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1、【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业11Unit1必修3一、单项填空1The driver was at_loss when_ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.A/;theBa;theC/;/ Da;/解析:考查冠词用法。句意:当那个司机得知他因超速驾驶而被禁止开车时,他感到很迷茫。at a loss是固定短语“迷茫,不知所措”;that引导的是word的同位语从句,word此处表示“信息,消息,口信”前面常不用冠词。答案:D2Ill never forget the days _ we spen

2、t together in the countryside with farmers,_ has a great effect on my life.Athat;which Bwhen;whichCwhich;that Dwhen;who解析:考查定语从句。第一空后是定语从句修饰先行词days,因为定语从句中的动词spent缺少宾语,因此选用that或which,由此排除B项和D项;第二个空后是非限制性定语从句,不能用that。答案:A3There is no love,no friendship in the world,like_of parents for their child.Ath

3、at BthoseCthe one Dthe ones解析:考查代词用法。it 指同一个人或物;that特指同类人或物,可指代单数可数名词,也可指代不可数名词,此处that代指love。句意:世上没有像父母对待他们的孩子那样的爱和友谊。答案:A4Meng Xiangbin,a 2007 Touch China Man,for _ life was priceless,died for the people.Awhom BwhoCwhose Dwhich解析:考查定语从句关系代词的选用。whom代替先行词Meng Xiangbin,在从句中作介词for的宾语。句意:2007感动中国人物孟祥斌,对

4、他来说生命是无价的,为人民而死。答案:A5Shanghai is the first city in our country _ the World Exposition.Ato hold Bto be heldCto have held Dto have been held解析:考查不定式各种形式的意义和用法。根据句子的逻辑关系,上海是举办世博会的执行者,不能用被动形式,根据句子的意思,不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,因此用不定式的完成式。答案:C6If you want to do something good to society,please dont care_others t

5、hink about you.Believe yourself.Ahow BwhenCwhich Dwhat7_around the museum,we were then taken to see a famous university.AHaving shown BTo be shownCTo show DHaving been shown解析:考查非谓语动词。因为动词show发生在were taken之前,又因为show与其主语we之间是被动关系,故选D项。句意:我们被带领着参观了博物馆,之后我们又被带去看了一所著名的大学。答案:D8He ran into a tree on his w

6、ay home.I suppose he _ too fast.Adrives Bwas drivingCdrove Dhad driven解析:由ran可知,此处表示动作发生在过去,由语境可知应用过去进行时was driving表示“撞树”这一动作发生时车正开得太快。答案:B9_ that I remember what was _ after he went out,Headmaster Gao let me repeat his instruction time and time again.ATo make sure;to do BTo see to it;to be doneCMak

7、ing sure;to be done DSeeing to;done解析:第一个空是不定式作目的状语,see to it that是固定搭配“确保,务请”;第二个空be to do表示将来,而what与do之间是被动关系,因此用不定式的被动结构。句意:为了确保他外出时我能记住要干的事情,高校长让我再三重复他的说明。答案:B10When was it in the library _ you met him?Awhere BthatCin which Dwhich解析:考查强调句。原句为:When did you meet him in the library?,本题对特殊疑问词when加以强

8、调。答案:B11Never believe anything _ any other person has believed it.Use your own head.Athat BunlessCbecause Donce解析:考查状语从句的关联词。句意:绝不能因为别人相信的事情你就相信,你要动脑去想。答案:C12Please forgive me if I have hurt you.I would rather _ anything the day before yesterday.Awouldnt say Bnot have saidCdidnt say Ddont say解析:考查wo

9、uld rather not have done sth.相当于would rather sb.hadnt done sth.表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。句意:如果我伤害了你请原谅我。我但愿前天什么也没有说。答案:B13When _ different languages,we may learn about there being not only some differences but many similarities.Acomparing Bbeing comparedCcompared Dhaving compared解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。主句中的主语we与选项compar

10、e之间是主动关系,因此,选用现在分词表主动。答案:A14The description was pretty_,so the police couldnt figure out the portrait of the criminal.Avague BaccurateCparticular Dvain解析:考查形容词辨析。由后半句结果状语“警察不能断定罪犯的肖像”可知,对罪犯的描述是不清楚的。vague“不清楚的”;accurate“精确的”; particular“特别的”;vain“无益的”。答案:A15When can we go to visit you to have a look

11、at your new house?Anytime you feel like_.Ait BoneCso Dthat二、阅读理解AThe Utah study shows promise for helping severely paralyzed(瘫痪的)patients communicate.A group of microelectrodes(微电极)were placed directly on a patients brain,which made it possible to translate brain waves into words.Although they have

12、only done it with one person and individual words can only be identified with accuracy of 50% in tests,the study provides hope for people_who_are“locked_in” and can communicate only by blinking(眨眼)or moving a fingertip.Researchers have made great progress in developing ways for patients to move a mo

13、use or even a manmade arm using electrodes implanted(植入)in the brain.But researchers are unwilling to implant electrodes in the speech center for fear of causing irreversible(不可挽回的)damage.Some researchers have been attempting to“read”speech centers in the brain using electrodes placed on heads.But t

14、he accuracy is very low.Greger,the lead researcher and his colleagues instead use groups of microelectrodes that are placed in contact with the brain,but not implanted.In the current study,they used two groups,each with 16 microelectrodes.They were placed directly on the brain of a volunteer patient

15、.The team tested 10 words,such as“yes”,“no”,“hungry”and“thirsty”that a patient might need.The volunteer spoke each word 31 to 96 times when the researchers measured brain waves.In the best case,the researchers could correctly distinguish between two words,such as“yes”and“no”,90% of the time.But when

16、 trying to distinguish among all 10 words,their best accuracy was 48%.Greger believes the accuracy can be improved by using more microelectrodes,and the team is now working on it.“Were pretty hopeful that,with a better design,well be able to translate more words and,in two or three years get approva

17、l for a real test in paralyzed patients,”he said.来自犹他州的研究人员通过在病人头上安放微电极,能够把病人脑电波“翻译”成大家能读懂的语言。这给那些严重瘫痪,虽然有意识但却无法说话的病人带来了希望。1A group of microelectrodes were placed on a patients brain to help severely paralyzed patients _.Astand up againBexpress their thoughtsCreduce their physical painsDrecover thei

18、r reasoning ability解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“.helping severely paralyzed patients communicate.A group of microelectrodes were placed directly on a patients brain,which made it possible to translate brain waves into words.”可知,安放在病人头上的微电极能够把病人脑电波“翻译”成大家能读懂的语言,从而帮助病人表达他们的想法。答案:B2What does the underlined part in P

19、aragraph 2 mean?APeople who are locked in a house and cannot go out.BPeople whose brains are out of work because of paralysis.CPeople who have clear awareness but are unable to speak.DPeople who cant move their bodies because of severe paralysis.解析:句意理解题。根据下文“.can communicate only by blinking or mov

20、ing a fingertip.”可知,这些病人只能通过眨眼和移动指尖来与人交流,由此可推知画线句子指的是那些有清醒意识但不能说话的人。答案:C3Why dont researchers implant electrodes in patients speech centers?ABecause it has only an accuracy of 50%.BBecause patientsspeech centers are out of order.CBecause it is hard for patients to move a mouse.DBecause it might dama

21、ge patientsspeech centers permanently.4What is the best title for the passage?AMicroelectrodes translate brain waves into wordsBMicroelectrodes bring hopes to paralyzed patientsCApplication of microelectrodes in the medical fieldDThe new study on severely paralyzed patients解析:标题判断题。本文主要介绍了来自犹他州的研究人员

22、通过在病人头上安放微电极,能够把病人脑电波“翻译”成大家能读懂的语言。这给那些严重瘫痪,虽然有意识但却无法说话的病人带来了希望。答案:ABMy best friend Larry is exceptionally small.Sometimes he is laughed at by others,but Larry knows how to handle it.Larry is big at heart.Larry loves sports.However,he cant play some,like football.But one sport seems to be made for L

23、arrybaseball.When he first came to our Little League team,the coach shook his head.“No,Im sorry,but we need big,strong players,not a batboy(球童)!”Larry just smiled and said,“Give me a chance to try out.If you still think Im a weak player,Ill be the best batboy you have ever had!”The coach looked at h

24、im with respect,handed him a bat,and said,“Okay,its a deal.”Well,obviously no pitcher(投手)could aim the ball inside Larrys teninch strike zone!He would be sure to run to the first base every time.When the coach saw it,he bent over,and said to Larry,“Im proud to have you on the team.”Hes our star play

25、er.Yesterday it was our final game with the Comets for the championship.Their pitcher Matt Crenshaw was a mean kid who never liked Larryhe could never strike him out(使某棒球球员三击不中出局)As Matt passed our bench,he snarled_at Larry,“Why dont you go back to Snow White where you belong?”I heard him and was re

26、ady to give Matt a lesson,when Larry stepped between us.“Cut it out!”he yelled,“I can fight for myself.Lets play baseball,okay?”In the field,Larry rounded second and third and headed for home;his legs were like locomotive wheels(火车头的轮子)The game was over,and we were the champ.We gave our winners meda

27、l to Larry for his brilliant performance.Matt walked over.Larry gave his hand out again for the handshake Matt had refused earlier.“It was a good game,”Larry said,“and you came close to winning it.” Matt looked at Larry for a long time,but finally Matt took Larrys hand and said,“You are a worthy win

28、ner.”作者的朋友拉里个子矮小瘦弱,但是心胸开阔,他在棒球队中出色的表现使全队获胜,也因此赢得其他人的尊重。5When the coach refused Larrys request to join the team,Larrys answer indicated that _.Ahe could become the best batboyBhe decided to give up the chance to be a playerChe wanted to make a deal with the coachDhe wanted to prove himself as a playe

29、r解析:细节理解题。从文章第二段Larry的回答“Give me a chance to try out.If you still think Im a weak player,Ill be the best batboy you have ever had!”可知Larry想得到一次尝试的机会,即Larry想证明给教练看,他可以成为一名棒球队员。答案:D6Which of the following can explain the underlined phrase “snarled at”in Para.4?ASpoke unpleasantly to. BAsked curiously.

30、CSpoke concernedly to. DChallenged confidently.解析:词义猜测题。画线前文提到“Their pitcher Matt Crenshaw was a mean kid who never liked Larryhe could never strike him out.”对方球队队员Matt Crenshaw不喜欢Larry,以及后文Matt说的“Why dont you go back to Snow White where you belong?”,可推知Matt很不友好地说出那番话。答案:A7Larry stopped the author f

31、rom fighting with Matt because_.Ahe could fight with Matt himselfBhe knew he had no connection with Snow WhiteChe considered giving Matt a lesson in the gameDhe wanted the author to ignore what Matt said解析:细节理解题。从文章第四段Larry的回答“Lets play baseball,okay?”可知Larry清楚自己的实力能够打败对方球队,以此来反击Matt对自己的侮辱,所以他阻止了作者。答案:C8From the story we can learn that _.ALarry can manage to pay others back for their ill wordsBMatt is easily angry with others who are stronger than himCone can be successful if he is patientDone can win othersrespect by his performance and big heart


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