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1、九年级上册 Units 1、2(45分钟 100分). 单项选择(30分) 1. (2012苏州中考)Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning? Sorry, lets make it _ time. A. othersB. the otherC. anotherD. other2. Susan joined an art club at _ age of six and painted very well. A. theB. anC. aD. this3. The teacher asked me to write an _ c

2、omposition. A. 800 wordB. 800-wordsC. 800-wordD. 800 words4. There are _ interesting books in our school library. We all like reading them. A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little5. The book was written in _ easy English _ even primary school students could understand it. A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too;

3、toD. very; that6. You _ worried. What are you worrying about? A. seemB. look likeC. feelD. seem like7. English people cant _ hamburgers because they are delicious. A. give inB. give outC. give upD. give away8. Are Mr. and Mrs. Wang living alone in the house? Yes, although they have three sons, _ of

4、them live with their parents. A. neitherB. bothC. allD. none9. Work hard,and you will _ others. OK,I will try my best. A. fall off B. catch up C. fall behindD. catch up with10. Uncle Wang and my father _ together since they came to the company. A. have been workingB. workedC. are workingD. work11. W

5、ere going to have a football match with Class 1. _. A. Thank youB. Good luck to youC. Not at allD. It doesnt matter12. Im sure he _ able to finish his homework on time. A. beB. isC. areD. can13. Its necessary for us _ breakfast in the morning. A. haveB. hasC. to haveD. having14. Our province is thre

6、e times as _ as yours. A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest15. Listen! Is that Pingping playing the guitar? No. It cant be Pingping. He _ Beijing. A. have been toB. has been toC. have gone toD. has gone to. 完形填空(10分)A teenage girl couldnt stand(忍受)her family rules,so she left home. She wanted t

7、o be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and 1 years later,she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still 2 her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes,she 3 a big photo of

8、 her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes,“I still love you. . . Come back home! ”One day,the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldnt believe her 4 . “Is that me? ” She moved 5 and read the words,“I still love you. . . ” She cried. She couldnt

9、 wait 6 back home. When she got home,it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She 7 her mother up,“Its me! Your daughter is back home! ” The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement,full of ha

10、ppy tears. The daughter asked,“ 8 is the door unlocked? A thief could get in. ” The mother answered softly,“The door has never locked 9 you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that youll come back some day. ”As everyone knows,parents love their children forever. Children should also understan

11、d their parents and share their happiness,sadness,even everything with their parents. 10 this way,both parents and children can be happy. 1. A. a littleB. a fewC. muchD. many2. A. looking forB. looking afterC. looking atD. looking up3. A. sets onB. puts up C. cuts up D. makes up4. A. eyesB. earsC. n

12、oseD. head5. A. fartherB. furtherC. closer D. away6. A. goingB. goC. to goneD. to go7. A. wakeB. wakesC. wokeD. waking8. A. WhatB. WhoC. WhenD. Why9. A. sinceB. forC. beforeD. unless10. A. WithB. InC. ByD. On. 阅读理解 (10分) The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held in Brazil . It is the largest country in S

13、outh America. It is the worlds fifth largest country, both by area and by population with over 192 million people. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese(葡萄牙语). It is the only Portuguese-speaking country in south America. Brazil is a beautiful country with a long history and rich culture. It

14、is famous for its football. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. The Brazilian national football team is the best in the world according to the FIFA World Rankings(排名), and it is the only country in the world that has won the World Cup five times. Other sports, including basketball, volleyb

15、all, and auto racing also attract large audiences. Brazil mens national volleyball team, for example, holds the titles of the World League, World Grand Champions Cup, World Championship and the World Cup. Brazil held several international sporting events, for example, the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Now th

16、e people are getting ready for the the 2014 FIFA World Cup. And the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢). Its the first time to be held in South America. 1. Brazil is _. A. the largest country in the worldB. the fifth largest country in South AmericaC. the largest country in Sout

17、h AmericaD. the fifth largest country in the world only by area2. Which sport is not mentioned in the passage? _A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Baseball. D. Auto racing. 3. The underlined word “official” means “_” in chinese. A. 人民的B. 官方的C. 政治的D. 军事的4. How many times has Brazil hosted the FIFA World

18、Cup? _A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times. 5. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. B. Brazil is famous for its football. C. Brazil is one of the countries in the world which has won the FIFA World Cup five times. D. Brazil is the

19、first country to hold the Olympics in South America. . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. I think Jack can _ (胜过) all the runners in the country. 2. I dislike this channel because _ (少数)programmes on it are interesting. 3. Who jumped _ (最远) in the long jump,Kate,Lucy or Han Mei? 4. Many students like computer

20、 games, i _ me. 5. Its _ (不可能的) to get there before dark. . 完成句子(10分)1. 这辆车平均每升(汽油)跑15公里。This car runs 15 kilometres per liter _ _. 2. 没人相信他了,因为他不是个诚实的孩子。Nobody _ _him,because he isnt an honest boy. 3. 我们的学校坐落于一个小山脚下。Our school _ _ at the foot of a hill. 4. 别泄气,你迟早会成功的。Dont _ _ ! You will succeed so

21、oner or later. 5. 全世界的人们正在尽他们最大的努力来防止污染。People all over the world are _ _ _ to stop pollution. . 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有一项多余。A. Will you help me with it? B. Do you read English every day? C. Because I have a lot of trouble with my English. D. How do you like English? E. Lets make progress together

22、. F. Ah, thats it. A: Why dont you look happy, Rose? B: 1 I can hardly pass the exam every time. I really dont know what to do. A: Dont worry. 2 B: No, I only read English before the exam.A: 3 If you want to study English well, you must practice reading every day. May I know what you are going to do

23、 from now on? B: Id like to take your advice and try to practice reading English every day. 4 A: All right, Id like to. But in fact I also have some trouble with my English. Lets help each other. B: OK. 5 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _. 书面表达(20分)每年的8月8日为“全民健身日”。今年的“全民健身日”即将来临,为了让这项活动更加深入人心,某英文报纸举办了一场征文比赛。

24、现在请你以“Lets Do Sports ”为题写一篇短文,向该报投稿。内容提示:*Do you think it is important for everyone to do sports? *What sports do you like? Why do you like it/them? *Do you often do sports with your friends and parents? *How often and how long do you do sports? *How do you feel after doing sports? 要求:词数80左右Lets Do

25、Sports_答案解析. 1.【解析】选C。another泛指“另外的;别的”。2.【解析】选A。at the age of在岁时。3.【解析】选C。句意:老师让我写一篇800词的作文。800-word为复合形容词,用来修饰composition。此处复合形容词为“数词+名词(单数)”结构。4.【解析】选A。句意:在我们学校图书馆里有一些有趣的书。我们都喜欢读它们。few, a few 修饰可数名词;little, a little修饰不可数名词。few, little表示否定,a few, a little表示肯定。由句意可知此处表示肯定,故用a few。5.【解析】选B。such 是形容词

26、,修饰名词或名词词组; so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。6.【解析】选A。考查系动词的用法。由worried“担心的”可知谓语动词必须为系动词,由后半句“你正在担心什么?”可知选A。7.【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。give in屈服;give out用完;give up放弃;give away分发。句意:英国人不会放弃汉堡,因为它们很美味。8.【解析】选D。句意:王先生夫妇单独生活在这个房子里吗?是的,虽然他们有三个儿子,但是没人和他们一起住。none“(三者以上)都不。”9.【解析】选D。前句句意:努力学习,你就会赶上其他同学。 catch up with 赶上。10.【解析】选A。sin

27、ce 引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句往往用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,此处用现在完成进行时表示一个由过去某时起一直持续到现在,而且还有可能持续下去的动作。11.【解析】选B。由上文“我们将和一班进行一场足球赛。”可知下文应该表示祝愿。Good luck to you. 祝你们好运,故选B。12.【解析】选B。 句意:我确定他能够按时完成作业。 be able to 能够。13.【解析】选C。 Its+adj. +(for sb. )+to do sth. (对某人来讲)做某事是。14.【解析】选A。句意: 我们省是你们省的三倍大。. . . times as. . . as. . . 是

28、的倍。15.【解析】选D。 句意:听!是平平在弹吉他吗?不,不可能是平平。他去北京了。have/has been to 曾经去过某地 (已经回来); have/has gone to 去了某地(还没回来)。. 1.【解析】选B。但是她所接受的教育不多,几年之后,她不得不在大街上要饭谋生。a few years later 几年之后。2.【解析】选A。但是她仍然在寻找她的女儿。look for 寻找。3.【解析】选B。 无论她去哪儿,她都要在墙上张贴一张她女儿的照片。put up 张贴。4.【解析】选A。她是如此的惊奇,以至于她不能相信自己的眼睛。由句意可知应选A。5.【解析】选C。 因为她不相

29、信自己的眼睛,所以走得近了些。6.【解析】选D。 她迫不及待地想回到家里。 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事。7.【解析】选C。 wake up 把某人叫醒。由rushed 可判断该句的时态应为一般过去时,故此处应用wake 的过去式woke。8.【解析】选D。 女儿问“门为什么没锁?” why 为什么。9.【解析】选A。 自从你离开后,这门就一直没有锁过。since 自以来。10.【解析】选B。 in this way 以这种方式;靠这种方式。. 1.【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第一段第二、三句“It is the largest country in South

30、America. It is the worlds fifth largest country, both by area and by population with over 192 million people. ”可知巴西是南美洲第一大国,也是世界上面积和人口数量都排第五位的国家。故选C。2. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第二段第三、五句“. . . Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. ”“. . . basketball, volleyball, and auto racing also attract large audien

31、ces. ”可知文章提到的运动有足球、篮球、排球、赛车。故选C。3.【解析】选B。词义猜测题。由短文第一段倒数第一、二句“The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. It is the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America. ”可知official的意思是“官方的”。故选B。4. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。由第三段第一、二句“Brazil held several international sporting events, for example, the 1950 FIFA Wo

32、rld Cup. Now the people are getting ready for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. ”可知巴西在1950年举办过一次世界杯足球赛, 在2014年将会再举办一次。所以截止到目前巴西只举办过一次世界杯。故选A。5. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。由第二段第四句“. . . it is the only country in the world that has won the World Cup five times. ”可知巴西是世界上唯一一个赢得过五次世界杯冠军的国家,而不是其中之一。故C项与原文不符。. 答案:1. beat 2. few

33、 3. (the)farthest 4. including 5. impossible. 答案: 1. on average 2. believes in 3. is located4. give up 5. doing their best/trying their best. 答案:15. CBFAE. 【参考范文】Lets Do SportsI think its very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because theyre not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favourite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free,I will have a swim with my friends in the swimming pool. After swimming,I usually feel happy and relaxed. Whats more,I can put more energy into my study. So lets do sports,and we will become stronger and stronger.


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