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1、三年级下期终测试题学校 班级 姓名听力部分 (40分)一、 Listen and circle.(听录音,选择与所听内容相对应的图片,将其序号填入括号里。)(5分)( )1. A B ( )2 A B ( )3 A B ( )4 A B ( )5 A B 二、Listen and choose. (听录音,从A、B、C中选出你所听到的字母、单词或句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内。)(5分) ( )1A、Ii B、Ll C、Yy( )2A、Hh B、Ff C、Gg( )3A、pear B、peach C、please( )4A、man B、mother C、mom ( ) 5. A. Im hun

2、gry. B. Im thirty! C. Im Li Ming.三、选出你所听到的句子。(5分)( )1.A. Hes Mike. B. Hes in the car. C. Hes my brother.( )2.A They are students.B. They are teachersC. They are dogs. ( )3.A. Do you like this dog? B. Do you like this cat? C. Do you like this monkey?( ) 4.A. How old is he? B. How old are you? C. How

3、old is she?( )5.A. Some sandwiches, please. B. Some pears, please. C.Some biscuits, please.四、Listen and circle. (森林里正在举行动物运动会。广播里正在播报参加100米决赛运动员的号码,请你根据播报的号码,帮助我们找到这5名选手,把他们的号码涂上你自己喜欢的颜色。)(共5分)五、Listen and choose.(听句子,选出最佳答语并将代表这个答语的字母填在题前括号内。)(5分)( )1. A、Thirteen B、I can see. C、Thanks.( )2. A、She i

4、s Ma Li B、He, too. C、I like milk. ( )3. A、This is Car B、Its under the tree. C、Show me your book. ( )4. A、Im from Canada. B、Nice to meet you. C、Welcome.( )5. A、No, I dont like. B、Thank you. C、Me, too.六、 根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句(5分) ( )1 A.Im from Tancheng B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, I am. ( )2 A . Shes a doctor.

5、 B. Shes Miss Wang C. Yes, she is. ( )3 A. Yes, I do B. Some eggs, please. C .Fine, thank you.( )4 A. Hes my father. B. Yes, she is . C. No, hes a waiter. ( )5 A .Shes my teacher. B. Hes my father. C .My teacher is over there.七根据听到的内容,将下列句子排号。(5分)( )Who is this man,Mike?( ) Do you like apples?( ) Ho

6、w many kites can you see?( )Who is that boy?( )Excuse me,Can I use your pen?八、Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标号。)(5分) 笔试部分(60分)九、Write the right form. (写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。)(5分)I F d r K 十、Tick or cross. .(看图,读句子。如果两者相符,在括号中打,否则打。)(5分)十一、Choose the right answer. (根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。) (5分) ( ) Can I use

7、 your pen? 1、Yes, I do .( ) Do you like bananas? 2、Shes my mother .( ) Whos that woman? 3、I can see 11.( ) How many cats can you see? 4、Its under the chair.( ) Where is the ball? 5、Sure. 十二.将下列单词按项归类(每小题0.5分,共5分)(1) strawberry (2) father (3) eleven (4) sixteen (5) apple (6) pear (7) mother (8) twent

8、y (9)grape (10) sister.水果:B.称呼: C.数字:十三、找出不同类的单词。(5分) 1( )A. grapes B. pears C. peaches D. juice 2( )A coffee B. bread C. tea D. milk 3( )A mother B. father C.sister D. TV 4( )A. red B. yellow C. blue D. dog5( )A .dog B .cat C. panda D. he十四、选择填空 (5分)( ) 1. Whos that girl? - _ my sister. A. Hes B. S

9、hes C. Its D .Theyre( )2 Do you like peaches? . A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I can D. thesere ( )3 Can you see a cat _ the tree? A. in B .on C. between D. of ( )4 How many books do you have?A. I have 8 B. a bike C. Yes,I am D.I can see 2( )5 Happy birthday! _ A .Ok B. Thank you C Im 10 D. It is

10、 red十五、 下边的单词是什么意思,把它写下来吧!(5分) 1.teacher_2.mother_3.orange_ 4.sixteen_ 5.desk _ 十六、在A栏中选出能对B栏中句子作出正确反应的答语。(5) A B( ) 1.Whos this girl? A.Hes my friend. ( )2. Whos that man? B. My sister ( )3. Where are you from? C.Im ten ( )4. How old are you? D. Im from China ( )5. Where is my car? E.Its under the

11、chair 十七根据句子选用所给的词填空。(分) Hi,Im Mike.Im a_(A boy B girl) Im a _(A teacher B student) 2Whos this girl?Oh,shes my_(A sister B brother)3Look! Whos that _?Hes my father(A man B woman)4Can I have an apple,please?_(A Certainty B No)十八给下边的句子排序。(5分)( )1 No, I dont.( )2.Here you are ( )3.Thank you.( )4.Do you

12、 like pears?( )5.What about peaches?( )6.I like them very much. 十九、Choose the right answer. (根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。) (5分)( ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::_A. Youre welcome. B. Im from China C. My name is Li Mei.( ) 2.当你很姓名 班级 座位号装订线内不要答题 小学英语下册期末试题三年级英语试卷(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)听力部分(60分)一、Listen and circle(20分)A:听录音,将你听

13、到的单词圈起来。 1AbagBdadChand2ApenBtenCleg3AbigBpigCsix4AboxBbodyCdog5AduckBfunCrunB:听录音,找出与你所听单词是同一类的,将其标号圈起来。6AbookBballCbanana7AdogBdadCdesk8AseventeenBstrawberryCsister9AtallBtoyCtwelve10AtailBteacherCtoday二、Listen and choose(20分)A:听录音,找出与你所听内容相符的图片,将其序号圈起来。B:听录音,选出句子中包含的单词,将其标号填在相应的横线上。6 are you from

14、?AWhereBWhat7Make you eyes AbigBsmall8Do you like ?AgrapesBwatermelons9I have crayonsAnineBnineteen10The elephant has a noseAlongBshort三、Listen and write(10分)听录音,选择正确的答语,将其序号写在题前的苹果中。1AIm twelve years oldBIm from Canada2AHere you are!BThank you3AShes my motherBHes my father4AYes, I haveBYes, I do5AI

15、 have 12 carsBI see 12 cars四、Listen and judge(10分)听录音,判断所听句子是(T)否(F)与图片相符。笔试部分(40分)五、抄写下面的单词,并在相应的括号中写出汉语意思,比一比看谁写的最美观。(5分)apple leg orange milk under( )( )( )( )( )六、看图片,选单词,将其标号圈起来。(5分)1AmapBboxCkite2AboatBballCcar3ApearBstrawberryCorange4AelephantBgiraffeCbear5AgrandpaBbrotherCgrandma七、英汉连线。(5分)1

16、On the mapA真漂亮。2Youre rightB在地图上。3Its so beautifulC你是对的。4We have twentyD它又高又胖。5Its tall and fatE我们有20个。八、看图片,选出正确的答案,将其标号填在题前的括号中。(5分)( )1This is my AfatherBmother( )2Where is my ruler? AIts under your bookBIts on your book( )3Whos that boy? AHes my brotherBYes,he is( )4Do you like ? Yes, I doApears

17、Bgrapes( )5How many apples do you see? I do see AfifteenBtwelve九、找出与句子相符的图片,将其标号填在相应的括号中。(10分)A.Lets buy some fruit.B.The panda has a short tail.C.Mike is from Canada. D.I have a cap E.This is a map.12345十、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)321Hello, Im jackThis is my familyMy father is tallHe likes orangesMy m

18、other is thinShe likes pearsMy sister is fifteen years oldShe likes strawberries, apples and bananasIm fourteen years oldI like watermelons( )1Jacks father is tall( )2Jacks mother likes oranges( )3Jacks sister likes strawberries, apples and oranges( )4Jack is 15 years old( )5Jack likes watermelons真卷

19、2 参考答案笔试部分五、抄写略。汉语意思:苹果 腿 橙子 牛奶 在下面六、15CABBC期末测试题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听 力 部 分(50分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)听力材料:1.girl2.tail3.sixteen4.duck5.short6.fruit7.on8big9.milk10.cap( B )1.A.boyBgirl ( A )2.A.tailBbody( B )3.A.six Bsixteen ( A )4.A.duck Belephant( B )5.A.long Bshort ( A )6.A.fruit Bzoo( A )7.A.on Bin

20、( A )8.A.big Bpig( A )9.A.milk Bkite ( B )10.A.dad Bcap二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分)听力材料:1.Hi,Im Mike.Im from Canada.2.I like watermelons and grapes.3Make your eyes big.4.Bounce a ball.5.Put your hand on the chair.( A )1.( B )2.( A )3.( A )4.( A )5.三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)听力材料:1.Where are you from?2.I have

21、a new kite.3Shes my mother.4.I have 17 crayons.5.Have some fruit.( B )1.A.What about you? BWhere are you from?( A )2.A.I have a new kite. BWe have a new kite.( A )3.A.Shes my mother. BHes my father.( B )4.A.You have 16 crayons. BI have 17 crayons.( A )5.A.Have some fruit. BHave some grapes.四、听录音,选出所

22、听句子的正确答语。(10分)听力材料:1.Whats this?2.Where is my bag?3How many books do you have?4.Where are you from?5Is she your sister?( D )1. AI have fifteen.( C )2. BYes,she is.( A )3. CIts on the chair.( E )4. DIts a giraffe.( B )5. EI am from Australia.五、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是()否()相符。(10分)听力材料:1.Its black and white.I

23、t has a big body and a short tail.2I like pears,apples and strawberries.3How many birds can you see?Sixteen.4Your cap is on the desk.5Whos that woman?She is my teacher.,1.( ),2.( ),3.( ),4.( ),5.( )笔 试 部 分(50分)六、根据图片,拼写单词。(10分),1.chair),2.box),3.girl),4.fruit) ,5.boat),6.father) ,7.fat) ,8.kite) ,9.

24、pear) ,10.duck)七、选择正确的答案。(10分)( B )1.Hi,Chen Jie.This is Mike._ from Canada.AShesBHes( A )2.How many _ do you have?Aballs Bball( B )3.Here you are._AYes. BThank you!( B )4.Mum._ is my map?Its on your desk.AWhat BWhere( A )5.Whos that woman?Shes my _.Amother Bfather八、选择与图片相符的句子。(10分)1.,( D )2.,( E )3.,( C )4.,( B )5.),sdo5( A )AI have thirteen toy cars.BA book is on the desk.CIt has a long tail.DHes my father.EIm from Canada.九、看图片,写问句或答句。(10分)A:Where_are_you_from?B:Im from China.


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