
上传人(卖家):刘殿科 文档编号:5894442 上传时间:2023-05-14 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:34.50KB
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1、Stranger in the Night黑夜里的陌生人Many television programs are very realistic.很多电视节目极其逼真。The viewer often feels观众经常感到that whatever happened in the film could wellhappen to him.片中情节会碰巧在自己身上重演。With only a little imagination,稍微发挥一点想象力,every man in the street becomes a thief,a spy or a murderer.大街上的所有人就变成了小偷,

2、间谍或者杀人犯。Jane had been watching a spy film at a friends house.简正在朋友家里看一部间谍片,In it,a young girl had been followed and murdered.片中,一位年轻姑娘被跟踪并被杀害。It had been very realistic,故事情节很真实,and she felt a little frightened walking to the station.看完电视去车站时,简很害怕。She took the train back to the center of the city.她搭乘

3、火车返回市中心。There were a lot of people traveling,so she felt much safer.乘车的人很多,所以她感觉到很安全。During the trip she looked round at the other people in the compartment.她环视了一圈车厢里的其他人。A man sitting opposite her, reading a newspaper, glanced at her.坐在她对面的人在看报纸,他瞥了她一眼。She thought nothing of it until she saw him st

4、aring at her.起初,她不以为然。Remembering the film and feeling very uncomfortable.可是,她猛然想起了片中的情节,一下子变得不安起来。she got out of the train and went to the bus stop.她下了火车奔向汽车站。When he boarded the same bus as her she was convinced that he was following her.当他也乘上同一辆公共汽车时,她确信他在跟踪她。As long as she had been with other pe

5、ople she wasnt frightened.只要有人跟她在一起,她就不会害怕。But when she got off the bus,the streets were almost empty.但是当她下车时,街道上空无一人。She walked as quickly as she could.她跑得飞快,She could hear footsteps following her but she didnt dare to look.她能听见后面的脚步声却不敢回头看。After what seemed to have been hours,but was in fact only

6、a few minutes,几分钟过去了,对她来说宛如漫长的几个小时,she reached the front door.她终于到达了门口。She felt for her keys,她想掏出钥匙,but was unable to find them because she was so frightened.但是没有找到,因为她太害怕了。The footsteps stopped behind her.脚步声在她后面停下了。She felt a hand on her shoulder.她感到一只手放到自己肩上。Instead of feeling hands round her throat,但是,那只手没有像她想象的那样掐住她的喉咙,however,she heard a pleasant voice.相反,她听到了一个愉快的声音。I apologize if I frightened you.我很抱歉吓到你了,Im your new neighbor.我是你的新邻居。I thought I recognized you in the train,but I wasnt sure.我想我在火车上认出了你,但那时我不敢确信。


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