3. Text teac

11、hing.1.初步感知课文,教bedroom单词1)T:Lets see who has got good memory. Watch a cartoon,then answer the questions: Whoses birthday is it today? Does he get present? Wheres his present? (播放课文CD-ROM)2)回答问题,教bedroom单词。2.How does Daming get his present? 1)Open your books and turn to Page 38.Read the text and find

12、 the answer.2)学生汇报找礼物的过程。3)Look at the screen, answer the question together.First, the present is in the box.Then its on the desk. Then,its under the chair. At last, its in your bedroom. Whats the present? Its a cake. And friends are having birthday party with him. They say “Happy birthday to you!”

13、Its a surprise!4)Are you clear?3. Listen,point and repeat.4. Read the text in your groups.5. Act it out in two groups. (一组齐读,一组一人读一句)Step 4.Practice设计一个小青蛙过河带领孩子们找礼物的游戏将三个基本练习,一个拓展练习串在一起。1、T:You studied very hard. So Ill give you a present. Whats the present?Wheres it?让我们跟着小青蛙一同出发去找一找吧!第一关: Look and

14、 say. 看图说句子(学生用书活动3前三图)第二关:Listen and match. 听音连线。(课堂活动用书第一题)第三关:Look,read and write “in,on ,under” (看图用“in,on,under”填空,考察学生在情景中使用重点词汇。)2、读信找礼物。第一封:It is in the green box.第二封:Its on the desk.第三封:Its under the chair.第四封:Its in the blue bag.(让单个生上前,读信找礼物)找到礼物,播放一段喜羊羊与灰太狼动画片的片头曲视频。Step 5. ProductionPla

15、y a guessing game.T: Are you happy now? Lets go to Linglings bedroom and have a short rest. This time,I describe one object,you guess what I said.For example: Its on the chair. S1: Its the doll. Its under the chair. S2: Its the dog.Step 6. Summary.T: OK. Think over, what have we learnt today? Ss: on

16、,in,under用法,帮Daming 找礼物。T:怎样找到的啊?Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair. Its in your bedroom.Step 7. Homework.1. Write down the new words. Read the text.2. Draw your bedroom and describe it.3. Make a dialogue use “in, on, under” with your friends.Class is over. Bye-bye, boys and girls. 板书:Module 10 Unit 1 Its on your desk. Its in the box. Its on the desk. Its under the chair. Bedroom六、教学反思:7


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