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1、六年级英语上册期中模拟测试听力部分(40分)一、听音,选出你所听到的内容。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、went swimming B、went to some famous parks C、went to the Great Wall2、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、six years old B、six months old C、sixteen years old3、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、a long tail B、four legs C、a round head4、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、 small and cute B

2、、a primary school student C、junior high school5、听音,选出你所听到的内容。( )A、visited my friends B、watched TV C、did my homework二、听音,选出所听到的图片。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C2、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C3、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C4、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C5、听音,选出所听到的图片。( ) A B C三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。(共5个小题,每题2分)1、( )

3、These animals are in danger .2、( )I sometimes play football with him .3、( )Would you like to have dinner ?4、( )I ate a little sweet food this evening .5、( )They dont like bread and rice .四、听音把短文补充完整。(共10个空,每空1分)Tim and Judy _ a lot of _ and _ . They eat a lot of _ and _a lot of water . They eat some

4、 _, _and _ . They also _ some _.笔试部分(60分)一、选出不同类的选项。(共5个小题,每题2分)( )1、A、hamburger B、lunch C、breakfast( )2、A、year B、January C、October( )3、A、uncle B、pizza C、grandparent( )4、A、sandwich B、yesterday C、cake( )5、A、month B、cute C、clever二、判断下列各组划线部分的发音,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。(共5个小题,每题2分)( )1、A、too B、food C、room( )2

5、、A、year B、bear C、near( )3、A、sweater B、breakfast C、head( )4、A、grass B、past C、wash( )5、A、note B、ago C、moment三、单项选择。(共10个小题,每题1分)( )1、Do you play _after school ?A、piano B、music C、football( )2、Ben _born in 2010 in Shenzhen .A、was B、were C、is( )3、Little Mike cant _his mother .A、find B、finds C、finding( )4

6、、Alice often _her homework on Saturdays .A、did B、does C、do( )5、I didnt eat _bread this morning .A、much B、some C、a lot( )6、What did you do on your holiday ? I _ .A、reading books B、watch TV C、bought a story book ( )7、Danny _two hamburgers for breakfast this morning .A、had B、have C、has( )8、_was your su

7、mmer holiday ? It was wonderful .A、How B、Where C、What( )9、What did you _for lunch today ?A、had B、has C、have( )10、Her hair _short and her eyes _big .A、were , were B、were , was C、was , were四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10个小题,每题1分)1、She has big _(eye)and a small mouth .2、The dog has four _(leg).3、My little sister is

8、 six _(month)old .4、Mike _(not go)to school yesterday .5、Did you _(have)dinner at home ?6、In China , people like _(eat)dumplings .7、She _(fly)a kite last Sunday .8、My brother _(visit)the Great Wall last year .9、Would you like _(sing)songs ?10、She likes _(dance)and singing .五、选词填空,完成对话。(共10个空,每空1分)pl

9、ayed visited did ate went were was had are How aboutMike: Hello , Alice . This is Mike . How 1 your holiday ?Alice: Hi , Mike . It was wonderful . I 2 my aunt and uncle in Beijing . We 3to the Great Wall and 4 Beijing Roast Duck .We 5 a good time .I also 6 with my cousins . They 7 short last year .

10、But now they 8 tall and strong . 9 you ? What did you do during the holiday ?Mike: I 10 my homework and cleaned my room .六、写作。(10分)你的暑假是怎样度过的?去了什么地方?做了些什么?心情怎样?不少于五句话。_二、听音,选出所听到的图片。1、sandwich 2、panda 3、Canada 4、visit grandparents 5、the Palace Museum三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。1、These animals arent i

11、n danger .2、I sometimes play football with him .3、Would you like to have breakfast ?4、I ate a little sweet food this evening .5、They like bread and rice .四、听音把短文补充完整。Tim and Judy eat a lot of fruit and vegetables . They eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water . They eat some fish , chicken and eg

12、gs . They also drink some milk .听力答案一、听音,选出你所听到的内容。1、B 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、C二、听音,选出所听到的图片。1、B 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、A三、听音,判断下列句子与所听句子是(T)否(F)相符。1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、F四、听音把短文补充完整。Tim and Judy eat a lot of fruit and vegetables . They eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water . They eat some fish , chicken and eggs .

13、They also drink some milk .笔试答案一、选出不同类的选项。1、A 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、A二、判断下列各组划线部分的发音,相同的写“T”,不相同的写“F”。1、T 2、F 3、T 4、F 5、T三、单项选择。1、C 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、C 7、A 8、A 9、C 10、C四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、eyes 2、legs 3、months 4、didnt go 5、have6、eating 7、flew 8、visited 9、to sing 10、dancing五、选词填空,完成对话。(共10个空,每空1分)1、was 2、visited

14、3、went 4、ate 5、had 6、played 7、were 8、are 9、How about 10、did六、写作。 My summer holidayMy name is Alice . My summer holiday was fun . I went to Beijing with my family .I visited my uncle . We went to the Great Wall , Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum . We also went to some famous parks in Beijing .

15、I took a lot of photos . I had a great time .第一学期小学英语六年级英语期中测试(考试时间:40分钟;满分100分,其中卷面分3分)班级 : _ 姓名: _ 学号:_成绩:_听力部分 43分一、Listen and choose第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分)( ) 1. A. turn B. burn ( ) 2. A. tree B. free ( ) 3. A. take B.bake ( ) 4. A.bay B. pay ( ) 7. A. moon

16、 B. soon ( ) 8. A. sled B. fled( ) 5. A. tell B. bell ( ) 6. A. wear B. bear( ) 9. A. stays B. space ( ) 10. A. must B. fast( )1. A. whatB. workC. walk( )2. A. buyB. byeC. by( )3. A. threeB. thenC. there( )4. A. streetB. strictC. stream( )5. A. lessonB. listenC. action( )6. A. farm B. frontC. from(

17、)7. A. helmetB. helperC. helps( )8. A. fightB. lightC. night( )9. A. tellB. talkC. tall( )10. A. halfB. path. C. laugh 第二部分共10小题,你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。(每小题0.5分,共5分)二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,圈出正确的图片代号。 (每小题1分,共10分)1.How do I get to Hainan? 2. When are they going to the cinema? A B A B3.What is Amy going

18、to do this weekend? 4.What is John doing now? A B A B5.Where do you see a film? 6.What do you like to do on Sunday? A B A B 7.How can I get to the zoo? 8. Where do the children come from? A B A B9.What festival is it today? 10.Whats your favourite book? A B A B 三、你将听到一个问题,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题前

19、的括号内。 (每小题1分,共10分)( )1、 A. Shes going to play the piano. B. Shes playing the piano.( )2、 A. I can buy some oranges. B. I can buy pair of sneakers.( )3、 A. Yes, I am going by car. B. Yes, I am going to walk to the library.( )4、 A. Hes going this Sunday. B. They are going this Sunday.( ) 5、 A. I am go

20、ing to Songshan Lake. B. I am going at 8:30 a.m.( )6、 A. Hes going by bus. B. Were going by bus. ( )7 、A . Cold. B. Warm. ( ) 8、 A. Yes, its far. B. No, its far. ( ) 9、 A. I must go. B. I must slow down. ( )10、 A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, she is. 四、你将听到八组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。(每空0.5分,共8分)1、_

21、are you going to the _?2、I am going to buy two _this _.3、We want to buy some _ books by _.4、My family is going to _ a _ next weekend.5、Grandpa is _ a _ now.6、Oh,the light is red. You must _ and _.7、_ _. You can see the cinema. 8、Do you go to Hong Kong_ _?五、听短文并判断句子的对错,相符的打“”,不相符的打“” 。(每题1分,共5分)( )1.

22、 I like to read books about science. ( ) 2. The library is near. ( ) 3. Sometimes I walk to the library. ( ) 4. I mustnt pay attention to the traffic lights. ( ) 5. The park is behind the library.笔试部分 54分六、补全对话。选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整,将字母骗号填在横线上。(每句1.5分,共9分) A: _? B: Very well , thanks. A: Whats the date to

23、day? B: Its _. A: Oh, tomorrow is Tree-planting Day. _in the park together. B: Good idea. _? A: We can take the No. 10 bus. B: _? A: What about 8:30 a.m.? B: OK. See you at the school gate tomorrow morning. A: _.A. How can we get there B: March 12th C: See you then. D: How are you E: When are we goi

24、ng F: Lets plant trees G: March 11th 七、阅读短文。(每小题1.5分,共15分)(1)根据短文内容判断句子, 对的打,错的打。One day a crow(乌鸦) finds a piece(块) of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to a tall tree. She is just going to eat when a fox sees her. He comes under the tree and says, “Hello! How beautiful you look today!”

25、The crow is happy to hear(听) that. Then the fox speaks again, “I can see your beautiful face, I hear your voice(声音) is nice, too. Why dont you sing a song?” The crow is very happy. She opens her mouth and begins to sing a song. When she opens her mouth, the meat is out of her mouth. The fox picks up

26、 the meat and runs away with it quickly.( )1.The crow wants to eat the meat in the tree.( )2.The crow and the fox are friends.( )3.The fox thinks (认为) the crow is beautiful.( )4. The fox picks up the meat and runs away.( )5. The crow isnt smart. (2)根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Tomorrow is January 1st. We are going

27、 to have no classes. We are going to the nature Park. The park is far. First , were going by bus. Then were going to walk to the park. Sarah is going to make a snowman. Mike is going to take pictures. Chen Jie is going to skate. I am going to climb mountains with Jack. Mary and Amy are going to draw

28、 pictures. We are going to have a good time.( )1. Today is_. A. December 31st. B. January 1st. ( )2. We arent going to _. A. school B. the nature Park ( )3. Sarah is going to _. A. play with a man B. play with the snow ( )4. Chen Jie is _. A. active B. quiet ( )5.Tomorrow is _. A. National Day B. Ne

29、w Year 八阅读下面的短文,每空只填一词,每词只准用一次。(共10分)cook, pick, Saturday, far, in, car, visit, have, moon , tastyTomorrow is _. I am going to _my grandparents with my family. My grandparents live _ a village. Its _ from here. So we are going by _. My grandparents _ a big garden. Were going to _ up tomatoes and gra

30、pes. They are _ and fresh. Grandma is going to _ a big dinner for us . We will see the beautiful _ and stars at night.九、根据图片所给的提示,认真阅读答句写问句。 (每小题2分,共10分)1. A: The cinema is far. _?B: You can go by car.2. A: _? B: My sister is going to the zoo tomorrow. 3. A: _?B: John is going to watch TV at 9 a.m.

31、4. A: _?B: Yes,there is a park far from here.5. A: _? B:. Its near the Dongfang Park.十、Look and write (10分)请从下面两幅图中选择一幅图进行描写。要求: 1. 认真观察图画,把观察到的内容写成一段 通顺的话。2. 可以展开合理的想象。3. 不少于五句话。注意规范书写。听力材料小学英语六年级期中自测题听力部分一、Listen and choose第一部分共10小题,你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。每题之间将停留3秒供你写答案。 1. burn 2.

32、free 3. take 4. bay 5. tell 6. bear 7. moon 8. fled 9. space 10. must 第二部分共10小题,你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。每题之间将停留3秒供你写答案。 1.I usually walk to school. Thats good exercise. 2.Its 6:00. Its time to say bye-bye. 3.First walk straight, then turn right at the zoo. 4.Go straight on Garden Street. 5.No,talk

33、ing . You must listen to your teacher. 6.The restaurant is very far from here. 7.In USA, you must wear the helmet on the bike. 8.We must pay attention to the traffic lights 9.Yao Ming is a super basketball player. Hes very tall. 10.The pizza is half price. Its so cheap.二、Listen and judge你将听到一个句子或一组对

34、话,根据所听到的内容,圈出正确的图片代号。别忘了先浏览选项!每小题读两遍。每题之间将停留3秒供你写答案。1.I get to Hainan from Zhanjiang by ship.Question: How do I get to Hainan? 2.Lets go to the cinema at 6:20. Question: When are they going to the cinema?3.Amy is going to buy some food this weekend.Question : What is Amy going to do this weekend?4.J

35、ohn likes playing basketball. Look, hes playing over there.Question: What is John doing now?5.Today there is an interesting film. Lets go to the cinema.Question: Where do you see a film?6.We like to have a picnic on Sunday. We are so happy.Question: What do you like to do on Sunday? 7. The zoo is no

36、t far. Just turn left, you can see it.Question: How can I get to the zoo?8. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled . Question: Where do the kids come from?9. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. We are having a good time.Question: What festival is it today?10. I like reading. I like

37、 to read comic books best.Question: Whats your favourite book?三、 你将听到一个问题,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题前的括号内。每小题读两遍,每题之间将停留3秒供你写答案。1. Whats Miss White doing?2. What can you buy in a fruit shop?3. Are you going to the library on foot?4. When are your grandparents going to the park?5. Where are you going

38、 this Saturday?6. How are you going to the library, boys?7. Whats the weather like in spring?8. Is the hospital far from here?9. What must you do at a green light?10. Are you going to the cinema tonight, Chen Jie?四、 听对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。每小题读2次,每题之间将停留4秒供你写答。 1、When are you going to the hospital?


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