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1、【原创】闽教版六年级下册Unit 5 Sports Day Part B 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明本课是本单元的第二课,主要目的是学习运动会相关单词,并使学生能用简单的句子描述正在做的动作。新课标提出学习英语的最终目标是让学生学会用英语做事情。所以,在教案设计之初,我就本着这一目标设计每一环节:首先,通过计算机课件将所要学习的生词和句子整体呈现给学生,使学生对所要进行的语言活动得到足够的语言储备。其次,针对学生年龄特点设计了一些由易到难的阅读任务,总体到具体,逐步深入。最后,设计时给孩子们留有充分的活动时间,使孩子们对所学知识得以不断巩固,在板书或者图片的提示下复述课文,看图片并用句型描

2、述,看照片说话并跟同伴分享,能在现实生活中真正运用本课语言。二、教学背景分析1、教学内容分析:本课选自闽教版英语(三年级起点)六年级下册Unit 5 Sports Day PartB新单词有proud,well,busy,fall down等,主要句型有Peter is running 100 meters. Yang Ming is doing high jump.Julia is doing long jump. Sally is taking photos.通过本课学习,学生能使用be动词+动词ing来描述正在发生的事情,为以后英语学习打下扎实的基础。该课时为本单元的第二部分,学生已经有

3、相关的知识储备,如运动项目类的单词,动词ing的构成。这些知识为本课时的顺利实施提供基础。2、学生情况分析:六年级学生生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛特别感兴趣。学生已经有了两年的英语学习经验,他们已经积累了一定的词汇,以及能熟练使用一些句型,已具有初步的听说能力. 学生平时上课能够积极主动的发言。三、教学目标分析1、语言能力:a. 学习词汇:proud,well,busy,fall down等b. 学习句型:Peter is running 100 meters.Yang Ming is doing high jump.Julia is doing long jump.Sally

4、 is taking photos.c. 功能:能讨论体育赛事2、学习能力:a. 通过学习能使用英语讲述正在发生的事情。b. 通过学习能用所学语言描述运动会这一话题。c. 能根据不同的情景讲述或者写出简短的句子。3、文化品格:教育学生做事情要尽自己最大的努力做到最好,不要轻言放弃。4、思维品质:培养学生自主合作的阅读能力,培养学生热爱运动的好习惯。四、教学重点、难点分析1、教学重点:a. 词汇:proud,well,busy,fall down等b. 句型:Peter is running 100 meters.Yang Ming is doing high jump.Julia is doi

5、ng long jump.Sally is taking photos.2、教学难点:在实际生活中运用所学句型、单词进行描述、表达。五、教具准备: 相关人物头像,教学光盘,ppt等六、教学过程设计:步骤1:Warming up and Pre-reading热身活动及阅读准备1.Greeting(师生互致问候)T:HelloSs:HelloT:Good morningSs: Good morningT: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you too.2. About me(教师自我介绍)A出示教师个人照片问学生who is she?T: Well done

6、, boys and girls. Now look at this picture, who is she?Ss: Its you.T: Great, its me. B出示关于教师的四个关键词,引导学生进行猜测。The first one- Lacy Lin. 当学生猜到这是教师姓名时,教师进行自我介绍,并正式与学生问候。T:Here are some key words for you. No.1 Lacy Lin. Can you say somethingSs: Its your name.T: wow, you are so smart. Lin is my family name

7、, Lacy is my English name. So you can call me Lacy or Miss Lin. Hello, everyone.Ss:Hello, Miss Lin.The second one- Singing. 当学生说到这是老师的爱好或者特长时,老师带领全班一起唱英文歌曲。Follow me.同时配上动作。T:The second one. Singing. Can you say something?Ss:You like singingT:Yes, I like singing. And today we are going to sing a son

8、g together. Follow me.The third one-drawing.当学生说到这是老师的爱好或者特长时,老师尝试作画,然后让学生猜测画的内容,如playground,教师继续作画然学生猜出操场上的活动项目100meters. do high jump. do long jump.T:The third one drawing.S:You like drawing.T: A ha,in fact I dont like drawing.But today I want to try my best to draw a picture? Now, can you guess w

9、hat is it? How about now?S:Playground.T: Great. A good guess. And now look, its a start, its a stop. Its one meter, two meters. 100meters. So we can run 100 meters. and then what can we do here.S: do high jump.T:what about now?S: do long jump.头脑风暴,让学生回忆运动项目的相关单词和短语T: quite good. What other sports do

10、 you know?S:do morning exercise, ride a bike, skating, swimming, playing football, climb a mountain, boating, rope skipping, playing football, playing ping-pong.The last one- Reading. 出示课文图片,揭示课题Unit 5 Sports Day Part B. T: Excellent. Boys and girls. then lets come to the last one. Reading.Ss: You l

11、ike reading.T: Great, I like reading very much. and today we are going to read a text together. Lets have a look. Unit 5 Sports Day Part B. Read after me Unit 5 Sports Day Part B. So are you ready?设计意图:热身活动设计师生问候及教师自我介绍两部分。首先是为了营造轻松民主的学习气氛,活跃课堂,拉近师生距离。在自我介绍部分由包含四个关键词,让学生通过猜测来了解老师,其实是从中渗透阅读策略-关键词。歌曲的

12、引入,进行tpr教学,头脑风暴运动项目的单词回忆让学生做好热身活动为Sports Day 的开始做准备。在drawing这个关键词中教师简笔画的展示,更让学生注意力集中。步骤2:While reading 阅读1.Read and findA学生快速阅读,找出关键词when/where/and who的答案 。When WhereWhoT:open your book and turn to page 38,read the text quickly and find out when/where/and who. 2 minutes for you, go!B全班核对答案When Where

13、WhoTodayPlaygroundLily Peter Yang MingSallyT: Time is up. Lets check the answer together.when?S: Sports Day.T: where?S: playground.T: whoS: Peter/lily/Miss Gao/ YangMing/Julia and Sally.2.Watch and find the answerA观看视频找出what are they doing?B全班核对答案 What is Peter doing?What is Lily doing?What is Yang

14、Ming doing?What is Julia doing?What is Sally doing?T:Just now ,know some information about the text.this time watch the video and find out what are they doing. Come on everyone.Who know the answer? What is Peter doing?S:Peter is running 100meters.T: What is Lily doing?S:Lily is shouting.T: What is Y

15、ang Ming doing?S: Yang Ming is doing high jump.T: What is Julia doing?S: Julia is doing ong jump.T: What is Sally doing?S:Sally is taking photos.C教学并操练句型: Peter is running 100 meters.Yang Ming is doing high jump.Julia is doing long jump.Sally is taking photos.T: Here are five sentences, choose the s

16、entence you like and read it out. When somebody read correctly, read after him. OK?3.Listen and find the answer.观看视频回答问题: No.1 Is Peter good at running. No.2 Is Yang Ming good at high jump? No 3 Is Julia good at long jump?核对答案T: Another task for you. Listen to the video and find the answers. Three q

17、uestions for you No.1 Is Peter good at running. No.2 Is Yang Ming good at high jump? No 3 Is Julia good at long jump? Ok, boys and girls, wash your ears now and listen carefully. try your best!T: Stop here. Have you finished? Check the answer together. Is Peter good at running? Yes or no.Ss: Yes.T:

18、Look, Peter is running 100meters. He is good at it. He is running very fast. This is Miss Gao, Miss Gao is proud of Peter. Here ou pronounced/ /Read after / / proud . When somebody do a good job we can say we are proud of him or her教学单词proud . 出示屠呦呦、杨利伟等图片让学生操练句型I am proud of her.T:Look this is Yang

19、 Liwei, he is a space hero. So we can say we are proud of him. This is Tu youyou, she won a Nobel Prize in Medical science, so we are proud of her. In our class, I think xx is a good student. I am proud of her, can you say something about be proud of.教学单词fall,短语fall down 出示两个动画练习句子 He is falling dow

20、n.情感教育:要努力做好每一件事情,不要轻言放弃。T: Peter is good at running. What about Yang Ming? Is he good at high jump. Yes or no?Ss: No T: what happen to him. Look, he is falling down. Read after me fall down. Falling , falling down, Look its a dog. The dog is falling down. The apple is falling down. Yang Ming is not

21、 good at it. Oh, no. He is falling down.T:Yang Ming is not good at high jump. what about Julia? Is she good at long jump.S: Yes /NoT: May be. Julia is a good girl, although she is not good at it, she is trying to do well. Will tell well. So in our daily life we should try our best to do everything a

22、nd never give up.4.Listen and follow 跟读对话设计意图:该部分是本设计的主体部分,主要让学生通过阅读仔细地了解课文,同时学会一些阅读策略如:快速阅读、精读等。这部分由简到难,层层深入,学生有获得成功的体验,学习较有兴趣。在操练新句型、短语时,充分运用多媒体技术插入视频、动画、图片,让学生有更直观的感受,更方便记忆。培养学生热爱祖国为祖国同胞感到骄傲自豪,引入了屠哟哟和杨利伟两位人物。步骤3:Post-reading阅读后1.根据板书复述课文。T:just now we have read the text. and now look at the scree

23、n, can you retell the text. One minute for you to prepare.T: who want to try. PS1 S2:T: Great. Now let retell the text together.S:2.看图,运用新句型说一说。(出示动物运动会图片)3.看图,运用新句型写一写。T: Peter and his classmates are having sports day. The animals are going to have a sports day too. Look, the rabbit is good at runn

24、ing. He is going to run.Guess, what will other animals do in the sports day?Ss: The dog is good at running. He will run.Ss: The monkey is good at dancing. He will dance.The duck is good at swimming. He will.The horse is good at long jump. He will do long jump.The tiger is good at basketball. He will

25、 play basketball.T: Good guess. Sports Day is begin. Lets have a look. The monkey is dancing.The tiger is swimming. The horse is sailing. The duck is running. The tiger and the bear are playing football. Now can you try to write somethings about the forest sports day. T: Time is up. Who want to try?

26、 T:Great, everyone. 设计意图:新课标要求五六年级的学生能在图片或者文字的提示下讲述或者复述小故事,该设计正好体现这点。学生在板书、图片的帮助下应用自己所学,用另一种方式再现课文,学有所获。同时加深难度进行拓展,由课内到课外,由说到写,逐步加深,不同层次的学生都能有成功的体验。步骤4:Homework1.选择一幅图,写一写,说给你的同伴听。2.跟读课文。设计意图:让学生在课堂所学延伸到课外,学以致用,进行简单的描述表达。同时培养学生的说话能力和分享的能力,跟读课文再一次课文呈现、加深印象。T:In this class everyone is trying to do wel

27、l, Im very proud of you. You are the best. after class please try your best to write something. Its todays homework. You can use the sentences like this.Clear? Ok, so much for today ,thank you boys and girls, see you next time.七、板书设计Unit 5 Sports DayPeter is running 100 meters.Yang Ming is doing high jump.Julia is doing long jump.Sally is taking photos.


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