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1、四年级上册英语期末测试卷听力部分一、根据读的内容,选出正确的图片。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B. 二、选出所读的单词。( ) 1. A. right B. light C. nice( ) 2. A. drawB. runC. row( ) 3. A. can B. highC. Kid( ) 4. A. fish B. face C. fast( ) 5. A. some B. month C. hungry三、根据录音内容给下面图片排序。 ABCDE_四、根据问句选择

2、相应的答句,完成交际。 ( ) 1. A. He is behind the door. B. Im behind you.( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can.( ) 3. A. No, thank you. B. Here you are.( ) 4. A. Im Liu Yun. B. She is Amy.( ) 5. A. Im drinking soya milk. B. Im going to do the long jump.五、根据对话判断下面句子的正“”误“”。( ) 1. The bird are singing.( ) 2. Tom

3、 can have some rice.( ) 3. There are eleven chickens in the picture.( ) 4. Lingling can jump high.笔试部分一、将下面单词与图片对号入座。(1) vegetables A. (2) fish B. (3) clockC. (4) familyD. (5) juice E. 二、将画线单词翻译出来。1. Mum, Im hungry. _2. There are twelve months in a year. _3. I can see two tigers between the big tree

4、s. _4. Sam is strong. _5. PE is my favourite subject. _三、读句子,选出与句子相符的图片。( ) 1. Turn right. Go straight on.A. B. ( ) 2. Some girls are drawing pictures in the park.A. B. ( ) 3. We have dumplings and peanuts at the Spring Festival.A. B. ( ) 4. Can you ride fast, Tom? No, I cant. But I can run fast.A.

5、B. ( ) 5. What are you going to do? Im going to visit my grandma.A. B. 四、根据问句找出相应的答句。(1) Where is the train? A. Its eight yuan.(2) What are the girls doing? B. They are drawing pictures.(3) How much is it? C. Yes, I am.(4) Can I have some sweets, please? D. Here you are.(5) Are you going to run on s

6、ports day? E. Its down the hill.五、交际必备。( ) 1. 问路时,作为文明的小学生你会选择下面哪句话来问路:A. Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please?B. Where is the cinema?C. Where is the bus?( ) 2. 不同的节日有不同节日的问候语,下面哪句是在圣诞节说的:A. Happy Halloween!B. Happy New Year!C. Merry Christmas!( ) 3. 别人遇到困难了,你想帮助别人,你会说:A. Can you help me?B. Can I

7、help you?C. Cam I have some sweets!( ) 4. 别人让你吃东西时,即使你不想吃,你也应该礼貌地说一句:A. Sorry, I cant.B. Sorry, you cant.C. No, thank you!( ) 5. 你过生日了,别人祝你生日快乐,你会对别人说:A. Happy birthday!B. Thank you!C. Happy New Year!参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. house 2. boat 3. potato 4. fruit 5. plane 6. sheep二、1. right 2. row 3. kid 4. face

8、5. month三、1. get up 2. climb a tree 3. row a dragon boat 4. high jump 5. play chess四、l. Where are you, Sam?2. Can you play football?3. Do you want some rice?4. Whos this girl?5. What are you going to do?五、1. Are the birds singing? No, they are dancing.2. Can I have some sweets? Sorry, you cant. But

9、you can have some rice.3. There are twelve chickens in the picture. They are eating vegetables. No, they are eleven.4. Can you jump high? No, but I can jump far.听力答案一、1-6 BAABBA二、1-5 ACCBB三、DAECB四、1-5 BAABB五、1-4 笔试部分一、(1)-(5) BDCEA二四年级上册英语期末测试卷听力部分一、根据读的内容,选出正确的图片。( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A.

10、 B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B. 二、选出所读的单词。( ) 1. A. right B. light C. nice( ) 2. A. drawB. runC. row( ) 3. A. can B. highC. Kid( ) 4. A. fish B. face C. fast( ) 5. A. some B. month C. hungry三、根据录音内容给下面图片排序。 ABCDE_四、根据问句选择相应的答句,完成交际。 ( ) 1. A. He is behind the door. B. Im behind you.( ) 2.

11、 A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can.( ) 3. A. No, thank you. B. Here you are.( ) 4. A. Im Liu Yun. B. She is Amy.( ) 5. A. Im drinking soya milk. B. Im going to do the long jump.五、根据对话判断下面句子的正“”误“”。( ) 1. The bird are singing.( ) 2. Tom can have some rice.( ) 3. There are eleven chickens in the picture.

12、( ) 4. Lingling can jump high.笔试部分一、将下面单词与图片对号入座。(1) vegetables A. (2) fish B. (3) clockC. (4) familyD. (5) juice E. 二、将画线单词翻译出来。1. Mum, Im hungry. _2. There are twelve months in a year. _3. I can see two tigers between the big trees. _4. Sam is strong. _5. PE is my favourite subject. _三、读句子,选出与句子相符

13、的图片。( ) 1. Turn right. Go straight on.A. B. ( ) 2. Some girls are drawing pictures in the park.A. B. ( ) 3. We have dumplings and peanuts at the Spring Festival.A. B. ( ) 4. Can you ride fast, Tom? No, I cant. But I can run fast.A. B. ( ) 5. What are you going to do? Im going to visit my grandma.A.

14、B. 四、根据问句找出相应的答句。(1) Where is the train? A. Its eight yuan.(2) What are the girls doing? B. They are drawing pictures.(3) How much is it? C. Yes, I am.(4) Can I have some sweets, please? D. Here you are.(5) Are you going to run on sports day? E. Its down the hill.五、交际必备。( ) 1. 问路时,作为文明的小学生你会选择下面哪句话来

15、问路:A. Excuse me. Where is the cinema, please?B. Where is the cinema?C. Where is the bus?( ) 2. 不同的节日有不同节日的问候语,下面哪句是在圣诞节说的:A. Happy Halloween!B. Happy New Year!C. Merry Christmas!( ) 3. 别人遇到困难了,你想帮助别人,你会说:A. Can you help me?B. Can I help you?C. Cam I have some sweets!( ) 4. 别人让你吃东西时,即使你不想吃,你也应该礼貌地说一句

16、:A. Sorry, I cant.B. Sorry, you cant.C. No, thank you!( ) 5. 你过生日了,别人祝你生日快乐,你会对别人说:A. Happy birthday!B. Thank you!C. Happy New Year!参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. house 2. boat 3. potato 4. fruit 5. plane 6. sheep二、1. right 2. row 3. kid 4. face 5. month三、1. get up 2. climb a tree 3. row a dragon boat 4. high jum

17、p 5. play chess四、l. Where are you, Sam?2. Can you play football?3. Do you want some rice?4. Whos this girl?5. What are you going to do?五、1. Are the birds singing? No, they are dancing.2. Can I have some sweets? Sorry, you cant. But you can have some rice.3. There are twelve chickens in the picture.

18、They are eating vegetables. No, they are eleven.4. Can you jump high? No, but I can jump far.听力答案一、1-6 BAABBA二、1-5 ACCBB三、DAECB四、1-5 BAABB五、1-4 笔试部分一、(1)-(5) BDCEA二四 年 级 英 语 试 卷命题审核:刘崇江题号一二三四五六总 分得分同学们,现在是你们展示的机会了。本次考试共六大题,总分40分,考试时间为40分钟。我相信:只要你们认真听、仔细做,你们就一定能够取得优异的成绩!下面我们开始听力考试吧!听听做做(20分) 现在是试听时间。

19、请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 Where is the ruler? A. Under the chair.B.On the table.C.In the schoolbag. 答案是C。一、 请听下面10个句子,每个句子后有一小题,从每小题后所给的A、B两个选项中选择最合适的应答语,将其前标号填入相应小题前的括号内。听完每个句子后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每个句子读两遍。(1分10=10分)( )1.A.My new schoolbag is heavy.B.Some pens, three books and a notebook.( )2.A.He is six

20、ty years old now. B.He is in his new study now.( )3.A.Some bread and some fish.B.Dinner is ready now.( )4.A.There are only two apples in it. B.I would like some apples now.( )5.A.He is very tall and thin. B.Miss Jones is( )6.A.She is a basketball player. B.She is very friendly.( )7.A.Me too.B.Can yo

21、u?( )8.A.Theyre brown.B.Theyre too big.( )9.A.Your noodles.B.Yes, thank you.( )10.A.But thats only nineteen.B.Oh, you have a big family.二、 请听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从每小题后所给的A、B两个选项中选择能够回答问题的正确答案,将其前标号填入相应小题前的括号内。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(1分l0=10分)( )1.Who is this woman?A.Johns mother.B.Mik

22、es sister.( )2.Whats Mikes fathers job?A.A teacher.B.A cook.( )3.What would Sarah like?A.Some soup.B.Some beef.( )4.Whats for dinner?A.Some vegetables.B.Some noodles.( )5.Where are Chen Jies keys?A.Under the fridge.B.On the fridge.( )6.Whats in the room?A.Sams cat.B.Sams dog.( )7.Whats Mikes new fri

23、ends name?A.John.B.Sam.( )8.What color is Chen Jies new schoolbag?A.Black.B.Brown.( )9.How many people are there in Chen Jies family?A.Three.B.Four.( )10.Who are Bob and Bill?A. Theyre brothers.B.Theyre friends.同学们,听力考试结束了,我们继续做笔试题哟!读读做做(20分)三、 你能行。下面句子中的成员走乱了顺序,请你按照正确的句子语序组句并规范地抄写在相应小题后的四线三格中。(1分5=

24、5分)1.six, family, my, I, have, in, people,( . ) 2.our, clean, room, lets, living, now, ( ! ) 3.new, what, job, your, is, friends,( ? ) 4.you, a, like, fork, knife, and, would,( ? ) 5.blue, he, and, his, glasses, has, are, shoes,( . ) 四、 对话交际。阅读对话,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,使对话内容完整、意思通顺。将答案符号填写在相应小题后的横线上(有两个多余选

25、项)。(1分5=5分)A.A girl.B.I have a good friend.C.This is my new friend.D.Yes. Youre right.E.Where is she from?F.And she has a red hat.G.She is tall and thin.Amy:Hi, John. (1)John:A boy or girl?Amy:(2)John:Whats her name?Amy:Guess!(3)John:Is she Sarah?Amy:No. She has glasses. (4)John:Its Chen Jie. Haha!A

26、my:(5)五、 阅读对话,判断对话后所给出的句子是(T)否(F)符合对话内容。(1分5=5分)Jones:This is our new classroom.John:Wow. It is big and nice!Jones:I like the yellow walls.John:I like the TV. Its cool.Jones:Now lets put up our pictures.John:OK. Lets do!( )1.The classroom is new but small.( )2.The walls are white.( )3.We can see one

27、 TV in the classroom.( )4.Jones and John have some pictures.( )5.John and Jones are in their classroom.六、 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案回答问题。(1分5=5分)Im Simon. Welcome to my home. This is my father. Hes 40 years old. He is a driver. Hes in the living room. This is my mother. She is 38. She is a housewife(家庭主妇)She

28、 is in the kitchen. Where are my grandparents? Oh, they are not at home. I am a student. Im in the study. I read books here. My bedroom is near the study. It is not big. It has a bed, a desk and a chair. I like my bedroom.( )1.How old is Simons father?A.40.B.38.C.35.( )2.Where is Simons father?A.In

29、the living room.B.In the kitchen.C.In the study.( )3.What is Simons mothers job?A.A driver.B.A housewife.C.A student.( )4.Where is Simons bedroom?A.Near the living room.B.Near the kitchen.C.Near the study.( )5.How many people are there in Simons family?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.同学们,题目做完后可别忘了检查哟!另外,记得一定要写上自己的学校和姓名噢。江西吉安遂川县二一七年下半年期末考试四年级英语试卷笔试:三、1.I have six people in my family.2.Lets clean our living room now!3.What is your friends new job?4


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