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1、Lesson 111The most expensive model单词学习单词学习model n.型号,式样afford v.付得起de/po/sit n.存款;预付定金Installment n.分期付款price prais n.价格millionaire n.百万富翁billionarie:n.亿万富翁model n.1)型号,式样这台洗衣机是最新型的。This washing machine is the latest model.2)模型:飞机模型model plane3)模范,榜样He is a model of diligence.他是勤勉的榜样4)模特儿时装模特儿a fash

2、ion modelafford v.付得起(钱)通常与can,could,be able to 连用多用于否定句和疑问句afford sth afford to do 有足够的(金钱/时间)做我们买不起新车We cannot afford a new car/that price.We cant afford to buy a new car.deposit 1)n.预付定金,押金,保证金(通常为单数)我已经为买新车付了500美元的订金。I have made a deposit of 500 dollars on a new car.2)n.存款make a deposit 存入款项draw

3、 out ones deposit 提取存款installment n.分期付款,分期摊付的钱In/on installments以分期付款的方式pay in monthly installments of ten dollars按月付十美元分期付款He paid for the car in monthly installments of$200 for three years.他以分期付款方式买那部车,每月200元,分3年付款。price n.价格(用复数形式prices指物价)蔬菜价格正在上涨。The prices of vegetables are going up.1.表示price

4、的“高,低”时,形容词用high,low 表示东西的“贵,便宜”时,用expensive,cheap.那家店的手表很更宜。The prices of watches are very low at that store.Watches are very cheap at that store.2.询问价钱时,price 与what 连用这个照相机多少钱?What is the price of this camera?=How much is this camera?Lets listen to the tape and answer!lCan Mr.Frith buy the televis

5、ion on installments?How does it work?lYes,he can.l He can pay a deposit of thirty pounds and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.lListen again and answer more quesions?Questions:1.1.How much is the most expensive model in this shop?Five hundred pounds.2.Can Mr.Frith afford all that money?No

6、,he cant.3.Is the cheaper model as good as the expensive one?No,it isnt.4.Which model does Mr.Frith like?Why?He likes the expensive one.Because its worth the money.5.What does Mrs.Frith think of the expensive model?She likes the TV,but she doesnt like the price.6.Why millionaires dont buy things on

7、installments?Becuase they are rich enough to pay for things they want.7.Do you like to buy things on installments?How about your parents?课文讲解课文讲解I like this television very much.How much does it cost?=How much is it?How much可以用来询问不可数名词的数量,也可以用来问价格。杯里有多少牛奶?How much milk is in the cup?A little./Little

8、.cost v.花费(金钱,时间)主语一般是物。这座房子我花9万英镑。This house costs me$90,000.这个工作将花费我们大量的时间。This job will cost us a great deal of time.spend v.花(金钱,时间)主语一般是人spend(money)on sth 在方面花钱我在这辆新车上花了很多钱。I spent much money on the new car.spend(time)in doing sth 花时间做某事我花很多时间读书。I spent a lot of time in reading.Its the most ex

9、pensive model in the shop.It costs five hundred pounds.expensive adj.昂贵的多音节词,比较级与最高级用more 和mostfive hundred pounds 五百英镑hundreds of 成百的成百的学生hundreds of studentsthousands of/millions of/billions of:Thats too expensive for us.We cant afford all that money.afford v.付得起一般用于否定句和疑问句中他负担不起这么多钱来买这座房子。He cant

10、 afford so much money for a house.他太忙了,甚至挤不出一个小时吃午饭。Hes too busy and he even cant afford an hour for lunch.This models less expensive than that one.Its only three hundred pounds.But,of course,its not as good as the expensive one.asas.和.一样你的兄弟和我一样高。Your brother is as tall as I am.她象蜜蜂一样忙碌。She is as b

11、usy as a bee.not as.as 不如怎么样这辆车没有那辆车新。This car is not as new as that one.The other models more expensive,but its worth the money.the other 是指两者中的另外一种我有两个儿子:一个高,另一个矮。I have two sons:one is tall;the other is short.worth adj.值这个戒指至少值8百美元。This ring is worth at least$800.worth doing sth.这本书值得一看。This book

12、 is worth reading.Can we buy it on installments?buy on installments 以分期付款的方式购买你为什么不以分期付款方式购买这座房子?Why dont you buy this house on installments?You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.pay a deposit of 付定金你要先付300英镑的定金来买这套音响You need to pay a deposit of thre

13、e hundred pounds for the stereo.Lets retell!lMr.and Mrs Frith go shopping in a TV shop.Mr.Frith likes a model,but it is _ expensive.It _ 500.Mrs.Frith thinks that they cant _ all that _.The assistant shows _ a _ model.It _ only _.But Mr.Frith _ like it.So they _ _ buy it _ _.First,they can pay a _ _

14、 30 and then _ a month for _ _.lMrs.Frith also like the expensive _,but she _ _ the price.Because it is _ expensive.She believes her _ always _ the best.But he is not a _.toocostsaffordmoneythemcheapercosts300doesntdecide toon installmentsdeposit of14three yearsmodel/television doesnt liketoohusband

15、wantsmillionare新概念英语第一册新概念英语第一册Lesson 112 How do they compare?不规则形容词的比较级不规则形容词的比较级a little 肯肯定定否否定定Review1.我煮点咖啡好吗?我煮点咖啡好吗?Shall I make some coffee?2.好主意!好主意!Thats a good idea.3.加些糖怎么样?两茶匙行吗?加些糖怎么样?两茶匙行吗?What about some sugar?Two teaspoonfuls?4.不,再少一些。不,再少一些。No,less than that.5.多吃点,少抽点。多吃点,少抽点。Eat m

16、ore and smoke less.Tim is taller than Mark.Mark is shorter than Tim.Yao Ming is the tallest of the three.Test III is difficult.Test II is more difficult.Test O is the most difficult of all.Test O is the most difficult test he has ever done.Jay Chou is as tall as Lin Zhiling.Is Li Wei as tall as Yao

17、Ming?No,he isnt.Li Wei is not as tall as Yao Ming.This green apple is as sweet as the red one.No,they arent.Thses sweets are not as sweet as those sweets.Are these sweets as sweet as those ones?todayyesterdayIs today as hot as yesterday?No,it isnt.Today is not as hot as yesterday.asas 像像一样一样.not asa

18、s 不像不像一样一样Open your book and finish Part B on your book.Is the fruit cake less delicious than the chocolate one?No,it isnt.Its more delicious.Its the most delicious cake that Ive ever eaten.Is Liu Yifei less beautiful than Fan Bingbing?No,she isnt.Shes more beautiful.Shes the most beautiful woman th

19、at Ive ever known.Is this movie less interesting than Spider Man?No,it isnt.Its more interesting.Its the most interesting movie that Ive ever seen.lOpen your book and finish Part C.lLets listen to the tape and repeat!lSummary:lIts the most interesting movie that Ive ever seen.lThat引导的定语从句,本句是一个现在完成时

20、态,来表示一个范围常用。比较级比较级形容词与副词都有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。原级常用于“as+adj./adv.原级+as“表示Bill 和Tom一样胖Bill is as fat as Tom.他和你跑得一样快。He runs as fast as you.否定原级比较用“not asas”结构也可用“lessthan”结构这个问题没有那个问题重要This question is not as important as that one.This question is less important than that one.我没有Sally漂亮。Im not as beautiful as Sally.Im less beautiful than Sally.less/more:常用于个别双音节和多音节的比较。l1.Recite and retell the dialogue.l2.Learn the words by heart.l3.Finish the related exercise!


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