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1、Unit 1Meeting the GuestsContentsTeaching Focus Learn how to meet peopleGrasp the new words and phrases about meeting a tour groupLearn how to greet guestsTeaching Focus tour guide badge/pass welcome boardTalk about the following pictures.The words and phrases below may help you.flag of travel agency

2、Certificate of tour guidebackpack luggageConversation 2Words and ExpressionsNotes A tour guide(A)is meeting a tour group from London.Now he is talking with the tour leader,George Smith(B).A:Excuse me.My name is Wang Fei.I am the guide from China International Tour Service(CITS),Zhengzhou Branch.Are

3、you Mr.George Smith from London?B:Yes,I am.A:How do you do,Mr.Smith!B:How do you do,Mr.Wang!A:Welcome to Zhengzhou,China.How was the trip?B:Fine.A:Mr.Smith,you have a group of twenty-six,right?Is everyone here?B:Yes.Let me see.(Looking around)Everyone is here.A:(To all guests)Do you have all your lu

4、ggage?B:Yes,we do.A:Our bus is waiting outside.Shall we go now?B:OK.Lets go.meet/mit/vt.遇见 guest/gest/n.宾客,旅客 welcome/welkm/vt.欢迎 welcome to 欢迎到 board/bd/n.牌子 Welcome Board 接机(车)牌 travel/trv()l/n.&vi.旅行;游历 service/svs/n.&vt.服务,公共机构 agency/ed()ns/n.代理,中介 Travel Agency/Service 旅行社 flag/flg/n.旗,旗帜 Flag

5、 of Travel Agency/Service旅行社社旗 tour/t/n.旅行,游览 tourist/trst/n.旅行者 guide/gad/n.指导者,导游Words and Expressions tour guide导游 certificate/stfkt/n.证明书;结业证书 tour guide certificate导游资格证 badge/bd/n.徽章;标记 pass/ps/n.通行证;护照 tour guide badge/pass导游员胸卡 group/grup/n.团体 tour group 旅游团 leader/lid/n.(在赛跑、商业等活动中)处于领先地位的人

6、(或物),领导人 tour leader 领队 excuse/kskjuz/vt.原谅 excuse me打扰了,请问 China/tan/n.中国 international/ntn()n()l/adj.国际的 branch/brn(t)/n.分支,(机构、组织、体系的)一部分 China International Tour Service(CITS),Zhengzhou Branch 中国国际旅行社,郑州分社 trip/trp/n.旅行 luggage/lgd/n.行李China International Tour Service(CITS)中国国际旅行社中国国际旅行社总社有限公司(C

7、hina International Travel Service Limited,Head Office),前身中国国际旅行社总社(China International Travel Service Head office),英文缩写:CITS,成立于1954年,是目前国内规模最大、实力最强的旅行社企业集团,荣列国家统计局公布的 中国企业500 强 ,是500 强中唯一的旅游企业,现为中国国旅股份有限公司旗下两大企业之一。Notes Note 1 Zhengzhou郑州市,是中华人民共和国河南省的省会,中国八大古都之一,国家历史文化名城,中国中部地区重要的中心城市和国家重要的综合交通枢纽。

8、郑州位于河南省中部偏北,黄河下游。现辖6区4县级市1县,全市总面积6405.3平方公里。郑州的主要旅游景点是河南博物院、中岳嵩山、轩辕黄帝故里和黄河风景游览区。中原大地作为中国古代政治、经济、文化中心达4000年左右,是一部立体的历史教科书,纪录片河之南和河南博物院是炎黄子孙和国际友人了解古老中华文化的理想窗口。Note 2Words and ExpressionsNotes A tour guide(A)is meeting two individual travelers,Tom Bright(B)and Lee White(C)from America.Now he is talking

9、 with a young man.A:Excuse me.My name is Li Lin.I am the guide from China Youth Tour Service(CYTS),Zhengzhou Branch.Are you Mr.Tom Bright and Mr.Lee White from America?C:Yes.Im Lee White.This is Tom Bright.A:Nice to meet you!Im coming to meet you.Welcome you all to China.B and C:Nice to meet you,too

10、,Mr.Li.A:Do you have all your luggage,Mr.White and Mr.Bright?B:Yes,both of us only have a backpack.A:Great.I believe you two will have a very pleasant stay here.B:Thank you.A:Our car is outside.Lets drive straight to our hotel,shall we?B:Excellent.Lets go.individual/ndvdj()l/adj.单独的,个人的 individual t

11、raveler 散客 youth/ju/n.青年时期,青年人 China Youth Tour Service(CYTS)中国青年旅行社 backpack/bkpk/n.(有轻金属框的)箱形背包vi.背着背包徒步旅行 believe/bliv/v.相信,认为 pleasant/plez()nt/adj.令人愉快的,舒适的 drive/drav/vt.&vi.驾驶,驾车(尤指汽车)运送 straight/stret/adv.直接地 excellent/eks()l()nt/adj.(用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了Words and Expressions1.China Youth Tour

12、Service(CYTS)中国青年旅行社,为共青团中央下属机构,1980年成立于北京市。2.America美国,全称美利坚合众国(the United States of America),是一个由五十个州和一个联邦直辖特区组成的宪政联邦共和制国家。其东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北靠加拿大,南接墨西哥。美国国土面积位居全球第四。1776年7月4日,大陆会议在费城正式通过独立宣言,宣告美国诞生。在冷战结束后美国是目前唯一的超级大国。Notes 1.Excuse me.My name is Wang Fei.打扰一下,我是王飞。2.How do you do,Mr.Smith!您好,史密斯先生。3.W

13、elcome to Zhengzhou,China.欢迎来到中国郑州。4.How was the trip?旅程怎么样啊?1.Nice to meet you!很高兴见到您。2.I believe you two will have a very pleasant stay here.我相信二位会在这儿过得愉快。3.Lets drive straight to our hotel,shall we?我们直接去酒店,好吗?Role-playAct out the play with your partner according to the following scenes with the g

14、iven useful expressions.Complete the following dialogues in English.1.A:the Tour Guide,Li Fei B:the Tour Leader A:_(请问,对不起),are you Mr.George Smith from London?B:Yes,I am.A:_(您好),Mr.Smith!My name is Li Fei._(我是中国国际旅行社郑州分社的导游).B:How do you do,Mr.Li!A:_(欢迎您来到中国郑州)._(旅途可好)?B:Fine.A:Mr.Smith,_(您们一行是20人,

15、是吧)?B:Yes.A:_(人到齐了吗)?B:Let me see.(Looking around)Yes,everyone is here.A:_(行李都带齐了吗)?B:Yes,we do.A:_(我们的车在外边等着呢).Shall we go now?B:Ok,Lets go.Excuse meHow do you doI am a guide from China international tour service,Zhengzhou Branch Welcome to Zhengzhou,ChinaHow was the trip?You have a group of twenty

16、,right?Is everyone here?Do you have all your luggage?Our car is waiting outsideA tour guide(A)is meeting two individual travelers,Tom Bright(B)and Lee White(C)from America.Now he is talking with a young man.2.A:the tour guide,Zhou Li B:Sarah Bright C:Tom BrightA:Excuse me.My name is Zhou Li,_(是中国旅行社

17、的导游)._(您是来自美国的Sarah Bright小姐吗)?B:Yes.I am.A:How do you do,Miss Bright!Im coming to meet you._(Tom Bright到了吗)?B:How do you do,Miss Zhou!This is Tom Bright,my younger brother.C:_(您好),Miss Zhou!A:How do you do!Welcome you all to Zhengzhou,China._(一路上还好吧)?B and C:Very nice._(我们旅途很愉快).A:Do you have all y

18、our luggage?B:Yes.A:Our car is outside._(我们走吧)?a guide from China Youth Travel ServiceIs Tom Bright here?Are you Miss.Sarah from America?How do you doHow was the trip?We had a good tripShall we go now?China International Travel Service(CITS)中国国际旅行社(国旅);China Travel Service/Agency(CTS/CTA)中国旅行社(中旅);Y

19、outh Travel Service(CYTS)中国青年旅行社(中青旅);China Comfort Travel Service中国康辉旅行社;Overseas Chinese Travel Service(OCTS)中国海外旅行社/华侨旅行社。independent tour自主旅游(散客旅游);group package团体包价旅游;all-in/all-inclusive tour统包旅游;itinerary/schedule旅行计划;identifying cardboard指认牌;domestic/international flight国内/国际航班;passenger pla

20、ne客机;regular flight定期航班;direct flight直达航班;extra flight加班机;delayed flight延误航班;charter包机;the airport arrival lobby机场抵达大厅;terminal building候机大楼;information desk问讯处;hand baggage/luggage手提行李;checked/unaccompanied baggage/luggage托运行李;baggage/luggage check行李票;baggage/luggage claim area行李认领处。Discuss the fol

21、lowing questions and write your answers.1.What should the guide do before the tourists arrive?1)Check the arrival time;2)Contact the bus driver;3)Arrive at the airport or station half an hour earlier;4)Wait for the group with a sign at a place where the guests can easily see you.2.How to meet the gu

22、ests for the first time and what are involved?1)Finding guests;2)Self-introduction;3)Giving greetings;4)Confirming numbers of the tourists/luggage;5)Moving out of the airport/railway station;6)Offering help.5.Is a welcome speech important?What should be included in a welcome speech?4.When and why sh

23、ould the guide make a welcome speech?Yes.An Outline of a Welcome Speech1)Asking for attention;2)Self-introduction;3)Introducing a person to a group;4)Giving welcomes;5)Expressing intentions to provide good services;6)Giving good wishes for a pleasant stay.3.If you are a local guide,how would you dea

24、l with the flight/train delay of the guests when meeting them?The local guide should wait patiently until she or he meets his guest.The local guide should make a welcome speech when his tourists get on the bus.A Welcome Speech Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.Its my pleasure to have friends from

25、London.Welcome to Beijing,the capital city of China.Please sit back and relax.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you dont need to worry about it.6.Read the following material,and try to retell it with your own words.Let me introduce our team,first.Our driver is Mr.Kang.He has b

26、een working as a professional driver for 16 years,so you are in very safe hands.My name is Zhao Ming.You may just call me Ming.We are from China International Tour Service(CITS),Beijing Branch.On behalf of our travel agency and Mr.Kang,Id like to extend a warm welcome to you all.During your stay in

27、China,Mr.Kang and I will be at your service.Well do everything possible to make your stay here a pleasant one.As you will stay here for ten days,and use the bus everyday;you need to remember the bus plate number AB1660.Lets say it together:AB1660.Next please check your time.Now its five thirty p.m.B

28、eijing time,Oct.8th.We will get to our hotel soon.Its Sofitel Luxury Hotel,a luxurious five-star hotel.After we get checked in,all of you could take a break and freshen yourselves up before our first dinner.I am sure you will all enjoy your stay in China!1.Its my pleasure to have friends from London

29、.很荣幸能为来自伦敦的朋友服务。2.Please sit back and relax.请大家坐好,放松一下。3.Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you dont need to worry about it.行李由另一辆车负责送到酒店,请大家不要担心。4.He has been working as a professional driver for 16 years,so you are in very safe hands.康先生是一位经验丰富的专业司机,已经安全行车16年,因此大家是非常安全的。5.On

30、behalf of our travel agency and Mr.Kang,Id like to extend a warm welcome to you all.我代表我们旅行社和康先生向来自伦敦的各位朋友表示热烈欢迎。6.During your stay in China,Mr.Kang and I will be at your service.大家游中国期间,由我和康先生随时为大家服务。7.Well do everything possible to make your stay here a pleasant one.我们将尽一切努力使各位的中国之旅过得愉快。8.Next ple

31、ase check your time.Now its five thirty p.m.Beijing time,Oct.8th.接下来请大家核对一下时间,现在是北京时间十月八号下午五点三十分。9.After we get checked in,all of you could take a break and freshen yourselves up before our first dinner.我们办好入住手续后,晚餐前大家可以在房间稍微休息一下。10.I am sure you will all enjoy your stay in China!相信各位会在中国旅游期间过得愉快!Th

32、ink about this unit.Now rate yourself on a scale of five:one being low and five being high,and tick out your portfolio.True(T)or False(F)()1)When you are going to meet a tour group,you can be late for 20 minutes,because there is a tour leader.()2)As a tour guide,you neednt carry Welcome Board and an

33、ything else about the guests when you meet them.()3)As a tour guide,you need to get everything ready beforehand(事先做好准备)when you take the guests to the hotel.()4)You only meet the tour leader when you meet a tour group.()5)When you are going to meet a tour group,you need not know their time of arriva

34、l.FFTFF Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given.1)Please be here and _ will meet you.2)_ Beijing!3)_,are you Miss Sue Hunt?4)Is this all your _?5)Zhang Lin will _ the tour group at the airport.a tour guide meet excuse me welcome to luggagea tour guideWelcome tomeetluggageExcuse me


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