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1、小学英语五下期末测试卷一、选出不同类的单词。 1.选出不同类的单词( ) A.MayB.JulyC.Sunday2.选出与所给单词同类的一项:went A.singB.eatC.took3.找出不同类的一项 A.inB.onC.an4.选出单词中不同类的一项( ) A.trainB.walkC.planeD.bike5.找出不同类的选项( ) A.secondB.firstC.three二、英汉互译6.Sam has many fish.三、选择正确答案7. Who am I? _ Mary. A.ImB.Youre8.What are you doing? Were _the windows

2、.A.cleanB.cleaningC.cleans9.There are 12 in the bag A.penB.a penC.pens10.Who is _? My mother.A.heB.sheC.it11.What time do you get up? A.I get up at 10:30B.I go to school at 10:3012.The park is _ Dongfang Street.A.inB.atC.on13.One of the people_a friend of _A.is;myB.are;mineC.is;mine14.These are_ pan

3、ts. A.JohnB.JohnsC.yours15.April Fools Day and Easter are_April and New Years Day is_January 1st.( )A.in; onB.On; inC.On; on16.Did you do . A.anything elseB.else anythingC.something else四、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空17.将下列问答语相匹配Dont shout here._A. Yes, pleaseIs this your book?_B. Yes, Mr Green.Open your book, ple

4、ase._C. Im sorry.Look at my new cap._D. Yes, Its my book.Would you like a pie?_E. Its great18.为句子选择相关图片。The dog is barking very loudly._A. The girl is playing the piano._B. The bell is ringing._C. The children are crossing the street._D. The boy is talking to his grandpa._E. 19.仿写句子。例:I like pears.

5、I dont like pears.(1)I like bananas._(2)We like apples._(3)They like grapes._(4)You like oranges._20.给下列句子选择合适的答语Are you going to meet some friends?_ A. Im going to swim.What are you going to do today?_ B. Yes, we areWhat is Tony going to do?_ C. Hes going to play football.How many days are there in

6、 a week?_ D. Its three oclock.What time is it now?_ E. There are seven days.21. 根据要求写单词。 (1)hes got(完整形式)_ (2)Ill (完整形式)_ (3)light(反义词)_ (4)easy(反义词)_ (5)love(形容词)_ 五、连词成句22.your , have , may , I ,name(?) 23.hair Your was so then short_24.I like too dancing (.)25.elephant at look the . 26.fly, What,

7、 can,animals ? 六、句型转换27.He can make a puppet.(改为否定句)He_ _a puppet.28.She has many e-friends all over the world.(变为一般疑问句)_29.Will it be hot in Sanya? (作否定回答)_, it _.30.This is a robot. (对画线部分提问)_this?31.He could catch the ball. (改为否定句)_七、阅读理解32.阅读并选择正确的答案 Cathy is a middle school student. She is twel

8、ve. She is a good student. She gets up very early every morning. She reads English for twenty minutes and then she has breakfast. She often has milk and bread for breakfast. At seven she leaves home for school. She goes to school on foot. She doesnt go to school by bus. She says, Buses are too crowd

9、ed and sometimes they are slow. It doesnt take her long to walk to school. It only takes her twenty minutes.(1)Cathy is a _. A.school teacherB.school girlC.school boyD.teacher(2)After she gets up, she _ for twenty minutes. A.has breakfastB.has milk and breadC.reads EnglishD.goes to school(3)Which of

10、 the following is wrong? A.Cathy is a good student.B.She doesnt get up late every morning.C.She reads English for twenty minutes before breakfast.D.She often goes to school without breakfast.(4)She goes to school _. A.by busB.by bikeC.on footD.by underground(5)She _ to school every morning. A.doesnt

11、 goB.doesnt walkC.likes walkingD.takes a bus参考答案 一、选出不同类的单词。 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 二、英汉互译。 6. Sam有许多鱼。 三、选择正确答案。 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 四、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 17. C;D;B;E;A 18. C;D;A;E;B 19. (1)I dont like bananas.(2)We dont like apples.(3)They dont like grapes.(4)You

12、 dont like oranges. 20. B;A;C;E;D 21. (1)he has got(2)I will(3)heavy(4)difficult(5)lovely 五、连词成句。 22. May I have your name ? 23. Your hair was so short then. 24. I like dancing too.25. Look at the elephant. 26. What animals can fly? 六、句型转换。 27. cant;make 28. Does she have many e-friends all over the

13、 world? 29. No;wont 30. Whats 31. He couldnt catch the ball. 七、阅读理解 32. (1)B(2)C(3)D(4)C(5)C 五年级下册期末考试试题 听力部分(30%)一、听句排序 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,按你所听到的顺序用ABCDEF给下列图片编号,并将编号写在图下的括号内。每个句子读两遍。 1.2.3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )二、听句应答 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,选出最佳应答语,并将其序号填写在题前的括号内。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. Well done. B. Wh

14、at about you?C. Im sorry to hear that.( ) 2. A. Oh, please. B. Oh, they are. C. Oh, thanks. ( ) 3. A. Eat sweets. B. Brush the teeth. C. Wash the face.( ) 4. A. Its fine. B. Its right. C. Its yummy.( ) 5. A. Dumplings. B. Rice cakes. C. Rice dumplings.( ) 6. A. He drinks some juice. B. He eats a lot

15、 of food. C. He likes eating chocolates.三、听选图片 (每小题1分,共6分听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出适当的图片,并将其序号填写在题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. How can the woman get to City Bank? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What is the man doing? A. B. C. ( ) 3. How does the boy feel? A. B. C.( ) 4. What is John doing? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What would the man like? A

16、. B. C. ( ) 6. What can the woman take? A. B. C. 四、对话理解 (每小题1分,共6分) 听录音,根据你所听到内容,选出最佳选项,并将序号填写在题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. What should Wang Bing do? A. Have a rest.B. See the doctor.C. Go back home.( ) 2. What is Tom doing?A. Hes looking at the moon. B. Hes talking about the moon with his friend.C. Hes re

17、ading a book about the moon.( ) 3. Whats wrong with Mary?A. Her hand hurts.B. Her neck hurts. C. Her arm hurts. ( ) 4. When is Lisas birthday?A. In May.B. In June. C. In July. ( ) 5. Where is Tinas new house?A. In the city. B. In the town. C. Near the school.( ) 6. Whats in the fridge?A. Carrots. B.

18、 Potatoes. C. Meat.五、听力填空 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,根据所听到的内容,在相应的横线上填入一个正确的单词。对话读三遍。 Mike wants to go to the City (1) _. Alice shows the (2) _ to him. Its on Main Street, (3) _ her home. He can take the (4) _ and get off (5) _ City Centre Station. The station is on the (6) _ side of Moon Street.笔试部分(70%)六、单项选

19、择 (每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将序号填写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. Im sorry. I _ go now. Im late for work. A. canB. may C. have to D. would( ) 2. People in _ often open their presents as soon as they receive them. A. ChineseB. China C. the UK D. Japan( ) 3. _ Sam and Bobby playing games now? Yes. A. DoB. CanC

20、. Is D. Are( ) 4. Please _ the birds. They are eating the apples. OK.A. drive awayB. go awayC. fly awayD. move away( ) 5. Would you like _ milk in your coffee? Yes, but _ no milk in the fridge now.A. some; there is B. any; there is C. some; there are D. any; there are( ) 6. The Spring Festival is _

21、January _ February.A. in; andB. on; orC. in; orD. on; and( ) 7. There are _ stories in this book. The_ one is a fairy tale.A. five; fifth B. five; fiveC. fifth; five D. fifth; fifth( ) 8. I cant find my dog. Dont worry. Let me help you to _ it.A. look at B. look for C.look after D. look out( ) 9. Im

22、 sorry. _ A. Great! B. Thats OK. C. Youre right.D. Well done.( ) 10. Its two oclock in the afternoon. The child _ the floor.A. is sweeping B. are sweeping C. sweeps D. sweep七、词汇检测 (每小题1分,共16分) A) 根据首字母或中文提示,写出正确的单词。每空一词。1. We s_ talk in class. Please listen carefully.2. September, O_ and November ar

23、e autumn seasons.3. I like playing the piano, but I cant play it_ (好). 4. The bus is _ (满的). Lets go to the zoo by taxi.5. The meat _ (闻起来) good. I cant wait.B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。6. Youre ill. Please take some _ (medicine).7. Jack drinks a lot of water, but he still _ (feel) thirsty.8. Your jacke

24、t is fine, but the trousers dont _ (fit).9. Dad is cooking eggs with _ (tomato).10. _ (mother) Day is on the second Sunday of May. C) 根据上下文意思,选择方框内单词,并将序号填写在标有序号的横线上。A. place B. animals C. ride D. drives E. pick F. fun At weekends, I often go to Moon Farm with my family. My father (11) _ us there. I

25、 like playing with the farm (12) _ because theyre lovely and friendly. Sometimes I (13) _ on the horse. Father and mother (14) _ fruits on trees and sisters give carrots to the sheep. We always have a lot of (15) _there. We all love this (16) _ and dont want to go back home every time.八、看图填空 (每空1分,共

26、12分) 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。1. A: Why cant we eat those mushrooms?B: _ they _ _ _ us. 2. A: Its twelve oclock. I _ _ go now.B: Wait! You leave your shoe behind.3. A: Are you sweeping the floor? B: No, Im _ _ _. 4. A: Su Hai, I cant find Moon Street. What should I do?B: You can _ a policeman _ _.九、补全对话

27、(每小题1分,共6分)将方框内所给句子的序号填写在相应的横线上,使对话完整、通顺。每个句子只能用一次。 A. Of course she can, Jane.B. I dont mind (介意). I like both of them. C. In the car. Its too far to go by bike.D. In the study I think, but Im not sure.E. Lets go up into the hill and fly kites.F. Eleven. I must finish my work first.Jane: What can w

28、e do today, Dad?Dad: (1) _Jane: Thats a good idea. How can we get there?Dad: (2) _Jane: Can my friend Nancy go with us?Dad: (3) _Jane: What time do we leave? I have to tell her.Dad: (4) _Jane: All right. Which kite do you want to take? The red one or the blue one?Dad: (5) _Jane: Wheres the blue one?

29、 I want it.Dad: (6) _Jane: I see.十、完形填空 (每小题1分,共8分)根据上下文,选择最佳选项,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。Big cats (大型猫科动物)Cats have a big family. Some are big and some are 1 . Some can be our pets (宠物) 2 some cannot.Tigers are the biggest (最大的) cats. 3 head to tail they can be 3.7m long. A great number of cats dont like 4 , b

30、ut tigers often stay in water when it is 5 .Lions are the only 6 that live together in a large family groups. Some lions work together to get food for group. They usually live in open places. So they can see a long way there and its 7 to run after other animals.All cats have good eyes, because they

31、should catch small animals for their 8 . They also need to be fast, and very strong. ( ) 1. A. whiteB. small C. long( ) 2. A. andB. or C. but( ) 3. A. On B. From C. Over( ) 4. A. waterB. fruits C. vegetables( ) 5. A. warmB. hot C. cold( ) 6. A. petsB. cats C. animals( ) 7. A. wrongB. difficult C. ea

32、sy( ) 8. A. foodB. drinks C. breakfast十一、阅读理解 (每小题1分,共12分)A) 判断下列句子的意思是否与图片内容相符,相符的在题前括号内写“T”,不相符的写“F”。( ) 1. Theyre in the park.( ) 2. It is a sunny and hot day.( ) 3. You can see a nice river in the picture.( ) 4. There is a bird in the tree.( ) 5. The woman in a hat is reading.( ) 6. You can see

33、a panda between the bag and the ball. B) 阅读对话,在标有题号的横线上填入一个与对话内容相符的单词。Angela: Hi, Paul. Its Angela. I find a great game for you on TV.Paul: Which channel (频道)?Angela: CCTV2.Paul: What should I do?Angela: Well, there are three questions (问题), and theyre all about music. I think youre good at it.Paul:

34、 Then what do I do if I know the answers? Angela: You send the answers on a card to No 40, River Road.Paul: How can I get the questions?Angela: I know all of them.Paul: OK. Can you show me the questions when I see you at school on Monday?Angela: Oh, its too late. The answers should be there tomorrow

35、. Paul: Well, please tell me the questions on the phone.Angela: OK.Angela wants Paul to take part in a TV (1) _. Its about (2) _. He should answer (3) _ questions and send the (4) _ to No 40, River Road. But the game ends (截止) (5) _. She has to tell Paul the questions on the (6) _. 十二、书面表达 (6分)根据下面的问题,以短文形式介绍一下自己。1. Where do you live?2. How do you go to sc


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