某中学保送生考试英语语文含答案剖析(DOC 9页).doc

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1、保送生测试题(语文、英语)(时间60分钟,满分100分)第一部分 语文 (满分50分)一举世瞩目的“神舟七号”载人飞船于2008年9月25日晚上9时10分发射成功!9月27号16点45分17秒,中国人成功迈出了具有历史意义的太空第一步!17点36分神舟七号飞船成功在主着陆场着陆,举国欢腾!为此,某校要举行一次“与神七同行”主题系列活动,请你参与其中。(20分)活动一:成语接龙1请你在下图“神七”的“神”字前后的空格里各填上适当的汉字,使每行都有两个成语,不能重复。(填出8个即可, 4分)神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神活动二:网语理解2学校在校园网上设立了“神州话神舟”论坛,欢迎大家加入讨论。

2、下面是一些讨论时常见的词语,你知道它们的意思吗?谈谈你的理解。(4分)顶: 粉丝: 达人 : 灌水: 活动三:病句修改3下面是校刊问天专号收到的一则稿件,每句都有语病,假如你是编辑,请予以修改。(5分)9月27日下午,我校全体师生在电视里观看了“神七问天”航天员出舱的这一历史性时刻。航天员翟志刚走出轨道舱,挥舞着五星红旗时,师生们群情激昂,纷纷表示要以航天员为榜样,努力向上,报效祖国。那一刻,我的心中激情燃烧;那一刻,我的心中热血沸腾;那一刻,我的心中飞翔梦想! 从神舟一号到七号,我看到了我国航天之路一步步地延伸,我看到了我国综合国力一天天地改善,我看到了我国民族凝聚力一点点地增强。“神七”,

3、已不再不是简单的一个词藻,而是一个带有标志性的符号。句: 句: 句: 句: 句: 活动四:标点巧添4下面的句子已添加了四种不同的标点符号,请你再添加另外四种标点,表达不同的意思。(4分)方明孙宏听航天员的报告去你去不去方明、孙宏听航天员的报告去,你去不去?方明:“孙宏听航天员的报告去,你去不去?”“方明,孙宏听航天员的报告去,你去不?”“去。”方明:“孙宏,听航天员的报告去,你去不?”“去。” 活动五:对联拟写5仔细观察下面一幅漫画,然后拟出下联。(3分)上联:神七疾跃向苍穹笑傲寰宇下联:_俺老孙甘拜下风二、为纪念第12个“世界读书日”,某校举行了“读书沙龙”系列活动,下列是其中的几个环节,请

4、你参加。(30分)活动一:文人轩1古今中外,许多文化大家,用毕生的精力,写就了大量的文学作品,叩响了人类心灵的大门,点燃了生命的柴薪,闪现了人性的光辉,推动了历史的车轮请你参照示例,从司马迁、曹雪芹、巴金三位作家中选择一位写几句颁奖词。(3分)示例:鲁迅:他把生命献给中国,让世界为之景仰。从狂人的眼睛里,我们读出了历史的沉重;从阿Q的身影中,我们体会到了变革的艰难;从铁屋的呐喊中,我们听清了奋进的声音!我选: 颁奖词: 活动二:作品斋2我国古典文学宝库中,名著浩如烟海,为了便于记忆,有人编了二十八字口诀:“东西三水桃花红,官场儒林爱金瓶。三言两拍赞古今,聊斋史书西厢镜。” 这二十八字诀包括了十

5、九部古典文学名著,请你写出其中十部。(5分)这些名著是: 3春华秋实,其韵无穷。请在下图“春”“秋”两字前后的空格里,填上适当的字,使之成为古代名人的诗句。(7分)春 春春春春春春秋秋秋秋秋秋秋活动三:评论亭4第五次国民阅读调查显示:图书阅读与网络阅读的比例为34.7%:36.5%,网络阅读比例首次超过图书阅读比例。对此现状,你有什么看法?(5分)我认为 活动四:想像窗5仔细观察下面两幅图,任选一幅,充分发挥想像力,写一段150字左右的小故事。(10分)图一图二 第二部分 英语 (满分50分)I. Multiple choices. 10%( )1. Where do you usually

6、have lunch? In _ office.A. the, theB. a, theC. a, an D. /, the( )2. Do you know _ she came here? Yes, I do. She came by plane. A. whereB. how C. why D. what( )3. _ knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody( )4. The flowers were so lovely that they_ in n

7、o time.A. were sold B. had been sold C. sold D. would sell( )5. The money will be used to help the people_ lost their homes in the earthquake.A. who B. whose C. which D. where( )6. Why were you late this morning? I _ a wrong bus, and Im sorry for that. A. got awayB. got onC. got inD. got to( )7. Nan

8、cy is not coming tonight. But she _.A. promised B. will promiseC. promisesD. had promised( )8. Would you mind if I keep pets in this building? _. A. Great! I hate pets B. Of course not, its not allowed here C. Id rather you didnt, actually D. No, you cant( )9. _blood if you can, and many lives will

9、be saved.A. Giving B. Given C. To give D. Give( )10. Hello! May I speak to Mike? _. Please call back later.A. Wait a minute B. Hold on for a momentC. Speaking D. Sorry, he is outII. Cloze. 15%Ive started learning two languages: Spanish and Russian. I wanted to learn two languages, because I want to

10、go travelling in 11 next year and I want to be able to speak to the local people. Im not sure 12 Ill go to Spain or to Russia, so Im not sure which language will be most 13 . Maybe I wont need Russian, but I dont want to keep all my eggs in one basket, so Im going to learn 14 languages.When I starte

11、d learning 15 , I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I hadnt 16 a hobby so much in a long time. The Spanish accent is beautiful and 17 an English speaker, the grammar was a piece of cake or so I thought! I thought it was so 18 , I decided I didnt need to study so hard but then I 19 .

12、We had our first exam and everything 20 pear-shaped. I couldnt remember the right words and I knew I was making lots of 21 in the grammar. When it came to the speaking exam, I just couldnt think of 22 to say!Well Ive learned my lesson now. If you want to learn a language you have to 23 a lot of effo

13、rt. I decided it was best to 24 learning Russian at the same time and to concentrate on Spanish. 25 , Russian wasnt really my cup of tea. I didnt really like the sound of it and the pronunciation was too difficult for me. ( )11. A. AmericaB. AsiaC. AfricaD. Europe( )12. A. whenB. ifC. howD. why( )13

14、. A. interestingB. usefulC. difficultD. boring( )14. A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none( )15. A. EnglishB. ChineseC. SpanishD. Russian( )16. A. foundB. enjoyedC. gotD. discussed( )17. A. forB. byC. onD. to( )18. A. funnyB. excitingC. importantD. easy( )19. A. had a good timeB. made a faceC. got a shockD

15、. did my best( )20. A. wentB. hadC. finishedD. discovered( )21. A. jokesB. friendsC. mistakesD. promises( )22. A. howB. whenC. whereD. what( )23. A. get intoB. get outC. put inD. out on( )24. A. stopB. startC. keepD. practice( )25. A. LuckilyB. SurelyC. HoweverD. AnywayIII. Reading comprehension. 10

16、%One day, a teacher was giving a speech to his students. He held up a glass of water and asked the class, “How heavy do you think this glass of water is?”The students answers are in the range from 20g to 500g. “It does not matter on the weight itself. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it

17、 for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, I will have to see the doctor. It is exactly the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”“If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able

18、to carry on. The burden is becoming increasingly heavier.”“What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.”We have to put down the burden sometimes, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on. So before you return home from work tonight, put the b

19、urden of work down. Dont carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.( )26. The teacher brought a glass of water to the class because_.A. he was very thirsty B. his arms were strong C. its a physics lesson

20、 D. it was a good example( )27. The underlined word “range” means _ in Chinese?A. 依据 B. 范围 C. 类别 D. 重量( )28. You can conclude that one may feel_ if he put down the burden sometimes.A. more energetic B. much heavier C. more stressed out D. happier( )29. This was a lesson about how to _.A. keep fit by

21、 drinking waterB. work out a physics problemC. relax oneself in lifeD. hold a school party( )30. Choose the true sentence according to the passage.A. You could become heavier and heavier if you held a glass of water in your hand.B. All the students in the class knew what the weight of the glass of w

22、ater exactly was.C. The teacher had a good way of making his lesson clear and easy to be understood.D. If you let your burdens down, your teacher will like you.IV. Writing. 15%2008年起一些传统节日(traditional festivals),如清明节(Tomb-Sweeping Day)、端午节(Dragon-Boat Festival)、中秋节(Mid-autumn Day)等成为法定假日(statutory h

23、oliday)。写写你对此的看法。100词左右。_答案 语文部分聚精会神神机妙算各显神通出神入化疑神疑鬼心旷神怡神出鬼没料事如神神采飞扬炯炯有神丰神绰约貌合神离兵贵神速六神无主龙马精神神采奕奕一1(4分,每词0.5分)2支持 FANS、 追星族 高人指在网络上发布文字。(4分,每词1分)3句中“在电视里”改为“通过电视” 句中“航天员”前加“当” 改成“那一刻,我的心中梦想飞翔”“改善”改为“提高” 句中去掉一个“不”(5分,每句1分)4方明,孙宏听航天员的报告去,你去不去?方明:“孙宏,听航天员的报告去,你去不去?”“方明、孙宏听航天员的报告去,你去不?”“去。”方明:“孙宏听航天员的报告去

24、,你去不?”“去。”(4分,每句1分,其中标点错一处,该句即不给分)5悟空狂奔逐飞船甘拜下风 (3分,酌情给分)二(30分)1示例:司马迁:废寝忘食,他用赤诚之心完成了无韵之离骚; 含垢忍辱,他用顽强之志铸就了史家之绝唱。 一部史记,讲述着一个史学家应有的良知, 一部史记,见证了一个史学家对历史的忠贞,一部史记,记载的不仅仅是历史,更是我们民族坚强不屈的精神。 曹雪芹: 为了一个梦,他忍饥挨寒,孜孜不倦; 为了一个梦,他呕心沥血,笔耕不辍。 一部红楼梦,凝结了一个文人的辛酸血泪; 一部红楼梦,映现了一个时代的风雨沧桑。 他,创造了文学史上一个不可逾越的高峰。 巴金:穿越一个世纪,见证沧桑百年,

25、刻画历史巨变,一个生命竟如此厚重。他在字里行间燃烧的激情,点亮多少人灵魂的灯塔;他在人生中真诚的行走,叩响多少人心灵的大门。他贯穿于文字和生命中的热情、忧患、良知,将在文学史册中永远闪耀着璀璨的光辉。 (3分,酌情给分)2依次为:东周列国志、西游记、三国演义、水浒传、桃花扇、红楼梦、官场现形记、儒林外史、金瓶梅、喻世明言、警世通言、醒世恒言、初刻拍案惊奇、二刻拍案惊奇、今古传奇、聊斋志异、史记、西厢记、镜花缘) (5分,每部0.5分)3示例:春:春风不度玉门关王之涣凉州词 江春不肯留行客刘长卿送李判官之润州行营 二月春风似剪刀贺知章咏柳 草树知春不久归韩愈春晚 最是一年春好处韩愈早春呈水部张十

26、八员外 小楼一夜听春雨陆游临安春雨初霁 万紫千红总是春朱熹春日 秋:物换星移几度秋(王勃滕王阁诗巴山夜雨涨秋池 (李商隐夜雨寄北)白免捣药秋复春 (李白把酒问月) 春半如秋意转迷 (柳宗元柳州榕叶落尽偶题 ) 银烛秋光冷画屏(杜牧秋夕)清秋燕子故飞飞(杜甫秋兴八首)秋草独寻人去后 (刘长卿长沙过贾谊宅)(7分,每句0.5分)4示例:我认为网络阅读应该是发展趋势。因为网络阅读具有方便快捷、互动性强、内容广泛等优点,但到目前为止,网络阅读主要还是浅阅读、片断阅读,这一点需要加以引导。 (5分,酌情给分)5图一:角度:春草 雪中的足迹 银燕抖翅,云天逐敌 “似曾相识燕归来”或“春燕飞入旧时家” 图二:角度:盘着的蛇 白鹅 在乡间盘曲的小路 神秘的迷宫(10分,想像合理、中心明确、语言优美、故事完整,字数符合要求给满分,其余酌情给分)英语部分1-5 DBBAA 6-10 BACDD 11-15 DBBAC 16-20 BADCA 21-25 CDCAD 26-30 DBACC


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