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1、【10套】广州市小升初英语完形填空详细答案7一、完形填空1完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词填空。 Hello! My name is Lily. I have 1 aunt. Her name is Sally. She 2 a big farm. And she lives there. She always 3 at a quarter to six in the morning. She takes exercise 4 six oclock. She 5 the cows at half past six. She works 6 the fields in the morning.

2、 In the afternoon, she usually takes a rest at 7 . 8 she grows vegetables in the field. After 9 , she always watches TV or listens to music for fun. She never 10 to bed after ten at night.1. A. aB. anC. /2. A. hadB. haveC. has3. A. gets upB. get upC. got up4. A. inB. atC. on5. A. is milkingB. milkC.

3、 milks6. A. inB. onC. at7. A. cityB. homeC. school8. A. SometimesB. sometimesC. Something9. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinner10. A. goB. goesC. going【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)A;(9)C;(10)B; 【解析】【分析】本文主要是莉莉介绍她姑姑的农场的事情。 (1)句意:我有一个姑姑。aunt是元音音素开头的的单数名词,因此需要不定冠词an修饰,故选B。 (2)句意:她有一个大农场。一般现在时中,

4、she是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词用单三式has,表达拥有,故选C。 (3)句意:她总是在早上六点差一刻起床。一般现在时中,she是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词用单三式gets up,故选A (4)句意: 她在六点钟进行锻炼。在钟点前用介词at,故选B。 (5)句意:她在六点半挤牛奶。一般现在时中,she是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词用单三式milks,故选C。 (6)句意:早上她在田地里工作。在田地里用介词in,故选A。 (7)句意:下午,她通常在家休息。at home,在家里,是介词短语,故选B。 (8)句意:有时他在地里种蔬菜。sometimes,有时,在句首首字母大写,故选A。 (9)句意

5、:晚饭后,她总是看电视或听音乐娱乐。根据文章描述,应该是晚饭后进行看电视或听音乐娱乐活动,故选C。 (10)句意:她晚上十点以后从不睡觉。一般现在时中,she是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词用单三式goes,故选B。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完形填空,首先通过空格读懂文章大意,然后逐一阅读,做出选择,注意时态、语法及固定用法等,注意时态、语法及固定用法等。2完形填空完形填空 Lunchtime was my favourite subject when I was at school. I was really 1 at it. Besides, I loved school lun

6、ches. Many students dont share my love. A lot of students 2 their own lunches to school. Their mothers might make them sandwiches from last nights 3 . But not me! I couldnt wait for the schools hot lunch. I loved 4 in line and talking with my friends. For only $1.35, which is very cheap, you would g

7、et a tray with different foods on it and a cup of milk. I always got chocolate milk. But dont tell my mother. She didnt know that. Then youd carry your food to your lunch table and sit down with your friends. Wed talk about sports and TV while we were 5 lunch. In school lunch was more than a time to

8、 eat. For me it was the 6 part of my day! Do you enjoy 7 lunch at school?1. A. badB. goodC. wellD. easy2. A. takeB. findC. bringD. borrow3. A. breakfastB. lunchC. timeD. dinner4. A. waitingB. waitC. waitedD. to waiting5. A. ateB. to eatC. eatingD. eat6. A. bestB. goodC. wellD. nice7. A. havingB. hav

9、eC. to haveD. had【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)C;(6)A;(7)A; 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:午饭时间是我上学时最喜欢的科目。我真的很擅长。be good at擅长于,固定搭配,故答案为B. (2)句意:很多学生自午餐上学。A带,指把某人带走,B发现,C带来,把某人带来,D借,指借入,根据前句指吃午饭事情,可知是自带午饭,选项C符合题意,故答案为C. (3)句意:他们的母亲可能会从昨晚的中给他们做三明治。本句指孩子们有的带的是昨天晚餐妈妈做的三明治,可知选项D符合题意,故答案为D. (4)句意:我喜欢排队和朋友聊天。love doing sth

10、喜欢做某事,固定搭配,选项A等待,符合题意,故答案为A. (5)句意:当我们午饭的时候我们会谈论体育和电视。从句是过去进行时,构成be+doing,A吃,过去式,B吃,动词不定式,C吃,现在分词,D吃,动词原形,故答案为C. (6)句意:对我来说,这是我一天中的时光!形容词最高级前面用the ,A最好的,形容词最高级,B好的,形容词原级,C好地,副词,D好的,形容词原级,故答案为A. (7)句意:你喜欢在学校午饭吗?enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,A吃,现在分词,B吃,动词原形,C吃,动词不定式,D吃,过去式,故答案为A. 【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,

11、选出恰当的选项填空,使短文完整。3完形填空完形填空 Mr. Smith is an old man. He 1 two big houses and a new car. He has no 2 , but he has four 3 two sons and two daughters. One son is 4 England. His name is Tom. The other son is from America. His name is Jack. One daughter is from China. 5 name is Fangfang. The other daughter

12、 is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. Mr. Smith is not the four childrens real 6 , but he loves them 7 . The children love him, 8 . Mr. Smith buys many 9 for the children. He gives 10 toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and tog animals. Mr. Smith and the c

13、hildren are good friends. 1. A. haveB. hasC. there isD. there are2. A. wifeB. fatherC. motherD. friend3. A. sonsB. daughtersC. childsD. children4. A. inB. atC. fromD. on5. A. HisB. HerC. TheirD. She6. A. motherB. fatherC. uncleD. aunt7. A. very muchB. veryC. muchD. much very8. A. veryB. muchC. twoD.

14、 too9. A. thingsB. boysC. toysD. girls10. A. differentB. the sameC. goodD. bad【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)D;(4)C;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)C;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】大意:讲述史密斯先生和两个儿子还有两个女儿既是亲情关系又是朋友关系。(1)句意是他有两个大房子和一辆新车。根据句意可知,使用动词have表达某人拥有某物。there be句型表达某地有某物。主语He属于第三人称单数形式,动词要使用单三式has表达。故选B。(2)句意是他没有妻子,但是他有孩子们。根据关键词two d

15、aughters and two sons两个女儿和儿子可知,他的身份是父亲,应该有妻子wife;是孩子们的妈妈mother。故选A。(3)句意是但是他有四个孩子。两个儿子和两个女儿。根据关键词two daughters and two sons两个儿子和女儿可知,使用children孩子们表达更符合。故选D。(4)句意是一个儿子来自英国。根据句意可知,使用固定搭配be from表达来自于某地。故选C。(5)句意是她的名字是芳芳。根据上句句意One daughter is from China.一个女儿来自中国可知,要使用物主代词her修饰name表达名字。故选B。(6)句意是史密斯先生不是他

16、们的真正父亲。根据句意和关键词son和daughter可知,要使用名词father表达父亲。其他uncle和aunt不能使用son和daughter来表达称谓关系。故选B。(7)句意是但他也非常爱他的孩子们。根据句意可知,要使用固定搭配very much表达非常之意。故选A。(8)句意是孩子们也爱他。根据句意可知,要使用副词too表达也,又,还。故选D。(9)句意是史密斯先生给他的孩子们买了许多玩具。根据下句关键词toys玩具可知史密斯先生应是购买玩具。故选C。(10)句意是他把不同的玩具给了不同的孩子。根据关键词different children可知,要把不同的玩具给不同的孩子。故选A。【

17、点评】考查完型填空。注意根据句意和关键词来选择合适的单词。4完形填空完形填空。 Bob 1 born in 1993 in New York. When he was 6 years old, he 2 3 school. He 4 to China 3 years ago. He 5 Chinese food and he 6 many places of interest in China. He 7 a new friend; They 8 and 9 together in the park. They 10 very happy. 1. A. wasB. isC. beD. were

18、2. A. goB. wentC. goingD. goes3. A. inB. toC. forD. at4. A. cameB. comeC. comesD. coming5. A. likingB. likeC. to likeD. liked6. A. visitedB. visitC. visitingD. to visit7. A. hadB. haveC. havingD. to have8. A. to singB. sangC. singD. singing9. A. dancedB. to danceC. danceD. dancing10. A. isB. beC. wa

19、sD. were【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)A;(8)B;(9)A;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】(1)Bob出生是个过去发生的事情,故应该选择过去式。排除BC。Bob又是第三人称单数,Be动词应该用单数。排除D。故选A。(2)讲的是他六岁时的事情,故用过去式。go to shool 是去上学的固定用法,变成过去式即went to school。故选B。(3)同(2),选B。(4)come to 来到,讲的是过去的时态,所以是came to,故选A。(5)讲的过去喜欢,所以like变过去式liked。选D。(6)拜访了某个地方。visit加过去式v

20、isted。选A。(7)交了一个朋友,have a friend。变成过去式,即had a friend。选A。(8)sing的过去式sang。故选B。(9)dance的过去式danced,故选A。(10)他们过去很开心。首先是过去式,排除AB。They是复数,排除C,所以这个题目选择D。【点评】本篇阅读理解主要考察了过去式,应该熟练记忆过去式的规律以及用法。在做阅读理解时候通读全文,第二遍小心做题目。最后在重新检查核实一下有没有错误。5完形填空根据上下文,选择适当的单词填空。 One year, two weeks before Christmas, I went to London wit

21、h my mother. I 1 forget the day. The streets were 2 people. The shop windows were very bright. My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy shop. The shop was full of 3 . There were nice toys 4 . Then I saw Father Christmas. I 5 my mother by the hand. Please 6 me to Father Christmas, I said. T

22、here were 7 children near Father Christmas. They were standing 8 line. Father Christmas spoke to every one of them. At last it was my 9 . Hello, little Tom. he said to me. As soon as I heard his 10 , I found out that he was my uncle, John Smith.1. A. shall neverB. dontC. always2. A. crowds ofB. full

23、 ofC. fill of3. A. manB. womenC. children4. A. anywhereB. somewhereC. everywhere5. A. pulledB. pushedC. got6. A. bringB. takeC. ask7. A. muchB. lots ofC. few8. A. inB. atC. with9. A. timeB. turnC. toy10. A. soundB. noiseC. voice【答案】 (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)B;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分

24、析】这篇短文叙述了作者圣诞节前在伦敦的一次经历。 (1)句意:我.忘记这一天。A选项是:将永远不会;B选项是:不会;C选项是:一直。这里用A选项和句子意思搭配正确。故答案为:A。 (2)句意:街道上.人。这里是短语be full of“充满.”,B选项正确。故答案为:B。 (3)句意:商店里挤满了.。根据前文toy shop,可知C选项children“孩子们”正确。故答案为:C。 (4)句意:这里.都是好看的玩具。A选项是:任何地方;B选项是:某处;C选项是:到处。这里用C选项意思正确。故答案为:C。 (5)句意:我.我妈妈的手。A选项是:拉;B选项是:推;C选项是:得到。用A选项意思正确。

25、故答案为:A。 (6)句意:请.我去找圣诞老人。这里是短语take sb to “带某人去.”,bring是带来,意思不合适,ask“请求”,意思也不合适。故答案为:B。 (7)句意:圣诞老人附近有.孩子们。这里修饰可数名词复数,much不修饰可数名词,不可以; few意思是否定意思,和句子语境不符;只有B选项“许多”正确。故答案为:B。 (8)句意:他们在站.队。这里是短语stand in line“站队”,A选项正确,故答案为:A。 (9)句意:最后.我了。这里是常用句型“Its my turn。轮到我了”,time“时间”,toy“玩具”意思都不合适。故答案为:B。 (10)句意:我一听

26、到他的.我就发现他是我的叔叔,约翰史密斯。这里表示人是说话的声音,用voice“嗓音”,sound“声音”,指声响;noise是“噪音”,都不合适。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查完型天空的题目。根据上下文,以及常用的短语和语法选择合适的选项。6完形填空根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 Today is Childrens Day. Amy 1 going to have a picnic 2 her parents. She is so 3 . But it rains in the morning, so they 4 go out. Amy is 5 with the rain. She r

27、eads magazines on the sofa, but there arent new ones. She 6 bored. How do Amys parents 7 ?They are 8 because Amy is not happy. They take out the food for the picnic and say, Come here, Amy. Lets have a picnic at home! Amy is 9 now. The family has a happy picnic at 10 . 1. A. areB. isC. am2. A. withB

28、. andC. or3. A. sadB. happyC. angry4. A. mustB. canC. cant5. A. angryB. hungryC. worry6. A. areB. feelsC. feel7. A. feelB. feelsC. felt8. A. boredB. happyC. sad9. A. angryB. happyC. sad10. A. parkB. schoolC. home【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要介绍儿童节Amy

29、打算和父母去干的事情。(1)句意:Amy打算和父母一起去野餐。Amy是第三人称单数,因此be动词用is,故选B。(2)句意:Amy打算和父母一起去野餐。with表伴随,故选A。(3)句意:她那么开心。根据上文可知她开心的心情,故选B。(4)句意:但是早上下雨了,他们不能出去了。因为下午,因此不能,需要否定,故选C。(5)句意:Amy生气雨。be angry with生的气,固定短语,故选A。(6)句意:她觉得厌烦。Amy是第三人称单数,因此动词用单三式,故选B。(7)句意:Amy的父母感觉怎么样?parents是第三人称复数,用动词原形,故选A。(8)句意:因为Amy不开心,他们难过。sad难

30、过的,故选C。(9)句意:Amy现在开心了。因为能野餐了,因此她开心。、故选B。(10)句意:这家人在家里举行了开心的野餐。at home在家里,固定短语,故选C。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完形填空,首先通过空格读懂文章大意,然后逐一阅读,做出选择,注意时态、语法及固定用法等,注意时态、语法及固定用法等。7完形填空完形填空 It is a fine Sunday morning. There are many people in the park. Many of 1 are young and 2 are old. Some young pioneers are playing

31、games over there. Two boys are playing 3 their yo-yo. A girl is flying a kite. Two children are 4 a toy boat. There is a lake in the park. The water is clear. There are some 5 on the lake. Near the lake a young man is reading. There is a house near the lake. Beside 6 house, two men are working. A wo

32、man is watering the flowers. Look at that big tree! There are some birds 7 it. Under it are some men. Four of them are playing cards. One of them is 8 two cats. The cats are running up the tree. What do they want to do? They want to 9 the birds. What else can you 10 in the park? 1. A. theyB. themC.

33、theirD. theirs2. A. someB. anyC. theseD. much3. A. toB. onC. withD. for4. A. doingB. makingC. flyingD. reading5. A. birdsB. shipsC. busesD. boats6. A. aB. anC. theD. /7. A. inB. onC. underD. at8. A. look likeB. looking likeC. look atD. looking at9. A. giveB. takeC. bringD. catch10. A. lookB. useC. s

34、awD. looked【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)D;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)D;(10)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)根据所给的短文,前句提到公园里有很多人。后句中指他们中许多是年轻人,many of them他们中的许多人,故答案为B.(2)根据所给的短文,前句提到公园里有很多人。他们中的许多人是年轻人,后半句指一些是老人,some of一些,故答案为A.(3)根据所给的短文,两个男孩正在玩他们的悠悠球。paly with sb/sth与某人玩或玩某物,固定词组,故答案为C.(4)根据所给的短文,两个孩子.一个玩具小船。根据句意,本句用

35、现在进行时,构成be+doing,make制作,现在分词making,故答案为B.(5)根据所给的短文,在湖上有一些.。根据常识,在湖上是船,boat船,复数boats,故答案为D.(6)根据所给的短文,湖边有一所房子。房子旁边有两个人在工作。beside the+名词,是介词短语,在什么旁边,故答案为C.(7)根据所给的短文,前句翻译看那棵大树!后句指在上面有一些鸟。用介词on在.上面,故答案为B.(8)根据所给的短文,根据前句句意,他们中有四个人在打牌。后句也用现在进行时,表示其中一个正在看两只猫。looking at正在看,故答案为D.(9)根据所给的短文,根据前句句意,小猫正在玩树上爬

36、,想到要抓小鸟,catch抓住,故答案为D.(10)根据所给的短文,你还能在公园里.什么?根据本句句意,情态动词后面接动词原形,谓语用look看,故答案为A.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先发音短文,然后根据短文内容,补全句子,使短文完整。8完形填空完形填空。 David was a little boy. He 1 four years old. One day his mother 2 him to see his grandmother. His grandmothers home was very far 3 them, so they went there 4 . There 5 on

37、ly a few(一些) people on the bus. They all sat on 6 seats. David was 7 . He looked out of the window and talked with his mother. A moment later (一会儿以后), David started running on the bus. He ran and ran(不停地跑来跑去). 8 are you always running? Please sit 9 . His mother said. I want to see my grandmother 10

38、. I want the bus to go faster, David answered. 1. A. hasB. areC. wasD. were2. A. takesB. tookC. is takingD. taking3. A. fromB. onC. inD. at4. A. on busB. with a busC. by a busD. by bus5. A. wasB. wereC. isD. had6. A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs7. A. happyB. sadC. sadlyD. happily8. A. WhatB. HowC. W

39、hichD. Why9. A. inB. onC. downD. up10. A. harderB. laterC. earlierD. slower【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)A;(4)D;(5)B;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)C;(10)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇描述小孩David和妈妈去看望外祖母途中在车上发生是事。(1)根据上下文时态,都是过去时, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, A选项和B选项不适合,句子主语是He不合选择D, were搭配,只有C选项was可以。故答案为:C.(2)根据上下文时态, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, A选

40、项, C选项和D选项都不是过去式, 只有B选项是过去式。故答案为: B.(3)句意是: 他外祖母的家.他们远。根据句意这里是短语far from距离.远,这是固定搭配,故答案为: A.(4)句意是: 因此他们.去那里。根据所给选项是短语乘公交,这里用介词短语, 乘公交有两种说法by bus或on a bus. 根据所给选项,D正确。故答案为: D.(5)根据上下文时态, 这里也用过去时, 谓语动词用过去式, 这是There be句型,不用had, 空格后是people, be用过去式were. 故答案为: B.(6)句意: 他们都坐在.座位上。根据句意这里做定语,应该用形容词性物主代词thei

41、r 他们的, C选项正确。故答案为: C.(7)句意: 大卫.。这里做表语,不用副词,因此C选项和D选项淘汰。根据后面的句意: 他看着窗外和妈妈交谈。可知是happy高兴的, 故答案为: A.(8)句意: 你.一直在跑? 根据句意可知这里问原因,用Why为什么, 故答案为: D.(9)句意: 请坐. 根据句意这里是短语sit down坐下,这是固定搭配,故答案为: C.(10)句意: 我想.见到外祖母。harder更难,later更晚, earlier更早, slower更慢, 根据意思用earlier, 故答案为: C.【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。要充分理解上下文的意思关联,并注意语法和固定搭配。9完形填空完形填空。 It is a sunny Sunday morning. Lana and her mother are on a big bus. There are 1 people on it. Some 2 from America, and some 3 England and Canada. They are all 4 friends. They are going to the Great Wall. 5 are two Chinese on the bus. 6 is a woman. She is 7 t


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