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1、【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业3Unit3必修1一、单项填空1. It is reported that a bus went out of_control on a highway_south of the city last night.A/;/B/;theCthe;/ Dthe;the解析:考查冠词用法。句意:据报道昨天晚上在城南的高速公路上有一辆公共汽车失控了。out of control是固定短语“失去控制”;south此处是副词,前面不用冠词,当south之类的词用作名词其前面用介词时,用定冠词the。答案:A2Einstein left Europe

2、_ World War broke out.Aduring Bthe yearCwhile Dthere解析:the year 引导时间状语从句。句意:在二战爆发的那年,爱因斯坦离开了欧洲。答案:B3_ that the new comer had nowhere to go,the kindhearted old man advised him to live with him.AHaving seen BTo seeCSeeing DSeen解析:考查固定结构。seeing that意为“鉴于,由于”。句意:由于那个新来的人没有地方住,那个善良的老人就建议他和他一起住。答案:C4Not u

3、ntil I went further_that under the tree_,obviously sound asleep.Athat I saw;did a boy lie BI saw;lay a boy Cdid I see;lay a boy Ddid I see;did a boy lie解析:考查倒装。第一个空not until否定词用于句首用部分倒装;第二个空表示方位的介词短语用于句首用完全倒装。答案:C5_ a table be booked for dinner a few days ahead of time?Well,if you _.The restaurant i

4、s usually not very crowded and there should be no problem finding a seat.AShall;must BMust;canCMay;should DShould;can6Loulan City is not at all _ a traveler who has never seen the desert before can imagine.Athat BwhatCwhich Dwhere解析:what在句中引导的是表语从句,a traveler是从句中的主语,what在从句中作imagine的宾语。who has never

5、 seen the desert before是定语从句。答案:B7How long do you think it is_Tom came to this school?Awhen BsinceCbefore Dafter解析:考查固定句式:It is 时间段 since(过去时态)。句意:你认为Tom来这所学校多久了?答案:B8Monitor?Im not monitor of our class.I_ with the teacher until the monitor is elected.Aam just helping Bwill just helpCam just to help

6、 Dhave just helped解析:考查动词时态。现在进行时表示临时性的安排。答语句意:我不是我们班的班长,我临时帮助老师直到选出班长。答案:A9The evidence the detective discovered led to the murderer_.Ahaving caught Bto be caughtCbeing caught Dcatching解析:lead to结构中的to为介词,后跟动词的ing形式,因为the murderer与catch之间是被动关系,因此选C项。答案:C10Something impossible before,with the use of

7、 computers,has been made_.Ait possible BpossibleCpossibly Dto be possible解析:考查形容词作主语的补语。此题是被动结构,其主动结构为make something impossible possible,make已经有宾语,因此不再用it作形式宾语。句意:随着计算机的使用,以前不可能做到的事情现在已经成为可能。答案:B11In our city there are several big public parks_ many people can go to enjoy the beautiful scenery.Ato w

8、hich Bat whichCfrom which Din which解析:考查定语从句。由go to public parks to enjoy the beautiful scenery “去公共公园享受美丽的风景”可知,句中应用介词towhich(关系代词)来引导定语从句,修饰先行词public parks。答案:A12Willpower is a kind of quality,_is _it takes to do anything well.Athat;which Bthat;thatCwhich;what Dwhich;which解析:考查定语从句和名词性从句。第一个空which

9、引导非限制性定语从句;第二个空what引导表语从句,what在从句中作take的宾语。答案:C13All the work_ ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.Ahad been finished Bwere finishedChaving been finished Dbeen finished解析:考查独立主格结构。根据句子中的逗号可知,逗号前面部分不能是单独的句子,从而排除选项A、B;选项D错误;前后两部分主语不一致,选C构成独立主格结构,并且表示发生在主句的谓语动词之前。答案:C14Only when your

10、 identity has been checked _.Ayou are allowed in Byou will be allowed inCwill you allow in Dwill you be allowed in解析:only修饰的状语或状语从句置于句首时,主句需要部分倒装。答案:D15Although the old Red Army man had been ill for a long time,it still came as a shock when he _ died.Aeventually BwillinglyCunexpectedly Ddisappointed

11、ly解析:考查副词辨析。eventually“最终,最后”。句意:尽管那位老红军战士病了好久了,但当他最终死了的时候仍然令人震惊。答案:A二、阅读理解AWhen a man admitted he pretended to be Bigfoot,many thought the question was answered.However,others disagree.Since the late 1800s,more than 3,000 sightings of Bigfoot have been recorded in the United States and Canada.The r

12、eports describe a tall and hairy creature that walks on two feet and has long arms and a short neck.The tracks show that their feet are around 16 inches long and 7 inches wide on average.Jeff Meldrum,a professor at Idaho State University,has collected more than 200 tracks.He admits some of the track

13、s are false.But the majority,he says,are quite similarfive toes(脚趾)on each foot.The fact that the Bigfoot skeleton(骨骼)has never been found doesnt discourage the researchers.“Were finding new fossil species all the time,”Meldrum says.“It only takes one to convince people Bigfoot exists.”Many Bigfoot

14、researchers say the 1967 video of a tall and hairy creature proves that Bigfoot exists.But in 2002,a man said he was the Bigfoot in the video.Could Bigfoot be descended from Gigantopithecus(是巨猿的后裔)?Researchers say yes.But its fossils are found only in Asia,and theres no evidence it lived anywhere el

15、se.“We have no fossils of this creature in North America,”says Professor David Daegling of the University of Florida.In fact,tracks are the only physical evidence of Bigfoot,but many scientists say they cant be trusted.“There are three,four,and fivetoed varieties,”Daegling says.And considering the n

16、umber of the reported sightings,critics say that humans should have had some unpleasant meetings with the creatures,such as hitting one while driving a car.“The biggest argument against Bigfoot is that we dont have a single body,”Daegling says.“What we have to ask about the Bigfoot evidence is,Is it

17、 possible that a human being could have produced this?”Daegling says.大脚兽(Bigfoot)是否存在?一些人认为大脚兽存在,但他们没有找到令人信服的证据;一些人则认为大脚兽并不存在,他们怀疑大脚兽是人们捏造出来的。1The underlined part in the first paragraph suggests that“_”Afew people would trust the man againBfew people were confused about the questionCmany people no l

18、onger cared about BigfootDmany people didnt believe Bigfoot exists解析:句意理解题。根据文章首句可知,当有人承认是他伪装了大脚兽的时候,许多人都认为这个问题的答案已经揭晓了;再根据后文可知,这个问题指的即是大脚兽是否存在。因此可知,画线部分暗示的意思为:许多人相信大脚兽并不存在。答案:D2What can we learn from the passage?ANo Bigfoot fossils have been found yet.BThe tracks of Bigfoot were made by people.CJef

19、f Meldrum has found 3,000 tracks of Bigfoot.DGigantopithecus once lived in North America.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“Were finding new fossil species all the time,Meldrum says.It only takes one to convince people Bigfoot exists.”可知,杰夫马尔杜姆(Jeff Meldrum)说道他们一直在寻找新化石种,只要他们能找到一块大脚兽的化石,就能说服人们相信大脚兽是存在的。由此可以推知,人们还没有找到大脚

20、兽的化石。答案:A3What attitude does David Daegling hold towards the existence of Bigfoot?ASceptical.BCurious.CPositive. DSubjective.4The best title for the passage could be“_”ADoes Bigfoot Exist?BWhere does Bigfoot come from?CHow many toes does Bigfoot have?DIs Bigfoot the descendant of Gigantopithecus?解析:

21、标题判断题。本文主要谈论的话题是:大脚兽是否存在。答案:ABWould you like to have a 1.5meterlong alligator(短嘴鳄)drop in as a guest?If not,then surely you will sympathize with this Brazilian lady who found a terrifying alligator beside her 3yearold son in her living room.Picking up her child,the frightened woman immediately calle

22、d the firefighters who helped her get rid of the uninvited guest.The heavy rains in the north central town of Parauapebas city in Para state of Brazil have caused flood water to enter the residential area(住宅区)The Para state is located in the northern part of the country near the Amazon River and the

23、 tropical rainforest(热带雨林)The climate of this area is classified as tropical rainforest climate in which there are no dry seasons.It is usually hot and wet throughout the year and the rainfall is both heavy and frequent.Thus it is not uncommon for creatures like snakes and alligators to enter people

24、s homes with flood water.The firefighters trapped the 5footlong alligator alive and later released it in a nearby environmental preserve.According to the firefighter,Luiz Farias,the alligator had obviously been washed inside the house by the high water after the heavy rainfall in the area.When the l

25、ady returned home,she noticed the presence of the unwelcome guest behind the sofa by her little son.Her son was busy petting(爱抚)the alligator on its head.Luckily for the family,the alligator seemed to have a full stomach while it played with the boy.Otherwise,the child could have been seriously hurt

26、 or even killed by his newfound friend,because a hungry alligator would eat just about anything.一位巴西女士在家中发现了一条短嘴鳄,她立即打电话向消防队员求救,请走了这位不速之客。5Why did the Brazilian lady feel frightened?ABecause her house was on fire due to an alligator.BBecause she couldnt find her child in her house.CBecause there wer

27、e only she and her son at home.DBecause she thought her child was in danger.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“.this Brazilian lady who found a terrifying alligator beside her 3yearold son in her living room.”可知,这位巴西女士发现她儿子身边有一条短嘴鳄,她觉得她的孩子有危险,因此而感到害怕。答案:D6What is the weather usually like in Parauapebas?ABright and warm

28、. BCloudy and windy.CHot and rainy. DSnowy and cold.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The heavy rains in the north central town of Parauapebas city in Para state of Brazil.The Para state is located in the northern part of the country.The climate of this area is classified as tropical rainforest climate in which there

29、are no dry seasons.It is usually hot and wet throughout the year and the rainfall is both heavy and frequent.”可知,帕劳阿佩巴斯(Parauapebas)是巴西帕拉州(Para)的一个城市,帕拉州的气候属于热带雨林气候,这里炎热、潮湿,降雨大而且频繁。因此可知,帕劳阿佩巴斯市的天气经常炎热、多雨。答案:C7What can we know about the alligator?AIt might enjoy the boys company.BIt was killed by the

30、 firefighters at last.CIt was caught after much of the firefighterseffort.DIt didnt do the boy any harm although it was hungry.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Her son was busy petting the alligator on its head.Otherwise,the child could have been seriously hurt or even killed by his newfound friend.”可知,这个小男孩儿爱抚了这条短嘴鳄的头,但短嘴鳄却没有攻击他。因此可以推知,这条短嘴鳄可能喜欢这个小男孩陪着它。答案:A8The passage can be classified as _.Aa news storyBa research paperCa book introductionDa science fiction story


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