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1、人教版四年级上册英语:重点单词+句型汇总Unit1My classroom一、a字母发音(熟背):a_e ei cake蛋糕 face脸 make制作 date日期 hate讨厌 name名字a ? cat猫 hat帽子 map地图 dad爸爸 man 男人and和 hand手 ant蚂蚁 can可以 maths book数学书 blackboard黑板 apple苹果 fat胖的 have有 panda熊猫 candy糖果小窍门:以e结尾的发音是大部分是相同的一组哦二、单词(熟记):classroom教室 window窗户 blackboard黑板 ligh t 灯 pictur图画e do

2、or门teachers desk讲台 com(多 品小 学 教育 张老师分 享)puter计算机 fan电风扇 wall墙 floor地板 really真的 clean打扫 help帮助near旁边 on上面 under下面 in里面三、重点词组(熟背)Open the door打开门 Turn on the light 打开灯Close the window 关窗户 Put up the picture挂图画Clean the blackboard 擦黑板 Clean the window 擦窗子四、句型(熟记):1. Wheres my school bag? Its near the c

3、omputer我的书包在哪儿?在电脑旁边。2. Lets clean the classroom. 我们打扫教室吧。 OK. 好的。3. Let me clean the windows. 我来擦窗户。4. We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。5. Whats in the classroom? 教室里有什么?One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs. 一个黑板,一台电视,很多桌椅。6. Let me help you. 我来帮你。Thank you. 谢谢你。7. Wheres the green book?

4、Its under the teachers desk.绿色的书在哪儿? 在讲桌下面。8. Where is the kite? Its near the window. 风筝在哪里? 在窗户旁边。五、重难点lets=let us 让我们 let me让我Whats in the classroom? A blackboard. a TV, many desks and chairs. Many表示许多,后面应该用可数名词复数形式。in/on/under/near的用法及翻译对话: We have a new classroom? Really?Where is my schoolbag? I

5、ts near the computer.Excuse me. Oh, sorry.六、作文(背熟) My classroomThis is my classroom. The door is yellow. The desks are green. The computer is black. I like my classroom. And you?/How about you?Unit 2My schoolbag一、i字母发音(熟背):i_e a? like喜欢 kite风筝 five五 nine九 bike自行车 Mike麦克 ice冰 nice漂亮 white白色 fine好 ric

6、e米饭 knife 刀i i it它 is是 his他的 big大的 pig猪 six六 fish鱼 English 英语 milk牛奶 in里面 little小的 living客厅 kitchen厨房 window窗户 chicken鸡肉 chopsticks筷子 dinner 晚饭 fridge冰箱 this这个二、单词(熟记):schoolbag书包 maths book数学书 English book英语书 Chinese book语文书 storybook故事书candy糖果 notebook笔记本 toy玩具 key钥匙pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 book书本 ruler尺子 p

7、encil-box铅笔盒wow哇 lost丢失 so much非常地 cute可爱的三、重点词组(熟背)Put your Chinese book in your desk把你的语文书放进桌子Put your pencil box on your English book把你的铅笔放在英语书上Put your maths book under your schoolbag把你的数学书放在书包下Put your eraser near your pencil box把你的橡皮放在铅笔盒旁边四、句型(熟记):I have a new schoolbag. Really? May I see it?

8、我有一个新书包。 真的吗? 我能看看吗?2. What colour is it? Its green. I like it very much.它是什么颜色的? 绿色的。 我很喜欢它。3. Whats in your schoolbag? 你的书包里有什么?An English book. A maths book, three storybooks and .一本英语书, 一本数学书, 三本故事书 和.4. I lost my schoolbag. 我的书包丢了。5. Good night, mum. Good night. 晚安, 妈妈。 晚安。6. Put away your book

9、s. OK. 把你的书放起来。 好的。7.Some more? No, thanks./ Yes, please. 再吃点吗? 不,谢谢。 好的。8. May I see it? Sure. Here you are. 我能看看吗? 当然。 给你。五、重难点Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, a Chinese book and a notebook.What colour is it? Its black and white.an English book an egg an orange an apple an ant元音字母开头的单词,前面

10、应该用an名词复数形式 candy-candies六、作文(背熟) My schoolbagThis is my school bag. Its blue. Its a dog. Whats in it? An English book. A maths book and a Chinese book. I like my schoolbag very much.Unit 3 My friends一、o字母发音(熟背):o_e ? nose鼻子 note便条 Coke可乐 Mr Jones琼斯先生 hope希望 home家 rose玫瑰 close关O ? not不 hot热 dog狗 mom

11、妈妈 lost丢失 box箱子orange橙色 doctor医生 chopsticks筷子 job 工作二、单词(熟记):tall高的strong 强壮的 friendly友好的 quiet安静的 hair头发 shoe鞋 glasses眼镜 his他的 her 她的or或者 right对的 hat帽子三、句型(熟记):I have a good friend. 我有一个好朋友。Shes short and thin. 她又矮又瘦。She has two big eyes. 她的眼睛很大。She has long hair. 她的头发很长。She has an orange schoolbag

12、. 她有一个橙色的书包。Whats her name? 她的名字叫什么?Her name is Sarah. 她的名字叫萨拉。Hes tall and strong. 她又高又壮。He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 他戴眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的。Whats his name? 他的名字叫什么?His name is Zhang Peng. 他的名字叫张鹏。四、重难点:He has short hair.他的头发很短。He has small eyes. 他的眼睛很小。He has glasses. 他戴眼镜。He has a blue schoolbag

13、. 他有一个蓝色的书包。She has long hair. 她的头发很长She has big eyes. 她的眼睛很大。She has red shoes, 她的鞋子是红色的。She has a pink schoolbag. 她有一个粉色的书包。has是have的第三人称单数形式,当前面的主语是he /she/ it以及能用 he/ she/ it来代替的词是,后面要用has. 如:my father 可以用he来代替,My father _ glasses. 只能用has, 不能用have.当主语是 I/ we /you/ they时,应该用动词原形have。如: I have a g

14、ood friend.We have a new classroom,You have a nice book.They have a happy family.Whats his name? His name is Zhang Peng.hishes his他的 hes= he is 他是his pen 他的钢笔 hes pen他是钢笔(这是做题非常容易出错混淆的地方)Whats her name? Her name is Chen Jie.her shes 原因同上He has short hair.He has big eyes.hair 是不可数名词,eyes是复数形式,前面不能加a 或者anHe has a blue schoolbag. Schoolbag是可数名词,表达的是单数形式,前面应该加a五、作文(背熟) My friendI have a good friend. She is tall and thin. She has long hair. She has big eyes. She has a pink bag. Whats her name? Her name is


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